The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 33

New People, Part 7 – Conversations with Dragons

“Bukukuku… hahahahahaha! Oh, Lord… good, having a lovely boyfriend!

“Shut the fuck up, you pecha pie”

At last, Miriazal, who had reached the limits of his patience, began to make a big laugh. Lisa offends herself while turning her face bright red next to it. Pong and Miriazal slap Lisa on the shoulder, holding her belly.

“Well, actually, yeah, that makes a good guy, huh? I’ll make sure you grow them.”

“I’ll leave it to you, though it’s going to grow in a hell of a direction”

“No, we’ll do it right around there. Still, it may not be possible to satisfy all your Lord’s demands.”

“That’s an excuse. I didn’t expect you to answer everything instantly and even put it on top. I feel like I won a big bet.”

“Is it that what you bet on is life…?

“Well yeah. But you got more results than I expected.”

Lisa’s face, who speaks that way, looks very happy. Miriazal was also satisfied with Lisa’s expression like that.

“(… whenever, these faces of humans are good. I want to see a lot of faces like this. Apparently, my eagle heart hasn’t rusted yet)”

Miriazal smiles too. But Lisa was happily immersed in leaving Miriazal like that alone. It was really the first heartfelt happiness I’ve felt in eight years since her parents were gone for Lisa.

And the next morning, when I heard that Lisa would be gone, Mirce was still a little sloppy, but the children were all comforting and doing it. Although each of the children looked sad, no one complained. Jake’s right, I guess it’s what he was thinking as one of the possibilities. And Lisa says goodbye to each and every one of them.

Sister, please.

“I’ll take care of it. I did keep it.”

“Everybody say hello to Sister properly?

Lisa urges the children to line up and bow in line.

“” “” “Nice to meet you, Pettan Cosister!

Lisa and the children get laid.

“Li, Lisa… you did it!

“Huhuhuhuhu, it’s hard to take care of those kids. Very much so.”

“… f”

“Every other person, Alberto!?

That’s how Lisa traveled. Well, Miriazar decided to convince me that it would be better than damp. The children kept waving until Lisa turned the street and couldn’t see that.

Meanwhile, this is the Alphilis and the others. We ended up using dragons to get to near the woods Fenna showed us. Miranda suggested that it would be better than using horses and the like to expose Fenna to the public. Fortunately, thanks to Miriazal for coloring the reward, we can afford it a lot financially, and we were fortunate enough to secure a large dragon for five, so the loaner dragon shop is ready for us.

Alphilis is communicating quickly with that dragon. Instead, I might as well say it’s licked around scattered. I guess I’m not impressed with the faces I’m used to no longer, but Nia and Fenna looked round at the sight.

“Speaking of which, you barely have any luggage for a nearer. What do you do when you fight?

“I don’t use weapons, I do them with my bare hands. Well, on the battlefield, I’ll be equipped with my armor and my hands.”

“Bare hands… dangerous?

“Weapons are more dangerous to me. Mostly the blade lacks if you slay the enemy, it breaks. Not to mention if you cut two or three armored humans, the sword of the coarse won’t work. He says if you take an overwhelming sword speed and slash it, it won’t even get fat or blood paste, but rarely will you use it like that”

“Um, maybe so”

Miranda is also convinced that Alberto might apply, but certainly not so many users.

“But it’s hard to tailor someone with a fist, isn’t it?

“No, I’m a soldier. In war, that’s good if you can hold your opponent in one blow, but it’s more important to make him seriously ill and drive him out of combat. Obviously the dead are abandoned, but the dying try to be helped by those around them. That way I need five hands to help one. That would have the same effect as withdrawing six people in one blow.”

“I see…”

“More importantly, on the battlefield, soldiers in general sometimes deliberately use blunt swords of cleavage. Soak the tip of the blade in a fat pile for a day and you’ll be ready for an instant poison sword. This almost certainly gives you heat when you hurt your enemies. That would annoy the hands of many after returning to the enemy.”

“If you say so…”

Miranda also intended to be experienced on her own, but on a good note, she has never participated in wars between humans, even if she has participated in wars between demons. Listening to Nia, I began to wonder if wars between humans might be more brutal than against demons. “Uh-huh, I see,” Miranda roars, fenna pulling Miranda’s hem as she cries.

“Um, can I leave Mr. Alphilis alone…?

