The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

196. The plot that failed.

Jarred Kai-Metaka sipped his wine in the silence. While he was calm on the outside, he was crumbling on the inside. His careful plans started falling apart around the time that bitch Matilda convinced that old fool Darius to send Cassmira away. Then, she somehow managed to survive the ambush. That part was troublesome since he had no idea what had happened since not even one of his loyal guards had survived. He suspected that whippersnapper, who called himself the King of Arcadia, was somehow involved. But he wouldn't be a problem for long. He imagined himself ordering the grand army of his Empire to bring that worthless man in front of him. Or maybe he should send assassins after him? He tossed the glass at the wall in anger.

"Curse them! Both of them!" he yelled, watching the excellent wine stain the wall. He definitely had to send assassins to get rid of that boy. His servants entered the room warily, recognizing their master's terrible mood.

But Jarred did not pay attention to the lowlifes that served him. That bastard from Arcadia had the nerve to report him to the Emperor. Darius had sentenced Jarred to house arrest, and while that didn't look like a big deal, it was extremely insulting. His plans had crumbled slowly and he had no idea how to fix them, fearing that Darius might finally kill him. He had to wait for that old fool's death before he would attempt to kidnap that stupid girl again. Cassmira was going to be his; she would give him a child, and then she would die a tragic death during labour. He cursed the inability of his servants to bring her to him. While her usefulness to him was limited, her presence here would protect him from any direct attacks. Prolonging something so important was nerve-wracking. Without her in his castle, Guad and Vettalia would have had enough time and means to attack him after the Emperor's death. He watched the servants quickly clean the room and hastily run away. He wasn't even in the mood to yell at them. He spent a long time brooding in silence, hoping to find a way to execute his plans, but couldn't think of anything. His blissful silence was disrupted occasionally by some distant noise he wasn't paying any real attention to.

"Marquees Jarred Kai-Metaka," a grim but calm voice called him from his reveries. An elegantly clothed and relatively young butler stood at the doors to his office.

"What do you want, servant?" The noble looked at the tall man, seeing him for the first time.

"I bring the best regards from King Theon Avalon." The man slowly walked towards Jarred, fixing the dark glove on his right hand. "Regrettably, you have decided to become his problem."

Marquees tried to scream for his guards, but he felt a cold string press on his throat and simultaneously heard the distant noise of battle. He gasped for air and wheezed in panic as he saw an entire web of strings that entangled his entire body. In growing shock, fear, and panic, he saw the doors to his room open, and a monster entered the room. In his vision, blurred by his tears and a short breath, he saw the monster stop a few paces before him, sitting heavily. The dog-like creature turned into a blob of gelatinous, purple ooze. It must have been some kind of Slime. Suddenly, the strings that limited his moves let go, and he dropped to his knees, coughing and crying. His outfit was ruined, and hundreds of bruises and tiny but painful cuts marked his body.

"You have been sentenced to death, Jarred Kai-Metaka," the man said without any emotion. "The Dungeon you are in will execute you."

The purple Slime gurgled something, secreting a similarly purple liquid that started slowly dissolving the carpet on which Jarred was sitting. He tried to crawl away but hit the wall's cold stones with his back.

"I beg you! I will pay you much more than your stupid master! I can give you anything you want! A noble title? Lands? Women? Just say!" Jarred begged. "Please..."

"I don't need such things. I live to serve my King." The butler snapped his fingers, and the slime jumped at Jarred.

The Marquees started screaming and crying, but no one could help him. All his loyal guards and servants were already dead. All the others had fled from the Dungeon to inform the Empire about the old noble’s demise and the awakening of another Dungeon.


"Jarred is dead..." Matilda looked at the secret letter she received from Darius.

"It was the work of King Theon?" Cassmira looked at her mother with a serious facial expression, but deep inside, she was extremely relieved and happy.

"According to your father, the culprit behind it was Jarred's Dungeon that awakened..." Matilda lowered her head and sighed. "We can't prove anything... But it's way too convenient to happen so soon after we told Theon about Jarred. I know for sure that Theon showed Darius evidence that would send anyone else other than Jarred straight to their death. However, as always, your father was too lenient to that wicked man."

The three of them sat in the embassy's large and beautifully decorated recreation room, dedicated only to them. A fire was merrily cracking in the fireplace, casting dancing shadows around. The silence was prolonged as if no one wanted to disturb the thoughts of others. But Cassmira couldn't wait much longer. It was apparent that her mother would leave very soon, and she desperately needed her advice.

