The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Han Jiang didn’t know how he drove to Yunjinshu’s apartment, his ears were buzzing, his head hurt as if he was about to explode.

He thought of Yunjinshu’s gentle smile holding a kidney bean, and the little guy sitting on his stomach with a little yellow duck and giggling, and… the three people were lying on the not-so-large double bed. The time he was cuddling and sleeping…for a time, his chest seemed to be stuffed with a bomb, and he was blown to pieces in an instant.

Yun Jinshu stayed in Vancouver for nearly two years. At that time, his career was ruined, his leg was seriously injured, and he was wandering lonely in a foreign country. Only the kid, Kid Dou, accompanied him through the most difficult days.

After returning to China, the Yunjinshu changed, and it became like a block of cold stone. But he exhausted all his tenderness for this son. Han Jiang didn’t dare to think about it during the time when Yunjinshu was gone. , What happens to the kidney bean, what will he become…

He slammed on the accelerator, and the black lotus hurriedly went out. He ran through several red lights along the way, and he caught up with a few white police cars behind him. Han Jiang had no time to worry about these. There was only one in his head. The idea is to protect the kidney beans anyway, and protect the only hope of Yunjinshu.

The car ran into a rampage and drove to the gate of the community without any tactics. It was surrounded by crowds watching the excitement, and the intersection was densely blocked. The car was simply unable to move. A layer of sweat dripped on Han Jiangji’s forehead and he smashed it hard. I clicked the steering wheel, threw the car on the side of the road, got out of the car and ran in.

At this time, the fire alarm has come, but because the intersection of this community is very narrow, there are many cars next to it, and the surrounding area is full of people at this time. The large fire truck with elevator can’t get in at all, even if the police are hoarse. Evacuation of the crowd was of no avail. Firefighters could only spray water upstairs with a water gun.

But because of the limited length of the pipe, it is far from being able to quench the thirst. Even if five or six water spray guns are fully powered, the upstairs windows continue to brave raging flames, waving their teeth and claws with hot flames and billowing thick smoke. Half of the roof is blackened, making it impossible to see what’s inside.

When Han Jiang saw the situation, his heart was half cold. His back was completely saturated with sweat. He grabbed the security guard of the evacuated residents next to him and asked anxiously, “Sir, I am a family member of Yun Jinshu. what’s the situation!?”

The security guard’s face had been blackened, and he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said breathlessly, “The house next door upstairs burned! The fire can’t be controlled and has spread to your home!”

As soon as Han Jiang heard this, his face was pale, “Where is that kid!? There is a little boy who is almost one year old in the room. Has he been rescued!?”

“No! The fire is too big, the firefighters can’t get in at all!” The security guard looked anxious, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, raised his hand angrily and gave Han Jiang a bit, and roared, “What’s the matter with you? Father! How can you throw such a small child in the house alone!”

Han Jiang’s figure shook suddenly. The smoke and bad news almost made him breathless. He raised his hand and shook the shoulder of the security guard vigorously, “Is there a babysitter in the house? Where is that babysitter now!” ?”

“Shit babysitter! The babysitter ran away as soon as he saw the smoke coming out of the next door!”

The security guard dropped these words and continued shouting hoarsely to evacuate the crowd. Han Jiang stood there for a moment, holding on to the shelf next to him and barely standing still. He turned around and looked at the fierce fire upstairs. He took a deep breath and took the bucket from the hand of the person next to him and poured his head down. Without thinking, he ran upstairs. The firefighters behind saw him and reached out to stop him, but Han Jiang’s speed was too fast to stop him, and his figure disappeared in the billowing smoke…

This season is dry and dry, and the small fire will spread much faster than usual. Han Jiang covered his nose with his sleeve and ran all the way. The denser the smoke as he went upstairs, the entire corridor was covered by dense smoke when he got upstairs. I can’t see anything at all.

“Kidney beans! Kidney beans!”

Han Jiang couldn’t help but yelled, as if to cheer himself up and as if hoping for a miracle, even if he understood that Kidney Bean was still so small, it was impossible to respond to him, but he kept shouting, he was afraid that once he was quiet When I came down, I could only hear the sound of fire burning everything.

Kicked open the hot emergency access door, the ceiling of the roof slammed down, and an orange flame instantly spread on the ground, billowing smoke mixed with firelight came out from the next room, and it was already burning. At the door of Yunjinshu’s house.

Han Jiang’s heart was pounding, and he bent over the flame and walked to the side based on his memory. Only then did he clearly hear the miserable cry of the baby.

“Kidney beans! Don’t be afraid of kidney beans, uncle will come to rescue you!”

