The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 146

Demon King’s Workshop, Part 1 – Elsa’s Recap

“There’s a mark… soon”


Almost the same time the Alphilis and the others were fighting lifeless. And the place is even deeper into the Lucia Forest, where the Alphilis and the others were the first to fight the Demon King. Mount Meritonoel, the border between the Kingdom of Frgund and the Kingdom of Liana, the country of the Kingdom of Romans Land.

The Kingdom of Liana is a very peaceful nation, a quiet country with what is said to be the most beautiful lake in the world: Lake Saleed. But when it comes to resources, it is about that lake, and although it is said that all the organisms that can be taken in the lake are delicious, they have not been effectively utilized in the national interest because the Kingdom of Liana has indicated its intention to leave the lake in as natural a form as possible.

Lake Saleed is left unattended in the form of respect for the intentions of the Kingdom of Liana, as the Treasury is also a moist one, and I do not dare to feel the need to narrow it down from the Kingdom of Liana. That’s why Lake Saleed is untouched and praised as the most beautiful in the world. Nowadays it has become an excellent nursery for the nobles, but that is why it has also been maintained beautifully with constant care.

Lying between such a kingdom of Liana and the kingdom of Furgund, Mount Meritonoel forms part of the Suffre peak, which is about 3,000 m in altitude at best, but becomes the border of several countries. There are no significant resources here, and yet the development has not yet advanced sufficiently with a reputation for having many demons. For this reason, no great streets have been created, and even if there were one, it is about a beast road at best.

Two flattering young women go on a path without such a path. Sister Elsa of Arnelianism and his escort, Eliza. After leaving messages for Miranda in the prairie, they were searching for the home of their original mission, the Church Raider. Instead, the search has already been completed by the ‘dog’ released by Minar, and now he is about to walk to the site.

“You’ve come quite a long way. But it’s certainly not popular here, and it might be great to create a base.”

“Right. Because there’s no reason for normal people to come here.”

“Even if they do, they can seal their mouths because of the demons.”


To Eliza, who replies faintly, Elsa sends a somewhat suspicious gaze. Did you notice that gaze, or Eliza’s gaze crossed with Elsa’s?

“How have you been, Master Elsa?”

“… I worked with you from this assignment, but you don’t answer at all. I always have the same expression and tone. Aren’t you going to say,” Sister’s got a mouth seal. What a mess. ”

Many of the humans Elsa has ever put together show difficulty when touching Elsa’s way of fighting and thinking. Many people come from the upper classes because Arnelianism often has noble children from different countries to learn. Many races do not match the so-called (so-called) skin with Elsa from Slam.

“No, I don’t think I have that right. I only obey Elsa’s orders.”

But Eliza answered looking straight at Elsa. There is no precipitation in that tone, and I guess that’s what you sincerely think. But seeing Eliza like that, Elsa sighs.

“Huh. Okay, Eliza? I don’t need a doll for my partner. That’s basically what I want you to do, but I don’t always want you to be right, and I want you to hold on to your opinions. If I’m wrong, I need you to fix it.”

“… I don’t mind that, but I’ve never heard of you making a wrong decision.”

The word of Eliza was also true. Elsa-Ludriksen. He is one of the top sisters on a pilgrimage mission and has actually solved more than 100 cases in the last eight years. Anyone who works for the headquarters of the Church of Arnelia, even if it is not accompanied by a pilgrimage, knows his name, he is a famous Sister.

Given that she belonged to Arnelianism at 16 and is now 26, this is an unusual rate of growth and birth. My affiliation tells me that I have actually been worshipping a mission of pilgrimage in two years, and from that time on there will be no first task that could not be resolved.

Especially with her excellence is her situational judgment ability. Understand the characteristics of the partner and let them somehow exert their power. Besides, I don’t care about the number of partners. It is also said that those who have worked with her for this reason will blossom their abilities and then they will surely emerge.

He was an admiring Sister who would want to partner up once if he were to make a pilgrimage, and that was the same with Eliza. It was an indisputable fact that Eliza was honored to pair with Elsa.

“It is my pride to be able to work with Master Elsa on the mission. Please ask this young man for as much as your professor/whip.”

“… I’d love to, you know. Doesn’t it get softer, like this? Like this cheek.”