"What should I do, mother?" the princess asked with fear in her voice. "About King Theon and that engagement?"

"Do you even like him?" Matilda asked in turn.

"Yes. I like him. He is chivalrous and absurdly handsome, but marriage? I really don't know, Mom..." Unspoken words hung between the two women.

"Don't worry about it for now. We will announce your engagement with Theon to protect you from people similar to Jarred," she said, stroking Cassmira's cheek.


"Theon will protect you, but you must allow him to do it, Cassmira. As your fiance, he will have the power and right to even decline an official letter from the new Emperor or Empress summoning you back to Metaka." Matilda hugged her daughter. "You can be safe and happy in Arcadia. No one would dare raise their hand at you."

"But... But how much time will I have before I have to decide?" she asked sheepishly. "I can't be his fiancée forever..."

"If I understood Theon correctly, whole years might pass before then. Take your time, my Sweetheart."

"Our position as Metakan ambassadors is a joke from now on, or was it even a joke from the very beginning?" Leonard, staring into the distance, exhaled heavily. "Cassmira may finally agree to marry King Theon, and honestly, my sister, you should do that. But what about me, Mom?"

"You are free of any obligations to Metaka, Leo." She lowered her gaze. "But that also means that you lose all the lands you once owned in Metaka. You can keep your title, but as you might imagine, it would mean nothing if you didn't want to fight for your inheritance. Guad or Vettalia will send you money generously, however, don't expect any gratitude for whatever you accomplish. The same is true for you, Cass. I managed to save you, but you must start over in Arcadia. I'm so sorry, my dear Children..."

"No, Mother! Don't apologise for something like that!" Leonard turned towards the Empress. "I'm glad it turned out that way. I met a wonderful woman, and since I am free, I can become much more serious about her."

"Lady Rose?" Matilda smiled, making Leonard blush.

Cassmira started laughing, which quickly spread to her relatives. It was a good, cleansing laughter they all needed. But it died way too soon, and they once again sat in silence, interrupted only by the patter of raindrops hitting the large window and the crackling fire in the fireplace. The future was still uncertain for the twins, but they were safe and happy for the moment. Eventually, Matilda sighed heavily and hugged her children with trembling hands.

"I have to return to Metaka very soon," she said, her nervousness hardly masked.

"When?" Leonard asked sadly.

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." She sighed and tried to smile but failed. "I stayed a week too long anyway."

"Then, once the sun comes out, we should prepare a party," Cassmira said with a smile, but bitter tears fell from her eyes.

"Excellent idea. We will announce the engagement during that party." Matilda cried as well.

No one dared to say out loud that this might be the last time they saw each other. While King Theon promised to protect their mother, it was unlikely that he could protect her so far from Arcadia.


"Theon?" Amber looked at me a little bit worried. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. I need your advice. I need someone to take over the eastern province," I said with a bitter facial expression.

"Hmmm... I read the summary you sent me a few days ago. The bandit's activity on the border is significant. The tensions before the succession wars seemed to intensify with each passing day." Amber took a seat and fixed her long, green dress. "What kind of advice are you looking for, my Dear? For military advice, you should call for Luna or Aoi."

"Oh, it's not that. It's more of a political situation than I want to admit. I don't want the Metakans to feel threatened by the new governor, but I also don't know... Anyway! I thought about Rose."

"Hmmm... She is very talented, but I... Ohhh... Leonard?" Amber smiled.

"I hope that they will announce their engagement very soon," I nodded with a sigh. "He is a good man... What? Why are you laughing at me?"

"Theon, please tell me you explicitly allowed them to have a relationship."

"Why do I even need to do something like that? According to you, they are both adults!" I was shocked and pointed out the last part with a bitter accusation.

"Oh, heavens... A marriage between the nobles of two kingdoms, even if they have friendly relationships, is a very complicated matter." Amber studied my blank face, sighing. "You know what? Just leave it to me and Irene. We will deal with the formalities."

"Thank you..." I sighed. "I'm faintly aware of such things, but I don't like it..."

"You have no idea how that stance of yours changed the lives of the people of Arcadia for the better." Amber smiled warmly. "By the way... I received some strange reports from Berna."

