The business girl who was reborn on campus was 18 years old

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: The 067 report was out!

Author: After the incident MACHINE TRANSLATION

Gu Ming was tired and sleepy after all the trouble. She was in a bad mood after receiving a phone call from Gu Ming’s mother. Her tone turned cold. “Mom, I don’t want to argue with you now. I’m at the hospital. I’ll tell you more when I’m done. ”

“The hospital? Why are you at the hospital again? ”GuuMingg’s mother frowned.

Gu Ming rubbed her temples and said, “My friend is in an accident. She doesn’t have any relatives or friends. She was just sent to the emergency room. I don’t know if she’s still alive or not. ”


When mother Gu heard this word, her tone became higher. “friends? What friends? Are they the friends from before? The ones from the secondary school? The ones who dye their hair? ”

Mother Gu’s tone was full of unhappiness. “Didn’t you say that you don’t get along with those kind of people anymore? Even if they’re in the hospital, it’s none of your business. Let me tell you… ”

Mother Gu kept talking and talking, and Gu Ming was getting tired of hearing it She rudely interrupted mother Gu’s words. “I haven’t contacted my friends from before. This is a classmate. Our class teacher will be here soon. I’ll wait for him to come over and then go home. Alright, alright, I won’t tell you anymore. The doctor is calling me. ”

As she spoke, Gu Ming hung up the phone.

It was Gu Fei again. That fellow had nothing to do all day and was biting her like a mad dog. It was really annoying.

Gu Ming really didn’t want to wait for another moment. She still had to revive Xing Hu in two days, and it was still in the middle of the night. When that time came, Gu Fei might say something nasty to her family and drag her down again.

Gu Ming narrowed her eyes and thought for a moment. Then, she called Tang Heping, “teacher Tang, has the matter been resolved? ”

Tang Heping’s tired voice came from the other side, “it’s just been done. How’s Chen Xuanji’s injury? ”

Gu Ming glanced at the emergency room and said, “he’s still in resuscitation. ” She paused and lowered her voice to say to Tang Heping, “teacher, are there any acquaintances of yours in the Identification Department? ”

When Tang Heping heard this, his ears tensed up. “What is it? Is there something wrong? ”

Gu Ming did not hide it from him She directly nodded. “Yes. Two days ago, I went to the Identification Center for a DNA test. The report said that it would take seven days to get it. There have been a lot of things recently, and I can’t wait that long. I want to ask you if there’s a way to get them to make the thing I want in advance. I need it urgently. ”

Tang Heping understood and did not ask further. He said, “what’s the name? I’ll try. ”

Gu Ming said, “it’s done under my name. ”

Tang Heping said, “got it. I’ll help you ask now. ”

After the conversation ended, after a while, Tang heping arrived at the hospital. At this time, Chen Xuanji was still in the emergency room, while Gu Ming was sitting on a chair outside the emergency room, dozing off.

Today, her mental strength was somewhat overdrawn and she needed to catch up on her sleep.

Tang heping pushed her. “Gu Ming, wake up. ”

Gu Ming opened her eyes and yawned as she stood up. “Teacher Tang, since you’re here, I’ll be going home first. ”

Tang heping pulled her back. “Wait, I’ve asked them about the DNA you mentioned. I’ve talked to them and will be able to come out after the exam tomorrow afternoon. However, they’ll be off work by then. I’ll bring you to get it when the time comes. ”

When Gu Ming heard this, she didn’t fall asleep at all. Her eyes lit up. “Teacher Tang, really? YOU’RE AMAZING! ”

Tang heping smiled smugly. “That’s right. You’ll be my subordinate in the future. Such small benefits are often available. You don’t have to be polite. ”

Gu Ming asked again, “how was the matter in the shopping mall resolved? Do the police officers believe your words? Do you still need to ask questions in the future? ”

Tang heping glanced at Gu Ming He said, “It looks like you haven’t gotten used to your identity yet. We’re part of a different department. On the other hand, this matter is originally our responsibility. Of course, I’ll be in charge of writing the report. You don’t have to worry. ”

Gu Ming touched her nose. “I’m a little uncomfortable. After all, I’ve never done this before. ”

Tang heping smiled and said, “you’ll get used to it when you have more things to do in the future. ”

Gu Ming looked at him suspiciously. “Didn’t you say that there would only be one or two in a year? ”

Tang Heping’s eyes turned left and right He said, “isn’t there only one today? There’s still one more. Oh right, you should go back and rest. There’s still an exam tomorrow, so you shouldn’t be busy recently. If there’s anything, I’ll give you a call. “Oh right, where did you buy your cell phone? Where did you get your number? I also want to get one that’s exactly the same. ”

Gu Ming handed the cell phone to Tang Heping. “This is a gift from someone else. If you want it, you can go and ask. Of course, if you want my cell phone and number, I can give it to you after I change my new number. How about it? ”

Tang Heping replied, “alright, when you’re free, we’ll go and ask where you got this phone and card. If it’s not the same, then give me yours. We’re in the same team. You always receive calls for help from unknown sources. It’s troublesome too, isn’t it? “!