Elsa pounds Eliza’s cheek puffy. Eliza’s cheek was pretty comfortable poking, and Elsa was poking Eliza’s cheek as long as she had free time during her journey. Eliza still didn’t disobey at all.


“It’s not ‘ha’. As it were, you said,” What’s the three sizes? ” What is the color of your underwear today? I’m scared you’re going to answer the question flat. ”

“… 83, 59, 87 from the top. Underwear is black lace, anything?

“Oh, yeah. I’m not really answering that!

“… f”

Eliza smiles thinly and returns to Elsa, who accidentally penetrates. The reaction is similar to that of Alberto. I don’t get the joke, but it seems like a personality to say from myself.

“Guh, you look just like Alberto until that reaction. Irritating Wow.”

“Do you know Alberto?

“Naturally. Because in the same time I came to Arnelia, he enlisted in the Holy Knights. That sturdy thing, no matter how much I try to make you laugh, don’t laugh a little. Come on. That’s why you only look at me when there’s nothing there, and you say ‘… F’? It’s like I made a fool of myself. Oh, even if I think about it, I’m pissed!


To Elsa, who steps on the community thickness in front of Eliza, Eliza decided to try something that became a popular ‘abandoned puff’ recently, even though she was a little confused.

Eliza’s attitude is just like Alberto’s, but on the inside, she cares a lot about fashion and familiarity, and she has enough girly parts of her age. I just don’t put it on the table. In fact, I wanted to take a little adventure in underwear that I didn’t show anyone, because I was an adult, and I bought it on my first salary.

You can’t even know the inside of such an Eliza, and Elsa is a little puffy and angry.

“I wonder why Lazar’s people keep doing that. Do you even have the opposite gene?

“I don’t know that…”

“Just kidding!

Elsa throws up abusively. This is her natural personality. Elsa is its grand dollar and very close to Miranda. I went on a pilgrimage, because I was listening to Miranda.

Miranda’s speech at that time was too shocking at the first glitch, and all the classy sisters left remembering the dizziness, but then all that was said was actually a practical matter. How dangerous a woman’s journey is, what temptations the world has, how to defend herself is how to beat temptation. The content didn’t sound very much like it, but Miranda told me, sharing her own experience in those matters. Those who had now listened to her speech to the end are now largely active on pilgrimage assignments.

Listening to the story, Elsa realized that the Arnelian Church, which she thought was boring, also had interesting figures, and decided to try to keep her on target. Miranda may not remember, and even when we actually met, she didn’t notice Elsa, but a little Elsa and Miranda are talking after the speech.

That was almost 10 years ago no longer.

“Dear Anolun, I need a peek”

“Oh, can I help you? Pretty Mr. Sister.”

After Miranda – though Anolun at the time – ‘s speech, Elsa was unknowingly chasing after Anolun. Anolun smiles back at Nicole as she runs from behind and catches up with Elsa’s voice. Even Elsa, a woman, was a little thrilled by the look of the goddess. But the upset pushed him to the bottom of his mind, and Elsa threw the question to Anorun.

“Don’t you question your ways?

“How, what?

Anorn strangled Elsa’s question. You thought it was too abstract a question, Elsa, who also felt like Anorun’s expression was a little off, but I look for words and say it again.

“Uh… and. Somehow, it’s the significance of doing a pilgrimage or something. Why do you have to do such a painful thing, why do you have people laughing at the potent weather beside your suffering, how do you…”

“I’d appreciate it if you’d ask me questions after they’ve been ordered?

Anorun blocks Elsa’s words. Elsa, annoyed by that fortitude, had unwittingly lowered her head, which she had never lowered before.

“Shh, excuse me!”

“Fair enough. You’re losing your way now.”

Anorun stares seriously at Elsa as she sighs. And when I put my hand on that shoulder, I looked at Elsa from the front.

“Do you want the words of Atashi?

“… yes”

Elsa never thought she’d feel this way. First of all, I thought that I had nothing to worry about in my life, and that I would never rely on anyone else. But only about 3 months after coming to Arnelia Church. Life here completely collapsed what she had ever believed.

Elsa is from Slam. To live, that’s what I did to rot the bad. Stealing, extortion, assault… the only thing I haven’t done is murder. She was one of the leaders of the slam. I’ve pulled together people like chimps and left the city vigilantes and mercenaries many times.

