The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Part ways


Han Jiang just froze for a while and was about to chase it out, but the corner of the clothes was tightly grasped by Wen Zeyun.

He was curled up all over, with cold sweat on his forehead, his right hand was tightly covering his stomach, and the pain left tears, “Jiangzi don’t go…please…I really hurt…Send me to the hospital… …”

Han Jiang froze in an instant, and in this second of hesitation, he watched Yun Jinshu disappear from his sight.

Wen Zeyun lay on his back, tears wet his shirt, Han Jiang’s heart suddenly softened, he carried him out of the studio, but couldn’t help but look back in the direction of Yunjinshu, but this time Wen Zeyun was Blocked his sight.

Forget it, there will always be a chance in the future. He believes that Yunjinshu is a reasonable person. Even if he plays a little temper, he can’t coax him back. He stretched out his hand and opened the door of the car. He and Yunjinshu went in the opposite direction…parted ways.

And at this time, Han Jiang still doesn’t understand. Once a person chooses the wrong path, he may not be able to look back for the rest of his life…

Yun Jinshu walked forward without stopping for a moment. The night breeze slapped on his face, cutting the skin like a knife, and he had no time to take care of it. The buzzing in his head was all the pictures just now.

Why is he so stupid that he has to come back and get his phone? If he doesn’t see anything, he may be able to deceive himself, but now the truth is **** before his eyes. Han Jiang would rather have been ambiguous with Wen Zeyun than he would look back at him. , What else can be persistent?

He admitted that he had lost, and he lost completely, like a fool…

I don’t know when, snow fluttered in the sky again. His footsteps were getting faster and faster. Large swaths of snow fell on his eyelashes. After a while, it turned into drops of water and flowed down. The weather became colder and the pedestrians hurried. He was busy rushing home, but he was the only one walking aimlessly in the empty street, not knowing where to go.

At this time, there were rapid footsteps behind him, approaching him closer and closer.

The pain in Yun Jinshu’s heart was so severe that his footsteps became faster. He didn’t dare to look back, for fear of seeing Han Jiang’s face.

But at this moment a wide hand grabbed him from behind, pulled him over, gasping for breath: “Yunjinshu, what the **** do you want to do? What a fart in the ice and snow!”

It turned out to be Gu Yan, not Han Jiang… Yun Jinshu curled his mouth, and his smile was never as ugly as it is now.

Gu Yan was holding him with one hand and his knee with the other hand. He was obviously too tired to catch his breath, and his nose was cold and red. Just about to continue cursing Yun Jinshu, he saw the expression on his face. When I suddenly choked my throat.

“You… why are you… crying?”

Yun Jinshu’s face had already frozen stiff, he tried his best to show a natural smile, raised his hand to touch the water vapor on his face, “No, these are all snow-formed water, Brother Gu, why are you running out with me? God? It’s cold, go back quickly.”

Gu Yan breathed into the palm of his hand, and after rubbing it hard, he put it on Yunjinshu’s ears before speaking: “Your face is too ugly, I really don’t worry, you just come and have a look. Why did you just now? Want to run?”

This kind of ear-covering action is too out of the ordinary for a gay. Yun Jinshu couldn’t help but want to move back, but was held down by Gu Yan all at once, staring at him closely, as if he would never give up today without asking to understand.

Yun Jinshu really didn’t want to tell anyone this shameful mess, and he didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for himself. At this time, looking at Gu Yan’s sincere eyes, he only felt extremely embarrassed, and he wished to leave this ghost place immediately.

Once he was impatient, he would become reluctant to speak. He frowned impatiently and said, “Gu Yingdi, are you idle or gossiping? This is my privacy, why should I tell you?”

As he said, he pushed away Gu Yan’s hand, turned and walked forward, but because he had drunk at the restaurant before, he fell to the ground because of his unstable feet.

Gu Yan hurried up to help him up, feeling a little uncomfortable suddenly, “Sorry, I didn’t intend to inquire about your privacy, but…”

He paused and waved his hand, as if to clear a certain emotion from his mind, “Forget it, don’t mention it, your face is too **** ugly, the snow outside is so big that you don’t wander on the road alone, you Where do you live? I will take you home.”

Yun Jinshu sat on the ground, covered with snow all over his body, Moutai’s stamina finally came up, his head was so dizzy, he tried to stand up several times, but his legs fell soft and fell back.

