The Chronicles of a Scalebound Sage

[46] Bodies

After breakfast the caravan was finally on the move. They had a late start but were moving with urgency. Tanisha rode on Bjorn next to Joha’s wagon, and the two talked about where she should put her points. Her mind was somewhat frazzled by the sudden proposal and really she just wanted a distraction.  She opened her Status Menu and read out her current stats.

Status Menu

Name: Tanisha Scalebound
Species: Lernaean-Wendigo
Level: 17
Vitality: 10
Restoration: 4
Constitution: 7
Willpower: 8
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 9
Stamina: 8
Maya: 7
Magic: 24
Magic Regeneration: 25 (+100 from bond)
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“My maya increased on its own again,” Tanisha stated.

“Yes, it should continue to grow as you utilize the breathing techniques and martial arts forms,” Joha responded. “At this rate you should be able to utilize the maya fist in a year or two. The attack you saw me use on that tree.” 

“The maya fist? I did that against the gnoll before Bjorn showed up. It is called Maya Cloak in my skills though,” Tanisha stated.

“You did what?” Joha asked, his mouth agape.

Tanisha read the skills for him so he could judge for himself.

Skills Analysis

Pact of the Lernaean Hydra

You are under the direct protection of a Lernaean Hydra. You are now connected to the Infernal Planes through your new Patron. Maya is yours to command as long as your patron deems you fit to wield this infernal power. 

Delta Familiar Contract
You are bonded with a delta class familiar. You gain +100 to magic regeneration. Your bond has grown, allowing you to convey emotions though your bond. Your bond is resilient against outside influences and can not be forcibly severed by outside parties. Your familiar’s life expectancy is extended by five years.

Mystic Wind Hands
Magic cost: 3
Speak the words of power and call forth the mystic hands created from the wind. These hands can interact with the world and act out the caster’s will. (II) Infernal Hands, Maya cost: 1, infuse mystic wind hands with the breath of the Infernal Planes. These hands will burn any that oppose you.

Sage Core Manipulation
Magic cost: Variable
Manipulate the pure mana inside and around your body with greater ease. Allows you to circulate your mana and use mana dependent tools. (II) Maya is Breath, Maya Cost: variable, control the flow of maya within your body and around your for a short distance. Allows you to use maya dependent tools.

Mana Armor
Magic cost: 2
Push mana into your muscles and bones to temporarily increase your physical attributes. (II) Maya Cloak, Maya Cost: 1, the infernal energies within you surround your body greatly enhancing unarmed strikes. Unarmed punches and kicks will produce a maya shockwave increasing range of unarmed strikes a short distance.
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“I just did what I saw you doing and followed the formula in the maya,” Tanisha stated.

Joha was quiet as he rubbed his chin in contemplation. “That technique took me five years to learn, and you did it the same day I showed it to you. I will have to inspect your technique, but you may be a natural with this form.” He looked at Bjorn for a moment. “You chose a good master, Bjorn.” He looked back to Tanisha. “As for your points, you should focus on constitution and dexterity; get those two to twenty-five, after that your focus should be strength followed by stamina. After that, divide your points on other physical attributes.”

She opened the UCP menu.

Unassigned Cultivation Points Distribution

You have leveled up 7 time(s) before assigning your UCP.
You have 70 UCP
Please assign all UCP within 9 hour(s) or UCP will be automatically assigned.
Assign [yes/no]

She placed the seventy points following Joha’s instruction. When she was done she read off the changes to her stats. 

Status Menu

Name: Tanisha Scalebound
Species: Lernaean-Wendigo
Level: 17
Vitality: 15
Restoration: 10
Constitution: 25
Willpower: 10
Strength: 17
Dexterity: 25
Stamina: 16
Maya: 7
Magic: 26
Magic Regeneration: 25 (+100 from bond)
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As soon as she confirmed the changes she felt different. Balancing on Bjorn was automatic; she didn’t have to think about it at all. The world seemed fuzzier, too. She thought it was something on her glasses, but when she took them off she could see just fine. She tried them on and off, and found she saw better without them. She put them in her book bag to investigate later. She couldn’t wait to see what the changes were like when she was on her own two legs.


A few minutes into the forest Bjorn stopped suddenly. His heads tasted the air and looked off the path. Tanisha followed his gaze and saw wagon tracks leaving the roadside, going off into the forest. She could tell what that was: Sabec’s wagon. She pointed it out to Joha and he agreed. They informed the refugees, and soon she and Bjorn had Joha, Owen and Tyr ready to investigate the tracks. Tanisha was nervous about Tyr going, but decided she needed to focus on finding out where the tracks led.

It didn’t take long to find the remains of the gnoll camp and the gnolls. They were all dead, some burned, others torn apart, and a few looked like they just died in their sleep. Most of the camp was ash, but the presence of anti-magic cages, slave collars and wendigo remains told a grim story as to what the camp was used for. A few of the tents along the edges of the camp were intact. One of which was a nursery that hadn’t survived whatever Bjorn had done here.

