The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

81. Departure.

"Well... We need more meat sources, my Lord. And optimally, a new farm area." Ian rubbed his chin.

"Theon, you could use this excess land left after shrinking Everlight," Luna suggested, taking out her copy of the map she was always keeping in her ring of holding.

"Sure, why not? Ian?"

"In that case, I would suggest a poultry farm," Ian said with a face twisted in disgust. "But this is going to reek..."

"In that case, I will build one on Bob's grounds and we can think who is going to man that farm later. Maybe we can use a new type of denizen or even make goblins useful. We can try building supply chains and see what's working and what is not as well." I shrugged. "On the new farm near Avalon, we could put just a handful of additional chicken spawners as a test."

"That might work, my Lord! Then we could use the new farmland to grow fruits and vegetables, perhaps mostly potatoes, and some additional apple trees. We could also expand the apiary..." I raised my hand to stop him.

"Ian, prepare the project and I will just mark it for building. You don't have to plan it here and now." He smiled at that and nodded his head while the carriage slowed down. "How are your new helpers?"

"They are doing quite well! I can leave them under Myrna's supervision and they keep up the production. The main farm overseer, Niko, who will be heading to The City of Wolf Manor, is level 80, so he’ll be able to take care of their food production without any issues. The additional twenty families of farmers will be helping them establish a proper food production base, so in just one or two months they will be self-sufficient. Two months after that, their production will be enough to supplement ours."

"I'm glad to hear that, Ian." I looked at Verni, who was fidgeting on the sofa. "Any other problems?"

"My King, Sally and Annika are currently busy training the new cooks and innkeepers, so only the slime maids under the guidance of Alicia are able to prepare basic stews to feed all these people. Some of the innkeepers from Girsion refused to help outright because they wanted to improve their craft..." Verni looked a bit flustrated and I rubbed my chin.

"Well... I can understand why they want to improve, but is it really such a problem?" Amber was as puzzled as I was.

"We are not sure, but most people are concerned about the food supplies, because all the taverns and bakeries are closed until they finish their training," Verni sighed.

"We simply need to give them more work to do. They will stop worrying once their hands are full of work." Amber shrugged. "Could you train all new crafters?"

"Yes, but that would be pointless. They are still too low-level, so they have to level up first," Bjorn responded, while Raganr and Verni shrugged almost in unison.

"In that case, simply inform everyone that you can teach them new techniques after they reach a certain minimal level. I will inform Knys to prepare some help parties to go into the dungeon." Amber nodded. "And speaking of the devil..." She looked at me intently.

"I believe we can do that even better. I will post the corresponding quests in the guild halls in Avalon and Wolf Manor." I responded, ignoring the second part of her question, which awarded me with a kick to my foot under the table, so I had to add. "I will expand new hunting grounds in the dungeon accordingly, I promise."

Amber smiled brightly, and we prepared to leave the carriage straight into a special outdoor stage, where waiting for us were the new authorities of The Wolf Manor City. Viscount Fuellar Silverhand, the new mayor, Lord Tassarion Evarill, the guild master of the Adventurers Guild branch, Tewrick and Cyfax who will help him establish a guild structure, Bishop Zirna and farm overseer Niko bowed to us when my Queens and I left the carriage and entered the stage. Everlight's square was filled with people waiting in anticipation and excitement; everyone had a backpack or duffle bag. Smiling kids were standing near their parents, most of them were holding big plushies and had their own backpacks. I smiled, seeing them now full of hope and excitement, wanting to challenge the future. Other people came as well to witness this somewhat historic moment.

"Your Highnesses." Fuellar straightened himself when we approached them.

"Greetings Viscount. Nervous?" I asked him with a smirk.

"Terrified even, my Lord!" He smiled back as we came to a stop at the edge of the stage so everyone could see us.

"People of Avalon!" I addressed the gathered citizens of my Kingdom and silently pondered on that phrase for a moment. "All those gathered here, have volunteered to live in the first city outside of Avalon! This day marks the beginning of the Kingdom of Avalon’s expansion!"

The people started cheering and enthusiastically clapped their hands. I looked at their smiles and smiled as well, more to myself than to them, because I realised that Josla already lost this war. Her soldiers saw no problem in switching sides; the citizens of an important city happily swore their fealty to me without a second thought. That spoke volumes about how Josla is truly hated. I could just send them to head towards the far reaches of this Kingdom, and given time, Cridian would turn to me, leaving Josla. Unfortunately, I wouldn't have much time if Josla realised how serious the situation was, which would inevitably force her to call for external help. I smiled at the people who honestly smiled back.

"You are first to dwell outside Avalon, but you are not strangers to us! You are proud residents of Avalon! The first of many who will safely live under my rule and care!" My voice was magnified by the mighty audio system so everyone could hear me perfectly. "You know why I am doing this and you all know what dangers lay before us, but for the first time in your lives, you had a choice! You grabbed the chance given to you and here you are."

