The CEO's Woman

Chapter 301 Surprising Visitor

Chapter 301 Surprising Visitor

"We thought that Li Qiang was keeping you captive."

"He was." She answered. "Listen... I don’t have much time. I want you to stop Jiang Yue from going to M Country."

Fu Jin instantly frowned at her words. " Stop her? Why?"

"You don’t need to know the reason. Just know that she will be safer here. With you."

"You know your daughter well. She will not listen to me, without a solid reason." Fu Jin said. Now, that Wang Ruo was telling him not to let Jiang Yue go to M Country, he couldn’t help but speculate that it had something to do with her father. "Is this about her father?" he asked, unable to stop his curiosity.

Wang Ruo stiffened at his words. Did they know that Jiang Yue’s father was not Jiang Chanming? How?

Sensing the questions in her eyes, Fu Jin nodded. "We know. She knows that Jiang Chanming is not her father, and there is a big possibility that she will look for him soon."

"Don’t," she blurted out. "Don’t let her find him. I beg you."

’’You should know what Jiang Yue is like. A simple ’no’ won’t be enough for her."

"Then, accompany her to the M Country." She said.

"Is this about her father?" Fu Jin repeated his question. He watched, as Wang Ruo slowly nodded her head.

"Do you mean that Jiang Yue is someone from the Li Family? Is that the reason she looks like Li Qiang? Who is it? Who is her father?"

Wang Ruo just stared at Fu Jin. "I need to go. Remember my words. Don’t let her go to M Country without you, or you will regret it."

"And don’t tell Jiang Yue about me yet. It will only endanger her." She added as she climbed back into the trap door, leading to the shaft of the elevator.

Fu Jin watched as Wang Ruo disappeared into the trap door with his unanswered question, his mind was in chaos.

A minute after Wang Ruo left, the elevator moved again, making Fu Jin conclude that she hacked into the system to control the elevator.

Fu Jin arrived at his office almost in a daze. Why would Wang Ruo warn him about M Country? Why was she afraid of revealing herself to Jiang Yue?

With these questions in mind, Fu Jin asked Bei Ye to find more information about the Li Family in the M Country. His instinct was telling him that Jiang Yue’s father was someone from the Li Family.

Since Wang Ruo was afraid to inform Jiang Yue about her father, then he should be someone influential or someone, who had already had another family.

Like the King.

Or the Prime Minister.

Both of them were from the Li Family.

Both were influential people with families.

After all, who was actually Jiang Yue’s father?

On the other hand, Jiang Yue also received a surprising visitor.

It was the CEO of Angler Tech, who introduced himself as Quan Lei.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Yue asked Quan Lei the moment he entered her office.

Quan Lei was wearing a gray suit that perfectly highlighted his tall and fit physique. If Jiang Yue was any other girl, she would have surely admired the specimen in front of her.

"I’m here for business." He answered shortly, surprising Jiang Yue.

"You have stolen from me." She stated.

"I did not. But someone from my company did."

"Is that the reason you are here?" she asked, this time a little irritation laced her voice. She wondered why was this Quan Lei still bugging her.

"No." Quan Lei took a seat across Jiang Yue. "I’m here to tell you that the wife of the Prime Minister wants me to stop you from going to M Country."

"I’m sorry?"

"You heard me." He shrugged. "She wants me to stop you, and I am here to do that."

Jiang Yue stifled a burst of laughter at his words.

Stop her? How?

"How are you going to stop me?"

"I am telling you this, so you will have second thoughts and maybe consider not going there."

"I will go." She said shortly. "Thank you for letting me know though. I will be very careful."

"You don’t understand!" he blurted out. "You can’t go to M Country or you will be in danger."

His words instantly attracted Jiang Yue’s attention. "Explain."

"I’m not sure how to tell you this, but for some reason the wife of the Prime Minister hates you. They have asked me to stop you or sabotage your presentation. Just to prevent you from seeing the King." He said. Quan Lei originally thought that he could just watch over Jiang Yue at M Country. But he realized that the danger might be even bigger, than what they had thought.

Because of that, Quan Lei decided to inform Jiang Yue, so she could prepare herself. Quan Lei believed, Jiang Yue was extremely smart, so she must know what she should do to protect herself.


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