He shouted in through the door, the blazing fire mixed with crackling sounds broke his voice. He didn’t know if Kidney Bean could hear him, but the cry of the little guy was still hoarse, and his angina was terrible. , Clenched his fist tightly and told himself that the child could still make a sound, indicating that he was still alive and he still had time to rescue people!

He didn’t have time to think too much. He tried to control his trembling hands and found the key from the cloud brocade book from his pocket, but the more anxious he was in his heart, the more he didn’t listen to his fingers. Going to pick it up from the waist, a huge three-plywood used for decoration on the ceiling slammed down with flames.

He smashed abruptly, able to escape the fire, and when he wanted to find the key, he found that the key was actually pressed by the three-plywood. At this time, there was already a raging fire, and there was no possibility of taking it out.

Han Jiang wanted to slap himself twice at this time, and he could open the door of the room, but at the most critical moment, he lost the key!

No, calm down!

Han Jiang took a deep breath, trying not to care about his increasingly groggy head, coughing violently while covering his nose, and suddenly swept to the top of the corner. There was a small window for ventilation, because it was relatively high and it was made of glass. , At this time there was no time to be infested by the flames.

There is only one way!

Han Jiang held his chest, which was so painful due to lack of oxygen, picked up a few stones in the flower pot in the corner, climbed up a few pipes in the doorway, slammed the glass, and the glass shattered with a crash. He took a long breath, gritted his teeth and climbed up, but he almost slipped down without stepping on it. At this time, the entire ground below was covered with flames. Once he fell, he would be a dead end.

Climbing in through the small window with difficulty, the broken glass scratched his face and arms. Before he could pay attention, he jumped into the room and started shouting hoarsely:

“Kidney bean! Where are you kidney bean!?”

The room was full of dense smoke, and the door that had been sealed before was now shrouded in flames. From the cracks of the door, there was a stream of hot fire, and the entire living room had already lit up an open flame.

With dense smoke, Han Jiang couldn’t see what was in front of him at all, so he could only search around while avoiding the open flame. He called the kidney bean’s name several times, but the little guy never responded to him again, Han Jiang I only feel that my heart sinks bit by bit, but I am unwilling to give up my last hope.

“Kidto, make a noise! ​​Even if you cry out, let Uncle know where you are! Uncle will take you to find Dad, OK!”

The crackling sound of the fire concealed Han Jiang’s hoarse voice, and at this time the fire finally came out from the crack of the door, with a whirring sound, the fabric sofa in the living room was instantly lit, and Han Jiang’s heart was already It was completely cold, and he had to retreat to the kitchen, tripped under the trash can, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

At this time, the kitchen hadn’t burned up, and there was not much smoke in the air, and his vision was clear. He saw the kidney beans sitting halfway by the sink at a glance.

No wonder he didn’t find the child just now, it turned out that the little guy was hiding here! It is estimated that when the babysitter was cooking in the kitchen with the child, he ran away alone after hearing the fire.

At this moment, Han Jiang thanked God. The babysitter was in the kitchen with the child. If it were still placed on the bed in the bedroom, it would be really bad.

“Kidney Beans!”

He stumbled and ran over and held the kidney bean in his arms. The little guy was half unconscious at this time, his small face was so bruised and purple, his pale and fat body was trembling constantly, but there was nothing obvious on his body. After being awakened by Han Jiang, he coughed violently, whimpered and sobbed in pain.

At this moment, Han Jiang came here heartily fortunately. If the little guy wasn’t hiding in the kitchen sink furthest from the open flame next door, he might already be holding a corpse!

“Don’t be afraid of kidney beans, don’t be afraid, uncle will take you away, don’t be afraid.” Han Jiang continued to comfort kidney beans, stroking his back with his hands.

It took a long time for Kidney Bean to react. He looked at Han Jiang with big eyes in horror. Maybe he finally saw a person he knew. He burst into tears instantly, holding on to Han Jiang’s clothes tightly with his little hand, mouth. There was an unfamiliar sound, “Ba… Ba Ba…! Huh… Ba…”

The tip of Han Jiang’s nose was sour in an instant, and his chest suddenly exploded. The loss of despair and the joy of loss made him almost speechless.

He took off his damp coat and wrapped it around the kidney bean, and hugged him tightly and walked out, but at this time the fire had completely spread. Except for the kitchen, the entire living room and bedroom had been enveloped by the raging fire. He was completely sealed by the tongue of fire, except for jumping out of the kitchen window, he and Kidney Bean couldn’t get back.

But if such a small child jumps with him, he will definitely be dead, what should I do! ?

