The Brilliant Fighting Master

Chapter 1629 - Seeing Fei Yue Again

Chapter 1629: Seeing Fei Yue Again

“The martial-grade masters have joined the fight!”

The onlookers were exhilarated. Watching martial-grade masters fight was already a real treat for them, no matter which side was right.

Ever since the change of the world three years ago, people from the Flying Dragon Dynasty, or, should we say, the Three Lower Realms, were no longer ignorant about what was going on in the world. Their exposure to current events had increased hugely.

Crowds would gather to watch whenever there were fights between martial-grade masters.

Disregarding the regulations about flying, many people would fly up in the air, attempting to see what was going on.

This time, before they could get a close look, two shadows shot out of the door. It was the two martial-grade masters who’d just stepped in.

Their domineering presence from just moments ago had disappeared completely. Their flaccid bodies crashed through the walls and lay unconscious on the ground.

No one had any idea what was going on.

In the tall building across the street, Luo Feng and Fang Min glanced at each other with their mouths hanging open, realizing that they’d started a big mess.

Ashen-faced, the Officer’s limbs went numb.

It was some time before he issued the order to his subordinates: “Everyone, drop your weapons!”

The strongest force in the Flying Dragon Dynasty had been defeated so easily. It meant that they couldn’t keep looking for trouble.

Instead, they should now focus on how to defuse the other side’s anger. Otherwise, the entire Flying Dragon Dynasty could be facing catastrophic destruction.

“I told you. Don’t act recklessly.” Du Zhenfei was itching to kill the Officer to release his anger.

“I…I didn’t know.” The Officer knew there were no excuses for his stupid behavior. His low state of awareness had restricted his ability to think. His vision was limited to what went on within the Flying Dragon Dynasty.

He’d thought the Tang family couldn’t have anyone with extraordinary abilities.

At that moment, the door of the Tang Mansion opened slowly. A figure walked out.

Everyone knew that this was the person who’d just demonstrated tremendous power.

“It’s Tang Fan’s Master!”

Many people who’d been guests at the Tang Mansion the day before recognized him and suddenly understood what was happening.

They felt an unexpected shock.

Everyone was thinking, “What had Tang Fan done to deserve having such a master take him on as an apprentice?”

“No wonder he said those things. Why, why didn’t I put up with it for one more day?”

Among everyone watching this turn of events, Fang Min had the most complex feelings about the current developments. Even though she’d known that Tang Fan was becoming an apprentice of some master, she’d thought it was a joke when she’d seen the master’s young face.

Surprisingly, the person who looked around the same age as Tang Fan had had such spectacular strength.

Du Zhenfei and Qiu Yan exchanged a look, reading the same thought in each other’s eyes.

They both found something in the young guy’s face familiar, as if they’d met him somewhere before.

Knowing they were having the same thought, a name came to their minds at the same time.

Only that person would have this kind of terrifying ability.

As for why he’d become so young-looking, Du Zhenfei and Qiu Yan weren’t at a high enough level to be able to speculate.

“From this moment on, the Lying Dragon Clique is banished thousands of miles away,” Jiang Chen spoke loudly. He was talking to everybody, rather than to someone in particular.

The whole capital city could hear him.

Calling up all his courage, the Officer said, “Senior, this is an internal affair of our Flying Dragon Dynasty. You understand?”

The Officer was thinking that Jiang Chen didn’t look too vicious after all.

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and waved a hand. The Officer met the same fate as the guards who had been killed before.

“General Du, go now to eliminate all the members of the Lying Dragon Clique. Anyone who dares to obstruct you, kill without mercy,” Jiang Chen ordered.

“May I ask whose order I will be following?” Du Zhenfei asked, even though he already knew the answer in his heart.

“The Marquis Champion,” Jiang Chen said, revealing his identity.

The entire capital city went into an uproar.

“The Marquis Champion? He’s back?”

“Yes, sir!” Du Zhenfei was beyond thrilled. Right away, he put his people to work following Jiang Chen’s orders.


Inside the tall building, Luo Feng was flummoxed. He hadn’t expected that his revenge on behalf of his lover would cause such consequences.

If the Lying Dragon Clique was truly defeated and expelled, he’d definitely be doomed.

Nonetheless, they appeared to have run out of steam. He was too powerless to do anything but run away as fast as he could.

“Luo Feng, what should I do?” Fang Min was equally at a loss. She grabbed Luo Feng’s sleeve helplessly.

“Why should I care!” Luo Feng pushed her away hard, fleeing at full speed.

“D*mn, d*mn.” Fang Min regretted the decisions she’d made deeply. Her life would’ve been entirely different if she hadn’t rushed to the Tang Mansion earlier.

It was all too late to say anything now.

Jiang Chen exchanged smiles with Qiu Yan and said, “Take me to see Fei Yue.”


Qiu Yan said a few words to her bodyguards, then led Jiang Chen to the Palace, ignoring the drama unfolding in the capital.

“Jiang Chen, having you as a brother is the proudest thing in my life,” Qiu Yan said sincerely.

“I would never have been where I am right now if it hadn’t been for your care.” Jiang Chen laughed happily.

“Come on, people like you would be able to triumph no matter what kind of circumstances they were in,” Qiu Yan said.

Chatting delightedly, the brother and sister reached the Palace before they knew it.

“The Empress is confined deep inside the Palace.” Speaking of this serious matter, Qiu Yan’s face turned somber.

“Who confined her?”

“The members of her cabinet were unanimous. Because as the Empress’s situation got worse, the devil inside her was becoming stronger.

“The cabinet left no stone unturned. Even if we gave up on the Empress, her devil inside would still have been able to make itself more powerful.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen’s face became grave.

Shortly after, the two arrived at a bamboo forest in the depths of the Palace.

“This is the forbidden land. Go away quickly.” The bamboo forest was guarded by the best experts in the Flying Dragon Dynasty.

“You need to leave.” Just after Jiang Chen said this, an invisible wind knocked all the hidden protectors outside.

“What happened?” Feeling dizzy, the protectors were frightened and confused when they reappeared in places completely different from where they’d been.

Getting rid of them had been like child’s play for this guy.

“He’s with Qiu Yan. Could that mean that the Marquis Champion has come back?”

“How could the Marquis Champion have become so exceptionally powerful?”

After thinking about it for a long time and hesitating, the protectors decided that they didn’t dare enter the bamboo forest again.

Jiang Chen slowed down and instructed Qiu Yan to stay where she was.

There was an intense demonic energy here that could easily infect ordinary people.

“Be careful,” Qiu Yan reminded him, although she felt that that was probably unnecessary. Fei Yue would be the one who needed to be careful.

Grinning, Jiang Chen walked up to the windowless stone house.

Instead of entering the house through the door, he entered with the Great Method of Void.

He saw Fei Yue straight away.

Standing in a kind of wobbly manner in the middle of the house, her head was down and her hair covered her face. It looked as if she could fall at any minute.

It was her outfit that caught Jiang Chen’s attention. The familiar battledress.

Wearing the tight battledress, she stood on the floor barefoot. Her feet were flawless, without any calluses or wounds, almost like a newborn’s.

Two long silk ribbons wrapped around her lean, long, straight legs.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt a flicker in his heart. His eyes locked on Fei Yue’s right leg.

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