This phone was indeed a little troublesome, but Gu Ming did not think of throwing it away. She wanted to buy a phone and get a new number. As for this, she would use it as a backup.

Since Tang Heping wanted it, she did not mind giving it to him. After all, Tang Heping was a professional.

In fact, there was a small problem with this phone. There were always calls from unknown sources. Gu Ming had thought about turning it off, but when she turned her head around, she realized that if it was really turned off, the phone would still ring in the middle of the night Wouldn’t she be scared out of her wits.

After thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

The main reason why Tang Heping wanted this phone was that the phone’s signal was everywhere!

After chatting, Gu Ming left the hospital.

She originally wanted to hail a taxi home, but at this time, the taxi was already loaded with passengers, so it wasn’t easy to stop it. As she stopped and walked, she saw a bus stop in front of her. It turned out to be a bus stop.

Gu Ming saw the number 4 and number 4 written on the front of the bus. She saw that the bus was about to leave, so she quickly squeezed into the bus and swiped her card. The card rang, and Gu Ming walked to the back. The lights on the bus were not turned on, and it was dark inside. Gu Ming glanced at it Seeing that there were no seats, she randomly found a seat and stood there. She held onto the railing, and the bus swayed as it drove. She held onto Gu Ming and started to fall asleep.

Gu Ming’s head was moving bit by bit.

At this moment, the bus suddenly braked and stopped. Gu Ming did not stand steadily, and her head hit the railing. She woke up immediately. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the scenery in front of her was slightly familiar. Eh, isn’t this the road leading to Gu Fei’s small villa? At this moment.. A person got on the bus. Gu Ming immediately wanted to get off. Why was there no door in the middle of the bus?

She didn’t care.

Gu Ming didn’t think much and rushed to the front. Someone came to the door. The door in front was open. Gu Ming shouted, “master, wait, I’m getting off. ”

However, the driver didn’t seem to hear her. The door in front slowly closed.

When Gu Ming saw this, she became anxious. She didn’t care about anything else and directly rushed over. The front door of the bus was already half closed. The driver even stepped on the accelerator. Gu Ming squeezed out of the bus. At the same time, she also accidentally squeezed the person who got on the bus out.

The two of them fell to the ground.

The bus closed the door and drove away.

Gu Ming rubbed her broken arm and felt annoyed. What driver? What broken bus? She had clearly said that she was going to get off the bus, why did she still close the door? If she was not fast, she would have passed the Stop!

She raised her head and glared at the bus. The bus was getting further and further away, but with her sharp eyes, she could still see that the woman in the last row who had her face pressed against the glass was very familiar. Where had she seen her before?

Her mouth opened and closed as if she was saying something. She was too far away and could not hear through the glass car.

Gu Ming rubbed her arms and stood up. Only then did she realize that the person she knocked out was a tall boy. He was still lying on the ground.

Could it be that she knocked him down?

Gu Ming walked over and shook the person. “Hey, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance? ”

“I’m fine. ” A very pleasant voice. The boy slowly turned his head. When he saw Gu Ming, he was at a loss at first, but after a moment, his eyes became sharp. Gu Ming How could Gu Ming be like this?

Gu Ming had bumped into Duan Tianyi, the guy who had an affair with Gu Fei. Although he was good-looking, he had a vicious personality. Gu Ming’s car accident was caused by him.

Of course, Gu Ming didn’t know all of this yet.

Duan Tianyi saw Gu Ming, and his long eyelashes slightly drooped. He pretended to know nothing and asked, “Why am I here? ”

He said while rubbing his head.

Seeing him like this, Gu Ming thought he didn’t remember for a moment She apologized, “I’m sorry. I got off the bus in a hurry and accidentally knocked you down. But that driver was really strange. I said I wanted to get off the bus, but he didn’t stop and didn’t open the back door. ” There seemed to be no back door But this wasn’t right. How could a bus not have a back door? It didn’t make sense.