“Comrade Fire! Look upstairs! There seem to be people upstairs!”

I don’t know who shouted downstairs. Han Jiang heard that he opened the window and waved downstairs, “Here! We’re here! There is a one-year-old child in the room that can’t hold on. Up!”

This sound almost exhausted all Han Jiang’s strength. The firefighters looked up and saw the situation here, and immediately pushed the previously inflated air cushion over. One of the firefighters was about to climb up along the wall, but at this time the flames The kitchen was already filled, and the firefighters couldn’t rush to get the child down.

At the close of his hair, Han Jiang hugged kidney beans and kissed his forehead, “Bean, don’t be afraid, you close your eyes, we will fly down after a while.”

After all, Kidney Bean is a little baby. He was completely overwhelmed by the big shock before. He opened his eyes dumbly and did not respond. Han Jiang raised his hand to cover his eyes, took a deep breath, and hugged Kidney Bean tightly to his chest. Before, he stood with his back to the window, closed his eyes and fell down…

At this moment, he didn’t have any thoughts in his head, maybe it was instinct, or maybe it was something else. He just wanted to protect the child very strongly and not let him suffer any harm.

The moment he landed, his back fell heavily on the air cushion, painful to the heart, but the palm of his hand that was protecting the kidney bean never moved away…

Fortunately, the little guy is fine, otherwise… He hooked his mouth bitterly, and remembered Yun Jinshu’s desperate look.


“Ka!” Zhou Rui called a timeout, rubbing his forehead with a headache, “Jin Shu, take a break. Being absent-minded is also a waste of time.”

“Sorry…” Yun Jinshu lowered his head, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “I wasted everyone’s time. I am very sorry, I will adjust it as soon as possible.”

Yun Jinshu, who had eaten NG seven or eight times, bowed guiltily to the crew, his face looked very pale and looked very tired.

Zhou Rui sighed, walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, “I didn’t mean to blame you. I’m just worried about your state. Jin Shu, your face is ugly. Is the jet lag not adjusted?”

Yun Jinshu smiled and shook his head, “Don’t worry, I stayed up to watch the football game yesterday and didn’t sleep well, so I’ll be fine after a short rest.”

Zhou Rui smiled and nodded and left. Yun Jinshu took a long breath and sat on the chair nearby. Gu Yan watched him follow him.

“What’s the matter?”

“Isn’t it all about watching a football game? There are so many things.” Yun Jinshu gave him a joke and said.

“You can fool Zhou Rui with that silly excuse. Don’t fool me.” Gu Yan glanced at him, his resolute face showing sourness.

Yun Jinshu let out a laugh, rubbed his painful temples, and then spoke for a while, “I don’t know why. I have been restless for the past two days. I always feel that something very serious is about to happen. Let me tell you something. Come on, I don’t know what to say, and no one answered when I called home just now. To be honest…I’m a little worried.”

Brother Gu Yan hugged his shoulders, and said like a ruffian, “I think it’s a big deal. It turned out to be because of this. I said Jinshu, how big you are, and you are still suspicious. You don’t want to look at it now. It’s midnight in China, and of course no one answers when you call home in the middle of the night.”

“But this kind of thing has never happened before. No matter how late it is, the nanny would call me, because the little guy would cry and refuse to sleep if he didn’t hear my voice. This time it was too abnormal.” Yun Jinshu worried. Fucked his eyebrows, and his right eyelid jumped for any signs.

“Don’t worry, Kidney Bean is not a milk doll for three or four months after all. Boys, you must let go and let him learn to be independent. This is the first time you have left him, so that’s why you think about it.”

Yun Jinshu smiled helplessly and shrugged his shoulders, “I hope so, maybe it’s like you said, Douzi doesn’t want to stick to me when he grows up, hey…what to do, suddenly I want to look sadly at forty-five. Degree angle.”

Gu Yan let out a chuckle, raised his hand to face Yunjinshu’s head and rubbed it randomly.

Yun Jinshu couldn’t beat him, so he threw a contemptuous look in his eyes and went into the studio. Gu Yanwu sat where he was trying to control his growing smile, picking up the script next to him and trying to block his face. He looked on, but unexpectedly found that Yun Jinshu’s mobile phone fell on the chair. Just as he was about to pick up the phone, it suddenly shook.

“Jinshudian…” He subconsciously said, but when he glanced at the number on the screen, something flashed past his head, choking the words behind him severely in his throat.

The word “Han Jiang” kept flashing on the screen, as if shining in front of him, constantly emitting a dazzling light.

