The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

96. Silence before the storm p.2

The Academic year inauguration was held at the end of the winter, which was not right for me at all. I would have to move the next one to the autumn because otherwise it would haunt me more than it should. Fortunately, I managed to convince Amber that the kids, after learning all the basics, would deserve another ceremony of proper Academic inauguration in the autumn. I allowed myself for a bit of irony at this point- calling them kids was a bit overstretched on my side. Physically, I was probably around twenty-five. Amber and Irene were twenty-one years old while Luna was 'this is complicated'- years old. Technically, she was now twenty-one, like both of her new sisters, because she refused to be the oldest physically of the three. She was a Kitsune created millennia ago who slept until I was summoned to this world, and changing her body appearance was a racial skill. She, however, insisted that she was all natural now.

I won't argue with that. I'm not suicidal and I'm not curious at all about how the respawn works. Besides, I have no reason not to believe her, being my Queen granted Amber and Irene a beauty treatment that made them simply perfect, or more than perfect beauties.

Anyway... 'physically' was an important word here. I retained most of my memories from my previous life, but my attitude and behaviours were some strange mix of all my life experiences. I felt like a guy in his twenties, but the experiences gathered by my older self helped me more than once already. All in all, it was so strange that I just accepted it as a weird side effect of my new life. Besides, being old is not fun at all, so I would take being forever young anytime. However, that was messing with my perception and I was, little to say, inconsistent with how I was treating the people around me. Like in this case. My young wives were not much older than the 'kids' that were starting their academic life. Life was not fair, and neither was I, as I mentioned before. In my defense, all four of us noticed that the days started to slip around us, and I couldn't even tell how long I was in Nilmerthis. It wasn't exactly alarming or troublesome, but it wasn't normal either. I guess the part where I am just an observer of the passing of time was not a joke.


The inauguration preparations were coming to an end, and it looked like everyone involved would have at least one night of sound sleep. Irene was truly worried about the well-being of her subordinates, so I was able to spare myself any serious talk about work ethics. Additionally, Irene asked me if my old world had any remedy for tiredness, so here I was. I sat in my office with crossed arms as if something offended me personally and looked at the copies of two items I bought in the interdimensional store. My wives were looking at them with curiosity and certain impatience, so to not delay, I sighed and started my explanation.

"Lately, Irene asked me if my old world had some remedies for tiredness. Well, yes, it has." They looked more carefully at the gathered items, but I exhaled heavily. "However, I am not sure if I want to unleash this upon this world. The effects are a bit... Concerning."

The plant-based ingredient that is used to prepare a powerful stimulant. It negates tiredness and drowsiness caused by sleep depravity. The brew is loved or hated with a very narrow middle ground between the two.


Removes tiredness and adds Vigor effect for 6 hours.

Prevent or disturb sleep for 8 hours.

Warning: it might cause an addiction.

Also known as liquid insomnia, energy drinks are the cornerstones of each overworked society. Everyone lies that they drank just one, but reality often proves this is the only thing keeping them in a state of artificially maintained awareness.


Removes tiredness and adds Vigor effects for 8 hours.

Prevents or disturbs sleep for 10 hours.

Replenish stamina +2 per minute / 1 hour.

Warning: It might cause an addiction. Overuse might cause heart or other internal organs failure.

"*Ekhem*" Irene cleared her throat with a pale facial expression. "You seriously drank that?"

"Indeed. I personally never liked the taste of coffee, but caffeine is a very important stimulant."

"But you can die from it!" Amber pointed accusingly at the can of the energy drink. "The identification skill even directly has a warning!"

"Have you ever identified a bottle of strong alcohol? Hell, any alcohol at all? All of them have similar warnings." I shrugged emotionlessly and saw her face turning red a bit. "Besides, everything might be dangerous and cause problems if overused. Pffff... But this is it. I just know the people are going to overuse it."

Luna silently picked up the can of energy drink and started to inspect it from all sides. She even gently shook the contents near her ear. She seemed to be more intrigued by the container than the content itself. She put it down and picked up a few coffee seeds. A disgusted look spread across her face as she smelled them before she put them back immediately.

"I guess I can show you why I am so reserved about this." With a sigh, I opened the energy drink and Luna's eyes widened.

"Theon! This container! Can we produce it?" She asked, all excited.

