The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 179

Each choice, part 1 – Reunion

Almost a day after Alphilis returned Rouge to heaven. Mirandas safely on the northern edge of the swamp.

“Hey fair. I’m sure Alphilis is safe, isn’t he?

“I heard from the user demon. Don’t be in a hurry, you’re not hungry.”

“Shut up!

“Here we are, Serpent.”

Lisa will detect as soon as possible. Nor did Serpent use a fog brace to hide his appearance, so Lisa’s sensors could have guessed as soon as possible.

Apparently, there’s an alphilis sitting over my head, but for some reason, that doesn’t look healthy.

“Is that it?

“You don’t look well.”

“More than that, you’re on top of your head…”

“What a punitive daughter. I didn’t know you were going to ride over the head of a true dragon.”

Alphilis was also troubled again when the line was shaken, beginning with Fairtoose.

“Hey, Sarpent. What am I gonna do?

“Have you come this far to talk about it? I told you many times on the way here.”

“But I knew it would still be awkward. What can I tell you first, no maneuvers?

“I don’t know. Do something for yourself.”


“Let it be the true dragon’s me to this point, what’s the ass!

This is how it goes all day. But as Alphilis fell asleep easily over his head, the figure was thick, and the serpent was repeatedly frightened and impressed.

“(Not at all, since when have you had a conversation with someone so far? Humans don’t really get bored, including the emotional buoyancy)”

And when Miranda and I come in front of them, Sarpent lowers his head and grates Alphilis. Although Alphilis jumped lightly, his gaze remained pointing down and he did not look at Miranda and the others. With the awkward atmosphere flowing, Miranda grabbed close to Alphilis.


“Miranda, you know, the…”

“Just worry about it!

“Hih! Oh, I’m sorry… is that it?

When I realized, Miranda was holding Alphilis and crying.

“I was really worried… I’m glad you’re okay. Nowhere hurts anymore?

“Ugh, yeah.”

“That’s fine…. Atashi’s been worried about Alfi going somewhere!?


“After Alfi was gone, Miranda was half frenzied, right? Taking all the swamps, but finding Alphilis, it was hard, wasn’t it?

“Not at all. He could have killed anyone who stopped him.”

Lisa and Aerial nod yeah yeah.

“Well, anyway.”

Bang! and Lisa kicked Alphilis’ ass up.

“What the hell, Lisa!

“It’s a punishment that worried Lisa. But now let me give you a break. If both chicks were doing the same thing, they’d get their asses out and be sentenced to a hundred hits on the ass.”

That’s what Lisa says. She also hugs Alphilis.

“We’re friends, aren’t we? Because I’m keeping my lovely little ones in Arnelia Church until we act together to follow you. rely more.”

“Oh, my God… I’m sorry, Lisa”

“Alfie, so am I.”

Aerial looks sad.

“Alfi told me I was like a sister. I admire Alfi like a sister, too. Aren’t sisters supposed to help?


“I want you to rely on me more. And I made up my mind, but I’m going to leave the prairie.”

Everyone saw Aerial in the words.

“Yeah, but then…”

“I’ve already made up my mind. I’ve been thinking since Wintier told me. I don’t know what I really want to protect. The prairie is something to protect, not something you want to protect. What I really want to protect is my friend. And your father told you to live with your heart.”

The look on Aerial’s face is serious in itself and at the same time sunny. I guess I got the answer to the problem I’ve been worried about. A firm determination is felt in its eyes.

“That’s why I’m going with Alphilis. Ever since…”


Now Alphilis was holding Aerial more.

“I don’t depend on you, do I?

“Hehe, I know”

“You’re gonna annoy me, aren’t you?

“Fine, that’s more worthy of support”

“Well, if it’s going to bother you too much, you just have to himmy!

To a word Uty said, everyone sees Uty with a white eye.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“It’s a perfectly… unreadable pot of air fairy”

“Because there’s one thing here because the air is heavy, and I’m trying to cheer it up…”

“It’s an extra blame. Isn’t the air more or less heavy because the utility is humidifying it?

“What kind of water fairy is Atashi!?

Everyone looks at each other and laughs ticklishly when they see Uty starting to turn. That could have been the smile of everyone in a long time.

“I need you to add me too.”

“Nia! Are you feeling better now?

“Oh. It doesn’t exactly work, but it’s obvious. It’ll be complete in a month.”

“Fairtoose! Thanks!!

Alphilis waves to Fairtoose.

