The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Yunjinshu was in a daze, and didn’t recover for a long time. When the car horns behind were scolding, he hurriedly opened the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator.

Going around the crossroads and staring at the receding scenery ahead, Yun Jinshu has not been able to find his voice for a long time. He only feels that Gu Yanzheng, who is sitting on the right, is staring at him for a moment, but nothing is left behind. No.

He sighed and pressed his lips tightly. It took a long time before he pretended to be a joke and asked: “Gu Actor, what did you mean by’because of me’? I can’t afford such a big face, let’s talk about it. , I didn’t say not to continue making this movie. Even if you are righteous, it’s useless.”

Gu Yan saw the embarrassment of Yunjinshu, but smiled at the corners of his mouth, and said indifferently, “What did I say because of you? Don’t be affectionate anymore. Seeing this big face, you will almost catch up to the plate. Up.”

But I can clearly see the shape of your mouth.

Yun Jinshu wanted to say that, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn’t say anything, so he just said in a perfunctory manner, “Yes…Is it? I blame the car just now for being okay, it seems I really heard it wrong. Now, what on earth did you just want to say?”

Gu Yan looked out the window, this time he didn’t put his gaze on Yunjinshu again, “It’s nothing, but sometimes I feel too confused, so I just agreed to help others to take this movie, and now the crew is about to disband. Wen Zeyun has done such a disgusting thing again, and I don’t want to mix it up when I look annoying.”

Yun Jinshu was stunned, and opened his mouth to say something, but even though his head could not find a proper sentence to answer Gu Yan’s words, he could only ask him dryly, “Since you are with Wen Zeyun My brother has a good relationship. Why is it so sure that it is his fault this time? Have you ever thought that someone deliberately planted and framed it?”

Gu Yan let out a laugh, his expression somewhat subtle, “Sometimes people’s intuition is more honest than their eyes. If I said that everything that happened in that burst of video is not surprising at all, what would you think?”

“What…what do you mean?” Yun Jinshu’s heart suddenly lifted.

“I know Wen Zeyun’s personality too well, so I am willing to believe that everything the victim experienced in the video was not mixed with any moisture. Can you understand that?”

Gu Yan did not respond positively to Yunjinshu. Instead, he said something intriguing. Yunjinshu is not a fool. He has said so bluntly. He finally understands that Gu Yan has recognized himself in the video, just to keep the last one. He didn’t want to pierce his face face to face like this, let his face be discredited, and expose all the secrets in shame.

The chest cavity seemed to be filled with a sponge soaked in water, constantly expanding and getting bigger, making Yun Jinshu’s heart throbbing and almost unable to breathe.

He took a few deep breaths, held the direction tightly, and fell silent for a moment, but Gu Yan didn’t let him go easily. Instead, he stared at him with those deep eyes and said, “Jin Shu , Did you watch that video too? Do you think the man who was abducted into Wang Chuan’s room is stupid? He can call, why is he carrying it so desperately? Is self-abuse fun?”

Yun Jinshu’s eyelashes trembled violently for a few times, and even his fingers were trembling almost unable to hold the steering wheel, but there was still a faint expression on his face, “Heh… it’s quite stupid.”

Gu Yan looked at him abnormally and didn’t make much expression. He just raised his hand and rubbed his hair. “But it can’t be blamed on him. If a person tries to harm others, he can’t be prevented. If I can meet That idiot must tell him next time not to send yourself in wolf’s mouth stupidly.”

Yunjinshu only felt a little choked up, his nose was slightly sour, and he nodded gently, but his heart swelled like he was about to explode.

He knew that Gu Yan was deliberate, and he knew that the person in the video was him, but he went around in this way to comfort himself, how can he make Gu Yan come forward so righteously, even… I never thought of leaving a way out for myself.

Taking a deep breath, he smiled and said in a low voice, “Big Brother Gu, thank you.”

Thank you for standing up for me. Thank you for believing in me unconditionally. There are still many unspeakable cares… In short, apart from thank you, there are no other words that can express his current feelings.

Gu Yan glanced at him like a ghost, and cut, “What? I said that someone has something to do with your kid. I am confused by saying thank you inexplicably, so hurry up and drive. Be careful while being caught by the paparazzi. Catch up.”

