The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 122

Nakahara’s War Fire, Part 10 – Eye of Surveillance

Meanwhile, these are the lines that returned safely to Trimedo. Having eaten an unexpected amount of time, I decided to show my face to Ray fans for now and make sure they were safe before going to see how the capital Seimlid was doing. For the amount of time spent at Zamwed, Rhine thinks that information on Zerbados will already be gathered as well, pointing that foot at the guild. It was decided that it would be more effective to grab information on Zerbados and then go to Seimlid.

And the lines that came to the guild. Looking at the receptionist, the previous receptionist was still sitting today.

“Hey, sister. Do you have any information?


“It’s the line. Don’t you remember?

“Oh, yes, yes. Please wait while I contact you.”

That’s how the lady at the reception speaks to the person in the back, smiling so much that she’s waving her love to the line. Strangely enough, though, the line just looks around at the store with the wind blowing about women and everything. Even if Dance Slave sees it, no, I know that even if a child sees it, the receptionist woman wields her love as more than a guest on the line, but it was strange to Dance Slave that the line didn’t realize that. Instead, maybe he’s trying not to dare notice.

While traveling with Dance Slave and the two of us, Dance Slave speaks out if he is seen as a woman despite the fact that she looks like a woman on the outside, and Dance Slave has seen the line many times showing off even a man while stunning. That’s why she thought Rhine was a complete Heihei man, but things are not right.

On the other hand, in the back of the reception, another woman looks for something, while at the same time speaking to the man in the back.

“That man is a mercenary named the line of examples.”

When I tell her only that fact, as if nothing had happened, the woman gathers materials about the request for the line.


“Is he, Silence?

“Yes, it is, Annomarie.”


Called Silence was a beautiful red-faced young man who always acted with Doom and Anomaly. He was the one who watched the battles of the Alphilis from above in the forest of Darkas. Silence came here after being contacted that someone was looking into Zerbados, but he happened to have business and joined Anomaly, who had come near here.

“It’s Hidun’s job, but silence is hard work.”

“Well, that won’t help. Because my brothers and sisters, unlike us, are not so free. Could you not call me names too much more than that? It’s not really my real name.”

“So what am I supposed to call it? Like handsome?”

“I don’t like that either. I don’t like to look like this.”

“That’s a luxurious concern. Look at my face.”

“You like that face, don’t you?

“That’s speechless. But when I call you by your professional name, in your case, it’s all gone, right?

“Right… still call me by name”

“I wish I had done that from the beginning.”

How much we say, the two look at the line from behind. Two of them were reported to be female lovers on the dossier, but the receptionist in front of them has not even looked at them. Whether the receptionist talks casually while posing to accentuate her chest a little, it’s somewhere above the sky.

“So, what do you do with that mercenary? Want to kill me?”

“No, let’s just see how it goes. Maybe he’ll help us, won’t he?

“I don’t know… it doesn’t look like such a dumb…”

Anomaly arms up and twists her neck.

“Well, you can always kill. It’s more interesting to be able to swim than that. Why don’t we just take a moment to decide if he’s a freshly poked fang?”

“I hope so. Don’t be too alarmed, humans aren’t full of idiots.”

“That’s it already”

And the two disappeared from the spot when they laughed at Couscous; the two standing can’t possibly be seen from the line, but the line was somehow checking that direction at the edge of their eyes.

“How’d it go? Any information?

“Oh, we’ve got quite a gathering. I’ve already roughly decided what to do. Some informants haven’t seen each other yet, so I think I’ll make up my mind tomorrow afternoon. But as far as the three of us are concerned, he always said something similar, so there won’t be any new developments.”

It had ended without delay with regard to the request, and the line was able to obtain various information, but it was a ‘mystery’ if you were to describe Zerbados in a nutshell.

