The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 93

Fairies and Giant Beasts of the Prairie, Part 4 – Herald

“It’s rude of you to invite me into the junction all of a sudden. Show yourself.”

“Sister Anorn on the Arnelian pilgrimage mission, is the pilgrimage number 0001 correct?

“Do you think I’d say yes to someone who doesn’t even show up?”

“I’m sorry for this… but the moment I showed up, I was about to be beaten with a stick I hid on that sleeve. I’ll show up now.”

Two people in robes wearing a hood that reveals itself with those words. One of them takes the robe.

“Who is it! I’d say… but as far as I can tell, you look like a colleague.”

“Yes, I am also Sister Elsa on a pilgrimage mission. See you later.”

“I don’t know if you know me from now on, but you’ve noticed my planting a lot. That’s all I’m gonna compliment you for.”

“Thank you for that”

Sister answers Miranda’s somewhat sarcastic lines with a smile as well. This Sister has blue eyes on her blonde hair as well as a similar outfit, but what’s different about Miranda is that she has long hair and is not a flashy beauty, but looks more relaxed? But the brilliance that dwelt in Elsa’s eyes was brilliant enough to let her know that she was not just a Sister. I can’t be just a Sister at the most important stage of my pilgrimage assignment.

And Miranda shifts her gaze to the other person.

“So you can’t introduce me to that suspicious person over there?

“Another tough word… Eliza, introduce yourself.”

Someone called Eliza takes the hood and takes off his cape. It was this beautiful girl who came out of it. However, the aptitude is the knight himself, and besides, he is dressed in gold armor, an authentic garment of the Temple Knights of the Church of Arnelia. She has green eyes on her golden hair, and her hair is cut short and all around her neck. Miranda thinks inside out how much it would be if she stretched her hair and wore a dress, but if she saw this tight look on her face, she would surely escape in a weak, ordinary man who would come to the ball.

“Nice to meet you, Sister Anoln. My name is Eliza-Fidility Lazar.”

“Lazar… did I hear Alberto was three brothers?

“I’m going to be Alberto’s cousin. To be exact, Alberto’s father, Moldard’s brother, will be my father, Branz.”

“Huh. So, how old will you be?

“I’m 16 this year and I’ve made it with a safe adult”

“Weak crown, 16 years old, on a pilgrimage escort mission alone? That’s a hell of a skill.”

Miranda praised him purely, but Eliza only returns a thank you in silence. Miranda, who saw how it was and saw it as the same type as Alberto and not talking about anything wasted or extra, decided instantly to narrow it down to Elsa.

“So, what can I do for you? I don’t think it’s a passing pilgrimage.”

“Yes, I keep a message from the Supreme Bishop of Miriazar”

“Master Bishop’s?

I can see that depositing messages directly from the Supreme Bishop means that Elsa is quite powerful among those who take up the task of pilgrimage. I guess Miriazal’s trust is also thick again. It’s cheapest to imagine at the stage where the Lazar people are beside each other.

“So what about Master Bishop?

“‘Be sure to show your face if you ever stop near Arnelia’. He said he’d like you to come over here immediately, if possible.”

“I don’t mind if I finish my current request because I don’t have any particular business, but… what happened at church headquarters?

“What makes you think that?

“You won’t bother giving a busy pilgrimage sister to the prairie to tell you that. Well, most people can’t steal and listen here, so it’s great for a secret conversation. Conversely, the more secretive we have to have in the prairie, the less trustworthy and more pressing it is around the master. So the point is, I want a trustworthy handkerchief, so let’s face Arnelia as secretly as possible as soon as possible, right?

Elsa was very surprised inside. Miranda was on the spot and listened to Miranda before when she gave a speech at Church Headquarters about “booze and a man’s appearance,” but Miranda’s impression at this time was a magnificent and stylish person. Of course I could have peered at the excellence, but I thought he was a bigger mess. I heard you haven’t been home to church in years, but I didn’t know it combined with that much acumen of feeling inside.

But such Elsa’s upset should have been for a moment, but Miranda didn’t even miss it.

“You don’t have to be so surprised, more or less as you’d expect, Atashi is inherently a dull person whose finesse doesn’t suit her sexuality. But I also know from numerous experiences that I can’t live with it alone. I don’t usually hear voices in a flat seal, just evidence of being stuffed with chopped wings. Instead, isn’t that the mouth you were summoned to, too?

“… excuse me for this. As you can guess.”

“So. What happened at HQ?


“You don’t have to blur. You must be in a hurry because something happened at HQ that you don’t have to pull out, Master. Of course, if you can’t talk, that’s fine.”

“No… let’s talk”

Elsa responds in a slightly longer period of time during the conversation, but in a short time to call it silence. Eliza, who refrains behind for a moment, says something, but Elsa controls it with her eyes and starts telling Miranda about the Arnelian church raid. It was Miranda listening in silence, but even after Elsa finished talking, she had something in mind for a while. But when Miranda opened her mouth, Elsa was surprised.