"Elisabeth is facing some problems. The front is too wide, and she can't spread her forces too thin. So she could only move four hundred kilometres from the positions she had before Janet's raid a week and a half ago."

"Oh... I have the news that will lift your spirit!" She smiled widely at me. "The village in Ceallach's Dungeon is finished, and they have begun wood production. The output is satisfying even now, but the Wood Masters are confident they can triple the production once they get more familiar with the Dungeon."

"That's fantastic news!"

A quiet knocking on the door to my office interrupted our discussion. As the doors opened, we saw Major Vargas, equally nervous as his knocking was. I smiled at him and pointed to the empty chair while Amber stood up and sat near me on the chair instantly given to her by a Slime Butler.

"Your Majesties." He lowered his head.

"What brings you here, Major Vargas?" Amber asked him with a smile. "And why the long face?"

"Her Majesty, Empress Matilda wants to return to Metaka... I'm sorry." He shook his head and straightened. "I brought you an invitation for the farewell party. I also was asked to tell you that the Empress wants to announce your engagement with Princess Cassmira."

"All right. But I don't think that she can leave anytime soon." I sighed, a bit ashamed, but the Major brightened.

"That's fantastic news!"

"I beg your pardon?" I looked at him in shock.

"I'm sorry!" He bowed in embarrassment. "The Emperor ordered me to keep the Empress away from Metaka for a few months. I'm failing to keep her away for more than two weeks..."

"I can help you with that." I shrugged, and he smiled, relieved. "But this time, we have a real issue. How much do you know about the roads you were supposed to use?"

"Nothing special, I'm afraid. We might encounter some troubles, but nothing dangerous." He said with a sigh, and I looked at Amber, who raised her eyebrow.

"Just... Take a look at that." I gave him the report concerning me but for a different reason.

"Is that some kind of joke?!" He said with a pale face after learning its contents.


"Theon, why are you not allowing me to return home!?" Matilda entered my office precisely one hour later, steaming in fury.

"Good afternoon, Matilda." I welcomed her with a smile. "Just how many people want to kill you?"

"What?!" She asked as Major Vargas, followed by Cassmira and Leonard, managed to catch her up.

"I tried to tell her, King Theon, but her Majesty wasn't listening..." Major Vargas gasped for air under the Empress's heavy gaze. He gave her the report I had previously given him.

"I must return home..." she muttered in desperation as she read the report's content.

Cassmira and Leonard stared at me beggingly while Vargas was fairly calm. I pointed at the free chairs, and even Eva was ready to serve them refreshments, but all of them looked at the Empress.

"I think that if you must return home, you also want to get there alive. Major, can you ensure the safety of your Empress on her way home?"

"No, Sir!" he replied instantly but with a slight anger in his voice. "Even if I took every single soldier of Metaka who arrived with me and those who guard the embassy, I doubt we could safely return home."

"As you can see, Matilda, it's not..." I started.

"The reports from home say we can return home anytime!" She took out another scroll and slammed it on my desk.

I sighed and picked it up. I was willing to humour her, somehow understanding her outbursts. I looked at it with a bored gaze. However, after a moment, I opened it with complete curiosity before giving it back to her. "This report is one month old. It was already invalid during your travels here."

"What?" The Empress picked up the scroll and looked at the date. "How is that even possible?!"

"Don't ask us." Luna entered my office and smiled at angry Matilda, who finally relented and sat heavily on the chair.

"Theon, I beg you..." She tried a different approach and suddenly smiled. "Can you lend me an airship to take me home?"

"No. All of my airships are currently unavailable. In case you have already forgotten, Arcadia is in the middle of a war. Some of my airships are in repair docks, but most of them are patrolling Bernan borders."

"Tsk..." She frowned but gave up for a moment. "How long is this going to take?"

"No clue. I will have to dispatch some forces if the bandits try to cross the border." She was devastated by the news. "Matilda, I won't allow any accidents to happen to you while you are under my protection in Arcadia."

"I should be thankful for your concern, but I'm quite angry right now. Let's go, Major." She stormed out of the room, followed by the fairly content veteran.

Leonard and Cassmira looked at each other and exchanged embarrassed looks. While Leonard bowed to me, he chased after his mother without even properly straightening. Cassmira was left behind, and she smiled at me awkwardly.

"I'm sorry for my Mother's behaviour, King Theon." She bowed.

"Don't mention it." I exhaled heavily.

"Thank you for everything." She smiled warmly and left the room.

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