The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Re-inherit the cloud and rain

The first **** after rebirth was carried out in the spacious kitchen. There was no soft kingsize bed, no condoms and lubricants. Everything followed instinct.

When the lumps were squeezed into his body, Yun Jinshu could not help but yelled out, with a thin layer of sweat coming out of his back. Han Jiang picked up his sweaty bangs and carefully kissed his smooth forehead and lower body. The movements were unambiguous, running through his body again and again.

Yun Jinshu sat naked on the table, his legs trembling uncontrollably in mid-air, while Han Jiang was all over his body, with a plaid apron, only unzipping to reveal the fierce and hard parts.

The violent pleasure swept through his body like a tsunami, and Yun Jinshu was in a trance, floating and sinking as if he had returned to the vast ocean that had submerged him.

No one can save him, his body fell uncontrollably, and the feeling of suffocation made him tears in pain, and a mutilated moan slid from his throat:

“Han Jiang…Han Jiang…”

“I’m here.” Han Jiang clasped his waist tightly, moving fiercely, as if being wrapped in silk, it was so beautiful that he couldn’t stop.

“Um… Han Jiang, don’t go…” Help me!

Yun Jinshu raised his head, clasped Han Jiang’s shoulders with both hands, as if holding the last driftwood, biting his lips and whimpering, his body was stretched to the extreme, and his whole body revealed a seductive crimson.

“Fool, I’m not going.” Han Jiang lowered his head and kissed his lips, and continued to fiercely attack the most sensitive and soft part of the intestine.

When the climax came, Yun Jinshu screamed, and the hand that Han Jiang stretched out to him when the two first met for the first time appeared in his mind.

This hand is so warm and generous, it can pull him out of the cold water and tell him that everything is a nightmare… But Han Jiang did not.

When the scorching body fluid poured into his body, Yun Jinshu buried his head on Han Jiang’s chest and burst into tears. He thought he could bear it and could bear everything, but at this moment all his sanity collapsed.

too tired……

He didn’t know when he would wait for Han Jiang’s response. In this way, he exchanged his body for feelings. Is he obsessed too deeply, or is he guilty at all?

With a self-deprecating smile, he pushed Han Jiang away and wanted to jump off the stage to take a bath, but Han Jiang hugged him behind his back.

“Jin Shu, you are responsible for destroying the fire. How can one be enough?”

In fact, the two of them have slept in the same bed for so long. Han Jiang has always been a modest gentleman. As long as he feels that Yun Jinshu is unwilling, he will not persist until the end. This time, Yun Jinshu provoked it on the initiative. He decided not to bear it anymore. See Yun Jinshu did not object and turned off the stove in the kitchen, carried him back to the room, and started a new round of **** attacks.

He never opened a bottle of unaged wine because of his anxiety, so after waiting for so long to eat the delicious food in his mouth, the delicious food made him linger.

Yun Jinshu has a pair of extremely beautiful eyes. Every time he reaches a climax, he will squint and look at him with water, causing his blood to start to boil.

In fact, his feelings for Yunjinshu are a bit complicated.

Thinking of the way he always smiled around him and said cold words when nothing happened, I couldn’t help but want to pinch his face. It would be very happy to see him open his teeth and claws in front of him like a little beast.

Even this morning, I just received a text message from Yunjinshu. Thinking of the taste of the bowl of noodles, I turned away the date with Wen Zeyun.

Calling ahead to dismiss all the servants, he personally went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, thinking that Yunjinshu came back with a large cabbage, but found that lunch was ready, he must be stupid.

He lowered his head and kissed Yunjinshu’s **** again, and the huge hard object pushed in again.

For Yunjinshu, he thought he would not let go so easily.


In the middle of the night, Yunjinshu, who had been tossed over and over all night, woke up, even if he had become accustomed to **** five years ago. After all, this is the first time this body is holding back the soreness, and he touched his own. Behind him is clean and refreshing, just like Han Jiang before. No matter how fierce he is, he will always clean up for you gently and caringly before falling asleep.

Turning back to look at Han Jiang, who was sleeping peacefully beside him, Yun Jinshu carefully touched his outline, hesitated for a long time before he found his mobile phone and the script of “The Tree Is Still Like This” in the clothes thrown everywhere.

Quietly out of the villa, he went around to sit on a bench in the garden in the backyard. The cold wind in the early morning made him a little chilly, but his head was extremely awake.

If he stays with Han Jiang all the time, he is afraid that he will never be able to calmly think about the problem, so he needs a quiet space and a little stimulation to refresh himself and think about what to do next.

Looking at the street lamp next to the bench, he flipped through the script Wen Zeyun handed him, and had to admit that he was worthy of a Ph.D. who had returned from studying in France. Even if he looked childish, his screenwriting ability was extremely old.

“The Tree Is Like This” is quoted from the famous sentence of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Dasima Constant Temperature, “The tree is still like this, how can people be worthy”. It is about two brothers who had no father and no mother since childhood. s story.

The willow trees that used to be seedlings all rose up, but the people who accompany them disappeared. Although this kind of heart and body abuse scene has long been played, it can’t stand the audience’s liking.

And Wen Zeyun cleverly grasped this point, the script was very sensational, even if it was Yunjinshu, he couldn’t help leaving a few drops of “crocodile tears.”

After turning the phone in his hand a few times, Yun Jinshu finally dialed Zhao Hanchuan’s phone.

There was Xisuosuo’s voice on the other end of the phone, and Zhao Hanchuan yawned and answered: “It’s two o’clock in the morning! You had better have important things to say, otherwise don’t blame me for chasing you.”

Yun Jinshu couldn’t help laughing, “Sorry, I forgot the time, but I think about it. I decided to take the drama of Director Wen.”

“Take it, take it…” Zhao Hanchuan yawned, and suddenly reacted when he wanted to make a call. His tone changed immediately: “What did you say!? Wait a minute, say it again!”

“I said, I want to take over the new film directed by Wen.” Yun Jinshu can already imagine Zhao Hanchuan’s expression at this time, and his tone has become more pleasant.

Zhao Hanchuan heard clearly this time, and fell silent for a long time before speaking, “You really think about it? I have other scripts here, and they are all good. You don’t have to be desperate to choose this one. .”

“Well, I think very clearly, nothing is clearer than now.” Yun Jinshu put away his joking tone, pursed his mouth and said, “Brother Zhao, as you said before, Director Wen is indeed very talented. People, I also like his script. I can’t forget my role as an actor just because of a few words. So please contact me tomorrow. I want to join the group as soon as possible.”

This is the first time that Zhao Hanchuan has heard Yun Jinshu speak to him so solemnly. He couldn’t help but admire his courage, “Well, I will help you contact him tomorrow, so go to bed early.”

Yun Jinshu smiled and thanked him, closed the phone, stood up and stretched.

He couldn’t shrink back because of Wen Zeyun’s provocation, even if he was a shameless little San, his life in the previous life should be paid off.

Before giving up, he wants to work hard again. If he still ends up crushed, he will definitely not let him go. For love, he can bear it again and again, but even if it is cheap, there is a limit!

Looking at the dust floating under the street lamp, he silently clenched his fist.

Han Jiang, I only love once, and this is the last time.

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