The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 91

Chapter 91


Lin Dayong yelled in horror, Yun Jinshu took out a pistol and put it on his head, and said gloomily, “You dare to say something to try.”

The man was frightened immediately and did not dare to say a word. At this time, Wang Xuelin, who was sitting in the living room, heard the movement and walked over here, “My dear, what’s wrong with you?”

Yun Jinshu held the gun against Lin Dayong and said in a low voice, “Let her stop there and not allowed to come.”

Lin Dayong was so scared that he dared to defy, and said shiveringly, “You…you…don’t come over! I haven’t put my pants on yet!”

Wang Xuelin snorted and laughed, her red lips picked up and smiled and said, “I haven’t seen what you look like. I’m shy now. Okay, I won’t go there. Come out.”

“Let her turn her back, hurry up!”

Yun Jinshu’s muzzle was almost embedded in Lin Dayong’s head. He was so frightened that he was about to pee his pants, so he had to say, “Bao… baby… you turn your back, don’t look here… ”

“You’re a dead enemy.” Wang Xuelin thought he was going to surprise herself when he got up suddenly, and turned around with a smile.

“I…you, you…I did what you said, let me go…”

Lin Dayong tremblingly asked for mercy, Yun Jinshu pulled him up with his clothes and kicked him in the stomach, not forgetting to use his eyes to warn him that if he dared to appear, he would immediately collapse his head.

Yun Jinshu pushed Lin Dayong forward, and when he walked to the living room, he saw the unconscious kidney bean on the sofa. He immediately buzzed his head, and he wished to destroy the two of them immediately.

At this time, Wang Xuelin heard the footsteps, closed her eyes and tilted her head and asked, “Honey, are you out?”

Yun Jinshu stood behind Lin Dayong’s head and said nothing. Lin Dayong did not dare to speak out when he saw that he did not speak.

Wang Xuelin noticed that something was wrong, and when she opened her eyes she saw Lin Dayong standing in front of her. She exhaled and smiled and said, “Oh, why are you not making a sound?”

She walked over with a smile, without noticing Lin Dayong’s weird expression. At this moment, Yun Jinshu seized the opportunity to kick out. Lin Dayong yelled “Ah” and couldn’t help falling to the ground, and suddenly pushed Wang Xuelin down On the ground.

Wang Xuelin watched the Yunjinshu that suddenly appeared, and cried out: “Ah! You, you, you! How did you get in!”

Yun Jinshu didn’t have the time to take care of her. Before the two of them got up, he picked up the kidney beans on the sofa and ran to the window. Lin Dayong saw that his “life-saving money” was about to fly, and he didn’t want his life. Pounced directly crazy.

Although Yun Jinshu had a gun in his hand, he didn’t want to open it indiscriminately. He picked up a vase and slammed it on Lin Dayong’s head. Lin Dayong couldn’t dodge, and his head was bloodied. When he became angry, he picked up an iron rod and greeted him .

While trying to protect the kidney beans, he also had to struggle with Lin Dayong. Yun Jinshu quickly became unable to do what he wanted. Lin Dayong seized the opportunity and smashed it down with an iron rod. Yun Jinshu suddenly turned around and shot him with a bullet. Taking Lin Dayong’s thigh, he yelled and kicked Yun Jinshu’s pistol.

“Help! Help! Killed!” Wang Xuelin yelled like crazy, frightening Hua Rong pale.

Yun Jinshu was afraid that too much movement would lead Han Zhongtian’s people over. One stooped to avoid Lin Dayong’s attack, picked up a pistol and knocked Wang Xuelin’s neck, “I think you are Han Jiang’s mother to be merciful. Dare to yell indiscriminately, I will shoot immediately!”

Where did the noble lady have suffered a little bit? She cried with pain after being beaten, and she had to run outside when she opened the door of the room.

Lin Dayong is not a fool either. He knows that Wang Xuelin is his life-saving talisman. If she leaves, Yun Jinshu will never be polite to him again. The pistol won’t have long eyes and he will definitely be finished.

When he said he was hurry, he got up from a wheel on the ground, grabbed Wang Xuelin’s arm and shouted, “You are not allowed to go!”

He was already frantic at this time, his blood-filled face was full of greed. He stared at Yun Jinshu and the kidney bean in his arms, his eyes flashed, turned back and hid behind Wang Xuelin, and raised his hand to pinch her. Neck.

“You have the ability to shoot! You killed Han Jiang his mother, see if he will forgive you!”

Yun Jinshu’s face changed immediately. He understood that Lin Xianyong was an extremely greedy person, but he did not expect that he was so frantic that his lover who was still hugging each other in the last second could be used as a bargaining chip in the next second.

The phone held in the palm of his hand was soaked in sweat and slippery. Let’s not say that he has never received professional training in guns. Hands on.

Yun Jinshu guarded the kidney bean behind her back and said calmly, “She is Han Jiang’s mother, but not my mother. If I leave, you still can’t stop me.”

“Hahaha… Then you shoot! Don’t you dare to shoot? Hahaha…”

Regardless of Wang Xuelin’s pale face, Lin Dayong took out a lighter from his pocket and quickly lit it, “I just throw this thing here, boom! The fire will start, hahahaha… when the time comes. None of us want to escape!”

