The CEO's Woman

Chapter 50 Old Married Couple

Chapter 50 Old Married Couple

An uneasy tension settled over Li Qiang and Jiang Mian as they stared into each other.

Li Qiang’s face is placid, devoid of any reactions. While Jiang Mian’s face is full of questions.

Lu Shi shifted uncomfortably. She already told Jiang Mian about Li Qiang and to her surprise, Jiang Mian did not react harshly. To be specific she did not have any reactions at all.

Maybe it is the fact that Jiang Mian grew up without Jiang Chanming by her side. Or maybe because she never really sees Jiang Chanming as a father. Lu Shi’s doesn’t really know.

Jiang Mian is just calmly looking at Li Qiang. She examined the man from head to toe.

Li Qiang is a very handsome man for his age. His black flecked hair was close-cropped. His face looks smooth as if he just shaved it. Although he looked calm and collected, Jiang Mian can still see the fierceness in his eyes.

Her mother told her that this Li Qiang has some shady connections. Because of this, Jiang Mian was expecting a pale tattooed guy with a long hair. But no, Li Qiang seemed to look like that exact opposite of her expectations. He look a Politician in a suit or someone from the military. Someone with authority.

"So you’re my true father?" She asked, her voice soft and gentle. Her mother told her that her father is an influential man. She needs to have her father’s favor. She could use him as a backer.

She never wondered why Lu Shi didn’t marry this guy in spite of his good looks. Jiang Mian knows how much Lu Shi loved Jiang Chanming.

"Hmmm... According to your mother."He affirmed, his face did not have any changes. This meeting with Lu Shi and Jiang Mian is not in his plans, but the current situation is calling for it.

Although he hated this mother and daughter pair, he hated Jiang Yue more. He could not allow her to be happy.

This is his payback. A long overdue payback for what her father did.

Jiang Mian just nodded then she took another sip from the iced tea in front of her. They are currently in a private restaurant that is said to be owned by her father.


"Your birthday is two months from now?" Lu Shi’s attempt at making a conversation was interrupted by Li Qiang.

"Yes." Jiang Mian nodded.

"Good. Then I want you to perform well on the farewell presentation of your school- hmmm... that’s a day after your party."

Jiang Mian furrowed her brow when she heard her father’s statement. Perform well? She couldn’t even leave the house from embarrassment. How is she going to perform in front of everyone?

Seeing Jiang Mian’s expression, Li Qiang’s face still didn’t show any reactions at all.

"I want you to impress Fu Jin" Li Qiang commanded while ignoring the questions in Jiang Mian’s eyes. "Take him away from Jiang Yue."


"I did not allow you to speak." He growled. He hated Lu Shi and this Jiang Mian but he does not have a choice. He needed them.

Although he is very irritated right now, the thought of killing this stupid pair after this is, somehow making him calm.

"I already called a talent agency. They will watch the presentation and will ask you to sign with them after the event." He said. His tone still low and dangerous. "Do not mess this up." He added before getting up and sauntering his way out of the room.

Seeing the door close, Lu Shi let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally, Li Qiang left.

"Is he really my father?" Jiang Mian asked.


"But I don’t look like him. Are you sure about that?"

Lu Shi’s face reddened after hearing Jiang Mian’s statement. What does she mean by this question?

"What you needed to do now is focus on the presentation. Make sure you attract the attention of the media." Lu Shi attempted to change the topic.

"Your father already promised to help you. Those rumors will disappear in no time." She added.

"But mother, am I supposed to do that? Everyone hates me now." Jiang Mian glumly said, her gaze directed downward.

"Go to Jiang Yue and ask for an apology...I’m sure she will forgive you. She does not want to ruin her image now."

Jiang Mian pursed her lips and nodded. Her mother has a point. She could just ask for forgiveness from Jiang Yue.

"How about Yu Chen?" She asked. Although their plans are already ruined, Jiang Mian still can’t stop her heart from skipping a beat when mentioning Yu Chen’s name.

