The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 35

Fighting in the Seeker, Part 1 – Signs of Confusion

Tips, tricks, tricks…

You can hear footsteps walking slowly through an unpopular palace. The time is already midnight. Nonetheless, this person walks through the palace, which is the workplace. He hasn’t been home to his mansion in days. I’ve forgotten the exact number of days, but what I still do is pile up and I don’t have time to rest my body. But the need to do so is almost gone.

Gachari opens the door, and when he enters his own office, his maiden name on duty comes out.

“Sir, do you have any offers?

“No, I don’t need anything, thank you. It’s too late, so you should rest.”

“No, even though your husband works. Such…”

“If you fall, you’ll be sent to another lowest name, won’t you? Though it is because of my continuous stuffing in the office, you will be on the night shift for the fourth day in a row. You’re still growing up, so take care of yourself.”

“is a waste of words for something like me. Now let me back off, but your husband won’t love you either.”

“Yeah, I will.”

The boy with the lowest surname leaves the room in a courtesy. There is a young man watching it with a gentle smile. but when there was no sign of this lowest name leaving, the emotion fell out of its expression as if it were in the face.

And out of nowhere I hear a voice talking to a youth. The voice is somewhere dark and heavy, despite its innocent condition. If I had an earlier lowercase, I might have slipped my hips on the creeps.

“Master, hey…”

“You were coming”

“How sweet of you, brother?

“Well, I’ll let you dream within the moment at best. Anyway, that last name has a proper role to play.”

“Ha ha… that’s my brother. You’re going to come up with a lot of things.”

Couscous, and the laughter clings from nowhere in the room.

“Not as good as you. Stop flattering yourself.”

“No, I really respect you. How dare you exchange words like this without me killing you… kukukukuku”

The audible laughter gradually turns into something unpleasant. But this young man has no wind to worry about. It’s the usual thing, the evil mouth of the voice lord. However, if you distract yourself, you’ll really come to kill me anytime. Of course, there are no shards (pieces) such as respect.

“… So, what can I do for you?

“The material I seek is in the Darkas Forest. And that’s why would you lend me a soldier? At least you’re in charge around here. Move on your own, I’ll punish you later (penalties) or something. It’s boring. I mean, brothers, why don’t you praise me for coming up with a proper face? I don’t think this is going to happen with the others.”

The story gets to the point, and I can no longer feel the dust, such as respect. I guess this is the original way the Lord of the Voice talks. But young people don’t make their voices rough either. I know that to this extent, I have revealed my frustration without feeling it. And the LORD of voice is so glad that this one is annoying.

“Fine. There are people still letting us search the Darkas Forest. Use it as you please.”

“Can I use normal people too?

“I don’t mind. But let’s just get this straight, okay?

“Of course. I appreciate it, brother”

The voice is bright and answers hiccups.

“… so how long are you going to be in this country?

“It’s not what you know.”

“Oh, can you ask me that kind of mouth ?… you’re gonna kill me??

Like an earlier bright voice lies, the air in the room strains in an instant. If there were an earlier lowercase on this occasion, this pressure alone would make you lose your mind. It was an unusual amount of killing.

“… you wanna give it a try?

“… even a joke! I hope you don’t mean it anymore. I don’t have a pawn in my hand right now, but I can’t do it, can I?

“(You mean if we had all the bills, we would do it? He’s still dangerous)”

It is only in my own junior year, but from the moment I saw it, the youth did not like the Lord of the Voice. I don’t know where the master brought him from, but how many times did you think it would be easy to do without this guy? He’s not the only one like this. He also knew very well that he was always a one-of-a-kind person, including himself. But it is also true that the plan is moving fast thanks to the presence of the Lord of the Voice.

“… okay. I did what I had to do in this country for now. It may take some time for the sown seeds to bud, but they will blossom good inside. Stay tuned.”

For the first time here, a young man laughs niggardly. That was an awfully evil grin that never made me feel fine dust, such as a gentle smile directed at my last name earlier.

“Hmm, well, if you say so, I’m sure. I think you do have an accurate job and a good aesthetic sense. It’s just that the way it works doesn’t suit me.”

“Don’t be with a temporal euphoria like you.”

“Heck. Then I’ll come and report it once I’m done. Until then, keep that body, okay?

“I don’t know, there’s quite a rattle coming at all. I can’t guarantee it, but bear it…”

Before the youth line was over, the Lord of the Voice had gone. Though the young man was distracted from his heart, he could boil it, but at this stage he had no choice. Because only young people can behave in a way that they can endure within their peers. We can’t finish them off yet.

When I head to the desk to rethink that, the young man writes to me. What he was writing was a declaration of war on Gruzard’s allies, Zamwed, and a march order on Zamwed against the Border Guard.

And the place takes its place, and this is in the woods of Darkas. Half a day had passed since the Alphilis and the others entered the Darkas forest. The forest of Lucia, which was headed for the last Demon King crusade, is another forest in a different way. Whereas Lucia was a relatively young forest with thin trees and lots of sesame grass, here in Darkas it is a rather seasoned forest. The trees are high and thick and the sun is hard to plug in.

The ground is growing taller grass and cockerel than the sesame grass because the sun doesn’t reach again, and the scaffolding is pretty bad. Besides, the humidity is strong and the discomfort is quite strong. The temperature will be there during the day, but it cools down quite a bit at night. But I can’t even use fire because I want to keep this action a secret.

“If you use fire, you’ll see one mountain.”

“Besides, the demons here are not afraid of fire. Rather, it could come by.”