"I guess... But we would need..." A door to the office opened suddenly. I looked at the disheveled, exhausted and slightly dirty Dwarf that entered. "Ragnar. We would need you, so it's good to see you here."

"Your Highnesses! We lost track of time during the building process and I am terribly sorry for the inconveniences caused by my apprentices!" Ragnar bowed politely and masked his massive yawn.

"Uhum... Are you sorry enough to tell me what you are building?" I asked and poured the part of the energy drink into the glass.

"No chance, my King!" He grinned happily without a hint of being sorry at all.

"I thought so. Help yourself." I shrugged and gave him the drink.

Ragnar took it without hesitation, and Luna inspected the opened can again with shining eyes. After the first sip, Ragnar greedily downed the entire thing. His tiredness faded away moments later, and he suspiciously looked at the glass.

"What was that?"

"An energy drink." I poured myself some and took a sip as well. "If used carefully, it might be a great asset. But it can be harmful if overused."

"I see. May I request a few crates of it?" Ragnar was unfazed by the side effects he was just now studying.

"Wait a bit and you can try coffee." I shrugged and took out the bandage. "In the meantime, take a look at this and tell me what you think about the current status of our weapon and armour supplies."


"Are you... Nervous?!" Lanka blinked in shock, looking right into the mirror where she met the gaze of Hestia, who was sitting nearby.

"Yes?" Hestia fixed herself in the chair and allowed the hairdresser to do her job.

"But you are a Goddess!" Lanka was too surprised about the discovery to lower her voice.

"So what? It's just an unfair prejudice that I can't be nervous just because I am a Goddess." Hestia relaxed a bit when the skilled but visibly troubled woman was fixing her hair.

"You are ruining my worldview..." Lanka was probably the only person in all of Avalon, except for the Royal Family, to be this open while talking with the Gods.

"You are a big girl. I think you can stomach a few fun facts." Hestia grinned and Lanka opened and closed her mouth a few times, but she remained silent.

They were sitting in one of the best, or at least Lanka's favourite beauty salons in the entirety of Avalon. Officially, it was Queen Amber's idea, but Lanka suspected that the King was somehow involved. Anyway, beauty salons were popping up one after another, offering their services to anyone willing to pay. The women of Avalon, who had never before even heard about such things, simply fell in love with them. One of the main roads of the South District of the Middle Castle very quickly changed into the most luxurious and fashionable place, full of cosy restaurants, confectionery stores and, of course, all kinds of shops and beauty salons. In the course of not even two weeks, the customs and preferences of women in Avalon changed. Unanimous and silent agreement among them about the incoming war was very clear; if Josla wanted to take this from them, she needed a bigger army.


"I made it!" Fania was incredibly happy, despite the fact that her quest forced her to hunt some monsters in the beginner zone.

"You did it. I am so happy Fania!" Glenn was finally able to sigh a sigh of relief after so long. "You did it as well, Eri!"

"Thank you, Glenn." She was nervous and tired, but happy as well. "Thank you, Lady Idna!"

"Oh, don't mention it. Once we finish your quest, your real work is going to start." Idna added with a dangerous glint in her eye, but she quickly turned back to sweet girl mode and she turned towards the one of accompanying adventurers. "Thank you for your help, Hilvar. We couldn't have done that without the help of your friend."

"It’s not a problem at all! We were so happy to help you Miss... I mean Lady Idna..." Hilvar struggled with maintaining a straight face, but Idna just giggled.

"Hilvar..." She grabbed his arm and clung to him playfully. "How many times have I asked you to call me just Idna?"

"Of course, Idna. I'm still..." His face turned red a bit, and he shyly put his arm around her. "It was a pleasure to help, right, boys?"

The laughing voices behind him mostly agreed, but he couldn't care less about the fun they had at his expense. Hilvar, minding Auburn's warning, wasn't so sure if he liked Idna's demeanor. Maybe they were not destined for each other? Her eyes were sparkling with joy and excitement, but he chuckled when he realized she was already thinking about guild business. Soon enough, they reached the Guild's building, which was, as usual, full of life. The adventurers were sitting around the tables or walking around, looking for work or quests. The reception area was extended and neatly divided into individual stands, according to Idna's instructions. Idna looked at the ten young girls wearing beautiful guild receptionist's dresses, sitting behind their desks organized into a line where adventurers could take care of their business.