But becoming too famous, she was finally captured by the Knights and finally picked up by the Arnelian Church where she would be connected to the prison. It was also unexpected and intriguing to Elsa that she picked herself up again was Sister (who she didn’t know at the time but was Miriazal), who had the style of a girl who wasn’t even old enough.

Her life has changed since she came to Arnelia. I’ve never trusted anyone else before, Elsa, but the residents here don’t hate to believe in others easily and act for others again. That only showed up in hypocrite behavior for Elsa, but at the same time it wasn’t uncomfortable.

Maybe I’m a good fit to be surrounded by these people – confused by such emotional changes, she was afraid to lose where she was standing. Everything I’ve ever done seems to have been denied. I felt like betraying those who put their trust in me by wondering if I had ever been wrong again.

That’s why Elsa wanted to get to Anolun. Arnelia’s inhabitants were mostly good people, but that’s why Elsa thought her problems would not be understood. But if this sister with the heavenly clothes in front of her is seamless. Elsa had such a desire.

But the pale expectations were easily shattered.

“Listen carefully. I don’t care what you get lost in, I don’t know.”

“… what?

To the lesser answer, the servant Elsa also doubted his ears for a moment. But Anolun is screwed up even more.

“Do you mind? Assuming here that Atashi is born of you, listens slowly to your words, and gives you the answers that are most forthcoming to you. I’m sure that’s easy. Take it to Atashi, or for you. But, you know, the answer is thin. I don’t like the answers that people want when they lose sight of the guiding principles of their lives, like you do, when they roll into me.”


Miranda slammed away a little rambling about Elsa trying to eat even more. Suddenly, Elsa unexpectedly loses her balance.


“Do you mind? For example, suppose Atashi gave you a satisfactory answer here. But the answer is temporary. Humans change with time anyway. Sooner or later I won’t be convinced, or maybe I’ll visit you then. And if it doesn’t work out, I’m sure you’ll blame your balls for making excuses.”

“That’s not true!

“No, I will. Definitely.”

Without any pussy, Anolun said. Plus Anolun showers Elsa with words.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not blaming you. Humans are weak creatures, so everyone follows the same path. I’m sure Atashi will, too. If I make a mistake, if I get cornered, I want to blame others. That’s why people have to look for their own way to live. I don’t care how wrong it is.”

“Even if I step off a person’s path…?

Elsa asks for a snack. But Anolun laughed so easily at Elsa’s troubles.

“Ahaha, you’re hilarious!

“What, what is it?” From a stick to a stick. ”

“People who step off the path don’t have questions like this from the edge.”

Anorn laughs a little pranky, pointing to Elsa.

“Do you mind? A scumbag who truly steps off the path of man is walking down that path from the edge. You are the ultimate human being in that. And don’t step off the road, it looks like you’ve stepped off the road. It’s your way again. It’s up to me in the end how I do the path I walk. It only looks like a beast path no matter how great you are if you are inferior, and vice versa, no matter how far the outside road is, if you see yourself in the best mood, you will see it shining. Or do you want 10,000 people to see it and walk the way it’s shining no matter where you look from?

“That’s not…”

“Then don’t worry about boring things anyway. Instead of worrying about that, we just have to act first. And if you don’t like the way you walk, you just have to saddle it to another path. Life is short. It’s a waste of time even bothering to say yes, for normal people. So you can’t do that?


Surprised Elsa by the anorn of more forceful thinking than herself. Elsa got the impression that she didn’t feel kind of caught in the smoke, but at the same time the words were powerful and pushing her back. Elsa didn’t realize that Anolun, on the other hand, had a look that seemed somewhat lonely.

Did you read that inside, Anorn walks out with his back to Elsa when he smiles lightly at the end. But after a few steps I stopped and groaned perfectly.

“This is Atashi’s blur, but…”

“If you can’t find anything to do, go for the Sister of the Pilgrimage. It’s worth doing, and sometimes you’ll find something in the process of making a pilgrimage, or going for it. If you don’t like anything else, you can throw it out on the way. Besides.”

Anorun turns around and looks back.

“Atashi is in trouble for not getting enough people, so I can make Atashi easier when you come?

And smiling like a prank, now it’s really time for me to leave. And Elsa, left on the spot, was unknowingly deeply thankful for the direction Anolun had left.


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