Gu Ming’s words finally brought back Duan Tianyi’s memories.

Damn it!

Duan Tianyi’s eyes became colder and colder. In fact, this wasn’t targeted at Gu Ming. Today, one of his uncles was getting married. He had been blocking the drinks at the wedding banquet that night. Later on, he drank too much. Later on, he was pushed down the stairs. He rolled to the third floor He hit his head. At that time, he wasn’t dead yet. He remembered that two people carried him and threw him into the backyard.

He had no memory of what happened after that.

Why was he on the bus And he even took the initiative to get on the bus?

These were not important. What he needed to do now was to go home and kill those people who had harmed him.

Gu Ming saw that he stood up and did not look like he was in trouble, so she said, “since you’re fine, I’ll leave first. Goodbye. ”

Duan Tianyi watched her leave coldly.

Gu Ming walked in the direction of the small villa. She walked very fast and wanted to go home early, take a shower, and have a good sleep.

As she walked, she stopped.

Someone was following her!

She didn’t turn back and hurriedly took another step. Then, she turned and hid in the darkness. She wanted to know who was following her.

She waited for a while, but there was no one?

Could it be that she had an illusion just now? She clearly felt that someone was following her, so it couldn’t be wrong. At this moment, a pleasant voice came from the side. “What are you looking for? ”

Gu Ming looked in the direction of the voice with vigilance. Then, she found a boy three meters away from her. Oh, it was the boy she bumped into just now.

Why was he here? Was He following her?

Gu Ming looked at Duan Tianyi unhappily. “Why are you here? You want to follow me? ”

Duan Tianhei gritted his teeth and said, “I also want to go home, but I found that as long as I’m more than three meters away from you, I’ll be pulled away by you. Did you cast some evil spell? ”

Something like a Thai spell.

The corner of Gu Ming’s mouth twitched slightly.

Hearing Duan Tianyi’s words, she seemed to know what was going on. She looked down and glanced at Duan Tianyi’s feet. As expected, this man’s feet were one centimeter off the ground.

Gu Ming walked out from the darkness.

Duan Tianyi glared at her with a dark face. “answer me. Speak, do you hear me? ”

Gu Ming walked under the street lamp and then glanced at Duan Tianyi’s feet. Heh, there wasn’t even a shadow. It seemed that this man wasn’t human.

Duan Tianyi saw that Gu Ming ignored him and flew into a rage.

At this moment, Gu Ming stretched out her feet and pointed at the ground under Duan Tianyi’s feet. “Look. ”

Duan Tianyi lowered his head and looked at his feet for a while, but he didn’t find anything. Then, he raised his head and glared at Gu Ming. “What are you looking at? I didn’t see anything. Don’t play tricks on me! ”

Duan Tianyi recalled Gu Fei saying that Gu Ming liked to steal her man. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Ming suspiciously. “You don’t have a crush on me, so… ”

Gu Ming pointed at Duan Tianyi’s feet again and said coldly, “look carefully. You don’t have a shadow under the street lamp. Tsk, don’t tell me I have a crush on a ghost? ”

After saying that, Gu Ming lifted her foot and left.

Oh, if she knew that her car accident was caused by Duan Tianyi, she would definitely say, “serves you right! “!

Unfortunately, she didn’t know.

Duan Tianyi slowly, slowly, lowered his head and looked at the small ball of shadow under his feet He didn’t care when he had this thing in the past, but now that it was gone, he really… …

Gu Ming walked far away. After three meters, Duan Tianyi was pulled over with a whoosh. Just as he was about to touch Gu Ming’s body, Gu Ming saw it with her sharp eyes and kicked him away.

The force of this kick was slightly stronger. After three meters, Duan Mou, who was flying away, was pulled back by gravity again with a whoosh.

This time, Gu Ming did not use her feet. She only used her hands to push Duan Tianyi away. She did not want to play this flying saucer game.

Finally, she stopped.

Duan Tianyi only felt that he could not get in or out. He stared at Gu Ming fiercely. “You dare to kick me? ” Forget about kicking him, those who dared to hit him had already entered the cemetery!

This ugly and fat guy in front of him really did not know what was good for him.

Because of Gu Fei’s ugliness and Gu Ming’s current figure, in Duan Tianyi’s eyes, Gu Ming was an ugly monster.

Gu Ming looked at Duan Tianyi impatiently. “Don’t bother me. I’m very tired today. I want to go back and have a good rest. If there’s anything, we can talk about it tomorrow. Anyway, you’re already a ghost. You’re already dead. Don’t be obsessed. Hurry up and reincarnate. ”

She really had nothing to say to strangers.