Tanisha found that she was oddly cold to the sight. She didn’t know if it was because these gnolls had it coming, or if she was being influenced by the maya to be more apathetic to people she considered her enemies. If that was the case she needed to talk to Joha about it soon, she doesn’t want to lose herself to the influence of the Infernal Planes. She couldn’t help but feel that if they got their way she would be dead or in one of those cages to be sold off, eaten or raped.

“What the fuck?” Tyr asked as he saw what was in the tent. “Bjorn killed them all?”

“They would have done the same to us,” Joha said. 

“Yeah,” Tyr said, but he didn’t sound convinced.

Tanisha could understand the adults, yeah, they had it coming but some of them weren’t adults. Tanisha grabbed his hand and led him out of the tent.

“Come on,” Tanisha said. “We don’t have to see that.” 

Owen called out, “Some of the wagons are still usable. We can probably hitch Bjorn up to one. There are a lot of good metals and materials here Tanisha can sell. As far as I’m concerned everything here is hers.” Everyone turned to the goblin. “What? Don’t tell me you wanted to leave the good material just because a couple of muts got uppity. You’re going to need capital to keep yourself safe. I’ll get my boys and we will load up one of the wagons. It shouldn’t take too long.”

“I will go tell my father what we found,” Tyr let go of Tanisha's hand. “We need to cut up these bodies. The last thing we need is undead, right?” His eyes were grim. “I’ll be right back.”


It took nearly an hour, but after all the loot was gathered and the bodies cut up and burned they were off again. Tanisha now had her own merchant wagon and even stuff to sell.  Most of it was metal tools that hadn’t melted in the fires. Anti-magic prisoner collars were valuable but she didn’t want anything to do with them. Tanisha decided on a trade with the goblins, the alchemy equipment they had for the collars. They were more than happy to make that deal. 

The wagon was half the size of Sabec’s old wagon, but any larger and Bjorn might not have been able to pull it alone. The wagon was completely enclosed with a deep brown finish which looked beautiful. As Tanisha drove she couldn’t help but think of her time with Sabec. He did teach her how to drive a wagon after all. It was upsetting that she had really thought he was a friend.


The sun set after hours of traveling through the countryside. Tanisha could finally see the lights of the fort city. The road was no longer dirt but brick. The walls of the fort looked imposing even from their distance. The entire city was a massive multilayered star fortress built hundreds of years ago during a war with the humans. From each of the star’s points a light shined up into the sky, dispersing into the air creating a near translucent dome. Hundreds if not thousands of magic circles made up the structure. Tanisha was in awe with the sheer size of the city.

“Mind if I join you?” Tyr asked as he walked alongside the wagon.

Tanisha hadn’t expected to see him; they hadn’t talked since the gnoll camp. She was nervous but nodded in agreement and scooted over for him to sit.

“Yeah, come on,” Tanisha stated as she patted the seat beside her. “You’ve been walking all day.”

He climbed up onto the box seat next to her. “You look different.”

Tanisha didn’t know how to take that, “Uh, good different or…”

Tyr panicked and threw his hands up in the air. “Oh yes, yes it's a good different! You aren’t wearing your glasses. Did they break?”

“Oh, no I still have them, I just don’t need them anymore.” Tanisha looked back to the city skyline. “My eyesight has never been better actually. I think the maya is fixing my body or something.”

“Have you ever been to Lavi before?” Tyr asked.

“No, I never left the Salstar domain up until recently. It isn’t as big as Jotunheim, but the lights…” Tanisha responded. “It is beautiful.”

“Yes, she is-I uh, mean it is,” Tyr corrected himself. 

Tanisha looked back at the young man; her heart skipped a beat at his red and embarrassed face. His amber eyes looked around for something to say. She saw his mouth start and stop an idea multiple times before she realized she was staring. He noticed and the two turned away from each other, both red in the face.

“So, have you been there before?” Tanisha asked to push the conversation along.

“I have been here a few times, under happier circumstances of course,” Tyr was delighted to take the bait. “After everyone settles I can show you around if you like. My mother is probably going to want to see you too… not because of the proposal.” He nervously sped up his explanation. “I-I, I know you still have to think about that… and I am not trying to rush you.” He took a breath. “You saved my life twice and many others in the village. I’m sure she would want to thank you too, everyone would really.”

Tanisha laughed. “When everyone gets settled, I would love for you to show me around the town.”

“Really?” Tyr asked. “Then, may I?” He presented her with a small metal ring that had a single red feather. “It isn’t a proposal one, just one for… you know a-a date.”

Tanisha lowered her head a little, and Tyr placed the feather on her tiara.

“It is a date then.” Tanisha said.

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