Gu Yan wisely changed the subject, Yun Jinshu could not say anything, but smiled and speeded up Xiali’s car.


According to Jiao Yan’s instructions, Yun Jinshu turned seven and eight turns directly on the highway, and it took nearly three hours to reach the final destination.

This is a resort located in the outer suburbs, surrounded by mountains and forming a natural freshwater lake in the middle. The scenery is beautiful and pleasant. Once you walk in, people slow down and relax a lot.

After Yun Jinshu stopped the car, she stood on an empty grass field, feeling depressed in her chest and evacuated a lot. He turned around and asked Gu Yan, leaning on the car, and said, “Why do you want to bring me here?”

Gu Yan took off his sunglasses and stuffed it into his pocket, and said with a smile, “This is my secret base. If I was tired from filming, I would run here alone to be lazy. When the phone is turned off, no one can find me. I’m upset. I won’t think about it anymore, just don’t know if you like it or not?”

Yun Jinshu nodded, took a deep breath and curled up the corners of his mouth and said, “Well, this place is so beautiful, but you can come here to hide from the paparazzi.”

Gu Yan laughed and grabbed Yunjinshu’s hand and ran forward, “So let’s **** do whatever scandals, scandals, and news are about him. Don’t think about anything when you get here, just follow me and have fun.”

Yun Jinshu was staggered by him and almost fell to the ground. He grabbed his arm and couldn’t say, “Hey! Hey! You run slowly.”

“It can’t be slow! It will be dark in the next night!” Gu Yan turned around and smiled at him, his expression flying and flamboyant, like a big boy, not at all what a 30-year-old man should have.

Yun Jinshu was amused by his appearance, and he couldn’t help but follow him, and didn’t forget to hurt him again: “Gu Yingdi, the checkered scarf on your head runs and flies, especially like the fairy sister of the village girl version! ”

Gu Yan staggered suddenly and almost fell a dog to eat shit. He took off the floral scarf from his head indiscriminately, and rushed towards Yunjinshu: “I’ll let you talk nonsense again! See if I don’t wrap this thing around your head. on!”

“I’m going! Don’t pinch me! Gu Yan, your uncle!”

The two men were playing like lunatics on the quiet and empty lakeside grass. A few old farmers passing by with their burdens saw that they were also silly and silly. At this moment, the two of them completely confided in the right and wrong in City S. Forgetting it, the soldiers came to cover the water and earth, and there was nothing to pass.

After walking into the small white building of the resort, Yunjinshu knew that there is no cave. I thought it would be a farm campus with simple folk customs. In fact, the decoration inside is no worse than those luxurious clubs. At first glance, it is the kind of specially rich people. Prepared holiday destination.

The resort not only has traditional items such as catering, bathing, and SPA, but also a very large fitness venue. Gu Yan was familiar with the coach and found the coach inside. After chatting with him for a few words, he ran over to Yunjinshu and said, “I just discussed with the coach. He thinks that your physical fitness is more suitable for yoga and tennis. However, our two elders are a little bit awkward while practicing yoga among a group of little girls. How about going to play tennis? ”

Yun Jinshu is actually not very good at sports. The original time is not used to film or to accompany the big benefactors. This time it is difficult to play once. He does not want to sweep Gu Yan’s interest. He smiled and nodded and said, “I don’t have any sports cells. The level of tennis is even worse, and you can just stop laughing at me when that happens.”

“Who is born to play basketball, I am also playing blindly. Anyway, we don’t participate in the Beijing Olympics and just play casually.” Gu Yan smiled heartily, and with a big hand, he put his arm around Yun Jinshu’s shoulder and headed to the tennis hall in front. Go.

At this time, Gu Yan had changed into a black sweatshirt, showing strong and powerful arms with his cuffs rolled up, his body still smelled of perfume, and his smile revealed his white teeth. He was handsome and dazzling.

Yun Jinshu smiled unconsciously when he watched him. Although I knew him in his previous life, I never thought that Gu Yan, who was a serious man on stage and often played a cold and tough guy, turned out to be a casual, casual, and even childish life in his life. Man.

This subtle contrast made Yunjinshu very interesting, and even relaxed a lot with his own mood.

Originally, he was always worried, always wondering what the consequences would be if the Wen family knew that he did everything? What will happen to Gu Yan and Zhao Hanchuan?