"All right, girls. Let's complete your quests." Idna let go of Hilvar and quickly went towards one of the desks.

The young receptionist quickly stood up to welcome them, but when she saw Idna, she smiled even wider.

"Lady Idna! How is your day off?" she inquired and waited for her to take a seat.

"Excellent! I'm here to make sure Fania and Eri quickly finish their quests." The two girls were standing right behind her.

"Of course!" The young human girl quickly stood up and went towards the large document cabinet. She swiftly returned, which made Idna smile with satisfaction. That girl was professional. "It's here, Lady Idna."

Idna stood up to make a place for the girls, who quickly signed the papers that started glowing. Both of them shined with the blue light and after that, they started celebrating while jumping and holding their hands. Idna nodded with a sigh of relief when she confirmed that the quest reset and changed their classes. She also smiled, knowing that she made the best deal, trading Fania for twenty other helpers.

"Glenn! Thanks to Eriar! We need more healers in the medical wing!" One of the guild staff members yelled at Glenn from the entrance to the infirmary.

"Sure! Fania? I would need the help of my favourite nurse." Glenn smiled at his fiancee, who nodded with some uncertainty.


"My Lord, the supplies for the army have the highest priority," Ragnar assured me after he returned from the inspections. He quickly took out a report and frowned. "I can't do everything myself, as you had suggested to me earlier. That's why I throw them in deep water; to see if my apprentices will manage to handle this moderate but not complicated task."

"Riiight..." He got me here. I really told him so, so I couldn't just take back my words. "What about Verni, Bjorn and Ian?"

"Oh, those lazy bastards made me responsible for the entire production. Fortunately, they can't run away from responsibilities since they lead their departments. We decided that if our apprentices can't fulfil the equipment request made by Lady Luna, they can't call themselves artisans."

"Okay..." I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"My Lord! The equipment that was provided is of the highest quality. You don't have to be worried." He tried to assure me, but I gave him a flat look.

"I would feel better if you would be around."

"I will divide my daily plans between the equipment inspection and our secret project, my King."

"Fine..." I sighed. I could just order him to do what I want but that would undermine the valid points he had made earlier.

"Ragnar, can you make a container like this?" Luna asked without much more patience.

"I think it's possible. The opening system is not that complicated, and the rest is made of a very thin sheet of metal. The only problem could be sealing the contents inside..."

"I'll provide you with the schematics," I promised to him and I saw the happiness in Luna's eyes.


I was standing on the balcony of the Palace and watched Avalon, which was still full of life despite the late hour. The air was still chill and frosty, but you already could feel the subtle changes in the air. I smiled towards the sky and admired the large silver moon that shined softly. My new home had two moons, a fact I never paid much attention to, but I should start. It was so serene and relaxing to look at the night sky. I couldn't recognize a single constellation, but it was far from Earth. According to the Eternals, it was the same universe, so my initial guess that I was in some parallel universe was a miss. I had better things to do besides guessing where in the universe I was, so I shrugged and focused on the world below my balcony. It looked like the people who were at first terrified and distrustful were now happy and a bit lost with the freedom that I gave them. The spirits were high among my people and we successfully made them turn away their thoughts from the incoming war.

"What are you thinking about, Theon?"

"Was my decision right, Luna?" I asked her without looking back. "I have chosen war without even trying diplomacy."

"Yes." she responded briefly, without a moment of hesitation.

Luna snuggled herself to my side, and I embraced her. She was wearing a warm coat lined with fluffy snow rabbit fur. It was a gift I ordered right after Ian brought the rabbits into Avalon.

"You think? I just arrived in this world and I am..."

"Hush, you silly. There were plenty of heroes before you who tried the diplomatic approach, but they all failed." She interrupted me. "I know you don't need the justification, nor have you changed your mind. So what's going on, Theon?"

"A good question." I laughed briefly but continued with a tired voice. "Whatever I do, people are going to die, anyway. What is the difference if they die during war or are killed by slavers or winter beasts?"

"I see a difference. After the war, these people are going to live under the law of Avalon. There will be no slavers and hopefully, we can do something about the beasts as well."

"I only have to win..." I sighed and felt as she hugged me tighter.

"You will. You are my hero."

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