Wait, Duan Tianyi was a ghost?

He got on the No. 4 bus, and she remembered The one who had been lying on the back of the bus and talking on the glass was the dead waitress in the restaurant, the very beautiful one!

Four people died in the No. 4 bus.

Could it be that this bus was used to pull people to their deaths? There was no way to get in and no way out. That was why there was no back door. The driver refused to open the door.

Duan Tianyi, who was in front of her, should have been pulled away by the bus. However, because she was in a hurry to get out of the bus, she knocked the person down, so… …

She didn’t die?

Gu Ming asked Duan Tianyi, “what’s your name? ”

Duan Tianyi was still in a daze when Gu Ming said that he was a ghost. Gu Ming shook him. “Hey, what’s your name? ” Forget it, let’s just say that she was kind-hearted for once.. Help this person in front of her to investigate his condition.

If someone died, there should be news.

Duan Tianyi seemed to come back to his senses after being pushed by Gu Ming. Then, he stared straight at Gu Ming. “You kicked me just now… ”

Gu Ming curled her lips.

It didn’t seem like this kid was holding a grudge.

Then, she heard Duan Tianyi Mutter, “If I was really a ghost, you shouldn’t have been able to kick me. You even pushed me just now! Logically speaking, you should have been able to push me! I’m not dead, right? ”

He looked at Gu Ming eagerly, as if he was asking for her approval.

Gu Ming felt that it was too strenuous to chat with Duan Tianyi. Forget it, let’s talk about it tomorrow. As for the fact that Duan Tianyi couldn’t be three meters away from her, she was very tired, so she decided to talk about it tomorrow.

Gu Ming walked quickly to the small villa.

On the way, Duan Tianyi was still asking Gu Ming, “I’m not dead, right? ”

Gu Ming was annoyed by the question, so she stopped and said, “I don’t know if you’re dead or not. I asked you what your name was just now, but you didn’t say it. How annoying. ”

Duan Tianyi was stunned for a moment, then he held his breath and said his name, “I’m Duan Tianyi, a member of the Duan family. By the way, don’t tell anyone about this. ”

Duan Tianyi?

Gu Ming took out her phone and checked the Internet as she walked. Duan Tianyi, there really was this person on Baidu. He was the illegitimate son of the Duan family and had a romantic nature. He was 20 years old. Gu Ming looked through the news carefully again, but there was no news about Duan Tianyi’s accident.

She put away her phone and said to Duan Tianyi, “you didn’t die. There are two situations. Either you’re not dead and are in the hospital, or you’re dead and your death has been covered up. ”

Duan Tianyi’s face turned Pale. There were many people in the Duan family who wanted him dead. If he didn’t go back to the Duan family soon, he might really die.

However, he couldn’t leave Gu Ming at all. If he wanted to go back to the Duan family, he could only ask Gu Ming.

It was about 11 o’clock at night. The Duan family’s villa was on the mountain, and that side was the wealthy district. This school was very far from here. It was obvious that Gu Ming couldn’t go to the Duan family for him.

What should I do?

Gu Ming was already in front of the small villa. She yawned and took out the key to open the door. Couldn’t open it?

It seemed that Gu Fei had locked the door from the inside.

Gu Ming started to ring the doorbell. The doorbell did not ring and the room was pitch black. Was Gu Fei Asleep?

At this moment, Gu Ming already understood that regardless of whether Gu Fei was asleep or not, it was impossible for her to come down and open the door for her, because Gu Fei did it on purpose Deliberately locking her outside, she might be able to tell mother Gu tomorrow, saying things like ‘sister did not come back all night, she does not know where sister went? ‘ Or, ‘sister is back? I fell asleep and did not hear anything… ‘.

Gu Ming sneered and thought to herself, “fortunately, the DNA report will be out tomorrow. I must get Gu Fei out of the Gu House by tomorrow night at the latest! “!

How ridiculous. Did Gu Fei think that there was nothing she could do?

Eleven o’clock.

Gu Ming gave Gu Ming’s mother a call, and she answered it very quickly.

Gu Ming said, “mom, I’m at the door of the small villa. The door is locked from the inside. The key can’t be opened and the doorbell is broken. I can’t enter the door. I have an exam tomorrow. Mom, is the driver asleep? Can you send him to pick me up? ”

When mother Gu heard this, she immediately sat up. “Feifei is asleep? That can’t be. Ten minutes ago, she called me and said that you weren’t back yet. I’ll call her and try. If she can’t get through, I’ll send the driver to pick you up. ”

Gu Ming nodded. “Okay. ”

Gu Ming leaned against the door.