And…Han Jiang, would he still stand on his side unbiased as he said?

Question after question came one after another, Yun Jinshu shook his head quickly to drive away all these random thoughts, and took a few steps to follow in Gu Yan’s footsteps.

There were only two of them in the huge tennis court. Gu Yan handed a tennis racket to Yun Jinshu and stood on the opposite side of the block. When he wanted to serve, he suddenly stopped, turning his ears and said, “Jinshu, isn’t it yours? The phone rings? Why do I seem to hear a vibration.”

Yun Jinshu was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that he had stuffed his phone and jacket in his backpack. At this time, the backpack was placed at the gate of the tennis hall, a long way away from the two of them. Yun Jinshu thought that even if there was a phone call, it would be the call from Old Zhao. Others didn’t have time to take care of themselves at this time, so they didn’t care, waved their hands and said, “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t know if I answered the phone and I’m going to be nagged, so I didn’t hear it at all.”

It is rare to read Yunjinshu’s willful time, shook his head with a smile, picked up the racket and shot the ball out.

Once the two started fighting, Yun Jinshu knew that Gu Yan said that his skills were generally completely modest. He watched him running back and forth on the court freely, serving and catching the ball, returning the smash, and any action was clean and easy. However, Yunjinshu has not exercised for a long time, and the bones of his body will be crisp. After only a few steps, he is out of breath.

Gu Yan watched him slow down, and his movements slowed down a lot. He sent one to send one, beat one to make one. In the end, Yun Jinshu had the upper hand, winning him a lot of goals by a big score.

When a ball hit, Gu Yan secretly slowed down again for a long time and failed to catch the request, Yun Jinshu, no matter how stupid he was, knew that Gu Yan had deliberately let himself go, and felt a little angry for a while.

Taking advantage of the gap where Gu Yan hit the ball, he deliberately shook his legs as if he was soft. Gu Yan was taken aback, thinking he was injured and ran forward.

Yun Jinshu seized the opportunity, picked up the racket and hit the ball in the opposite direction of Gu Yan, so that King Gu was stunned on the spot.

Seeing his surprised expression, Yun Jinshu couldn’t help but laugh, “Hey, King Gu has recovered, and he will stare out his eyes again.”

At this time, Gu Yan realized that Yun Jinshu was deliberately tricking him, so he opened the block and came over, “Damn, Yun Jinshu, you deliberately tricked him.”

Yunjin was so happy that he was so tired that he poured a few mouthfuls of mineral water into his mouth and lay directly on the court, looking at Gu Yan provocatively from the bottom up, and said, “What’s wrong with the trick? Who told you to always let it go? I, everyone is a big man, who do you think of as a little girl?”

Gu Yan laughed. Without even thinking about it, he picked up the mineral water he had drunk from the Yunjinshu and poured a few sips into his mouth, wiped the sweat from his head, and said, “Yes, brother is kind enough to let you, but I don’t appreciate it. But you said, get up and let’s fight again.”

“No way, no way, I’m going to be exhausted. I haven’t moved these two legs for a long time, and my muscles are now sore. Let me rest for a while.” Yun Jinshu waved his hand and placed it in a big letter. Because of the water, the white sweatshirt was drenched with sweat, showing the light skin of the white sweatshirt.

Gu Yan’s eyes darkened, and he walked over and touched Yun Jinshu’s shoulder with a racket, “Don’t lie down like this. If you are tired, go and sit on a chair.”

Yun Jinshu covered half of his face with his arms. At this time, he didn’t want to move anymore, he hummed and said, “Who is going to go, I really can’t do it. Why is playing tennis more tiring than running long distances.”

Gu Yan was amused by his tantrum, holding a racket and deliberately scratching his chin, Yun Jinshu held his hand to drive, but Gu Yan was pervasive, always poking his face and neck.

Yun Jinshu became irritated, and said with a curled lips, “Ah…no matter what, I just stay here anyway.”

“Okay, I’m afraid of you, I’ll pull you up, right?” Gu Yan squatted down, reaching out and grabbing Yun Jinshu’s arm.

Yun Jinshu deliberately ignored him, and Gu Yan followed him to play mischief. When the two people were fighting each other, Yun Jinshu gave a smirk, raised his hand and grabbed Gu Yan’s arm back hard…

Gu Yan didn’t expect that he would suddenly become bad, and one of them fell face down without warning, and fell on Yun Jinshu.