Yun Jinshu’s head turned fast at this time. Although the situation is critical now, he did not regret leaving Aze and the others downstairs.

All of Han Zhongtian’s people have left here just now, and maybe they have been arrested by Aze at this time. As long as Han Zhongtian’s people don’t come to mix up, things will turn for the better.

Taking a deep breath, he asked, “What do you want?”

Lin Dayong laughed wildly, regardless of Wang Xuelin’s crying, and the hand holding her neck tightened again, “I want money, you call Han Jiang now and let him hold 57% of Han’s shares. Transfer all of them to my name, otherwise I will kill her immediately, and by the way I will die with you father and son!”

“OK, as you wish, I will call Han Jiang now.”

Yun Jinshu took out his mobile phone and pressed a series of numbers, and activated the hands-free according to Lin Dayong’s intention. As a result, there was a busy beeping sound from the other end of the phone.

“You heard, Han Jiang won’t answer my call.” Yun Jinshu curled up his mouth and smiled, “He doesn’t care about me that much, he probably disappointed you.”

“Do you think I’m a fool! If Han Jiang doesn’t love you, I don’t believe it!”

Lin Dayong’s eyes were outside the canthus, yelling, Wang Xuelin sobbed and said to him, “Dayong…you let me go, if you want money, I will give you…Han Jiang promised to give me money, as long as you let me go, The money is yours.”

“If you can squeeze money out of Han Jiang’s pocket, you won’t be scammed by him for that 27% of the shares! Fool! Don’t think I **** love you! You are over fifty, and I see you very much. Disgusting, okay? If it wasn’t for the money, the **** **** would be so tired of you, I would have bored you a long time ago!”

Wang Xuelin’s whole body shuddered, as if she had been greatly hit, and she was a lot older in an instant.

Yun Jinshu couldn’t feel sorry for her either. He turned his gaze a little disgustingly, but suddenly caught a glimpse of two passbooks not far away. In an instant, his eyes lit up and he turned and walked forward.

“what you up to!”

Yun Jinshu pretended to shrug his shoulders relaxedly, lowered his head as if not afraid, picked up his passbook, waved and said, “What you want is Han Jiang’s money. When he is willing to answer my call, you will count. That’s it. When you get hundreds of millions of dollars, you will definitely not care about this’pocket’, right?”

When he said that he was about to stuff his passbook into his pocket, Lin Dayong became anxious, and the lighter was put on the sofa again, threatening: “Your money is also surnamed Han, and you have to give it to Lao Tzu!”

Yun Jinshu had already guessed that he would say that, and said with a distressed look, “OK, OK, it doesn’t matter if you have all the money, anyway, I just want to save myself and my son.”

“Stop wordy! Write down the password quickly!”

Lin Dayong was already greedy to the point of madness. He wanted Han Jiang’s money, and he couldn’t stay with Yunjinshu with more than 10 million. These were all his, and it was his price to accompany this old woman to bed!

Yun Jinshu shrugged his shoulders, leaned against the window sill and wrote a series of numbers. He waved his passbook and said, “Hey, the password is here. You must make sure to save my life and my child.”

Lin Dayong didn’t care what he was talking about at this time, his eyes were all fixed on the passbook, and his eyes moved continuously with Yunjinshu’s hand. At this moment, Yunjinshu made a forward throwing action, and Lin Dayong subconsciously Let go to pick it up.

Yun Jinshu seized the opportunity and threw the passbook out of the window fiercely. Lin Da bravely rushed to the window and stretched out his hand to grab it. Yun Jinshu flashed to rescue Wang Xuelin.

But at this very moment, Wang Xuelin seemed to be mad and pushed Lin Dayong’s head downstairs, Lin Dayong yelled in horror, and turned around to hit Wang Xuelin.

The two fought together in an instant, Yun Jinshu seized the opportunity, took the kidney beans and ran to the door, Lin Dayong turned to chase, Wang Xuelin seized him to buy Yun Jinshu time.

At this time, the windows of the apartment in Xiaoxiancheng couldn’t stand the pressure, and the whole fan fell down. Lin Dayong yelled, “Fuck you! The stinky girl!” He lifted his leg and kicked Wang Xuelin abruptly. . The height of the second floor is not high, but where Wang Xuelin fell, another unfixed steel bar happened to pierce her chest instantly. When she fell, she had no breath…

Yun Jinshu was stunned and couldn’t believe that Wang Xuelin died like this, but he couldn’t stay, so he could only bite the bullet and ran downstairs. As long as he got out of this building, Aze would respond.

Who knew that Lin Dayong actually touched the dropped pistol from under the sofa. It was two shots banging at him. Yun Jinshu accidentally fell to the ground in order to dodge the bullets. At this moment, Lin Dayong rushed over. His muzzle has been aimed at his head!

Yun Jinshu is inevitable, and subconsciously closes his eyes…


There was a gunshot, and the pain in the imagination did not come.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Dayong who had been shot and fell to the ground. A large amount of blood poured out from his chest, and he fell on his back to the ground, with the pistol in his hand slid to the side.

Yun Jinshu got rid of his strength, turned his head subconsciously, and saw Han Jiang standing behind him, as well as a large number of bodyguards and police.

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