The CEO's Woman

Chapter 296 King and Queen

Chapter 296 King and Queen

Time was running out...

Twenty-four hours were left before Jiang Yue’s deadline, and a lot of people had already been anticipating a good show. Who wouldn’t? Jiang Yue had threatened to remotely activate the malware, causing millions of dollars damage. That show was already enough to make anyone, even people out of the business industry, to be interested.

On the other hand, Jiang Yue was not even concerned about that matter. Her interest was all concentrated on the M Country and the structure of its government.

M Country’s head was the monarch, called King Gideon of the Brauns. He became the king at the age of twenty-five after the death of his father, the former King of the country. King Gideon was the twenty-first king of the M Country and was married to Queen Hyun. The funny thing was, King Gideon came from the Li Family, while Queen Hyun was from the Kim Family.

However, that marriage was not done out of love. Instead, it was done to balance the power between the Li and the Kim Families in the country.

It has been broadly known that the Li Family and the Kim Family had been against each other since the first king united the country into one. Both the Li and the Kim Families craved for power. Because of that greed, a civil war happened when the fifth king of the country just took over. The war lasted for more than five years, causing chaos and death everywhere. Because of that, the fifth king, King William, decided to set a law to balance these two families.

And the law stated: the next person, who succeeded, must kill all of his competitors in a battle. Then, if the King came from the Li Family, he should marry someone from the Kim Family. If the king came from the Kim Family, then he needed to marry someone from the Li Family.

"So, the king now is from the Li Family, while the Queen is elected from the Kim Family? But what if... at this point, they are already relatives, from the same bloodline, what then?" Wang Minghua asked his cousin.

"No... they have a different way to succeed the throne," Jiang Yue said. "But that still happens sometimes if the one, who inherits, is the son of the previous King. Then, he will still marry someone from the Kim Family: be it his cousin or a distant relative. He still needs to marry her if he wants to be the King."

"Different in what way?"

"You can challenge the one, who is supposed to succeed. As long as you have Li or Kim blood in you, then you can challenge them."

"Like a battle?"

"Yes," she nodded. "A fight to the death."

Wang Minghua stared at Jiang Yue in awe. "So this law is still available in their country? I mean... that’s too old fashioned, isn’t it?"

"For us... Yes... But it’s normal in their country," she said, her eyes unfathomable. "Power is something that many wants. Greed is a powerful thing, that fight, no matter how barbaric it is to people like us, is a necessity for them."

"So, everyone with Li and Kim bloodline, can challenge the next successor?"

"No... basically, there is no successor. The one, who is supposed to succeed, should be the strongest among everyone in the Li bloodline. So, if someone claimed that they are the strongest, then another person will challenge them into a fight to the death, they cannot refuse it. They have to fight, to secure the throne."

"What capabilities should one have to be declared the strongest?" he asked.

"Talent, money, background, influence, skills, and much more."

"So... you believe that Li Qiang wants Fu Conglomerate because he is planning to challenge the next king?"

"Who knows?" she shrugged. "But I believe, it is already a little too late for him to do that now."

"Still... I think he wanted the list to increase his influence and have a chance at the throne..." she added. Jiang Yue did not know the reason why Li Qiang wanted the list from Fu Conglomerate. However, if he was indeed a part of the Li Family from M Country, then it should have something to do with the throne, right?

"Okay... I am still confused about something." Wang Minghua interrupted Jiang Yue’s thoughts. "What if there is a way to challenge the current king?"

Wang Minghua’s words instantly made Jiang Yue frown. A way to challenge the king... Was it even possible? King Gideon, just like Li Qiang came from the Li family. Aside from that, he was also of the same age as Li Qiang. So, the theory that Li Qiang wanted the throne from him, was not something that had no basis. But that move would surely cause chaos and maybe, even war.

However, Li Qiang would probably have an advantage, once he had more influence in the Black Market. So, was that the reason he wanted the list from the Fu Family: to build more connections in the underworld?

If that was the case, then there was still a possibility that Li Qiang wasn’t going to give up after his failed attempts, right?


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