“Heh? Speaking of which, what happened to Alfi… that Alfi fits in the dragon’s mouth about half the time -?”

The upper body of the alphilis fit perfectly in the dragon’s mouth, repeating small, chopped cramps. Mirandas in a hurry to help. It was just a crisis.

“I can’t believe it anymore! How can you take responsibility for me if I get scratched!?

“G., gua!

“You deceived me, ’cause that’s not how it works!


And it is already on the sky bound for Darkas. After that, we were all too proud to pull Alfie off. A little Alphilis seemed to be dying and said he saw a beautiful castle or a flower garden.

If I tried it as a dragon, it would have been a sweet bite that Alphilis seemed to like and showed dear affection, but it is a 15m grade dragon sweet bite that rides a large number of people. It’s not like a dog or a cat. Still, about two minutes after riding the dragon, Alphilis complains about the plump dragon, so…

There shouldn’t be much like a domesticated dragon showing favor for himself to humans, but the alphilis seems to go well with dragons in the aftermath. Fenna speaks to Alphilis from the seat provided on the back of the dragon, wondering if such an alphilis is strange.

“Mr. Alphilis, can you talk to the dragon?

“Huh? Yeah, I know more or less what you’re talking about. Don’t you know what a seeker is? I think it’s closer to dragons than humans.”

“If it’s a tree dragon with forest attributes or something, or maybe it’s okay, does Mr. Alphilis understand the language of a flying dragon?

I looked at Fenna like she was extra strange. The Alphilis will continue to talk as a matter of course.

“It was about two days ago when you got to know what Fei Long said, right? There was a dragon near the mountain where I used to live who could speak human language, so I asked the dragon to teach me the language. For once, dragons have a common language. I’ve been told that when I figure that out, it’s like a pedigree dialect, so I don’t have any trouble communicating for now.”

“That’s the first ear. And if you speak the human language rather than the rather splendid dragon?

“Uh… can I tell you something? He said his name was Gwendorf.”

Fenna is pompous when she hears that name. Is it that amazing? Miranda, unable to swallow the wing situation, pulled Fenna’s sleeve.

“Hey, is that a great dragon?

“Awesome or nothing, it’s a dragon that even the legend tells me in the elves. I just thought it was a fairy tale, too, but I can’t believe it really existed.”

“Was it that amazing?

“Yeah, they even say it’s a dragon who taught elves how to use magic. You know, magic was originally used by dragons.”

Alphilis reacted to the word. He didn’t think he was dealing with that many amazing dragons himself.

“Uh-huh. Because you always called me ‘Uncle Gwen’… and I used to play on my head. Was it bad?

“Ugh… a lot of fear, and I can’t do it very well”

Because of his mind, Alphilis got the feeling that Fenna was looking at him with respect.

“Speaking of which, Alfie’s little hand hasn’t changed a scratch since I first saw it, but you’re not gonna tell me that dragon got it or anything, are you?

“Oh, I got it, didn’t I? The amulet is a replacement. I’ve got my master working on it.”

Now I can’t block everyone’s open mouth. And we all started whispering.

“(Lisa, how much do you think I would do if I sold that?

“(Even the normal processing of flying dragon nails and scales costs about 15,000 pents. If you are going to finish a single weapon, it will cost at least 50000 for even the material of the breeding dragon. But if you’re so much of a dragon, you’ll definitely have legendary protective gear class protection, so if you get a bad appraisal, you might be able to buy one small town. Lisa wouldn’t even want to sell it first)”

“(As much as you want me to give in, it’s a protective gear they tell you won’t chip or rust for 100 years, okay? It is also said to have magic resistance)”

“(or I think there’s a fair amount of protection even if you just have one)”

Alphilis is still complaining about the dragon, just as everyone talks in the shadows and whispers.

“(Has Atashi become friends with an amazing child?

Miranda put on an arm to think about it, too, couldn’t help it.

This time it’s not exactly the kind of distance you can go in a day, so the whole line went wild on the way. What didn’t stay in town was that there was rarely enough equipment in town to rest such a big dragon, and I still cared about Fenna. Fenna seemed sorry, but it’s nothing like complaining about a day in the wild. She didn’t have any experience with Nojuku or anything like that leading to Lisa, and she was excited and rarely rapped. Alphilis and Miranda tried to get Nia to do the archery with her bare hands before she went to bed, but her body was flying into space as she tried to step in. Nia, they say the first move is the easiest way to set it up.

