The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

The next day, Kidney Bean woke up early in the morning, first found that she was lying on the bed of Baba, and then found that there were more familiar strangers on the bed.

The little guy has been almost eight months now, and his movements are much cleaner than before. He tilted his head and stared at Han Jiang, then crawled, rolled over his shoulders, and followed his stomach all the way to his face. Sit down, seemingly satisfied with my results.

After all, Han Jiang is not a dead person, half of his face is pressed by the little guy’s ass, and it is impossible not to wake up. He opened his eyes and saw the kidney bean’s round face and big round eyes blinking. Staring at himself without blinking, watching everything is full of curiosity.

After getting drunk, his head was still a little heavy. It took Han Jiang some time to remember what happened last night, and by the way, he also remembered the little guy lying on his body, the baby son adopted by Yunjinshu.

Can’t laugh or raise his hands to pick him up, sit up on the bed and look around, and found that Yun Jinshu is not in the house. He rubbed kidney bean’s head and asked him with a smile, “Little guy, where’s your father?”

Kidney Bean didn’t understand, so he just thought that this uncle was very close, so he giggled a few times and took the little duck doll on the bed and stuffed it into Han Jiang’s arms, as if saying that although I don’t know what you are talking about, you must play games with me.

With the performance of this little guy pulling him all over last night, Han Jiang didn’t expect such a small child to give him any reaction. He smiled and pinched kidney bean’s face. He lifted the quilt and got up to get out of bed. Unwilling to get down, he grabbed his clothes and climbed up clumsily, facing Han Jiang’s stomach, it was a “Tarzan top”, and he fell directly on the bed to re-occupy the high ground.

Han Jiang was amused by his actions. He leaned forward and closed. He smiled and couldn’t get up on the bed. At this time, the door opened, Yun Jinshu glanced in, and left the four words blankly, turned and left.

“Come out to eat.”

Han Jiang’s face became stiff, and then he lowered his head and smiled lightly, and walked out of the bedroom holding the kidney beans.

Although Yun Jinshu hasn’t given him a good face so far, at least he was willing to stay behind last night and even prepared breakfast for him. This is a good start.

The restaurant is not big, but the layout is well-organized, warm and comfortable, just like the apartment Yun Jinshu lived in two years ago, it makes people feel at home.

The breakfast is very simple, ordinary omelettes and sandwiches, a plain porcelain bowl containing a bowl of white porridge, and a small plate next to it, containing a lot of pickled cucumbers.

Yun Jinshu did not greet Han Jiang to sit down and eat. Instead, he sat on a chair with kidney beans, took the duckling in his arms, tested the temperature of the baby bottle with his wrist, and carefully fed his son to eat.

Even though his movements have been done for seven or eight months, they are still a bit strange. After all, a man will never be as careful as a woman, able to take care of everything about a child. Fortunately, kidney beans are not picky eaters, and they have a very good appetite. When my father feeds, he sits dangling his small legs, with a pacifier in his mouth, and he eats deliciously. He stares at the plate with big eyes. Early here, it seems very greedy.

Han Jiang sat on the side and kept watching, an inexplicable illusion appeared in his head, as if they were an ordinary family of three. This was also an ordinary morning, and everyone was busy with each other but felt reassuring.

At this moment, Yun Jinshu raised his head, his sight happened to collide with him.

“What are you looking at?”

“No.” Han Jiang didn’t avoid any gaze. He looked at him scorchingly and said, “I’m thinking that your craftsmanship is as good as before. This pickled cucumber tastes different from the one you bought outside. Did you pick it yourself? ”

“It’s not as good as the five-star restaurant you usually eat.” Yunjinshu wiped kidney bean’s mouth clean, and didn’t intend to talk nonsense with him, “You hurry up and eat, I’m going to film, the babysitter will be here soon, clothes You take it by yourself. By the way, remember to keep the loan fee from last night when you leave.”

Han Jiang flicked the porridge in the bowl with a spoon, but he was not angry at what he said.

In fact, the more you come into contact with the Yunjinshu, the more you will find that he is a cold-hearted person on the outside, like a warm current wrapped under an iron plate, when it encounters a cold and hard state, but the inside is soft and warm.

Han Jiang understood that he had missed too much with Yun Jinshu. He was wavering when he hadn’t clarified the relationship before, but now he knows exactly what he wants, so he will not hesitate to take action and can no longer be indecisive.

“Are you free tonight? Let’s have dinner together.”

“No, the crew is in a hurry. I don’t have time.”