"What about him? He is already ruined. He is done!" Lu Shi wrinkled her nose in disgust.

That boy Yu Chen is a dumb one. She will not allow Jiang Mian to become so invested in him. "You will have Young Master Fu soon. Stop thinking about that Yu boy."

"Mother, how will I have Fu Jin? He won’t just like me even if I do well in the presentation!"

"Don’t be so naive. That presentation is just the icing to everything. Your father is just helping you become someone big. Someone that could match Fu Jin’s status." Lu Shi sneered. Now that they have a stronger backer, she is sure that Jiang Mian will win over Jiang Yue.

With Li Qiang’s help, Jiang Mian will surely become Fu Jin’s wife. And she will make that happen.

She will do everything to make that happen.

"So what are we going to do?" Jiang Mian asked after contemplating her current situation.

"Publicly asked for Jiang Yue’s apology. Then invite her to your birthday." Lu Shi squinted her eyes. "Also, invite Yu Chen. We will give everyone a good show."

Jiang Mian cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Let me teach you something, Jiang Mian." Excitement flashed in Lu Shi’s eyes. She wanted Jiang Mian to learn something from her. She always thought that her daughter is too soft. Too innocent. "In dealing with your enemies you must always be heartless. Yu Chen wanted to marry Jiang Yue so why don’t we let that happen?"

She can’t wait to see Fu Jin’s reaction after seeing Jiang Yue’s true colors. Ah, how satisfying would that be?

"So, how will we make sure that Jiang Yue will attend my party?"


While the mother and daughter are busy planning about their evil plans, Jiang Yue and her companions are also listening and recording their conversation.

Lu Shi and Jiang Mian’s conversation is a serious one. However, the atmosphere in Jiang Yue’s office is the exact opposite.

Jiang Yue is busy giggling while eating another cupcake that was specially made for her by no other than Fu Jin.

"This is good!" She praised Fu Jin after eating her third cupcake.

On the other side of her table was Fu Jin who is also busy peeling the grapes for Jiang Yue.

"Hmmm" Fu Jin would just nod and dotingly looked at Jiang Yue.

The scene seemed peaceful and harmonious. Something that can only be seen in a very happy household.

Of course, that’s with the exception of the serious Bei Ye and the tense Bai’Li.

For Bai’Li, the scene in front of him is completely abnormal. How can Jiang Yue and Fu Jin act so relax after knowing that some people are plotting for their demise?

After Jiang Mian and Lu Shi’s planning came to a halt. Bai’Li made sure to save all the recordings and send it to Jiang Yue’s computer.

He can only shake his head in complete confusion. He could not understand why Jiang Yue seem so relax with all of the things that’s coming in her way.

"Did you save it?" Jiang Yue’s mellow voice woke Bai’Li up from his stupor.

"Yep." He nodded.

"Okay now, help me find everything about that Li Qiang. He didn’t exist 18 years ago. There must be something that we can find about him." Jiang Yue took a peek at her monitor as she finished the cupcake in her hands.

Seeing that Jiang Yue is already done eating the cupcake, Fu Jin immediately handed a glass of orange juice that he painstakingly made.

Jiang Yue accepted the glass without any reservations and took a long sip. She is thirsty alright?

After she had finished her juice, Fu Jin then handed a bowl of peeled grapes so she can eat something while typing some codes into her computer.

Both Fu Jin and Jiang Yue seemed too engrossed to what they are doing to say anything. However, every now and then both of them will glance at each other. Their eyes are full of gentleness and understanding.

They look like an old married couple who knows each other so much that they don’t even have to say anything to understand each other’s thoughts.

As for the surrounding atmosphere? Well, both men can’t help but look at their feet and tried to ignore these two people.

Now, what could be worse than two people acting like a husband and wife?


Of course, it’s the fact that they are doing it in front of single dogs like them!

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