“Look, Maple, come here too!

“Yes, but I am”

“That’s okay, the details!! Or can’t you hear Atashi’s orders?

“Ha… ok”

Maple is added, and we all have to make a circle and talk about it. Sarpent and Fairtoose watched the children with eyes like they were watching them.

And when I’m done talking to you, I propose to Alphilis, as Miranda remembered.

“Ah! That’s right”

“What’s going on?

“About Larna.”

Miranda tells Alphilis about the whisper.

“Larna, come here!

Larna, who is called and comes often.

“I was hoping to get Alfi’s opinion. What shall we do?

“I don’t mind at all, and I’m rather welcome to… Yikes!


As Alphilis suddenly pulled Larna’s hood, Larna screamed in surprise.


“What, Larna, can you talk to me?!?

Feeling like it was gone, Larna rushed back to the hood and hid behind Fairtoose. Larna’s appearance as seen in the sun was still creepy, but Alphilis looks fine.

“I’d love to offer you a trip, but why don’t you put that face back on?

“Ugh, can’t you fool me?”

“? What do you mean?

With faces like Miranda and the others not sure, I hear the interaction between Alphilis and Fairtoose.

“Thanks again, Larna’s face is a creation. I don’t know why.”

“” “Yes!?

A fair tooth with a surprising togetherness on its ass and no evil at all.

“If we don’t do this, the swamp man’s proposal isn’t depressing. Well, it didn’t even matter what they looked like. I just wanted to see how you would react. I put salt on my hands, so I’ll keep a child like my daughter. Seems like it was the hardest part to get over. Wait a minute.”

Fairtoose takes the bottle out of her nose and paints it on Larna’s face. And after a while, Larna’s face is carefully peeled from her hairline. Then I wonder, didn’t a poor face daughter come out from below?


“Larna, I’m sorry. It’s been this face ever since these kids got here, so it must have been painful.”

“No, Master Fairtoose. Nothing like this.”

The girl grins. Larna, who took the hood, has black hair in her brown eyes. The hair turns into a mite behind her and drips even smaller mites next to her head. Girl who still leaves it unbearable, but somewhere oddly glossy. Everyone accidentally sighed at that poor, adorable look.

“Once again, I greet you all. My name is Larna.”

The girl pinches the hem of the robe and says hello. The trick is also adorable.

“How long have you known, Alfie?”

“From the beginning. ‘Cause even though your face is so lame, your hair seemed fine, and your neck and all that seemed more or less irrelevant, right? Well, I didn’t know how you were disguised.”

“I see… you can’t even use a disguise without improving it.”


Alphilis stares at Fairtoose with his profound eyes. But Fairtoose pretended not to notice.

“Well, anyway, I’d like to ask you about Larna. She’s like my precious daughter!

“It’s okay, I’m not gonna do anything wrong.”

“Then I will come, Master Fairtoose”

“Oh, you’re a master. Then you guys, get on the magic team we have here!

When Fairtoose cast the spell, a large rock shifted and a magic formation appeared from below. Alphilis moving over that magic formation. Once again Fairtoose and Larna shake hands, Fairtoose activates the magic of metastasis.

“Bye, Fair. I took care of you.”

“Thank you. Now bring me a good drink.”

“Ha, I will”

“We’ll see each other again. Until then, master.”

“Fair’s the one to fuck, isn’t it?

“Hmm! I didn’t say stupid!

But whether you heard the last word. Alphilis and the others had already completed the metastasis. When I see that sight, the Serpent becomes the figure of a person, slowly speaking to me.

“Fairtoose, we need to talk”

“Oh, I need to talk to you, too. Just hang out.”

And they went back to the swamp. Two more eyes staring at the sight.

They’re not coming, Master Lifeless.

“No… I came out of the swamp earlier. The user demon confirmed it. But it looks like you used metastases.”

“Huh? So isn’t the pursuit tough?

“… not so. Apparently, it’s not enough of a metastasis to call it a long distance. It’s about three days away at most. Near North Avenue, transferred near Feblanc. This is also now confirmed by the user demon”

“So much for demons?

“Did I tell you? Next time I’m serious, I need to be alert. Well, there’s no need to be alarmed if you don’t mean it. Besides, enough rest this time. Let’s go, Dortmund. Fight!”

“Ha! I’ve been waiting for that word!

That being said, Dortmund kneels down to Lifeless, and Lifeless summons several giant birds. And when we all rode in splits with the demon kings, only a few winds later blew.


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