The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 38

Combat in the Explorer, Part 4 – Strong Enemy

“Mr. Nia!

Sooner than Fenna realizes, Nia jumps and dodges into the room. That’s the reflective nerve of the Beast Man. Where Nia had just been, a large sword had descended. The Lord of the Sword was a soldier dressed in large full-body armor. He was a creepy soldier who couldn’t see his face because of his helmet and couldn’t even see the light in his eyes.

“What is this guy? Where did you sprang from??

“I don’t know. It didn’t catch Lisa’s sensor. This is…”

A suspicious Lisa focuses even more on finding out.

“Armor all over you. Now you can move well without making any footsteps.”

“That would be so. This guy doesn’t have any contents, just armor.”

“What do you mean?

Miranda asks.

“In things like moving (living room) and armor (armor). It’s kind of like moving with magic. At the same time, they may be devising ways to eliminate footsteps.”

“It’s this guy! Magic didn’t work on this enemy!

I remember when Fenna stormed inside. And Alphilis struck his tongue unexpectedly.

“I see, that’s troublesome… could the sword pass?

The armor tries to force the door to pull in, along with the sound of mechanics. In armored stature, we can’t let you in here unless we do. And two more behind it.

“You don’t have to deal with these guys. The movement is blunt, and it’s ignored! Everybody, run through the window.”

Everyone jumps out the window with Miranda in the hall. And Miranda comes out with a smokescreen just in case. I’m not sure if it will work or not. And as I came, when I tried to escape into the South Forest…

“You guys don’t have to be in such a hurry, do you?

There was a nearer running in the lead who was suddenly slashed from overhead. Nia jumped back, but was completely blocked and stopped.

And the woman who gets stuck in the way of the Alphilis and the others. He has a song knife in both hands, and if he does it almost like underwear, he dresses highly exposed, but he’s probably a warrior in the war because he has countless wounds all over his body. Also, the hair is cut to about shoulder length, but the forehead is long enough for one eye to hide. Not a big deal, but because of the killing temper she emits, her body looks bigger than it actually is.

That’s a pain in the ass.

“Lisa, didn’t you notice the approach?

“No, I was aware, but it’s too fast. Lisa had already been slashed by Nia when she realized she was moving this way from the east bunker.”

Fenna hugs the magic book all the time. A female swordsman laughed niggardly after taking a good look at it.

“Heh… is that the seal? I knew you’d just gone outside and pulled an imo.”

“Come on, I wonder. You didn’t say a word about this being a seal?

Miranda answers in place of Fenna.

“What are you going to say when you hold it like that? Well, take it and then think about it…!

Nia kicks at a woman like she interrupts a conversation. If you kick your upper body, you have a knife, so it’s a low kick aimed at your lower body. but the woman steps forward to deflect the strike point on the contrary and takes Nia’s kick with her leg. He tries to punch Nia in the face with the pattern as it is, but Nia pulls it around and tries to punch him in the elbow next.

From there it was an attack that was too fast to catch up with everyone’s eyes. Neither seems to have an effective hit for now, but Nia took the distance herself after about five seconds of offense. When I look at it, the woman doesn’t seem to have an effective hit, but Nia is bleeding from there. Does that mean she’s faster than Near the Beast Man, that woman?

“Oh, it’s so nice to have a cat ”

“You’re the one. What’s that bullshit speed?”

“I’m fast? Pfft, ahahahahahahaha!

A woman started laughing out loud. Apparently, something was pretty bumpy.

“Sure, well, I’m faster too… but you’re too late before then, cat!?


Blood phase changing nia and nagging women were contrasting schematics. Obviously, women still have room.

“So, have you bought enough time? Bernau.”


“! Shit!

Fire Barrier (Wall)

With a voice chanting magic, a wall of flames emerges to block the escape path. It is a fairly wide and tall wall of flames. Now we can no longer escape to the south.

Both Alphilis and Miranda regretted seeing it in Nia’s battle, but it was too late.

“The lords should have run away with their cat daughter. It’s not a mistake.”

“Chi, behind you then…”

“… I don’t think I can, Miranda”


Soon, behind him, a giant man with a big axe in his hand, full of armor, stands in the throne.

“Lisa, did this get too close?

“No… Lisa’s sensor capability doesn’t work well? Why…”

“Because I’m disturbed by magic.”

Magician-style, perhaps presbyterian, man answers. It covers his face and whole body completely with a hood, although I can’t see the details or the look on his face. But Miranda’s decision was quick.

“Alfie, do that magician. That should put out the flaming walls, too. Atashi clears the back.”


At the same time you say, you two are going to be slaughtered.

“It’s a reasonable decision, but the operation is to look at the power of the opponent and stand.”

“I’m your opponent.”

On a black chunk that jumped out of the side, Alphilis went into a sword-proof stance. Normally I would slash them away, but my instincts told me to protect them.


When I wondered if the dull sound had sounded, Alphilis felt an odd floating sensation. That should have blown my body behind me. I can beat him to the back wall about 5m as it is.


I was slammed against the wall without having time to take a passive, and the shock prevented me from breathing for a moment. but still the gaze turns towards the black lump that has been slashing itself reflexively. As much as I’m telling you to take your eyes off the enemy on the battlefield, I also understand Alphilis. But it was a man who laid back his sword and had no indication that he would set it up. He is a pretty big swordsman and dressed in decent black armor. It’s a style that I think might be some knight.

