The Breeding Goblin Has Reincarnated

Prologue (Fixed)

Goblins… In the realm of Hell, they are known to be the filthiest of spawns. They were blood bags only worth being punching bags to Wrath Demons, but even they found these low-ranked spawns to be annoying. Not having the toughness worth striking.

But there were some that found use in them.

The lands owned by Lust Demons had decided to make use of these cannon fodder spawns. By having their lowest ranks give birth to numerous spawns at once, their military force could contend with the other ‘Demon Lands’. Even if it was just a little more.

“Haaaa…! Haaaah~!” The gasps and moans of lesser Succubi resounded endlessly in the many ‘spawning camps’. The female-only demon race, Succubi, were procreating with the male-only lesser race. Goblins all fertile enough to be considered ‘Breeding Units’.

They were a perfect match.

The odd succubi born among the litter would quickly grow into grown women within an hour. Those who were newly born as lower-ranked ‘Succubi’ would then join the cattle. Those high-ranked Lust Demons above watched their livestock breed cannon fodder.

The low-ranked Succubi no better than Goblins.

“Such a lively place…” The aristocratic Lust Demon overseeing the ranch smacked his lips. As a male among Lust Demons, an ‘Incubus’, he was actually considered a mid-rank demon at birth… but even he couldn’t master his nature brought by corruption.

He wished he could take all these low-ranked Succubi into his harem. It was such a waste having these beauties copulated with ugly creatures. Alas, it was an order by the high-rank demons. He was just a mere farmer. Ordinary commonwealth before them.

Only being able to indulge with mates tied to him.

If it weren’t for the almost mythical ‘Greater Lust Demon Queen’ putting down an absolute ironclad law, then there might have been many demons reverting to their instincts. Choosing to lavish in carnal pleasures rather than think about anything.

They could not stray from her absolute control.

The common Incubus felt a restriction on his body whenever he tried to act on instinct. Instinctively feeling that his life a would be in danger if he even tried attempting anything. Only being able to watch as these filthy spawns had the time of their lives.

Enjoying the pleasures they did not deserve.

The demon felt frustrated…

Only being able to take solace in the fact that he had managed to find one fine cattle among the swine. He left the breeding camp and walked towards a more secluded area of the place. Towards a tent that only had one goblin, and tens of Succubi pleasing it.

Offering their wombs to be impregnated once again.

A sweaty green-skinned midget with larger arms and body than the average Breeding Unit was seen. It did not have the mindlessness of its brethren. Wearing a cold face while forcing himself to plant seeds into the next fertile bed offered to him. It was like a duty.

Aware of the consequences of trying to rest.

Many feeble Goblins had died from having their bodies drained of stamina. They tried to run in horror after realising that this was both their paradise and final resting place. Those who had only been born recently or yet to reach their limit were the only ones calm, but even they would fall into panic sooner or later. Dying by the noble’s hands.

Only particular spawn had grasped his mortality.

Accepting what he needed to do for survival.

“Stop.” The noble Incubus watched as the Goblin abided by his order. He unplugged the pussy of the Succubus in his arms and pulled out. The thick stench of hormones and creamy thick semen were spat out of her lower mouth. Dripping down her ass.

“You have done well. As a reward for surviving, I will give you back the privilege you once had.” The noble demon spoke before clicking his fingers. Maids with long and defined horns nodded in response. They went out briefly, then dragged in a demonic woman.

Her leaking front showing she was ‘eating’ earlier.

“Fill…” Her eyes lit up after seeing the familiar face.

“The queen has allowed you and your initial partner to continue serving her together. I’m here to tell you both that you will be transported directly to her.” It was a great honour that these lesser-ranked spawns did not deserve. The noble demon spoke enviously.

Leaving them to their own devices after speaking.

Having fulfilled his role as a messenger.

Fill’s eyes did not leave the Succubus woman.

Nor did he speak any words to her.

His gaze alone was enough.

They both remembered their earliest memories alive were those they’d spent together. Fill took half a day after birth to mature, and had kept his ‘breeding partner’ waiting due to that. They formed a carnal bond of pleasure initially, but grew into affection.

He looked into her eyes with suppressed longing.

Wanting to impregnate her like he used to.

He was born mute, but his mind was much more sharper than his ilk. Having the ability to know when to hold back, and when to proceed. This control over his base instinct what allowed his deep relationship with the unnamed Succubus to blossom over time.

To the point that she’d even given him a name.

Truly, it was a pity he could not do the same.

“This cannot go on.” Fill thought while looking at his lover, who he had finally reunited with after a long while. He had been pumping out his own spawns dutifully in order to reach this moment. That small window of opportunity to escape from this cycle.

He couldn’t allow them to go to the Demon Queen.

There would be no hope of escape once they’re there.

“Fill?” The nameless Succubus was surprised when he approached, but she welcomed his attention. She laid on the ground and spread her legs. Awaiting his seeds to be planted in her still fertile womb. Hoping he did not despise her for still dripping with essence.

That of a lesser ‘male’ than he was.

Her naked body tempted him, but he did not falter.

Grabbing her by the arm and taking her away.

“Where are we going?” She did not understand him.

His muteness made it so the two of them could only communicate with gazes alone. Both of them were not taught any common language or had education to rely on. The only thing they knew was the ‘Demon Tongue’ instinctively and whatever was spoken loud.

Fill lead her to a certain route he’d found with the limited freedom given to him. He shushed his lover quietly, then took her away. Using his natural skill in stealth to manoeuvre past the demonic guards watching for any escapee. It was a scary attempt.

The nameless Succubus was more frightened the further they got. Understanding what he wanted her to do, but unable to understand his reasoning for this sudden escape. The only thing she could do as the ‘partner’ he’d owned… was support his decision.

She followed him without any doubt in her mind.

Her clumsiness vanishing with this strong resolve.

Finally, they made their way out of the breeding camp and into unknown lands. Except it didn’t seem like Fill had no plan. Once he got to a certain place outside the camp, he flipped over a large stone bigger than his body. Showing his great strength.

Underneath the stone slab was a portal of some sort.

Although the unnamed Succubus was uneducated and simple, she knew what this was. This was likely the last resort Fill had to escape… A random portal that could transport them outside Hell and into the realm of the living. Away from the queen’s influence.

“You want me with you?” She made eye-contact.

Even though she could tell he wanted her to escape with him, this wasn’t an easy choice. Although she was treated like a spawn demon dispenser, her actual status was a little higher than Fill’s. If she wanted to, she could live her entire life in pleasure.

Maybe having the chance to evolve into a mid-rank.

Fill didn’t have that luxury.

It was only now did she realise how hard it must have been for him. To live while constantly having to simply ‘survive’ the long days and nights of constant copulation. Realising that if she didn’t leave with him right now, she’d probably never see him again.

Their fates were tied at this point.

“Gladly.., Let me follow you.” The nameless and alluring Succubus held her lover’s hand. Both ready to face what was beyond this portal together. It didn’t matter where they would end up, so long as they were together. Romanticism was in the air.

There were no longer words spoken. They jumped into the portal. It closed up after they had entered.

Where they’d end up was anyone’s guess.

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