Han Jiang smiled, his handsome eyebrows flashed a gentle expression, “Jin Shu, you think too much. I thought a lot last night and talked a lot. I understand that it is no longer possible with you now. Think of it as a friend. I will never pester you or force you anymore. This meal is just to use the identity of a friend to repay your favor last night.”

Yunjinshu lowered his eyebrows and drank the porridge slowly, this time there was no reply.

Han Jiang made persistent efforts. After taking a look at Kidney Bean, he said, “If you are worried about what I will do, you can choose the location. If you feel uneasy about leaving Kidney Bean alone at home, you can also bring him along. Just eat and nothing else.”

Yunjinshu paused, suddenly raised his eyebrows to look at him, and sneered, “When I finish filming every day, most hotels are closed. I go to street stalls and bars to make do with some food. Master Han can wait for me. so late?”

Han Jiang knew that Yunjinshu’s heart was loose, and he was happy. Hearing this, he was like a young man of seventeen or eighth when he had an appointment with his first love. The palms of his nervous hands were slightly sweaty.

“Since you want to invite people to dinner, you need Shengyi Quanquan. No matter what time it is, you can even have supper, as long as you are willing to come.”

The Yunjinshu picked up a piece of emerald green pickled cucumber and took a bite, then swallowed it with sticky white porridge. The water-glowing lips were crimson, which looked particularly confusing.

After a long time, he curled up his mouth and nodded faintly, “The crew is busy rushing to film the finale these days, so we have to go all night. Tonight will definitely not work. I’ll talk about it later on Saturday.”

Although Yun Jinshu’s words did not respond positively to Han Jiang’s invitation, but he was not far from nodding to the appointment. Han Jiang was relieved in his heart. This feeling of anxiety has not passed for a long time, and now he is revisiting it again. Surprisingly, it tastes good.

He looked at Yunjinshu’s hand on the table, and wanted to hold it in the palm of his hand, and even wanted to walk over and hug him from behind…

Although these beautiful thoughts are undoubtedly a long journey, he is very patient, because this is a bright start.


In the next two days, Han Jiang didn’t call Yunjinshu again, and his attitude seemed to be exactly what he said that day, but he just hoped that each other started as ordinary friends.

If he didn’t call, Yunjinshu was happy and happy, as if he didn’t take Han Jiang’s words to heart at all.

On Friday, the U.S. H-shares were re-listed. The stockholders who had been locked up by their company also pushed out the dark clouds. Even if the time was right, Yunjinshu threw out all the H-shares at hand and made a net profit of more than 400. Million.

In addition, after he used the identity of Jinbo to trade with the Germans and sold the plot of land in his hand, his account has now exceeded 27 million, and he has to pay back the money and interest to Gu Yan. The funds available for activity in his hand are already a large amount, so he began to plan for his next step.

Although he has memories of the next five years, this does not mean that his head is a supercomputer, capable of recording all useful information without any errors.

The stock market has been changing many times, and land trading is not always a business opportunity. It is obviously too risky to make money by this speculative method. He must find a stable way to make money in order to completely prevent the money he earns now from suddenly in the stock market. Drifted.

While he was struggling to think about business opportunities, Zhao Hanchuan came to visit the class that day in the filming. When chatting with him, he said that one of his distant relatives had opened an investment company, but unfortunately he had gone bankrupt due to poor management. Recently, he always came to ask him if he was willing to buy the company. , To help him tide over the difficulties.

Yun Jinshu was stunned when he heard this, put down the script in his hand and asked him in surprise, “Since he is your relative, you can help him. There shouldn’t be much money for the acquisition.”

Zhao Hanchuan patted his legs, and said tangledly, “That means, his investment company has a ready-made scale and legal person, and the funding gap is more than one million yuan. I don’t want to buy it, but I am not born in business. This company is very important to my relative. If I buy it and become his major shareholder, I don’t know anything about it. Don’t wait to push the company into the fire pit again.”

Yun Jinshu nodded thoughtfully, “Are all the business licenses of this company owned by your relative complete?”

“Of course, in fact, he just wants to find a major shareholder to support him, and then work for others by himself, making money and worry-free.”

What Zhao Hanchuan accidentally said gave Yun Jinshu a new opportunity. After he heard the name and contact information of the bankrupt company in his mouth, he used the identity of Jinbo to get in touch with the boss that night. In the future, he bought more than 60% of the shares without telling the owner and became the largest shareholder behind this investment company.

Yunjinshu is very satisfied with this transaction. Such a small-scale investment company that always has access to large sums of cash and running accounts can easily make money as long as it operates properly, and it also uses a false identity to open a company to conceal its true identity. Being able to easily help him block a lot of eyes and ears is simply killing two birds with one stone.

