The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 67

In Beginner’s Labyrinth (Dungeon), Part 15 – The Evil Spirit of Zea

Beginner’s labyrinth, man eater left one in the abandoned capital Zea. In the middle of the night, the silent boy returned with metastatic magic.

“… that… you didn’t think I was hit?

“Yeah… sorry”

The man-eater looks bad, but I don’t see any particular blame on the silent boy.

“… I don’t have the right to be mad at you… but I didn’t expect to get your sturdy body this far. How did they do that?

“Er, this one came and went and went”

“… I’m sorry… I heard that. I’m sorry… there doesn’t seem to be a demon sword, and you’re in… this pisses me off by ‘Monet’…”

“… my fault?

“… no, you won’t have a choice this time… but there could have been more to it…”

“Hey, duh, what’s up?

“… oh… he’ll be in trouble by now too… I’ll take you…”

And two people who disappear into darkness. Later, only the ruins of collapse and the mindless humans left behind remained.

Not long before that. What Doom and the silent boy who escaped the ruins were doing…

“… what about in this village?

“That’s affordable. Is the population… 200? It’s isolated and hard to reach other villages and towns.”

“… I was actually a candidate for a different case… but I can’t help it… you know, I’ll have to apologize for anomaly later, right?

“I know!

From the state of transfer in the air, Doom descends happily into the village. At first, the villagers screamed and ran away wondering what was going on, such as a boy coming down from the sky, but at the same time they caught interest, so they took quite a distance and watched Doom through the shadows and windows of the house. If there was even one person here who had any witchcraft in mind, he would have escaped ahead of us after seeing the resentment entangled in Doom.

“All right, all right, I’ll unseal it.”

When Doom shrugged about something, the lid on the vial, which should have never been opened before, opened easily. Doom just disappears by throwing the bottle straight into the central fountain, which is also a specialty of the village. The villagers approach the fountain wondering what it was.

but there was an anomaly in the fountain earlier than that. The spring water, which was supposed to be beautiful and famous as delicious, was black and cloudy and overflowing from the fountain with tremendous momentum. Like a small tsunami, black water pushes in later. The villagers tried to escape the fountain reflexively, but some delayed and dipped their feet in the water. Then…


“And melt!

“Hey, help me!

Villagers start to melt as they raise smoke. And when I wondered if the water had taken the form of a hand, I was entwined by those who couldn’t make it out of it and dragged it into the fountain at the same time. The number of people dragged in against the small fountain was slightly over 50, so it’s obviously overdosed, but how does it fit in? The answer was simple given the sounds of vacillation, but I guess such sights happen in reality and so on were far beyond the imagination of the good villagers here.

And coming out of a fountain mixed with black and red was a girl just the same age as Doom dressed in bright red Sister clothes. She stretches her dark black hair all she wants, and her face is as faceless as it is stuck on the surface. I might show you the cuteness of your age if you laugh, but I couldn’t see any such signs.

The girl slowly looks around as she leaves the fountain and stops her eyes at the young woman who was closest to her. And as the girl moved as she glided down the ground, the woman sat back and solidified with less snare of fear. And the girl stroked the woman’s head and face around slowly as if touching even her loved ones, and it whispered with a very, very cute smile.

“Nee, watasitoasonde?

At that moment I wondered if the woman’s body had a gut and severe cramping, and she fell down if she bled hard out of the hole called every hole in her body, such as eyes, mouth, ears, etc. Did you signal that, even though it’s not night, the village is covered in darkness and drives people’s anxiety? And the door of the building was suddenly buttoned and locked automatically, and from the fountain in the center, a black jar exited, blocking the view. Furthermore, the animals bark like crazy, and some humans are losing their sanity and starting to hit the villagers. The humans, who were close to the village exit, try to get out of the village, but they can’t move forward by hitting some invisible wall. Still slamming the wall with dang trying to figure it out, now my hands start melting drool, the villagers screaming. I guess this is what a whirlpool of annoyance refers to.

Two boys watching that from above.

“Did this… did she form a ‘castle’?

