The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

215. Farewell, Matilda.

"Cassmira, I promise you, I will find everyone who dared to destroy your party." Leonard's voice was too calm.

"I... What I will tell the King..." The Princess barely held her tears, but after a moment, she sighed, needing to get hold of her emotions. "It's also as much your party as mine... I'm so sorry, Brother."

"I'm counting on you, my son. I won't allow this humiliation slide." The Empress pursed her lips into a thin line and exhaled. "I don't even want to think what Theon is thinking about these unedible... Things."

Cassmira covered her mouth with a tissue and lowered her head in shame. Before she managed to utter even a word, the awkward silence in the room was disturbed.

"I would like to have seconds." King Theon raised his voice, astonishing everyone in the room. "If it's possible, of course, I would like to have this fish dish and a glass of red wine. I find it intriguing."

Cassmira and her mother unwillingly looked at their most important guest. It wasn't possible that he was enjoying the meal. They knew that since they had often been invited to his Palace, where they ate impressive dishes. Her mother murmured something to herself and nodded, which was wrongly read by the waitress who went to get the asked seconds. Before they managed to return to their senses, the waitress returned with Theon's order.

"Vargas, arrest the cook. All of them..." Matilda smiled, relaxed, and looked at the waitress, who silently shivered. "And you go with him and help investigate whose idea this was."

Cassmira stared at the King in silence. She felt how his simple statement had changed the mood in the room. The awkward silence broke into a series of casual conversations. During her entire life, she had been prepared to be the wife of some official or a prominent noble, while her Mother secretly provided her and her brother with all the knowledge that any monarch should have. However, today, she felt so helpless despite trying to do so much, and she couldn't think of any way to save face while the King... No. While Theon simply ignored everything. She watched him dance with Queen Amber, and suddenly, she felt jealous.

"He is something else..." Her mother whispered to her.

"How does he do it?" Cassmira took a sip of water.

"He doesn't care what others might be thinking about him." Matilda smiled, seeing the puzzled gaze of her daughter. "It took me a while to realise that. His confidence does not come from a long and established lineage. Not even from the fact that he is the king. He chooses what to do by himself without worrying about the protocols or norms we consider holy. He makes his own rules. But... The power he wields is real. Much more real than the feeble power of the Emperor."

"What should I do now, Mom?"

"Hahaha! As if I know, my dear." She laughed. "I could tell you everything you need to know if he was anyone but himself. But I guess he will ask you to dance with him."

"Leo?" She looked around but was unable to find her brother anywhere. "Where did he go?"

"With Vargas. But Leo has his own problems in his head, Cass. He must invent himself anew. This is your life, my Darling, and you can't expect anyone else to make this decision for you."

The song ended before the Princess could respond. As if by the touch of a magic wand, Theon was heading their way, an amused smile on his face. She panicked...

"May I ask for a dance, my Lady?" he asked with a dashing smile, extending his hand in a way she had never seen before.

She couldn't recall the moment she agreed, and they were already dancing. He guided her gently and confidently during the dance, surprising her again. She felt everyone's gaze focused on them, but somehow, she managed to ignore them. A sudden impulse gave her the courage to look into Theon's eyes. His eyes were blue like the purest sapphires, shining and glowing with mana that overflowed him. There was a depth in his gaze as if a bottomless abyss was just waiting to be unleashed. Behind those eyes was a relentless strength beyond comprehension. However, that meant little to her right now. Because in his arms, she was safe, and no one could hurt her. A faint smile played on his lips for a moment before he spoke.

"I admire your patience and how calm you are."

"So you knew?" She almost froze in place, but somehow, he spun her around, not losing his rhythm.

"It was hard not to notice." He slightly shook his head. "I hate such petty games."

"I hope it's just that." She gave up and finally smiled, flustered beyond any reason. "Thank you for what you have done."

"You mean that fish? I thought that if I just added a little bit more salt..."

"Hahaha!" She genuinely laughed against all the fears she had a few moments ago. "I'm afraid it wouldn't be that easy."

"I realised that pretty soon." He admitted and grinned. "But don't worry. The fish wasn't that bad."

"I'm happy to hear that." She beamed a smile.

"Thank you for the dance, Cassmira." In shock, she looked around and found herself sitting again next to her mother.

That dance ended way too soon, just when she started enjoying it.

"Matilda?" Theon bowed to the Empress.

"I would gladly dance with you, but as the Empress, I mustn't do that." She smiled at him.

"Well, that's not exactly the question I wanted to ask..." He chuckled. "May I?"

"Help yourself," Matilda said, pointing to the chair previously occupied by Leonard. "So, what did you want to ask?"

"A few things, to be honest. First things first, though." He sat comfortably and looked straight at Cassmira. "No matter what you decide, I want you to attend the Royal University of Avalon, Cassmira. Aoi and Hestia are attending it as well, so placing the three of you in one class would be easy. It will give you just a fraction of the freedom I would like to give you. Do you agree with it, Matilda?"


"Naturally, Leonard can attend the Academy or the University if he wishes." He shrugged. "However, in his case, there is a much more pressing issue."

"Rose?" Matilda didn't even try to deny or pretend to be surprised. "Are you sure?"

"I won't oppose it, Matilda."

"Do you believe they..." She hesitated, but Theon just shook his head.

"The engagement can always be cancelled if they decide so. I simply want to cut all speculations and rumours. If they become betrothed to each other in your presence and with your blessings, they will at least have a chance to be happy."