It wasn’t actually riddled with mysteries. I am from a cold village called Fette, near the border with Tragaslon in the south, around 175 cm tall, middle meat, not a particularly beautiful man, and a man who doesn’t get puffy on the outside. But it was well received by everyone, and a man who was good in the mood of a noble man of his stature, but lacked a little greeting or care to the servants below and to the kind of deliverymen who go in and out of court. And for that reason, there was not one man to speak ill of Zerbados, and when he died, there were not but 3,000 men present at the funeral?

There were other things looked up from likes and dislikes of his meals to favorite outfits, to female preferences at the end, but he didn’t even have any lovers who were personally close to him. Besides, we went to the line with almost all three of the same reports. Each of the lines instructed to examine a different content, notwithstanding.

“(He’s an increasingly suspicious guy… as if he had been predetermined to say, ‘This is who I am’. This guy needs to take a little more time to find out. I hope it’s not too late…)”

But the thought of such a line is not conveyed to a dance slave. She asks the line to peek.

“So what are your plans for the future?

“No, he said his face was close, close!

“What, after you eat the noodles. Have you ever wanted anything from me?

“Do it!

Heh heh, and the dance slave smiles and shows. The line makes me look bad, but I accidentally blushed because it was an accidental hit when I was thinking about quite a few things. Because my eyes accidentally stopped in the enchanting valley of dance slaves.

I usually try not to think about the line, but I also admit inside that the dance slave is quite attractive and beautiful. Even though the line has seen it, there is no doubt that she is a beauty that goes into at least five fingers. It wasn’t once or twice that Rhine thought that if Dance Slave wasn’t the Devil’s Sword.

But I just didn’t feel comfortable pushing down the Devil’s Sword, and I can’t deny that there was something shrinking in the middle when she returned to the Sword, etc. Besides, when I had to shake her as a sword, I didn’t want to be in a relationship where the tip of the sword was blunt even momentarily. Of course the stray of the tip of the sword leads to death, but he was usually a very honest man as a swordsman.

Serious thought-breaking lines make the explanation a dance-slave somewhat troublesome.

“That’s better than talking here. I’ll talk to Ray fans where they are too. Let’s just get back to Ray Fan. I don’t know what those whores are doing.”

“Whose fault is that?


My usual condition was returning to the line. I guess I was relieved to leave the danger at hand. While I don’t know what to say with my mouth, Dance Slave has been worried about a few sparsely mouthed lines over the last few days, so I thought he was back in normal shape and above all.

Dance slaves that tear up the line with that too.

“That was unusual for the line, by the way.”


“It’s about that receptionist. I would have used my eyes on you, wouldn’t I? It’s not like you didn’t realize, but you didn’t.”

“Oh, that’s…”

I suddenly look at the dance slave as the line oddly nibbles. Dance Slave noticed a strange light dwelling in his eyes.

“Dancer, by the way”


“Me, I came all of a sudden murky… could you freshen me up a little?

“What? What did you say all of a sudden… oh, hey!

That’s how the line suddenly pulls Dance Slave’s hand and calls him into the Bring-in Inn around it. The neighborhood is already filled with such lovely shops because they were originally headed to the whorehouse. And when I entered the inn, I threw a piece of gold coin at the receptionist.

“Is room 104 full?

“There’s only one available.”


Just interact with it and go slightly into the back room. And when I forced the dancer into the room, it was an unusually small room with little extra space, just one bed there. There’s just enough room around the bed to barely walk around, and there’s just one side table with a small drawer on the side. The bed is strangely large relative to the room, and if it is at least a small bed for one person, it seems like we could use a little more free space.

On that bed, the line throws away when it looks like a dancer. And on the dancer, the line was not hesitant to cover it.

“Hey, hey… what are you gonna do to me!

“It was neat. Shut up.”


and the line blocks Dance Slave’s mouth by hand. Dance Slave twitches her legs and tries to resist, but Rhine easily assembles her like that. And then the face of the line approaches the face of the dance slave.


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