I didn’t know a woman would take my sword.

“Why aren’t you chasing me?

“There’s no need for that. There’s too much difference in power between you and me. That would be strong enough to tell, wouldn’t it?

“Are you making fun of me!?

“Come on, I don’t know”

It was unusual and intense for Alphilis. I thought it was totally licked. It was the first time since I began my journey that I had been treated so humiliated. Alphilis is a personality that is not originally that long. It was the best I could do because it would release the curse and stop my desire to blow this man away.

Meanwhile, there was a reason this man didn’t get slaughtered. I did even lick it, but I also thought it wouldn’t be funny if the fight ended with one unintentional blow, plus something made me hesitate to strike my sword against this woman. Funny story, I felt like I was the one who would die if I went to strike. I could easily imagine that it was myself who had an overwhelming advantage, and that the woman in front of me would have a paralyzed hand and little sword to grip.

“(Even though I’m just a coward to a woman… Hmm, funny!

There is something peculiar about staying in those who have been involved in war for a long time. Even if instinct tells of the danger of this woman, reason cannot determine that it is dangerous at all. I haven’t had any of these experiences before, but this is the first time I’ve clearly split my instincts and reason so far, and that instantly blunted this man’s sword. but

“(What you will know if you fight. If I die, I’ll say I’ve been there before!

That much doesn’t make me put away this man’s sword, which is a raw combat fanatic. A man restarts his sword.

“Well, shall we continue?”

Bad. That was the heart of Alphilis. I never show any signs that I can get my hands paralyzed, and I can’t use a lot of weapons. It also takes some time to activate the curse. Not that I’m this guy who gives me that kind of time. To be clear, I don’t have the means.

Alberto was also an approximate monster, but he was on his side and it was hard to imagine coming before himself with the will to kill. I don’t know how skilled the man in front of me is, but I also instantly figured out to Alphilis that there was an obvious difference in skill from myself. If we meet, we’ll have 10 seconds and two straight. When such an idea goes around, it goes around my head and shifts my gaze to see if the rest of my people will come to cover me.

Nia has interacted with an earlier female swordsman, but is no longer sufficiently disadvantaged to know clearly. Nia’s breathing up against a woman who can’t hold one breath. More blood is coming from all over my body. There must be quite a difference in skill between them, too.

And Fenna is solidified with a seal in her arms. No matter how many bow masters, that reaction is normal when it’s the first time in action. I also remember Alphilis not being able to move properly at first, even with Gorotsuki as his opponent. Workout and action are separate. Well, there’s nothing you can do about it on this level of opponent. Lisa tries to cover Fenna like that, but she seems full because she cares about the sorcerer’s movements. I was still fortunate to have no sign of fighting the sorcerer.

Miranda can count on it, but she’s had her hands full again from earlier.



Mace and Axe are bumping into each other as they make a terrific noise. I don’t believe it, but it seems to be mutual with Miranda’s arm strength. but Miranda seems to have more skill. He twisted the axe down his body and struck a mace at the galloping empty torso. A servant giant retreats a few meters, but progresses as if he had not had intermittent hair and nothing happened.

“What is this guy?

It was the same no matter how many shots Miranda hit. I didn’t mean to. The armor is deformed, so I guess it’s quite damaging. Then Miranda punched him in the face, but he still didn’t seem to bother. But the helmet came off, and I could see the face underneath.

“Even the oak!?


The body under the armor was oak. Though I thought it might be the Giants judging by their considerable bodies. Though the oak also has a lot of giants, it’s obviously about two turns bigger than the standard oak. Plus, I’m kind of idle. Probably working out pretty well. But is it possible that the oak will train? More than that, the fact that the orcs are fighting with humans is not normal in itself.

“I can’t believe the orcs are following humans…”

“Ya, captain strong. Ode, follow the captain”

“Did you talk decently?

Miranda’s surprise isn’t impossible either. That’s what I’ve never heard of Orcs speaking a language that is understandable to humans. Orcs with such intelligence are different in the species themselves.

“Oh, you… strong. One, strong warrior, su, like. Fight more Ode!


“And you, woman! Oh, women… even after the fight, twice as much fun, twice as much fun. The stronger she is, the better she looks when she loses!

Oak laughs niggly. A chill ran down Miranda’s spine.

“You can’t even tell me about Alfi… being courted by a monster!

“Yes, go, let’s go!

Intense meetings began again. That’s no place to help Alphilis. What the hell is wrong with you? When she thinks about that,

“Alfi, I’m coming!?

“I care, woman.”

Lisa called me. but at the same time a man’s sword is looming in front of him.


Alphilis grabbed the sword with his reflexively paralyzed arm and tried to prevent the Great Sword, but was unsure whether he would ever be able to take it.


Metal sounds echoed. Alphilis meditated his eyes on whether each sword had been slashed, but the sword did not weigh heavily. Roughly when I open my eyes, I see another sword that blocks the Great Sword from the side. And I accidentally heard a voice like I heard somewhere.

“I see you again, Alphilis.”

“… Louis,?

It was a brunette woman, who met in the town of Darve, who was withholding the man’s sword from the side.


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