A minute later, the lights in a room on the second floor of the small villa lit up. Then, the lights on the first floor also lit up. Gu Ming heard someone coming to open the door.

Gu Fei opened the door with a dark face. Then, she said to the person on the other end of the phone with a sweet tone, “mom, I just fell asleep. Yes, I’m too tired from the exam today. I’ve already opened the door. Sister has come in. Well, do you want to say a few words to sister? ”

Gu Fei handed the phone to Gu Ming.

Gu Ming answered the phone, “Mom, I’m in. You don’t have to send the driver to pick me up. Yes, it’s late now. I’ll go to bed early. I have to go to the hospital to get something after the exam tomorrow. I’ll go home after I get it. Um, remember to cook chicken soup tomorrow. I want to drink it. ”

Gu Fei looked at the mother-daughter relationship between Gu Ming and mother Gu and was so angry that her mouth was almost crooked.

To think that she was so good to mother Gu She was still thinking about Gu Ming. She had been saying bad things about Gu Ming for two hours. It seemed that mother Gu had heard all those words!


Today was really unlucky. She couldn’t find anyone at Jinyang’s school, and she couldn’t even get through to Duan Tianyi’s phone. It was really annoying!

Everything wasn’t going well!

Gu Ming finished talking to mother Gu very quickly and then returned the phone to Gu Fei. She looked at Gu Fei and said coldly, “you’re really getting lower and lower. You’re even capable of locking the door and pretending to sleep. Even elementary school students don’t do such things anymore. ”

After saying that, she went upstairs.

Duan Tianyi wandered around in front of Gu Fei’s eyes. He realized with a chill in his heart that Gu Fei really couldn’t see him.

Gu Fei, who was angered by Gu Ming, fiercely threw the small furniture beside her onto the ground. Unfortunately, the place where she fell was exactly where Duan Tianyi was standing. Then, Duan Tianyi could only watch as those porcelain pieces passed through his body, and he felt extremely terrible.

He stared at Gu Fei unhappily.

In Duan Tianyi’s heart, he placed himself first, and the others approached him. Now, Gu Fei actually dared to hurt him. She was really tired of living.

So what if she was his woman.

Duan Tianyi thought fiercely for a moment, and then, with a whoosh, he was pulled to the second floor, Gu Ming’s room.

Gu Ming was holding her clothes and was about to take a good shower, but when she saw Duan Tianyi, her face darkened. She looked at the distance between the bathroom and the room. It was very dangerous. She was afraid that this kid would be more than three meters away when she was showering Then, with a whoosh, she was knocked in.

She didn’t want to be seen naked.

She said to Duan Tianyi, “let’s discuss something. I want to take a shower. You stand here and don’t move, okay? ”

When Duan Tianyi heard this, he raised his eyebrows. Finally, he found an opportunity to bargain. “Why did I agree to you? Didn’t you say I’m a ghost? The wall-piercing technique shouldn’t be difficult for me, right? ”

Gu Ming glanced at Duan Tianyi, then took out the wordless heavenly book without opening it. The wordless heavenly book looked like a notebook, so Duan Tianyi didn’t notice it at all.

Gu Ming put her clothes aside and walked to Duan Tianyi’s side. She quickly pulled Duan Tianyi and stuffed him into the back cover of the wordless heavenly book. Then, Duan Tianyi turned into a line of small words, light gray.

So he wasn’t dead.

Gu Ming locked the door, then went to take a shower, and then went to sleep.

While she was sleeping, she was lost in her thoughts and seemed to have forgotten something… …


The next day.

Gu Ming went to Chen Xuanji’s house just like yesterday. Chen Xuanji was not at home, but Gu Ming had the key so she could go in by herself. Besides, she was too late last night and did not go over. She still had some things to ask the little black cat.

Well, after Gu Fei was dealt with tonight, she could bring the little black cat over to live with her.

In case she did not know anything and no one asked.

This time, when she went, Xing Hu and Zhang Jin were both there. They were so anxious that they wandered around the house. When they saw Gu Ming, they immediately pounced on her. “Gu Ming, Chen Xuanji didn’t come back last night. Do you know where he went? ”

Xing Hu was also very nervous. “Did something happen to him as well, just like us… ”

In their current state, they could not get off the phone at all. Moreover, they did not know where Gu Ming was staying. Last night, they wanted to go to the hospital to have a look, but when they went out, they saw a bus stop in front of them Xing Hu almost went up. If it wasn’t for Zhang Jin’s quick reaction and feeling that something was wrong, he pulled Xing Hu and ran away. They probably wouldn’t be able to come back now.

