The Café Between Worlds

Chapter 4: The Fallen Star

Ren had just finished rearranging the chairs for the tenth time that day when the bell above the café door rang. He glanced up from his meticulous work, expecting yet another lost soul seeking solace. After all, that was what the Café Between Worlds was for—helping those who couldn’t quite make it to the afterlife.

But this time, what—or rather who—entered the café was far from the usual.

She was strikingly beautiful, with long, glossy purple hair that framed her face and eyes that shimmered like stars. Despite the fact that her clothes—an idol’s flashy stage outfit—were splattered with blood, there was an undeniable grace about her. Her expression was both wistful and tired, like someone who had seen too much but was still trying to smile through it all.

Ren blinked, momentarily stunned. "Uh… welcome to the Café Between Worlds. What can I get you?"

The woman stepped inside, her gaze sweeping over the quaint little café. She seemed confused, disoriented, but also curious. Finally, her eyes landed on Ren, and she offered a polite, if tired, smile.

"I don’t suppose you have anything that isn’t haunted, do you?" she asked, her tone light but carrying an undercurrent of sadness.

Ren chuckled despite himself. "I can’t promise that, but I make a mean cup of coffee. Have a seat, and I’ll bring you something."

The woman nodded, taking a seat by the window. As Ren started preparing the coffee, Kazuha emerged from the back, wiping her hands on a towel.

"Another lost soul?" she asked, glancing toward the newcomer.

Ren nodded. "Yeah, but this one’s… different. I think she might be famous."

Kazuha frowned. "Famous? You mean like… celebrity famous?"

Ren shrugged. "I don’t know. But there’s something about her…"

They both turned to look at the woman, who was now staring out the window with a distant, melancholic expression. Kazuha tilted her head, trying to place the face.

As Ren brought the coffee over, the woman glanced up and sighed. "Thank you. I… needed something normal. Well, as normal as it gets here, I suppose."

Ren sat down across from her, curious. "I’m Ren, by the way. And this is Kazuha."

Kazuha waved, her curiosity clearly piqued. "Hi! So, uh… you seem kind of familiar. Have we met before?"

The woman let out a soft laugh, though it lacked any real humor. "I doubt it. But you might recognize me… from a screen, perhaps. My name is Hoshino Ai."

Kazuha gasped, her eyes widening. "No way! *The* Hoshino Ai? The idol?! I… I used to listen to your songs all the time!"

Ai smiled, though it was tinged with sadness. "I suppose that’s me… or was me."

Ren leaned forward, intrigued. "What happened? How did you end up here?"

Ai’s smile faded, and her gaze dropped to the coffee cup in front of her. "It’s a long story… but I suppose there’s no harm in telling it now. I was… popular, once. A rising star, adored by fans. But… I also had two children. Twins. I kept them a secret to protect them… but one day, a fan—someone obsessed with me—found out. He… he came to my apartment, and…"

She trailed off, her voice trembling slightly. Ren and Kazuha exchanged a horrified glance.

"He killed me," Ai finished quietly. "Right in front of my home. And now… I’m here. But… I can’t move on. I can’t leave my children behind."

Kazuha reached out, placing a comforting hand on Ai’s. "That’s terrible… I’m so sorry. But maybe we can help you find peace. That’s what this place is for, after all."

Ai looked up, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and despair. "Do you really think so? I… I just want to make sure my children are safe. I want them to know that… that I loved them. Even if I wasn’t always there."

Ren nodded firmly. "We’ll do whatever we can to help you, Ai. You don’t have to do this alone."

Ai offered them a grateful smile, though it was still tinged with sorrow. "Thank you… I don’t know what I’d do without your help."

As they sat together, planning how to help Ai find the peace she so desperately needed, Ren couldn’t shake the feeling that this was going to be one of their most challenging tasks yet. But he was determined. After all, if they could help a famous idol like Hoshino Ai find her way, then maybe there really was hope for every lost soul that wandered into their little café.

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