The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 117

Nakahara’s Fire, Part 5 – Unusual Claw Trail

“I don’t know what else to say about talking, I want you to keep this girl”

“Ho ho, this is another adorable young lady.”

“Line, you… in that direction at last”

“What direction!

The line is angry at the whore chief, but once again, the dance slave does the evil thing.

“That’s right, no matter how much I seduce, I don’t look to you, and this lovely girl at night…”

“Dancer, shut up”

Dancers shut up, staring at the line, posing as jerks. Ray fans are suddenly brought to a slutty interior room, making their eyes black and white. Well, I can’t help it. The interior of the room uses wallpapers of color that incite men, such as pink and red, and there are nude women’s paintings on the walls. Also, although the head of the whore in front of him is wearing clothes, the fabric is extremely thin and the breasts are completely clear.

Ray fans who suddenly get thrown inside like that and learn to faint, Rhine explained the situation.

“Hmm. So you want me to hide that princess at the Washi and the others for now because we have an inside man nearby?

“In summary, yes. That would be best if we could get a lot of insiders out, but we didn’t have time for that. If I did badly, I would have been ambushed tonight. It’s not a safe house for everyone.”

“Can’t you follow me?

“If people were watching the whole house away, I’d notice. Besides, since I got into town, I’ve been following pretty complicated directions. You should be fine.”

“I get the story, isn’t the whorehouse tight enough for the princess?

“Well, that’s true. You’re gonna learn a good life.”

“You’re going to learn a lot about life.”

The chief prostitute is frightened.

“I don’t care what happens to the Empress when the line returns, do I?

“Do it softly. Don’t give me a weird education if I’m wrong all the time.”



“I’m kidding. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it responsibly.”

“Please. Well,”

When he got confirmation from the whore chief trying to empty it, Rhine took Ray fan’s sagging and turned to her.

“Ah, you! You did this to me. You just have to… muggle.”

Line holding Ray fan’s mouth with his hands. I’m a ray fan trying to show my willingness to protest with my eyes, but the look on the line was serious in itself.

“I’m not going to say a damn thing, Ray fan. It would be safest for you to do this. Maybe Rusty can be trusted, so I’ll get in touch with him soon, but not now. He’s not good at lying. If I tell you here, there’s a chance you’ll get a blur out of him. Nod if you know what I mean.”

Rayfan nodded honestly with Cochri about how he felt about the line. Line niggling to see how it goes. I’ll let your hands gently go through your mouth.

“I like a good lady, Ray Fan. Be a good boy till I get home.”

“Are you going somewhere?

“Oh, I’m going to see what’s happening on the battlefield. And then there’s the capital. Either way, you can’t live on the run forever, can you? If we don’t get to the king, we won’t have a ratchet.”

“I can understand that, but why are you so far for me?

Ray fans stare at the line. Whether you thought you couldn’t properly deceive the way it was or were awkward, the line answered with a heads-up.

“I don’t even know why I’m so familiar… but I look like this and I’m a loser. Thank you. Troubled people are unmissable in nature. Well, the reward is clear.”


Ray fans look like they were convinced, like they weren’t. Nor, naturally, do I understand my emotions 100% as a line. I just don’t feel like it’s the right thing to do.

“Then I’ll go. Rayfan, please, Grandpa.”

“Ho, ho, leave it to me”

“I’ll tailor it to my taste.”

“So you told me to stop it. Bye, Ray Fan.”

Rhine shook his hand flickering as he turned his back on Ray Fan, but looked back as if he remembered something.

“Yes, there’s one thing I’d like to ask you.”

“What is it”

“Do you have any idea what the name Zerbados is?

That was the name Lisa put out in her mouth when she had a conversation with Alphilis. I missed the opportunity to hear more than that, but he remembered it well.

Ray fans seem to know it, too, and he answered right away.

“I do think he was a man who recently emerged abruptly and was an assistant to Brother Muster. But one day, he killed himself.”


“Yeah, that sounded terrible. Everything was bright red with blood to the ceiling.”

“What kind of suicide method, then? Anything else?

“No, I didn’t know each other, so… Rusty said he’d spoken or something.”

“Well… I don’t know”

The line is gone, but there’s nothing I can do now. Keep it that way. Now it’s time to follow the scene with the dance slave. As a Ray fan, I was anxious to see what I could do if the line didn’t return, but it didn’t matter where I just threw that question, and she just had to wait a lot for him to come home.

“Okay, line.”


“It’s about the Empress, of course. You’ll be thin out there by yourself. There’s a chance those knights will find it.”

“The idea of searching a whorehouse wouldn’t happen to those head-cutch humans. It’s a good place to get caught up in the good stuff, smash your back, and get chased back. Besides, those whores are so good. You won’t be lonely.”

“I hope so…”

Most of the women who actually work in whorehouses are sold into debt, or are war orphans and other celestial loners. As a result, they have a very strong sense of union and are particularly warm towards the socially weak. Even the Empress was a gathering of people of the kind to help, if in trouble.

Besides, Krums has no particular repression against the whores, so there should be no evil feelings towards the royal family. Of course not all hookers are, but Ray fans themselves are people they don’t hate, and at least the line was treading that those whorehouse people can be trusted.

“And even so. I’m familiar with the line.”

“Right. It’s my destiny.”

“… let’s keep it steady with Alphilis”

“So why are you putting Alphilis out there to pick him up?

Rhine complains of bumps, but Dance Slave was listening to that complaint with a strange face.