They didn’t dare to go out in the second half of the night.

They found that this room was especially safe. They didn’t know if it was the little black cat or the warm jade.

Gu Ming thought for a moment and told them the truth about Cheng Wei.

Especially after they found out that Cheng Wei had harmed their killers and even killed Chen Xuanji, their expressions became ugly. No matter how deep their friendship was when they were young, Cheng Wei’s actions had long exhausted that friendship.

Gu Ming sighed and said, “Chen Xuanji is in the hospital. When I left, he was still in the emergency treatment. Our class’s teacher Tang is watching over him. After the exam, I will go over to see him. ”

After saying that, she asked Zhang Jin and Gu Ming, “did you not go out last night? ”

Zhang Jin smiled bitterly and said, “we went out, but we met a very strange bus. It almost sucked us in. We ran away and didn’t dare to go out after that. ”

When Gu Ming heard this, she asked, “is it No. 4? ”

Zhang Jin thought for a moment and nodded. Then, he reacted and asked Gu Ming, “how do you know? Have you seen it before? ”

Gu Ming nodded. “We met it and got on it. Oh right, be careful. That bus only has the front door and no back door. It’s not easy to get out, so don’t get on it. ”

Zhang Jin and Xing Hu agreed.

Until now, Gu Ming only remembered Duan Tianyi who was on the back cover of the wordless tomes of Arcane. UH,. … It was better to let that guy out after the exam. Otherwise, what would she do when she went to the bathroom? Could that kid be with her ? ?

No, it was better to let Duan Tianyi out at night.

After making this decision, Gu Ming cautiously glanced at the words “Duan Tianyi” at the bottom of the cover. It was light gray and not black, which meant that the person was still alive.

There was no need to worry.

While she was thinking, the little black cat suddenly jumped onto Gu Ming’s body, sniffed it, and said in human language, “your spiritual power has become stronger. ”

“What’s the use of spiritual power? ” Gu Ming was happy in her heart.

The little black cat nodded. “You can control the things in the book. Of course, if you have enough spiritual power, the wordless heavenly book will also display the image. If it is stronger, it will be dynamic. As long as you consume spiritual power or spiritual power, you can directly pull the person in the image to you. “This is a long story. Let’s put it this way. If you are strong enough, even if Zhang Jin’s name is not in the wordless heavenly book, if you want to check, you can also sense the location of your body. ”

Zhang Jin had searched for a few days, but he could not find his body. He had already given up hope, but when he heard the little black cat’s words, hope was rekindled.

He suddenly asked, “Xuanji is not dead yet. Can you help him? ”

Gu Ming looked at him.

Zhang Jin whispered again, “it’s so hot. Even if you find my body, it won’t work. Do you have a way to help Xuanji? You said that teacher Tang is watching over there. Your teacher Tang hasn’t called to tell us that he’s safe, which means that Xuanji is still in danger. Since you all have a way to bring us back to life, can you think of a way? ”

Gu Ming turned to look at the little black cat, “do you have a way? ”

The little black cat silently looked at its small body, “I don’t have much to do now, and neither do you. ” It paused and said, “however, there is one person who definitely has a way. ”

“Who? ”

The three voices asked at the same time.

“Ye Xiao, I can smell the Yin-yang family’s aura on him. If he is from the Yin-yang family, he definitely has a way. ” This was the little black cat’s answer.

When Gu Ming heard this, she frowned and said, “but ye Xiao’s surname is ye, not yin-yang. ”

The little black cat looked at her and said, “my nose can’t be wrong. ”

Zhang Jin’s eyes lit up. “Then let’s not look for a body today. Let’s go hit Ye Xiao and ask him for help. ”

“Yes, let’s go look for Ye Xiao First. ”

With that said, Xing Hu could not wait to go out and look for him. However, as soon as he stepped out of the door, he shrank back.

Gu Ming looked at it and smiled. “Don’t worry, it’s daytime now. There won’t be that kind of bus. ”

Gu Ming thought of something Suddenly, she asked the little black cat, “if the soul can be temporarily put into the wordless heavenly book, then the body should be able to do the same. Also, this warm jade can be used as energy to protect the body from damage. It also doesn’t need to consume the energy of the wordless heavenly book. It shouldn’t destroy the body, right? ”

After a good sleep yesterday, her spiritual power had increased greatly, and the information she got from the wordless heavenly book had also increased.