The days passed like water. In a blink of an eye, all the domestic scenes of “Exaggeration” had been filmed, and all the remaining scenes had to be filmed in the United States, so Zhou Rui gave everyone a week of vacation after filming the last scene.

Gu Yan was still shooting commercials in Cairo because the scene ended early because of the early end of the scene. Only Yun Jinshu followed up with the shot and completed the task of the last day.

Sitting in the dressing room, LILY was helping him to remove the tape and wig from his face. Yun Jinshu’s cell phone rang suddenly. He glanced at the caller ID and then asked, “What day is the week today?”

LILY had a meal, and then smiled and said, “Saturday today, what’s the matter? Jinshu, you have a “beautiful appointment”?”

Yun Jinshu raised her eyebrows, gave her a meaningful smile, and then stood up in the eyes of a crowd of envy, walked outside and answered the phone.


“Jin Shu, it’s me.” Han Jiang’s voice came from the earpiece, even if Yun Jin Shu was invisible at this time, he could still paint the smile on his face.

“I heard it, what’s wrong, something?”

On the other side of the phone, Han Jiang seemed to be thinking about how to speak. After a moment of silence, he smiled and said, “It’s Saturday today. Is it time for the things we agreed on that day to be fulfilled.”

Yun Jinshu raised his eyebrows playfully, and asked him half-truth, “You are so looking forward to this day?”

There was a chuckle from Han Jiang’s throat, “I just happen to remember that you are free on Saturday. Tonight…may I have dinner together?”

Yunjinshu raised his hand and looked at his watch, at nineteen o’clock.

“Well, the crew still has some things to be busy. I can’t go away. If you are willing to wait, let’s meet at 11 o’clock.”

Han Jiang finally heard the clear reply from Yunjinshu, and he made waves in his heart quietly, “Heh, I thought that if you could get a little earlier, I would book a seat in advance, but it’s a pity…but it doesn’t matter, since you are going to be busy. It’s so late, I can’t stand it in my stomach. How about eating a little around the crew?”

Yunjinshu raised his eyebrows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was very intriguing. “There is nothing around us, just a FREE bar and a few unremarkable Mala Tang stalls.”

Han Jiang smiled, “Eating spicy food at night will stimulate the stomach and intestines, which is bad for your health. Let’s just FREE bar. I will pick you up at 11 o’clock?”

Yun Jinshu laughed softly, “Well, then… eleven o’clock, see or leave.”

After the phone was pressed, Han Jiang’s smile dazzled the little secretary next to her. She blushed and lowered her head. She really didn’t want to admit that the diamond-level king and old five like Han Jiang already had someone she liked.

When Yun Jinshu walked back to the dressing room, most of the crew had already left, and only Lily was still waiting for him dutifully.

“Boy, know you’re back? Honestly, do you really want to go on a date?”

Yun Jinshu lowered his head and smiled, with a shy expression on his face, “Actually… it was someone who introduced me to a blind date. She didn’t know that I was a star, so… I was a little nervous.

LILY screamed, “Oh my god! What’s so shy about this kind of good thing, how many girls can’t wait to marry a celebrity! You sit down, I will help you get rid of the wrinkles on your face, you hurry up and don’t Let the girl wait.”

Yun Jinshu pursed her mouth and her ears were slightly red, and raised her black eyes, looking at her a little bit shy and childish, and said, “Sister Lily… can I ask you something? I’m really going to have a blind date tonight. I’m a little worried, I don’t want others to like me because I’m a star, but I don’t know what to do, so… can you help me draw it casually, just let others not see who I am at a glance , I want her to be with me because of me, not because of my face.”

Speaking of his tone at the end even imploring, Lily’s heart suddenly softened. She has always regarded Yun Jinshu as her younger brother, and she liked him very much, plus the current stars are doing things outside. , It is rare to have a boy like him who is willing to blind date.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that Yunjinshu was really delicate and sincere. She didn’t even want to pat his shoulder and said, “No problem, leave it to my sister, will you not be handsome or ugly? Now the girls are very powerful. It’s good if you’re willing to do this, anyway, my sister believes that she can easily take that girl with you alone.”

“Thank you Sister Lily, but please don’t tell me about this. I’m afraid that others will laugh at me if they know it…”

Lily nodded very righteously, Yun Jinshu repeatedly thanked him, his eyes curled up and smiled very happily, but the black eyes flashed brightly, and the fingers copied in the trouser pockets became blue and white because of tension.


It’s 20:45 in the evening.