“You’ve been played.”

“! What do you mean?

“Well, you might not want to admit it from the people who attacked you. If we tried to make the raid more efficient, we wouldn’t attack at night, and the last two people who came out would come at the same time, right? If they’d come, the church wouldn’t have been here by now.”

“Just kidding…”

“It’s not a joke or anything. I don’t know if Elsa knows the character of the master, but that guy isn’t sweet enough to condone the person who plucked him into a fight. The fact that the master missed out means that he decided at that stage that he had no more than 50% chance of winning. From there, Atashi’s church is a good playmate for them… or an experimenter”

“Experiment. What experiment?

“Could it be something like the experiment of the first boy I’ve set up and the experiment of the Demon King? In fact, all the demon kings that came out of HQ were in different shapes, right?


“Then you might have a good chance of hitting it. As a matter of fact, we’ve been fighting like demons twice since we broke up with Alberto, but the shape was completely different. On second thought, I think this demon king is a combination of different creatures. To deduce from that, they’re probably the ones who’ve been making demon kings that have been out everywhere lately. And I’m up to something. But I don’t know why.”

“What should we do?

Elsa asks questions with a serious look on her face. Elsa had no plans to ask such questions, but words came out about Miranda’s sight.

I hate answering these kinds of questions Miranda, but all this time my tongue honestly moved.

“We have to stop the demon king production first. Even if you don’t like it if you have some number, there will be a big move. We need to find their base for that. And I don’t think there’s gonna be any more surprises, but we’re gonna make a knighthood out of this experience.”

Miranda began to think with her arms together, but her face grew blue. And he shook his head left and right as if to shake off a nightmare.

“Sister Anorn, what is it?

“No way. I had an idea that didn’t even clap too fast, but that’s just…”

“Can I ask you something for later school?

“… what if their purpose is to make us stronger?

“I don’t think doing that will do them any good,”

“That’s right… Tsuji feels right, but is that just too absurd? Well, it would be quicker to find out after that, I guess the master would be hitting some kind of hand anyway. The odds are low, but I’ll call you when I get something, too.”

“Okay, I’ll get back to you like that.”

“Do you still have something to do? If you don’t, it’s time for you to let go, or we’ll all be worried about you.”

“No, I’ve done my job. Then tell Master Anolun not to bless Arnelia the Virgin.”

“To each other.”

When Sister Elsa breaks the line between soundproofing and avoiding people, Anorn leaves as if nothing had happened.

After seeing how it was going, Elsa and Eliza walk out to their original destination. The more they were alone, the less Eliza spoke to Elsa.

Are you ready, Master Elsa?

“Yeah, I still can’t. But I’m glad I came to see you. There was a harvest.”

Elsa pointing a smile at Eliza. Eliza’s face remains only a sober one.

But what happened at HQ was confidential.

“Oh, I won’t tell you anything. As much as that, the Virgin will spill your eyes.”

“By the way, Eliza, how did you see Sister Anoln?

“What do you mean?

“Whether it’s appropriate for us to be our future bosses. Whatever it takes to replace Master Minar as Archbishop, Sister Anoln is.”

Again, Elsa doesn’t break her smile. Eliza replies after being somewhat reticent.

“… As far as listening to the clan, I honestly thought you were a more reluctant person. It must be experience to be sharp, but I was wondering if it would be worth working for if it was better for my boss.”

“Oh, I thought the Lazars were blindly faithful to Arnelianism?

“That’s the main house story. of a division of responsibilities and duties. I want to identify my master myself”

“Is that chivalry again? Or is it that you are dissatisfied with your current husband, Master Miriazar?

“No way. Sometimes I just wonder if that person can do anything too much and not help me at all. The people in this house, who are direct assistants, are too good.”

“If I wasn’t trusted, would I be the only one who doesn’t think this order would come around?

Elsa smiles gently at Eliza. But Eliza kept her eyes down.

“Fair enough. Join ‘the Dog’ early.”

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“Absolutely, Master Miriazal says he’s impotent, too. I can’t believe we’re doing this alone.”

“Well, if they call it work, I’ll just do it. I hope it’s not a strange place to be based, because your skin gets rough.”

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“Heh heh, you care about your skin, too. Is there someone else in the house?


The expression is Eliza, who keeps her calm, but her cheeks are a little red and her voice is slightly up. Elsa realizes that she’s still a girl, too, as her emotions easily go outside.

“Then let’s just get this over with and get back to church. I’ll fly. Grab it.”

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At the same time that Eliza grabs Elsa, the magic formation of the transfer is drawn on the ground, and the light wraps two people. And after the light went out, there were no more of them.


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