“… the range would be quite limited and the effect would be temporary… but it’s sort of a castle… and Zea should perish without any foretaste… no one can leave with this…”

“Wow. Build a castle means she’s a great demon king, right?

“… I can’t say that… but I guess it was originally equipped with fairly strong magic, spiritual powers… that it became evil after death…”

“Surely when you have those qualities in your lifetime, are you prone to become a strong evil spirit?

“… oh…”

I see.

It’s nice to have two conversations with each other in the far air of the village, but there was a tragedy unfolding under the eyes that a decent person would not stand to face.

“Wow! Look at that! They’re feeding you stones cooked in the kiln, right? Are you going to do the deception?

“… come on…”

“Now another man stabbed a young couple of men! So… wow! Attack a woman by the side!? Livestock.”

“This one has dogs and horses that make young women… and that one dies, doesn’t hold a human, especially if it’s a horse. I’ve never seen you live before. It’s not educational.”

“… but you look like you’re having a good time… even just me. It’s a sight that makes my chest feel bad…”

“No, it’s fun without any mercy so far! Well, I guess I’m just playing with her. Besides, it’s a bad joke that you’re going to have a bad chest. I’ll make something like that out of the Explorer I’ve been given.”

“… uh… I’m not the one who made it…”

That may be true, but the sights unfolding under your eyes are a prelude to what Doom has just described. The most silent boy has a different taste, and neither of them can be cruel. It’s just that Doom has consciousness, and the silent boy has no consciousness. The only thing I’m sure of is that both boys are ‘crazy’ if you let a decent person say so.

“… it’s going to take me a while, so I’m going to run errands first… and I’m going to retrieve the man-eater and hand over the Devil’s Sword to ‘One’…”

“Then I’m relaxing and observing here. Sometimes I need to see how people play and study. How humble, isn’t it? Ahahahahaha!”

“… I’ll see you later…”

And the silent boy picked up the man-eater.

And time goes back to now. A silent boy who brought back a man-eater.

“That man-eater, you lost your body?

“… sorry”

“Ahahahaha, what are you apologizing for! You just need to get a new body again, right?


“… who do you think does that…”

A silent boy sighed. Whether you realize it or not, Doom holds his head with the maneater on his lap.

“… so, what’s going on…”

“Almost wiped out.”

A pile of bodies that accumulate as you look down under your eyes. It’s just something I don’t even want to imagine how I died. What we just have in common is that they all die with their faces distorted with fear.

“… that was fast…”

“No, no, it won’t take an hour if we just wipe it all out, and we’ve played a lot, haven’t we? The variety of that kill was helpful. I think I’m already in love with that girl!

“You want it? What’s it good for?

“… Yes, yes…”

Imitate Doom hugging and kissing a girl. A man eater who looks at it and turns his fingers, and a silent boy who can open up. At that time, the ‘castle’, which was stretched out in the village, was solved.

“Whoa, you done?”

“… are you going to subordinate me? Can you…?

“Well let’s try. Would you look at the man-eater?

“… Roger…”

Doom leaves Maneater with a silent boy and goes downstairs. Then the girl appeared in front of her as if to respond to it.

“Nice to meet you, young lady – will you play with me?

You’re not used to being invited to play, or the girl hangs her neck off. But Doom took the next action without getting a haircut.

“Silence means yes.”

Doom suddenly put his hands together and flipped the girl’s neck 180 degrees with a blunt sound.

“… what do you do with killing…”

“Hang on! You’re the balls that die to this extent.”

Doom is right, the girl squeezes her hand just like Doom with her neck inverted, and now Doom’s right hand twists with the dull sound.

“Do it!

Doom confronts him with his right hand and the girl with her neck twisted back. That’s when Hufu Doom screams at the boy above him.

“Hey, can I be violent enough to blow around here?

“… let’s try to establish the link between silencing and perception inhibition on as wide a scale as possible…”

“I think a radius of 2 km would suffice. Say hello.”

“… man… let me finish this early…”

“Doo-doo, no problem.”

Doom and girl releasing their powers at full opening. Worry about the silent boy, then their battle will extend to three days and three nights.


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