An ordinary-looking man walked into the FREE bar wearing a waiter’s uniform. No one was surprised at his arrival.

Across the noisy crowds and crowded dance floors, he walked to the bartender and greeted another bartender standing there with a smile, “Hello, brother.”

The young bartender glanced at him and nodded, “Are you the new waiter that the boss said yesterday? Have you done bartending before?”

The man nodded, took out the wine vessel and shook it. The action was fancy and dazzling, which attracted the applause of many people around him, “I used to work in other bars, but I still have to learn from my big brother. I just came today. What are you going to do?”

The bartender glanced at him appreciatively and pushed open the small sliding door in front of the stage, “Anyway, the boss said he asked you to mix with me. Since you are so skilled, then I can rest assured. There are too many guests today. You can help me take care of it. Focus on it.”

The man nodded, looking honest and duty-bound, but he couldn’t remember his ordinary face after a few glances. The bartender walked out to greet the other guests at ease. Only the man stood inside and wiped it quietly. glass.

Things in this world can probably be solved with two things, one is money and the other is power.

Yunjinshu just spent 10,000 yuan to buy the waiter who just came to the FREE bar today. Anyway, in a noisy place like a bar, no one will pay attention to the appearance of an ordinary man. He just has to act. It’s beautiful, it’s enough for this night.

And the craft of bartending just now was specially learned according to the plot requirements when he was filming a TV show in his previous life. At that time, he probably would never have thought of this trick that he learned casually, and now it would be so useful.

There was a lively and dynamic dance music in the bar. Men and women crowded together, dancing crazy. When the clock was pointing to nine o’clock, the atmosphere of the hotel became more lively. At this time, the door was opened and everyone walked in. A man who is not tall but good-looking, he wore large sunglasses, swept around in the bar, and then walked to the bar.

Yun Jinshu curled up the corners of his mouth coldly, and finally came, but even if you wear sunglasses, I can still recognize you, Wen Zeyun.

“A martini.”

Yun Jinshu glanced at him, smiled and nodded, pouring a glass of wine from the bottle and pushing it in front of him, “Sir, please use it slowly.”

Wen Zeyun got up and took a few mouthfuls of wine. During this period, he took out his phone and looked at it several times, as if waiting until he was a little impatient.

Yun Jinshu walked over and asked softly, “Excuse me… are you Mr. Wen?”

Wen Zeyun raised his head and glanced at him, frowning, “Who are you?”

Yun Jinshu smiled lightly, showing a signature smile, “That’s it, sir, there was a gentleman with the surname Han waiting for someone before, but suddenly something seemed to be leaving in a hurry. Before leaving, tell me if I see A gentleman surnamed Wen told him that he would be back soon after a while. I think you seem to be waiting for someone, so I took the liberty to ask.”

Wen Zeyun croaked displeasedly and put the cup heavily on the table, cursing a few words in his mouth, his temper seemed a bit irritable and unstable.

“Yes, my surname is Wen, what else did that person say?”

Yun Jinshu shrugged apologetically, “Sorry, the other Mr. Han did not say, but he knows that you like to drink martini and green lemon. I ordered a glass for you before, and I will bring it for you. .”

Wen Zeyun originally had some doubts and thoughts completely let go now. Few people know the strange way of drinking martini with green lemon that he likes, and the waiter in front of him is even more unlikely to know. It seems that Han Jiang is true. Come and go.

Damn it, if his father hadn’t cut off his financial resources, hadn’t lost too much money in gambling, and even had no money to buy morphine, he wouldn’t have borrowed money from Han Jiang.

Drug users will become irritable, afraid of heat and cold, Wen Zeyun is no exception. He pulled his neckline irritably, as if waiting a little impatiently.

Yun Jinshu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled playfully. After pouring the clear martini into the glass, he took ice cubes and lemon to squeeze the juice, and “accidentally” dropped the stimulant hidden in his sleeve. Then, watching the rice-sized pills mixed with ice cubes and lemons, they were instantly crushed into powder…

“Sir, your martini with green lemon, please use it slowly.”

The cold, amber liquid exudes the aroma of lemon, the small ice in the clear wine glass floats on it, and a clear breath rushes over his face. The hot and impatient Wen Zeyun just glanced at it, and his throat was not dry. I poured it in without thinking about picking up the glass.

The irritating taste coupled with the sweet and sour taste spread from his chest, and he felt a lot more comfortable, and he couldn’t help but gulp it straight to the bottom.

Standing at the Yunjinshu who usually wiped the glass carefully, the broken hair on his forehead blocked his expression, but it failed to cover the cold smile that twitched from the corner of his mouth…

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