The cannon fodder beauty who quickly traveled through the world was pregnant and gave birth to a bab

Chapter 304 Spiritual Link

If it weren't for the fact that it was a data-based virtual system, the system felt that it would probably cry in anxiety at this moment.

And Bai Yuzhi exhaled. Since the worst situation has come, she should give it a try.

Points are spent and used silently.

The seemingly indestructible shell in front of me began to shake. The shaking, which may not have been violent, was enough for the white jade inside to make her sway around in the liquid. With the violent shaking, the tough membrane became thin and transparent. , Bai Yuzhi heard the sound of cracking.


An oxytocin used on the shell.

This was a very bold idea. Bai Yuzhi saw a series of props in the system mall at that time, but none of them could be directly used. At that moment, she even felt that Chu Yue was really unlucky in the blessings. His mission was indeed It's dangerous, but each system prop is easier to use than the other.

The reason why the oxytocin pill was used was that Bai Yuzhi reluctantly regarded the shell that trapped her movements as the mother body of the pregnancy. If the system could determine this, then the effect of the oxytocin pill on the shell could save her once.

Fortunately, she made the right bet, there is always a way out.

After all, that big shell is filled with nutrient solution, which can indeed be regarded as "providing nutrients."

When the first crack appeared on the shell, the nutrient solution that covered the white jade body and made her unable to open her eyes was rapidly absorbed at a terrifying speed. Then the membrane was completely broken, and the outside air entered the shell. In his heart, Bai Yuzhi tried to take a deep breath.

For the first time, she discovered that the air could be so fresh. Of course, if it wasn't mixed with a certain fishy smell, White Jade would be more satisfied.

Ruoyouruowu's fishy smell became stronger and stronger as the Zerg, which was covered with hard carapace all over its body, got closer. The white jade was hidden inside half of the shell that had not been completely broken, with only a pair of eyes exposed. Observing this Zerg.

This should indeed be a Zerg with a very low blood level. The smell on its body is disgusting, and it can be caught from dozens of meters away, which proves that it does not have strong concealment and combat capabilities.

It shows that the original person is indeed very unlucky.

This kind of Zerg is most likely an abandoned son who was exiled due to insufficient nutrition within the Zerg. However, after encountering a super tonic like the original body, and dedicating the original body to the insect mother, it will probably get a chance to purify its bloodline.

Seeing the insect getting closer and closer, its densely packed lower limbs were leaping forward at a fast speed, as if it couldn't wait to grab the "egg" and offer it to the mother insect.

Even though this is a very low-level Zerg, it is very large. With Bai Jade's current stature, it is probably not as tall as one of its legs.

The success rate of trying to escape is almost zero.

Then the only way is to adopt the second method.

Bai Yuzhi can't do it herself, but that doesn't mean she can't find someone who can, commonly known as shaking people.

Bai Jade closed his eyes and tried to make the legendary spiritual link.

Even though her body was not the successor chosen by the previous generation of queen bees, as the queen bee's bloodline female egg, she was born with the ability to connect spiritually, it was just a matter of strength.

Sure enough, once Bai Yuzhi concentrated her mind, she could "see" that there seemed to be a vague network in her mind. This network was so large that it was difficult to sort out the dense relationships. She tried to see it clearly, but failed. Only about a third of the area can be seen, and if you want to get closer to the rest, you can feel a stinging pain in your brain.

This is the problem of insufficient ability. If the mental power is at its peak, you can probably see the entire network clearly.

There are nodes of different colors on this network. Most of the nodes that White Jade can sense are white, with a small number of yellow and blue, but not many.

Those nodes seemed to be very close to her, at least from the perspective of Bai Jade's mind, she could touch them as long as she stretched out her hand.

【Host!Hurry, there's not enough time! 】

The ugly low-level Zerg is already less than ten meters away from the white jade. With the length of its lower limbs, it probably only takes no more than five seconds to hook the white jade. This is because of its stupid brain and bottom. The vision condition cannot accurately see that the "egg" has broken the shell, otherwise once it knows that the prey wants to escape, it will only run faster.

Bai Yuzhi no longer tried to reach those colored nodes further away from her, but randomly "hook" a white one closest to her. The moment she "touched" that node, Bai Yuzhi could feel It seems that I have built some kind of "plank road" that is difficult to describe in words.

There are only two people on this plank road, one is her, and the other end is her invisible white spiritual body.

This world is probably described as a spiritual body, but Bai Yuzhi prefers to call it a soul that can hear sounds.

She seemed to have realized the essence of this spiritual link. The moment the spiritual link was established, she was like a master, detaining the soul of a bee drone without having to do anything.

Bai Yuzhi was surprised by this magical bond. If this was the case, she might be able to understand why the bee clan fell into despair after losing the queen bee, and fell from a peak race to the current situation.

Because she could feel that the moment her spiritual connection was established, the soul on the other side of the plank road began to tremble. It felt as if he had given all his loyalty.

Once such a being loses the other end that he regards as his master, his soul will die.

And Bai Yuzhi knew clearly that there was not only one person in the bee tribe who would do this, on the contrary, every member of the tribe would do this except the queen bee herself.

Therefore, a bee clan without a queen is like a city of despair built by a group of half-dead walking zombies, and of course it cannot become a climate.

Between the electric light and flint, the white jade is concise and concise.

She gave the first command to the drone opposite who seemed to convey some disbelief to her.

--help me.

Then the spiritual link was severed.

This kind of link is not completely without consumption, at least Bai Yuzhi can feel waves of dizziness in his head now.

It wouldn't be like this if she only touched one node. It was just that in order to understand what the spiritual link was, she had almost walked all over the Internet.

This is really a mental task, which makes Bai Yuzhi feel like he is overusing his brain.

To reach this point with a body that has not received inheritance from its original body is already doing its best.

What happens next depends on destiny.

Bai Yuzhi looked calmly at the Zerg rushing towards him without closing her eyes. Even if she died, she would have to understand it.

The Zerg's limbs were swinging over, flashing with cold light.

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