The little black cat reminded her, “as long as the energy of the warm jade is enough, it should be able to do it. I’m just afraid that the remaining energy of the warm jade is not enough, so I didn’t recommend you to do this. ”

Gu Ming said helplessly, “now is a critical period, and Chen Xuanji is not here. If someone finds Xing Hu’s body, they will think that Chen Xuanji killed someone and hid the body. At that time, it will be hard to explain even if they have a mouth. ”

Gu Ming put Xing Hu’s body on the penultimate page of the wordless heavenly book.

They left the house with ease.

Gu Ming was the last to leave. She locked the door and left. She took the little black cat with her.

Not long after she left, Gu Fei walked out of the stairs and slammed the door of Chen Xuanji’s house. Her eyes were filled with malice. If she finds out that this is the home of a male classmate, hmph, Gu Ming, YOU’LL BE IN TROUBLE!

The exam passed very quickly.

At noon, Gu Ming called teacher Tang to ask about Chen Xuanji’s condition. Who knew that teacher Tang was not in the hospital He said, “when I left, he was still in critical condition. I told the hospital to inform me as soon as there is any news. ”

Gu Ming wanted to ask where Tang Heping was, but then she remembered that Tang Heping was a form teacher. He should be invigilating the exam, so it was impossible for him to stay in the hospital.

At this moment, Gu Ming heard Tang Heping say, “your DNA report is ready at my forensics institute. I’m here to help you get it. By the way, for the sake of this report, I have an important task for you. ”

Gu Ming was quite happy when she heard Tang Heping say that the DNA report would be released early. However, when she heard that there was an important matter, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

As expected.

At this moment, Tang Heping said, “you’ve seen Ye Xiao before, right? He’s the Guy I saw in the girls’ dormitory last time. His face is as stiff as a sheet. ”

“Oh, I know. What’s the matter? ” Gu Ming knew Ye Xiao.

She realized that the few men she had met recently were all pretty good-looking. More importantly, their personalities were all quite annoying, whether it was ye Xiao or Duan Tianyi.

Tang heping lowered his voice and said, “last time, I saw that kid treating you quite well. Recently, there was a banquet in the Ye family. A private banquet will be attended by many powerful people. Can you think of a way to build a relationship with that kid and then get an invitation so that we can sneak in? Yesterday, I didn’t have many spirit bullets and Yellow Talisman papers left. If we go to the Ye family, there will be a sale after the private banquet. Because we are all acquaintances, the price there is very low. It’s only one-third of the price outside. ” His tone was filled with envy.

Before Gu Ming could make up her mind, Tang Heping said something that deserved to be beaten up, “Oh right, before you go look for Ye Xiao, can you lose some weight? ” “GET LOST! ”

This topic was simply intolerable. Even though Gu Ming had already decided to go on a morning run and Diet to lose weight, she was still very unhappy when it was said out loud.

The next exam went very smoothly.

Gu Fei seemed to have learned her lesson and did not act recklessly.

Once the exam was over, Gu Ming went to look for Tang Heping. She wanted to get the DNA report, but Tang Heping did not invigilate the exam in the afternoon. He was in the hospital, while Gu Ming went to the hospital to look for someone.

As for Gu Fei, she found someone to check the house of the family that Gu Ming went to in the afternoon. It turned out that it was rented, and it was rented by Gu Ming’s classmates, three boys!


She finally had something on Gu Ming. After the exam in the afternoon, Gu Fei saw Gu Ming go to the hospital and quietly followed her. She had long given up hope for this time’s results. However, if she could get Gu Ming’s mother to kick Gu Ming out of the House and sever the mother-daughter relationship.. So what if her results were bad?

Anyway, she had to kick Gu Ming out before she went to university. Otherwise, she would be exposed in university. In her previous life, she was in a junior college, and she did not want to study for a few days. Ji Qu was so bad that even if she cheated to get into a famous university, she would still be at the back of the queue Therefore, she had to deal with Gu Ming before she went to university.


When Gu Ming entered the hospital, she noticed that someone was following her. The gaze behind her was too passionate and malicious. It was difficult for her to pretend that she did not know.

She looked back as if nothing had happened. Then, she used her spiritual eye to take a closer look. Gu Fei?

Did Gu Fei follow her here?

She was still taking photos.

