The Café Between Worlds

Chapter 8: The Violinist’s Wish

The morning light filtered through the windows of Ren’s café, casting a soft glow on the wooden tables and the array of colorful desserts lined up in the display case. Ren was wiping down the counter, humming a random tune, while Kazuha busied herself arranging flowers in a vase. It was another peaceful day in the afterlife—or so they thought.

The bell above the door chimed, signaling the arrival of a new customer. Ren looked up and saw a young woman step inside. She had long blonde hair and she wore a white dress that seemed to flow like water around her. She had a violin case slung over her back, and her eyes, though warm, held a deep sadness.

"Welcome!" Ren greeted, putting on his best smile. "Take a seat anywhere you like."

The young woman nodded politely and chose a seat by the window, placing her violin case gently on the table. She looked around the café, her gaze lingering on the peaceful atmosphere as if she were trying to absorb every detail.

Kazuha, ever the attentive host, approached her with a menu. "Can I get you something to drink? We have some amazing tea blends."

The woman smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. "Tea sounds lovely. Thank you."

As Kazuha went to prepare the tea, Ren couldn’t help but feel that there was something familiar about this new arrival—though he couldn’t quite place it. He decided to take a more personal approach.

"So, what brings you here?" Ren asked as he walked over and took a seat across from her. "I’m Ren, by the way. This is my café."

The woman hesitated for a moment before replying, "My name is Miyazono Kaori. I… I think I need help."

Ren’s eyes widened slightly. "Help? Well, that’s what we’re here for. What seems to be the problem?"

Kaori looked down at her hands, fidgeting with the edge of her dress. "I… I died. A while ago. But I feel like I can’t move on. There’s something I need to do before I can find peace."

Ren nodded sympathetically, though inside he was scrambling to figure out why her name sounded so familiar. "I see. Well, you’re in the right place. We specialize in helping souls find closure. Do you know what’s keeping you here?"

Kaori sighed softly. "Yes. I… I have one last wish. I want to see someone. His name is Arima Kousei. He’s… a pianist. We were friends, and… I never got to tell him how I really felt about him."

Ren raised an eyebrow. "Ah, a love story, huh? Those are always tricky." He paused, then leaned forward, his tone turning more curious. "But, uh… forgive me for asking, Kaori, but… you seem really familiar. Are you, by any chance, famous or something?"

Kaori blinked, surprised by the question. "Famous? I… I don’t think so. I was just a violinist who loved music."

Ren scratched his head, trying to piece things together. "Violinist, huh? You know, I feel like I’ve heard your name somewhere…"

At that moment, Kazuha returned with the tea, placing it in front of Kaori with a warm smile. "Here you go. I hope you like it."

Kaori thanked her and took a sip, savoring the warmth. Ren, still lost in thought, suddenly snapped his fingers. "Wait a minute! Miyazono Kaori… Violinist… Arima Kousei… This is starting to sound like one of those tragic love stories from a manga or anime!"

Kazuha raised an eyebrow. "A manga? Ren, what are you talking about?"

Ren pulled out his phone, quickly typing something into a search engine. "I knew it! She’s from a famous series called ‘Your Lie in April’! I’ve seen posters and clips of it online, but I never got around to watching it."

Kaori tilted her head, clearly confused. "I… I don’t know what you mean. Manga? Anime?"

Ren waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, don’t worry about it. Let’s just say you’re from another universe, and somehow you ended up here. Happens all the time."

Kazuha rolled her eyes, leaning over to peek at Ren’s phone. "You and your weird theories, Ren… But I guess it does make sense. We’ve seen stranger things here."

Ren nodded sagely. "Exactly. Anyway, Kaori, it looks like you had quite the story. And I think we can help you fulfill that last wish of yours."

Kaori looked hopeful, though still uncertain. "You think so? But… how? I can’t just go back to the living world."

Ren grinned, his usual playful confidence returning. "Well, you’re in luck! This afterlife isn’t bound by the same rules as the living world. We can pull some strings, get creative. But first, tell us more about this Kousei guy. What kind of person was he?"

Kaori’s expression softened as she thought about Kousei. "He’s… incredibly talented. A genius pianist. But he had a lot of struggles with music after his mother passed away. I… I wanted to help him find his love for music again. And I think I did, but… I never got the chance to tell him how I really felt. I wanted to play with him one last time. To be on stage together, making music… and to tell him that I loved him."

Ren and Kazuha exchanged glances, both moved by Kaori’s heartfelt words. Kazuha placed a comforting hand on Kaori’s. "We’ll help you, Kaori. We’ll figure out a way to make your wish come true."

Ren nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. We’ve got some experience with making the impossible happen. And besides, who wouldn’t want to see a beautiful performance from a violinist and a pianist? It’ll be legendary!"

Kaori smiled, a mix of gratitude and sadness in her eyes. "Thank you… both of you. I’ve been waiting so long for this chance."

Ren stood up, already brimming with ideas. "Alright, let’s get to work! We’ll need to track down this Kousei guy, figure out how to bring him here, and set up a gig. It’s going to be awesome!"

Kazuha couldn’t help but chuckle at Ren’s enthusiasm. "You make it sound so easy, Ren."

He winked at her. "Hey, in the afterlife, anything’s possible, right?"

Kaori laughed softly, the sound like a delicate melody. "You’re both really kind. I’m lucky to have found this place."

Ren grinned. "And we’re lucky to have you here, Kaori. Let’s make some magic happen."

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