“Oh!” Yun Jinshu was pressed by him, feeling that his ribs were about to break, he raised his hand and pushed him a few times and said, “Gu Yan, you are sinking to death!”

Gu Yan pressed on him, feeling that his blood was trembling. He stared at Yun Jinshu’s close face and the pale lips, not knowing why his heartbeat was beating faster and faster, just because he was playing ball. The dripping sweat also seemed to have been evaporated by the sudden increase in body temperature.

Yunjinshu didn’t think there was anything at all, but when he raised his head and met Gu Yan, he felt that the distance between each other was too dangerous, and he could hardly touch the tip of Gu Yan’s nose without raising his head.

My heart suddenly panicked. Just about to struggle to get up, Gu Yan sat up ahead of him, smiled and stretched out his hand and said: “Let you mess up again and taste the pain? Get up, if you don’t want to play, let’s Just go and play something else.”

Looking at his relaxed look at Yun Jinshu, he also felt that he was dizzy just now, and he couldn’t treat all the men in the world as **** just because he was gay.

Squeezing the embarrassing look on his face, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, raised the corners of his mouth and said, “Let’s take a shower first, it’s so uncomfortable with sweat.”

Speaking, he stood up on his own, pointed to Gu Yan in the direction of the bathroom, turned around and walked over, ignoring Gu Yan’s eyes suddenly darkened when he looked at his back.

After the two people took a shower, they went to the billiards hall and the movie theater. After dinner and dinner, they thought about returning to City S.

The two people talked and laughed along the way, as if the previous embarrassment on the court was just the illusion of two people. Soon after they got off the highway and drove on, they ran into a red light.

While waiting for the car, the sound of mobile phone vibration suddenly came out from the compartment. Gu Yan shrugged his shoulders and said to him, “Don’t look at me. I just threw the phone to the company just to be clean. It must be your phone that is shaking now. ?”

Yunjinshu scratched his hair. Before thinking about checking the missed phone calls, he forgot because he was watching a movie. At the moment, he was looking for the phone and couldn’t find it.

“Huh? Strange, where did I forget my phone?”

Gu Yan pointed to the trunk, “In the trunk, right? I heard the sound coming from behind. Or you can park aside and take a look. I haven’t answered the phone all day, in case it really matters. Things are in trouble.”

Yun Jinshu nodded, and just wanted to pull over and turn the steering wheel, but the green light came on. The cars behind them pressed their horns and couldn’t wait for a moment, and a deafening sound came. He sighed helplessly, “Forget it.” Well, it’s impossible to park now. In case the car is recognized by someone, tomorrow’s news of’stars playing big names and defying traffic laws’ will make headlines again.”

“Then you really don’t worry about something important?”

Yun Jinshu smiled, “What can happen? I’m not like your big name. The announcement can be arranged from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Don’t worry, there won’t be any major events. How is your house here? I will first You send it back, and it’s not too late to call home.”

Gu Yan made a cut, and pretended to be a little daughter-in-law, humming and saying, “Isn’t someone telling you that no matter how busy you are, I will take a day to accompany you? You have no conscience! Huh!”

Yunjinshu laughed, and even the steering wheel trembled. The Xiali car spun out of an S shape gorgeously on the road and almost hit a telephone pole on the side of the road.

After sending Gu Yan home, Yun Jinshu drove home by himself. It was already 11 o’clock in the evening, and the large number of reporters who had been guarding downstairs for a day had all left in frustration.

After Yun Jinshu stopped the car, she still didn’t dare to take it lightly. After scanning around, she put on sunglasses and got out of the car with her bag on his back.

The cold wind hit in the winter night, making a rustling sound, Yun Jinshu shrank his neck coldly and walked to the entrance of the corridor, but someone behind him suddenly stopped him.

The man shouted, “Jinshu.”

Yun Jinshu froze when he heard this voice, and after a long pause, he slowly turned his head back. Through the dimly yellow street lamp, he saw Han Jiang who was only a few steps away from him.

He only wore a thin windbreaker, his nose was a little red from the cold, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand and a nine-inch cake box came out of the shadow, obviously less than ten steps away, Yunjinshu But it feels like a century has passed at that moment

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