"You are right." She wiped at a single tear and hugged Cassmira. "My dear children, you grew too fast."

"Mom..." Cassmira blushed, but she also became tearful.

"Are you sure that you want to give up Rose to Metaka, Theon?" The Empress smiled widely.

"Oh? I can see it in the totally opposite way." He laughed and stood up, but Matilda stopped him.

"Take care of them."

"I will." He promised adamantly. "It's my duty to protect everyone in Arcadia."


When Leonard returned and heard what his mother had to tell him, he almost melted. For obvious reasons, he needed a few moments to collect himself. I returned to our table, where my Queens were discussing something with Rose. Upon seeing me, the young Half-Elf stood up and curtsied.

"It's good you stood up, Rose." I gave her a warm smile.

"Enemies?" She scanned the area in front of her, and her face turned serious.

"God, no!" I chuckled and waved my hand before looking at her proudly. "Despite all the dangers I exposed you to, you were always like a daughter or a little sister to me, Rose. Remember that we want only your happiness."

She looked at me with her mouth slightly agape and soon moved her confused gaze to Amber, who was brightly smiling. All the Queens were smiling as well. Rose sharply inhaled when she finally noticed that Leonard, followed by his sister and the Empress, was making their way towards us. I stepped behind her while Leonard, red as a beetroot, kneeled before her, extending his hand towards her.

"Lady Rose, will you do me this honour and become my bride-to-be?" he asked solemnly, taking out an impressive ring that surely was one of Metaka's treasures.

"Yes..." She extended her trembling hand, overwhelmed with happiness.


The party turned out to be more successful than anyone could imagine. Especially the saboteurs. The cook who usually prepared the food in the embassy was found in his room, sick and barely able to move. It was evident that he was innocent and influenced by some non-lethal poison. However, three other cooks were apprehended and thoroughly questioned. They were initially blackmailed and then cajoled into participating in the scheme for a large sum of money, but without any more information, it would be hard to find the culprits. With Cassmira calmed by our brief chat and Leonard officially engaged with Rose, the Empress and I were in excellent moods, so no one could start any rumour saying otherwise. What was worse for the hidden enemies was that Metaka's soldiers took the attack very personally. Their people loved Leonard and Cassmira, and the fact that someone tried to ruin their important day was a broadly discussed topic. But it was time to say our farewell to the Empress. Knowing that she wouldn't need that many soldiers on her way back, Matilda wanted to leave as many volunteers as possible to guard the royal twins. Despite her best efforts, only ten decided to stay, while most wanted to return home to their families. The new flagship of the Royal Navy, HMS Dauntless, sat in the dock while waiting for his last passenger. Departures are never easy, and the lingering feeling that you could never again see the person you set off wasn't helping. Leonard and Rose stood near the Empress while Cassmira couldn't let go of her mother, but eventually, Matilda shoved her right into my arms with laughter.

"Take care of my Cassmira, Theon." She fixed her dress with a warm smile. "And by the Gods! Hold her still for a moment!"

"I will." I nodded with a sincere smile.

"Mom!" Cassmira pouted, making everyone laugh, but reluctantly, she stepped near Lavender, who grabbed her hand.

"Thank you, Queen Amber, Irene, Luna, Hestia, Aoi, and Lavender, for all the time you spent chatting with me. Each moment we spent together became a precious memory." She exchanged hugs with my Queens and some whispers. Hestia and Irene blessed Matilda with powerful blessings. The Empress stopped in front of Leonard and brightly smiled at Rose. "I'm so proud of you. Be happy, Leonard, and you, Rose. I liked you at first glance, and I would happily call you daughter one day and show you Metaka."

"I'm honoured, Empress..." Rose tried to bow, but Matilda put a finger under her chin, stopping her momentarily.

"While you wear this ring, Rose, you will not bow to me anymore." Matilda enfolded the girl in her arms.

She finally walked towards me and sadly smiled. "I almost regret my stubbornness that forced me to return to Metaka. But I know I can trust you, my friend."

"You still can stay," I said, knowing fully well her answer beforehand.

"My place is alongside the man who set me free. Maybe, just maybe, I will one day move to Arcadia and watch my grandchildren grow." She slowly shook her head and wiped her tears. "I don't think it would be the case, though. But knowing that my beloved children are safe here will be plenty enough for me."

I lowered my head with a knowing smile. We all stepped back, leaving Cassmira and Leonard alone with their mother. I looked at Rose, who gazed at Leonard affectionately.

"You are aware that you will probably never see Metaka in your life, Rose?" I asked quietly. "There are dangers we are ill-prepared to face. Leonard wouldn't be able to protect you since he basically lost his status and influence."

"I thought so, Fa..." She blushed and hesitated.

"Yes, you can call me Father if you really want." I laughed and saw her wipe her tears. "Live a happy life, Rose. If you ever think he is not for you, cancel everything."

Irene smiled brightly and put her hand on Rose's shoulder. They didn’t need to say anything. After a few long minutes, the twins let go of their mother, and she slowly entered the battleship. I knew that Janet was patiently waiting to welcome her onboard. After a while, the Empress approached the railings and waved goodbye to her beloved children. My wives stood near Cassmira, offering her support.

"Safe trip, Matilda." I waved to her as the massive hull of the dreadnought started slowly ascending towards the evening sky.

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