That is the judgment of Miranda and Era. It just seems like a garden to Fenna, and I said the woods would tell me if there was any danger. Anything, they say, is a form of earthly sorcery. Plus Lisa, the sensor. Nia also has a good night’s eye and doesn’t have to worry about protection even if she can’t use the fire. It just hurts not to be able to use fire to prepare a meal. I had to eat dried meat that was well preserved, mainly bread, and it seemed to lack nutrition after a long period of time.

“Everybody, it’s time to get ready for bed.”

“Oh, isn’t the sun just about tilted yet?

“No, the forest is deep, so soon you won’t see anything. Better keep your bunk secure now and take a long break. Besides, if you think demons are more active at night, you don’t know if you can really take a break on the bunk.”

“I agree with Nia.”

Miranda nods. And when Fenna was cutting trees and mowing grass to find a suitable place near the water field and make sure she could just put up a tent, it got dark less than half an hour later. Thanks to this, dinner became a feather to be eaten by hand.

“Fenna, how far to your destination?

“The next two days.”

“You’re closer than I thought. I thought it was deeper into the woods.”

The moonlight is slight, but I’ve been shooting. Nia looks unexpected in it.

“The heart of the forest is the Nest of Warcraft. Our clan is a migrant, so we don’t imitate things in the middle.”


“Yes, they moved from the south just about 500 years ago. Although I have not been taught why I have moved.”

“If it’s about 500 years, some elves are still alive from that time on, right?

“No, the only such long-lived elves are the High Elves, or the Old Elves clan. The lifespan of our Seekers is very much the same as that of humans, at most 150 years. It’s just that you may look younger for longer than a human, because adulthood around 20 is just as good as humans, but until you’re about 100 years old, it hardly changes your appearance.”

“… that’s very enviable”

Lisa started to think of something. Alphilis thought he was someone who had nothing to do with jealousy or envy. I don’t even notice the sight of such an alphilis, Lisa whining with one bump.

“(After all, should a boy be younger in appearance? Well, it will be about 10 years before Lisa has the best year on the outside… but it’s also possible that Jake is a lollicon. If you look at Lisa growing up and she says’ old ‘,’ Baba ‘, etc, I can’t get back on my feet either)”

“… Lisa?

“(But you can’t even get your body to grow… not as tall as Alfie, but I want those breasts and butts.

“Hey, Lisa?

“(No, but what if I preferred a body shape like Miriazal… Ha! If so, did you fail to deposit it with Miriazar!? By now, I’ve been taught nasty nasty nasty things… but no way, only Jake… what if it’s surprisingly that kind of hobby…)”


Alphilis tries to shake Lisa, who kind of started roaring with her head in her arms alone.

“Stay out of the way, Alfie! I’m serious right now: ‘Are small breasts in demand?’ I’m thinking about that. Yeah, it would be irrelevant to you anyway!

“?? I have no idea what you’re talking about??

For some reason I started worrying about my shape a little until Nia. Fenna… if it’s all about style, is it an unrelated concern, or is she wearing a small neck? Though it is considered to be just unknown to the public.

Fenna has long straight silver hair with silver eyes. Elves are generally said to be long, but Fenna is not. Almost the same back length as Miranda. However, the head looks even smaller one turn, and the hips, etc. are perfectly shaped so that they are out in thin areas. I guess this is what you call “human separation”.

Nia said she was about 15 or so tall but still converted to a human on her own. I did hear that the Beastman grew slowly and that many people changed their physique from about that age. I still have a young impression of the victory, but if I create a calm atmosphere, I can describe it as pretty, etc., Alphilis will think about it. The tone is fortified by being military, but the trick is pretty cute. Every time something happens, my immediate tail is moving irrespective of the pico.

By the way, Nia is an intermediate color hairy and eye of blue and grey. And the hairy touch is very good. It is very soft hair and is just “cat hair”. Still, when I touch my head, I get angry, but my throat lights up. The tone changes from “Stop!” to “Ya, stop”. Totally understandable personality. Making fun of Nia before Lisa goes to bed every day would also be impossible.

Speaking of which, Miranda, who should always be at the center of the story, is not involved in anything.

“Miranda, what are you doing?

“Hmm? I’m building a bomb.”

“Hey, it’s dangerous, so you can do it away.”

Alphilis unwittingly takes a step back. Miranda chuckles when she sees such an alphilis.

“‘Cause it’s okay. Because it’s not a powder blend, it’s just adding effects to bombs and making special bullets. Hey, Fenna. Is this the chico leaf?

“No, it’s musca leaves. Chico is your…”

“Oh, well. So here’s the thing… what do you think, with this?

“Yeah, I think you’re doing well, Mr. Miranda”

“I’m confident in formulating drugs and stuff. More than that, Fenna, I told you to call it off properly.

“Oh, I’m sorry… Uh, mi, milan… da?

“My voice is low! Yes one more time!!


“That way!

It is a line where Fenna doesn’t feel comfortable with royalty or anything. Somehow, she seems strangely used to apologizing. Is there a princess or something you’re used to apologizing for?

“But why are you building a bomb?

“Atashi doesn’t have enough strength. This is how you make it up to me.”

“Again. Miranda’s strong enough.”

This was Alphilis’ honest sentiment, but Miranda stared at her with a tight eye.

“Alfie, are you serious about this line?

“Yeah, yeah. I’m not gonna lie to you.”

“… I knew you didn’t know the world…”

Miranda sighed deeply.


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