The Butcher of Gadobhra

Chapter 193: Splinter

Chapter 193: Splinter

"Right, OK! I pissed you off. Smokestealing is bad, and I have the skill. Other than the rather obvious name I don't know what it does, or why it's bad."

Woodrat was holding onto a chain that ran to the top of small mast on his raft. Ozzy got the idea that the shimmering heat he saw in the triangular wedge formed by the chain and the mast was a sail of some sort. Woodrat was half collapsed against the mast, and not looking like he wanted to do much else for a long time.

"I don't even know where to start with someone like you. How did you get so strong and not know what your skills do? Makes no sense, even if you did fall out of Sky or the Junction."

Ozzy spread his hands. "I didn't have it before. I was a butcher. I worked with fire and smoke to cook food. A smoke golem named Joe told me about Smoke Magic and I've been trying to learn to do what he does. I spent a lot of time drinking liquid fire, and trying to move smoke around. Nothing about stealing smoke. But what do you mean by Sky and Junction? I came from the regular world I guess you'd call it."

Woodrat thought for a bit. "You had dirt there? Lots of it all over the place? And the wet stuff? Water? And some fire, smoke, and air?" Ozzy nodded. "All that."

"Then you come from the Conjunction. Sort of in the middle of Fire, Sky, Stone, and Wet. The cyclone that dumped you here came out of Sky, and now you're in The Smoke. This place sits between Fire and Sky. If you could swim down deep, you might drop into Fire. Not for long though. :) And if you had wings or a damn fine ship you might take a trip up to Sky."

"But you're in The Smoke now. New rules. Best learn them fast. One of those rules is people are a little nervous about someone that can steal that much smoke. Who wants to sleep in a hammock next to someone that can drain them dry while they sleep? Makes people nervous." free(w)ebnovel(.)com

Ozzy considered that. Would he sleep next to a vampire? "What confuses me is why I have the skill?

Woodrat shrugged half-heatedly. "Might never know. The conjunction is pretty weird. You said you worked with fire and heat. Did you also work with smoke? Move it around?"

Ozzy thought back to how Joe had taught him to move around smoke in the pit, and when they made bacon, infusing the meat with smoke. "Yeah. I think I might have. Joe had me doing all sorts of things to get ready to learn Smoke Magic. But I'm not even sure if this is what he had in mind."

"Well, you'll have to ask your personal smoke tutor about that if you ever get back. But I hope you can see my predicament a bit better. You, my not-quite-a-friend are dangerous. And I've lived long enough to be paranoid. You need me right now. You can't work wood, make chain or sail, and you're adrift in the smoke. But what about later? Maybe you get low and I'm just some tasty morsel to keep you going?"

Ozzy tried not to let the frustration he felt show. "What if I swear some type of oath? Do they have that here? Any system recognized deals or geas or something?"

"Not out here. Maybe if we were in one of the ports or enclaves we could find a lawyer or wizard of some kind. But the only law out on the Smoke is Ship's Law, and as you may have noticed, my ship is a bit small." Woodrat swept his hand around in a circle, indicating the little raft. He laughed. "I suppose I could claim this as the Good Ship Splinter and sign you on as crew. Pay is half the fish you catch. You follow my orders and do all the work. I'll be Captain and need extra rations because of the stress of my position." He slammed his palm down on the raft for emphasis and laughed.

Captain Woodrat has claimed the Good Ship Splinter!

He offers you the position of crew, cook, first mate, second mate, and cargo chief. Pay is half the fish you catch. Failure to follow his every order will mean you gain the title of 'Mutinous Scoundrel'.

Do you accept his offer to sail the smoke for Glory, Treasure, and a Full Belly?

Ozzy accepted immediately, and Captain Woodrat began to swear steadily.

Veteran Shipwright Woodrat has met the requirement for Mate: Shipwright (+2 CHR, +2 STR, +2 Unassigned)

You have made it to Level 6 (+100 smoke, +100 Heat, +100 Fuel)

You may advance to Level 10 and increase all Skills to Rank 10.

You have gained the skill: Get those dogs moving! (WIS)

You have gained the skill: Cheer up Lads! (CHR)

You have gained +5 Core Skill Points

You have gained access to the Mate's list of Core Skills

Ship's Mate Woodrat has ascended to the lofty position of Captain of the Good Ship Splinter

You have gained +1 CHR, +1 RAD, and +1 WIS

You have gained +10 Core Skill Points

You have gained access to the Officer's list of Core skills

Splinter has the capacity for two crew, including the Captain and First Mate.