Rhine had Dance Slave make dragon arrangements, while he was coming to the guild. in order to obtain information regarding Zerbados. But you felt it was dangerous to ask him, so you immediately went to reception. There was a young woman sitting at the reception who felt good and looked not even beautiful but adorable.

“Welcome. What can I do for you?

“I have someone I want to look into. Whatever you want, I need you to gather some information, is there anyone available at the informer?

“Yes, I think we can arrange it. How many people do you hire?

“Three… no, five would be nice. Ask me separately without exchanging information. I want to compare the information.”

“I understand. Now please select a person from the following rosters: Find out more about who you’re looking into, what you’re looking into, how long you’re looking into it, and how much you’re rewarded.”

Line to be filled in with a manual accustomed to the form given to the woman at the reception. And when you’re done filling it out, put aside your advance and put the spot behind you.

“Then I’ll take care of it, my beautiful sister”

The line lets you try to wink with the utmost affection, but it doesn’t fit perfectly with blush hair all over your beard. But there was a lot of adoration, so the woman smiled back even though it was for sales.

But after the line leaves, the woman’s smile disappears when she sees the contents of the form. And behind the counter, speak to the other woman with mechanical audio.

“It’s a request. Make sure that you contact the following people on your roster to collect information.”

Copy that, sir.

“One more thing. The subject of the investigation is Zerbados. Code c771. Make sure you get through to him.”

“I repeat, code c771, I will contact that one. By the way, name and characteristics of the person who requested the investigation.”

“His name is Line. Height is 180cm, middle meat back, hair color/eye color is standard, hair is creased and bearded, at first glance it doesn’t even look like a beggar, but it is presumed to be a mercenary with arms standing from standing behavior”

“Got it. After investigating the person named Rhine, we will contact him.”

So far, the two mechanical conversations at the receptionist reverted as if they were lies and returned to the loving receptionist.

And soon afterwards, he drove a dragon, a line and dance slave that flew to near the battlefield. What they saw there was a sight they didn’t imagine.

“What the…”

“… that’s terrible”

The two did not carry on two sentences. That should be it, too, because what they currently stand in is a town on the Zamwed side that crosses the Krums border and also has a fort, but apparently had a fight here. But there was already a sight so terrible that it could not be said to be a town, that it spread before their eyes.

The town was already abandoned. No, whether it’s even something that can be called obsolescence. The building has been burned, collapsed, knocked down, and bodies rolling around the area. The town must have been engulfed in one side of fire with no room for unburned bodies. If it hadn’t been burned, maggots would be gushing by now.

But the body remained completely abandoned, and even the line, which was meant to be battlefield accustomed, had to be inadvertently nauseated.


“Yeah, I’ve been around the battlefield for a long time, too, but it’s rare to be this bad. Especially…”


“What the hell does it mean to leave even your own corpse alone?


Two people walking through a burned-down city, but apparently the corpse on Krums’ side remains intact, as some soldiers in armored helmets, as the dancer pointed out. Normally, the bodies of war victims are recovered and delivered to their families is the code of the battlefield. If that is not possible, it is incumbent upon me to take home just the identification card. However, as far as the corpse in front of him is concerned, there is no such consideration. On the contrary, it is also an incredible story that there are no troops to govern this town, which should be the occupied territories.

“Apparently, you don’t have one child.”

“Seems so. But that’s a funny story again. Normally, if a town is going to be a battlefield, non-combatants should be alienated, so it seems like it’s time for refugees to come back?

“You mean you didn’t even have time for that. No… apparently not, huh?

“What? This is… no way…”

Dance Slave accidentally covered his mouth with both hands. The line also looks like it scuffed a bitter bug, as the two of them are looking outside the town in the direction towards the interior of Zamwed, but the bodies were rolling around the area. It’s been roughed up by wild beasts and demons and it’s terrible, but it would definitely be the inhabitants of this town. Women, children, old people. It was an unabashedly massacre.

“I tried to escape… from one end of it”

“You mean you killed him? Stupid, crazy!

“I guess it’s actually crazy. This isn’t a human thing, demons, but you’re not going to do this thoroughly.”

“Then what?

“I don’t know. But the answer will be first… let’s go.”

Encouraged by the line, the two head ahead again. The thought of the line was already off at this stage. Kicking the border guards was too much of a battle force, and I thought the Krums would be holding back in towns around here anyway. But running dragons from there for two days. Though it was the town that perished under my eyes that I saw, I still could not see the Krums army.

“That’s crazy… if I go any deeper, I’m going to the capital of Zamwed. Later, the largest fortress in Zamwed, Lamba Wool, and the capital, Geddahard, are all we have.”

“You didn’t even see Zamwed’s army until now, Krums.”

Oh, there was a wreckage.

“You were all Zamwed’s.”

The two of them have shut up. It was terrible after the defeat of the Zamwed army I’ve seen so far. Makes me wonder if we have already lost nearly 100,000 troops. Rhine knew that the Krums army was no longer a normal army, and that any deeper into it would alarm him that his instincts were dangerous, while he also knew that it was, but not, necessary to know.

But a little further, they saw a fort that emitted black smoke and inflamed. It is the largest Lambawool fort in Zamwed.

“You fell like that. What the hell is going on?

“Do I know?”

“That’s right. But seeing where the fire is still dull, it won’t be that long since it fell. Find out if there’s any survivors.”


When they nodded at each other, they unloaded the dragon near the fort and went inside through the smashed main entrance.


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