Gu Ming entered the elevator, but her mind was thinking. Anyway, she decided to go home tonight and expose Gu Fei’s background. Since that was the case, she might as well play it big.

The elevator stopped at the third floor. Gynecology Department.

Gu Ming had an idea. She walked out of the elevator and deliberately walked around the third floor. When she saw Gu Fei’s figure, she deliberately pretended to come out of the gynecology department. Then, she avoided people and rushed downstairs It was as if she had done something shameful.

Gu Fei’s eyes lit up. She picked up her phone and took pictures. Not only did she take pictures of Gu Ming, but she also took pictures of the gynecology department’s signboard. Then, she walked over and stared at the clinic Gu Ming came out of. This was an abortion, right?

Could it be that Gu Ming really had sex with someone and got pregnant?

Gu Fei was excited. Gu Ming really did not know shame. She wanted Gu Ming’s scandal to be told to Gu Ming’s mother!

Gu Fei’s eyes darted around. Then, she quickly went downstairs and stood guard at the door on the first floor.

Then, she saw Gu Ming come out with a hospital report. Gu Ming even carefully hid that thing and even changed the bag!

There must be a ghost!

She remembered that last night, Gu Ming told Gu Ming’s mother that she wanted to go home for soup. Yes, go home She wanted to go home and tell her about Gu Ming’s scandal. She had been fooling around with her male classmates and had gone to look for them early in the morning. Oh right, there were three of them If that wasn’t right, Gu Ming must have brought out a miscarriage diagnosis book from the hospital. Otherwise, why would Gu Ming be so sneaky!

No, she couldn’t let Gu Ming bring that thing back to the small villa or hide it. She must have brought that thing back to the Gu family with Gu Ming!



Thinking of this, Gu Fei didn’t care if she was exposed or not. The most important thing now was to not let Gu Ming destroy the evidence in her hands. Gu Fei stuffed her phone into her bag and pretended to pass by the hospital. She cried out in surprise, “Gu Ming. ”

Gu Ming looked at Gu Fei with a solemn face. “You, why are you here? ” She hid the thing in her hand behind her, not wanting Gu Fei to find out.

Gu Fei, this big fish, had taken the bait!

Gu Fei was afraid that Gu Ming would throw away the information in her hands. She snatched it away and then pulled Gu Ming tightly. She said with a smile, “sister, didn’t you say that you were going home? Let’s go together. I came here for something. I didn’t expect you to be here too. ”

In Gu Fei’s eyes, Gu Ming pretended to be calm. “Give the thing back to me. This is my thing. ”

The documents in Gu Ming’s hands were indeed not to be seen.

The corners of Gu Fei’s mouth curled up. She reached out to hail a taxi and pushed Gu Ming into it without any explanation. She sat down and stuck close to Gu Ming. She grabbed Gu Ming with both hands, afraid that Gu Ming would run away.

Gu Ming was angry and struggled. “Let go of me, Gu Fei, what are you doing! ”

Gu Fei smiled. “sister, why are you so angry? I just want to go home with you. Don’t be anxious. When your things reach home, I’ll naturally give it to you. Otherwise, you’ll have to tell mom that I stole your things again. Sigh, seriously, why does my sister like to complain so much? ”

As she spoke, she seemed to be in distress as she sighed.

If the smile on Gu Fei’s face wasn’t so bright, it would probably be more convincing.

Gu Ming struggled all the way.

Gu Fei leaned against her, not even having the time to take a look at the information.

It was useless, she trusted her intuition!

The taxi was getting closer and closer to the Gu residence.

They had arrived.

“sister, we’re home, don’t dawdle. Some things can’t be avoided, get off! The master still has a business to do, don’t stay in the car! ”

Gu Ming pushed Gu Fei away and warned, “I’m telling you, don’t talk nonsense. ”

Gu Fei deliberately flashed a bright smile and even waved the documents that she had snatched from Gu Ming. “I don’t need to say it. The things are inside. ”

After saying that, she pretended to be profound and said, “you don’t understand. You can speak by yourself. ”

Gu Ming snorted lightly and strode into the Gu residence.

Gu Fei was afraid that Gu Ming would go in first to complain, so she pushed Gu Ming aside and entered the Gu residence first. This time, Gu Ming had no chance at all!

Gu Fei was proud.

Gu Ming, on the other hand, looked at Gu Fei with a smile.

In Gu Fei’s hand was the DNA test report of Gu Fei and Gu Ming’s mother. The result was that they had no relationship!

A good show was about to begin.

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