Mr. Ozzy has accepted the position of crew aboard the Splinter, with promotion to First Mate pending tests of his knowledge of rudimentary seamanship.

Mr. Ozzy is rewarded +1 CSP

Mr. Ozzy has gained access to the Crewman's list of Core Skills.

Ozzy yelled over. "Permission to come aboard, Captain."

"Stay with the wreckage, Mr. Ozzy. I'll bring the ship in and then I want to have a talk about making chain, salvaging wood, and maybe a discussion on how to spend some precious points to best effect."

Crew Core Skills Skill STAT Cost Description Upgrade Skill: Look Out PER 1 Stay awake on watch, and better chance to notice trouble coming. Eagle Eye (5) (Requires Mate) Skill: Run the chains AGI 3 Climb the chains, adjust the sails, and not fall to your death. Dance on the Spars (5) Skill: Row CON 1 Endure the rigors of being chained to an oar, but keep a smile on your face. None that anyone wants. Skill: Make Chain CHR 1 Better chain for less effort and less smoke. Smoke Weaving (5) Skill: Throw the Chain STR 1 Move a chain from a spar, throw a chain that attaches to a spar or sail. Chain goes where you tell it to. Chain Binding (5) Skill: Apprentice (bought for each skill) ? 1 Learn a specialized skill from another crew member. Rudimentary Knowledge and replaced when upgraded. Journeyman specialist (?) Skill: Swim the Smoke CON 3 Less effort to move through the smoke, faster movement. Skill: Smooth the Deck INT 1 Less effort to smooth and polish the wood, minimal smoke used. Apprentice (Wood wright) (1) Skill: Heat the Sails CHR 1 Less Heat needed to increase the power of a sail. Sail Weaving (5) Skill: Coxswain CHR 1 Command and steer small boats Skill: Brawling STR 3 Unarmed Combat RESTRICTED: CONTRACT WORKERS Skill: Harpoon STR 3 The art of throwing pointy sticks YOU HAVE THIS SKILL Perk: Extra Smoke (+100 Smoke) 1 Adds 100 per level to your smoke Additional increase (2) Perk: Larger Furnace (+1 Furnace) 1 Adds 1 per level to your furnace Additional increase (2)

Ship's Mate Core Skills Skill STAT Cost Description Upgrade Skill: Flogging STR 3 Weapon, torture weapon, increases torture damage. Eagle Eyed PER 5 Spot Trouble, or a slacking crewman. Eyes of the Ship Smoke Weaving CHR 5 Manipulate and use the smoke for tools, and better chains. Chain Binding CHR 5 Connect chains, connect people to chains... Better a beating than a Flogging CHR 3 Increases Discipline, increases brawling damage Mate's Perk: Extra Smoke (+100 Smoke) 1 Adds 100 per level to your smoke Additional increase (2) Mate's Perk: Larger Furnace (+1 Furnace) 1 Adds 1 per level to your furnace Additional increase (2) Mate's Perk: More Heat! 1 Adds 100 per level to your Heat Additional increase (2) Mate's Perk: Hull 2 Adds +10 to your Hull Limit of Ship Level Mate's Perk: Heavy Hull 5 Adds +20 to your Hull Limit of Ship Level Mate's Perk: Armored Hull 10 Adds +40 to your Hull Limit of Ship Level

Ship's Officer Core Skills Skill STAT Cost Description Upgrade Better a Flogging than a Hanging 5 Increases Discipline, increases flogging damage. Officer's Perk: Aura 2 Adds +10 to your Aura Limit of Ship Level Officer's Perk: Bright Aura 5 Adds +20 to your Aura Limit of Ship Level Officer's Perk: Shining Aura 10 Adds +40 to your Aura Limit of Ship Level Officer's Perk: Extra Smoke (+100 Smoke) 1 Adds 100 per level to your smoke Additional increase (2) Officer's Perk: Larger Furnace (+1 Furnace) 1 Adds 1 per level to your furnace Additional increase (2) Officer's Perk: More Heat! 1 Adds 100 per level to your Heat Additional increase (2) Officer's Perk: Spark of Radiance 3 Adds +1 RAD per level (Max 3 levels) Limit of Ship Level Perk: Captain's Brilliance 5 Adds +2 RAD per level (Max 5 levels) Limit of Ship Level Officer's Perk: Rot of Corruption 3 Adds +1 COR per level (Max 3 levels) Limit of Ship Level Perk: Captain's Anger 5 Adds +2 COR per level (Max 5 levels) Limit of Ship Level

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