Gu Yan held the phone tightly in his palm. The vibration did not attract the attention of people around him. He glanced into the studio. Yun Jinshu was discussing something with Zhou Rui not far away. He took a deep breath and quietly. Turning half of his body silently, he pressed the button to refuse to answer.

If it weren’t for Han Jiang… if it weren’t for Han Jiang’s entanglement time and time again, Jin Shu wouldn’t have to take the child to a foreign country in embarrassment, and disappear silently for two full years.

As long as Han Jiang is cut off, maybe Jin Shu will accept his feelings one day.

Gu Yan’s head was completely occupied by dark thoughts, and his fingers unconsciously opened the text message menu and deleted all the text messages that Han Jiang had sent before.

With Gu Yan’s enlightenment, Yunjinshu quickly became ready again. He never ate NG again. Zhou Rui was happily unable to take everyone to dinner at noon. The crew did not return to the hotel until after two o’clock in the afternoon.

Sitting on the hotel bed, Yun Jinshu tried to call home again, but he still couldn’t get through. He started to feel uneasy again. He tried to dial the nanny’s heart-warming number, but after the call, he immediately hung up and called again. I can’t get through anymore.

The more Yun Jinshu thought about it, the more wrong it became. He was lying on the bed tossing about and couldn’t fall asleep, flipping through the call records with his phone, but found nothing.

He really wanted to hear kidney beans call himself “Baba” again. Before he could realize the joy of being a father, he had to be separated from his son. It was cruel to want to come, but now he can’t even get through the phone at home. Now, how can this make him feel at ease.

While he was awake at night in bed, the phone rang suddenly, he sat up suddenly, and picked up without reading the number at all, “Kidney Bean!”

“…” A light breathing came from the other end of the phone, but no one spoke.

Yun Jinshu was stunned for a moment, took off the phone and looked at it again, only to find that the person calling him was Han Jiang, and he was speechless all of a sudden.

The two people held their mobile phones in this way. After nearly twelve hours of jet lag, no one spoke. Time passed bit by bit. Han Jiang smiled gently on the other end and called him, “Jin Shu .”

Yun Jinshu didn’t expect Han Jiang to call him. It was already wee hours in China at this time, why he hadn’t slept yet.

“What’s matter?”

“No, just want to hear your voice, have you had lunch?”

Yun Jinshu said “Um”. His previous worry about Kidney Dou still made him restless, and he didn’t have the thought of continuing to work hard with Han Jiang, “If there is nothing to do, just hang up. I’m still waiting for Kiddie’s call. I didn’t have it today. I contacted him, I don’t know if the little guy is good.”

Han Jiang choked on that end, and then said lightly, “Kidou is already asleep. I visited him at your house today. He is very good and well-behaved. He held the little yellow duck for a long time. Giggle, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Really? Did you see him today?” Yun Jinshu has no time to worry about Han Jiang going to his house for a while, and all his thoughts are on the word kidney bean.

Han Jiang smiled on the other end, “Well, he seems to be a little fatter again. I heard the nanny say that he will call his father again. Congratulations.”

Yun Jinshu was completely relieved when he heard this. Only he and the nanny knew that Kidney Dou would speak. Since Han Jiang knew about it, he must have seen Kidney Dou.

It seems that the little guy really went to bed too early, because he was still thinking about it, or Gu Yan was right, the child will become less dependent on the parents when he grows up, but he is overly nervous.

A “thank you” was stuck in my throat but I couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t spit out like a fishbone and couldn’t swallow. For a while, there was silence again between the two of them. At this time, Yun Jinshu vaguely heard a slight call from the other end Didi sound.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, “Where are you now? Why is there the sound of machines running?”

“I’m at home, it may be noise, I didn’t hear what you said.” Han Jiang said with a smile.

At this point, Yunjinshu didn’t know how to continue, and said “It’s late on your side, go to bed, good night” and hung up the phone, but the “thank you” was not said at the end.

There was a beeping busy tone on the phone, and Han Jiang, who was lying on the hospital bed, closed his eyes and dropped his arms under the bed.

He was badly injured. He had two ribs broken, stitches on his face and arms, and mild burns on his skin. After fainting from the fire, he woke up again and came to the hospital. Kidney Bean was also slightly injured and he was too frightened. He is still living in the Infant Intensive Care Unit.

How did this truth tell him?

Han Jiang tilted his head, staring at the heartbeat monitor which was ticking aside, showing a wry smile.

He didn’t want to make Yun Jinshu sad, and he didn’t want to save kidney beans by himself as a bargaining chip for each other to get back together.

So this is enough…

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