The CEO's Woman

Chapter 193 Previous Self

Chapter 193 Previous Self

The old man sneered."You know I can eliminate you right now."

"You think that you can scare me? You were a legend once, but you let it all go to follow the woman that you love. You are nothing but a coward now."

"You don’t have a chance against Fu Jin. He will only kill you. Stay away while he is still unaware of your presence." The older man said with a calm voice. "I am only warning you as I’m concerned about you and your father."

"Concerned?" The young man chuckled. "F*ck off. This is none of your business."

"She is my business. I vowed to protect her with my life."

The young man stared at the older one, his gaze unfathomable. "You shouldn’t have left the organization to follow her around. She is not worth it."

"Don’t drag her to this conversation."

"Or what? Don’t tell me that a mere mention of her name will bring her back to life?" Then the young man giggled. "What’s that look? Oh... Did I accidentally reminded you that she was already dead?"

"Stop it."

"That’s right. Old Man... you failed to protect her. She is dead because you loved her too much. You better get that through your thick skull."

’"I SAID STOP!" The older man bellowed. "You don’t know anything!"

"So what? Do you want to kill me? Come! Give it a try." the young man said with an invitational smirk. "I know enough to..."

But before he could finish his sentence, the old man threw a fist towards the young man’s pretty face.

However, the young man was agile enough to avoid the incoming fist and made a counter attack.

Punch versus a punch. Maneuver versus a maneuver. The two ended in a tie.

"You have trained my father and he trained me. Did you expect to easily defeat me?" The young man asked before wiping a blood stain from his broken lips.

"I could have easily killed you if I wanted to."

"So... why am I still alive? Don’t tell me you fear the organization now?" The young man retorted. "You didn’t fear them when you left to follow Wang Ruo... Why now?"

"I don’t fear the organization. Everyone knows that." The older man said while staring intently at the young man. "Don’t waste your life with Jiang Yue. This is my last advice. I will consider you as my enemy the next time we see each other."

"Do what you want. I will not follow your path and fall in love with Jiang Yue before she marries me."

"Marry you?" The older man chuckled. "Such a dreamer. Young boy... stop your dreaming. Someone already owned her heart. Don’t be like me and leave while you can."

The young man did not answer him. Instead, he walked towards the exit of the building and wave his hand to the older man.

However, before he was able to leave the building he turned towards the older man and said, "I’m sorry I forgot your current name... Was it Bolin? Right... Wang Bolin."

"You shouldn’t have given up so easily. You should have tried to win her heart. I will never be a coward like you. I will fight to have her. Even if it would mean death." He added before strutting his way out of the building.

The older man made sure that the young man was gone before he replied.

"Silly boy. You will understand my words soon. Do you think Jiang Yue’s father will let you near her? Such a fool." Wang Bolin chuckled before leaving in the opposite direction.

If he had a choice, he would never have let go of Wang Ruo. However, the man Wang Ruo had chosen to love was not just an ordinary man.

Just by looking at him made Wang Bolin cower in fear. However, that was not the main point that made him decide to give up on his feelings.

It was Wang Ruo’s smile every time she was with him. Her laughter and the joy in her eyes.

It was her love for him.

Love that was shrouded with innocence.

Wang Bolin has never regretted loving Wang Ruo. He has never regretted watching her love someone else.

That was the truth! He was sent here to make her fall in love with him. He was trained to become her husband. Taught to accommodate her. Make her his wife.However, he ended up with unrequited love for her.

Still, he would never regret any of these. Not when it comes to Wang Ruo and her happiness.

What he regretted the most was not telling her about that man’s identity.

He was too afraid to break her heart. He was too afraid to see her cry.

Maybe in some way, he could be considered a coward.

Wang Bolin let out a sigh before he started his car and drove away.

He could see that the young man liked Jiang Yue. He could see his own self in the young man’s eyes.

Too full of himself. Too arrogant.

However, all of this was in the past. What Wang Bolin needed to do right now was to watch over Jiang Yue and keep her safe from the people that would come to get her soon.

Wang Bolin only wished that Fu Jin would have the strength that he didn’t have before.

He only wished that Fu Jin would have the strength to stand beside Jiang Yue when the moment that Wang Bolin feared the most will come.

Jiang Yue already attracted a lot of attention. If she could have just stayed lowkey and stupid just like what she did before her mother died, then she would have been safe from them.

However, right now, Jiang Yue is akin to a shining star. Her brilliance is making people pay her extra attention.

And in Jiang Yue’s case, attention is definitely bad news. Especially from greedy people just like his previous self.

Edited by: Yui

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