“That’s not why we call ourselves cats. We are a species with excellent first-mover and instantaneous power. Especially if it moves up to 20m, it doesn’t take a crack at any species. That’s why putting up a knife or a weapon is so much more wasteful that our strengths can’t be harnessed. You see?”

“Sure… if they move so fast in front of me, I might not be able to handle it”

“Well, on the contrary, I don’t like protracted warfare, and my arm strength isn’t much different from that of a human being. I’m going to make it up to you with technology.”

“Oh well, by the way, is Nia with the captain in Groussard?

“No, I’m just a planner.”

If you were a planner at this level, how was man at war with the Beast Man? These were the Alphilis who were not born in a time like that of war with the Beast Man and I think they were sincerely glad.

“Can Fenna do any martial arts?

“I’m primarily an earthly sorcerer… because my sorcery is a bit special. If it’s a weapon, you can have a bow. I don’t know if it’s a level you can call martial arts.”

“Then try shooting this.”

Miranda accidentally throws the fruit of the couscous into the air. Moments later, Fenna shoots a bow and arrow in her hand that she had placed on the ground. Brilliantly shot through the air the fruit of the couscous.

“It’s amazing enough…”

“No, I’m not a warrior, so… bows are human stuff too, and I haven’t got the accuracy yet, and within 20 meters you’ll get as much error as 5 cm”

That’s masterclass enough, and you can say it in the public.

“I think you can use an elf bow to get up to 2cm error at 40m… to that extent in me”

“No, no. A normal bow should only kill about 20 meters.”

“It’s an elf bow, and if a man shoots, he can retain the ability to kill up to 60m. 100m is fine if you just hit it though. When I used to compare in the settlement who had the best bow, I kept hitting it 100m away and I did it under the rule of disqualification once it came off, but after a minute, five people kept hitting it, so we all got tired of quitting.”

“How big is the target, by the way?

“It was the first time from the fruit of the couscous, and I wouldn’t take them all off, so I ended up with a nut about the tip of my thumb”

“… you can’t even fight with an elf, this is”

This is especially true of Alphilis’ impressions.

And the night goes on as we talk endlessly. Lisa was teasing Nia because she didn’t seem to be a cat, but Alphilis decided to leave her alone. I never imagined the next day, though, that we were both so enthusiastic that we would be sleepless.

After noon the next day we reached the entrance to the Darkas Forest. It is more than twice the faster pace than a normal human being drives a dragon.

The town of Darve. It’s a small town compared to Meesia, so much so that it doesn’t reach 30,000 inhabitants, but it gets livelier there. Although Darkas himself is on the edge, because of the abundance of forest resources (lumber, nuts, herbs, etc.), the population is large for the edge.

Because of the frequency of demons from the forest and the adjacent area of four countries across the forest, the appearance of Krums border guards and mercenaries can be seen here. Almost all of the atmosphere drifts across town, due to the fact that there is a lot of nature on the border for a lot of those armed people. The soldiers are not tough looking either, sitting around talking to the outdoor owner of a vegetable store. Maybe it’s the temperament of a peaceful Krums person. They didn’t look like the kind of people who would attack inside the elves very much.

In the meantime, the Alphilis and the others are coming to town to gather information. Fenna is also accompanied by a hood for once, but the town doesn’t seem to have a vibe. There is no sign that Krums in particular moved the soldiers.

“This peaceful atmosphere… wasn’t it Krums?

“But I think it’s most likely. Getting inside the Seeker from the other three countries is quite difficult because of the terrain. I hear Krums is the only one using Darkas as a resource in the first place.”

“Let’s explore some more”

Nia, Fenna and Miranda discuss a lot. Alphilis and Lisa, who are oblivious to the military circumstances around them, can’t keep up with the story.

“I need to gather more information about different countries and lands, too…”

“Lisa agrees. From now on, we need to be sensitive to national information.”

When Alphilis and Lisa were delayed in such an idea, I could see a crowd on the side streets.

“Hey, what could that be?

“Come on. Shall we go”

“Is Lisa the only one who feels it’s troublesome?”

If we all come closer together, people are apparently falling. Looks like a man, but I can’t see his face. Why, Miranda’s strangely shining her face.


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