He covered half of his face, took a few deep breaths, and then slowly said, “Big Brother Gu…let me be alone. I promise to take a taxi home soon. Do you leave me alone? ”

Gu Yan was anxious, and just wanted to pull him up despite Yun Jinshu’s objection, but when he saw his pale face, he finally softened his heart.

“Is there any hurdle that you can’t get past, you have to toss yourself like this? I don’t know what you have to do with Xiao Wen, but he has been dominating and domineering since he was a child, and he is spoiled by his brother and dad. Up.”

Yun Jinshu gave a wry smile, knowing that Gu Yan had made a mistake, but didn’t want to explain more. He stood up on the pillar next to him. He waved his hand away and said, “Okay, you don’t need to persuade me anymore. It’s so small, come on, can’t I go home now? Don’t follow, the paparazzi caught me on the front page of tomorrow.”

He said that he didn’t listen to Gu Yan’s persuasion at all, and walked forward alone. As soon as Gu Yan approached him, he immediately turned around and told him not to be nosy.

Gu Yan had no choice but to follow from a distance. As a result, when Yunjinshu came to the crossroad, a truck rushed over. Gu Yan was so frightened that his scalp was numb, so he rushed up and hugged him. Shi was already drunk and unconscious, and muttered a few words in his mouth, and fell asleep like this, completely unaware that he just wandered off the line of life and death.

Gu Yan was angrily wishing to pinch him twice, but Yun Jinshu began to tremble in the cold, he sighed, and finally took off his coat and put it on him, carrying him to the parking lot.


When I got in the car, Yun Jinshu leaned on the window and fell asleep. Gu Yan patted his face and asked, “Hey, wake up first, tell me where your house is before you sleep.”

“…” Yunjinshu was so drunk and feeling uncomfortable, so he just frowned and didn’t say a word.

“My ancestors, you have a reaction. Where do I go to find your house this night? Or tell me the number of your agent and I will call him.”

Yun Jinshu heard the words “agent” in a dazed manner, waved his hand, and said intermittently: “Zhao Dapai…he will definitely not care about me…he said it, don’t go to him and cry… ”

A few black lines appeared on Gu Yan’s head immediately. Who can understand this preface without a second sentence?

I can’t tell my home address, I don’t have a mobile phone with me, I can’t tell my agent’s phone number… This is simply “three no products”, and I must give a bad review!

In the end, Gu Yan was helpless, thinking for a long time before he muttered to himself embarrassedly: “Then what…I didn’t mean to dig through your pockets, just want to see if there is any other information…”

The clothes Yunjinshu wore today was a casual jacket with no pockets. Gu Yan had to unbutton him to see if there were any inner pockets, but he glanced at the long and narrow clavicle exposed at the neckline of Yunjinshu.

His skin is very white, because of drinking, his chest is slowly rising and falling with his breathing, and the snow outside the car window is reflected in the halo of the street lamp, hitting his face for an instant. Gu Yan was a little stunned.

He was stunned for a moment, and then withdrew his gaze, but was embarrassed to find that his fingers were placed on Yunjinshu’s chest, and through a thin layer of shirt, the palm of his hand could even depict the shape of his nipple.

My heart suddenly missed a beat. Gu Yan hurriedly withdrew his palm like an electric shock, only to find that Yun Jinshu was still sleeping peacefully, and he didn’t notice any strangeness.

Gu Yan held the steering wheel with both hands and stared at the front windshield for a long time. He took a long sigh of relief when he breathed smoothly. He didn’t know if he had drunk too much, otherwise he would have such a strange reaction.

Patting his face, Gu Yan put away the mess in his head, carefully turned the Yunjinshu over, and put his hand into the back pocket of his pants. After groping for a long time, he only found a key.

He took a long breath. It was obviously in the twelfth lunar month of winter that he was sweating horribly. Even if his fingers were taken out of his pockets, the shape of Yunjinshu’s buttocks was still clearly carved into his head, and it seemed to be quite fleshy…

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he must have drunk too much and had hallucinations. He quickly rubbed his face and looked down at the key in his hand.

The silver key is a standard cross pattern, a very simple style, but there is a small green jade inlaid on it, and a line of gold lower letters is printed on the side-“Emerald Villa”.

Gu Yan felt that he was finally saved, because Emerald Villa is a well-known noble district in S City. Since Yunjinshu has the key there, most of his family live in it, and it is not far from here. You can get there in a short drive. .

Thinking of this, he didn’t have time to think about why Yun Jinshu, a young star who had just debuted, could afford to live in such a high-end villa, and stepped on the accelerator.

The royal blue Porsche disappeared into the vast snowy night in the blink of an eye.

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