The four allied immortals materialised on the stage, standing silent with soft smiles, making the people gasp in awe. Their mere presence was enough to ignite the sparks of resolve and devotion, ensuring my residents that the gods favours were with them. I also smiled with a vicious smile.

"I, King Theon Avlon, The Champion of Eriar, The Chosen of the Archangel, The Bringer of Equilibrium, hereby appoint Viscount Fuellar Silverhand to represent my authority in your City." Everyone cheered as I intentionally omitted one of my titles. Fuellar gasped, seeing Ian handing me a decorated wooden box bearing Avalon's heraldry. "Inside this chest lay the symbols of your power. I bestow upon you the responsibility to keep these under your care safe and prosper. I hereby bestow upon you the signet-ring of your personal heraldry."

I took out the gold ring that was inset with a magically fused emerald. It bore a simple crest of Avalon's goblet, behind which was a longbow held by a silver hand. Of course, it was heavily enchanted. The second item was an official seal, one that can be used only by him; anyone else who would touch it would be immediately paralyzed.

"I, Viscount Fuellar Silverhand, as a noble of Avalon, willingly undertake this task! I have sworn to protect those in my care and to look after their welfare. I swear to you, my king, to be faithful to the ideals of Avalon and follow the code of chivalry."

I extended my hand toward Ragnar who took out from the thin air a magnificent longsword, a masterwork of art and rune craft. I smirked, feeling an unbelievable power hidden in this sword.

"This is a symbol of your burden as well as the symbol of hope. No longer will the people under your care be afraid but instead, they will stand defiant in the face of cruel fate, knowing fully well that the sword of Avalon is leading the way!" I gave him the sheathed sword and Fuellar drew it with reverence painted across his face.

"I accept these burdens, knowing no fear!" He proclaimed with an adamant voice.

The people watching this ceremony were bewitched, knowing that this time, a noble in front of them really meant what he was saying. I was not their King yet, not in the way I wanted to be anyway, but their respect would suffice for now. Most of them accepted me only because of Zeus, Hestia, Hera and Zephyr, though some of them recognized that I was the champion of a previously unknown god. Everyone knew that I was a dungeon, the immortal King that does not need their wealth, because I was above that, as an entity as immortal as their gods. I smiled, knowing that one day I would become the true king for them, with my wits and merits.

"We, the Queens of Avalon, bless you in your endeavours! Remember who you are and where your new home is!" My Queens smiled at the crowd and they all cheered them. The people respected me but they loved my Queens, which admittedly was a good sign.

Interestingly enough, all my residents shared the same alignment. According to the World System, they are righteous and only time will tell how this is going to influence them. The gathered people were cheering and I already could tell they couldn't wait to embark. I focused and teleported everyone in the square to The City of Wolf Manor. I was standing on the corresponding stage looking at the shocked people who thought they would have to travel in horse-pulled wagons.

"You thought I would risk someone getting hurt during a ride in lands still ruled by the Winter Beasts?" I smirked and heard their laughter. "Viscount?"

"My King?" Fuellar responded with a shallow bow.

"Good luck. Take care of them."

"I will protect them with my life if needed!" He was very serious.

"Just remember, you are not alone. Demesne can't wait to meet you."

The people dispersed into the city in search of their homes. I was proud of Demesne, who prepared a map with marked houses for each family. Her beloved wolves and her fiercest wolf evolution, Garms, were calmly waiting nearby in case anyone would need help. The large black and brown bears were waiting nearby as well, and it looked ridiculous when people passing by them asked them for directions, as the large beasts waved their fluffy arms to point them in the right direction. One girl tried to convince her mom that her teddy bear would certainly evolve to be as big as the brown bear she was standing nearby.

"We shall go meet her now, my Lord. Will you accompany us?" Fuellar asked and the rest of the young officials looked at me with hope but I smiled wistfully.

"I thought about it and decided otherwise." They looked at me with disappointment painted on their faces. "It will be your first individual task. I can't always hold your hands. I wish you luck once again my friends."

"Thank you, our King. We won't disappoint you!" They bowed their heads and I nodded their way before I teleported back to Avalon.


Demesne anxiously awaited the arrival of the mortals to... the domain in her care. She was still thinking about this dungeon as being her own, but she was a vassal of Avalon. Her King informed her about the mortals that would arrive as well as the young servants of her master who would be in charge of the mortals living in the safe zone within her limits. To be honest she couldn't wait... Here they are!

It was so exciting to see so many of them at once! Something inside of her called for violence and bloodshed, but she easily dismissed that feeling. With incredible ease, she resisted the call that for centuries made her kill. She smiled and focused on the individuals standing near her...and their King. They were all servants of the same master now, and Demesne felt a strange bond with them.

She wanted to protect them.

Especially that sweet girl who liked her new bear denizens and had a toy version of it.

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