The Chronicles of a Scalebound Sage

[59] We Stand With You

Tanisha left Drew’s Herbal Emporium and returned to a waiting Bjorn. She was surprised to find Tyr standing with her familiar. She wanted to run but knew he would be around sooner or later to request the engagement ribbon back. 

“Tyr, how did you find me?” Tanisha asked.

“Uh,” Tyr looked at the three-headed hydra. “Lucky guess.”

Tanisha looked around and saw that Bjorn was still getting looks from curious passersby. No one got too close but they were definitely interested in whatever the familiar was. 

“Joha, Helina and Owen were here for a little while too,” Tyr continued. “They thought it would be best for you to do whatever you were doing. Joha wanted me to let you know to meet him at the commerce building so you can get your permit. Are you okay?” Tyr was quiet for a second and saw that she didn’t want to respond. “Sorry, I can take you to the commerce building. You don’t have to talk if you don't want to.” 

The two walked in relative silence aside from the occasional direction. Before long they were back at the main square and saw Joha standing outside the building. Tanisha was surprised when Tyr left without asking anything. He didn’t break the courtship or ask for the ribbon or anything. She hadn’t been sure what to expect, but that wasn’t it.


Getting the permits was easy and Tanisha was able to help Joha set up his stall only a few hours later. They were in a different section of the market than she had been in previously. This side had temporary stalls with many traveling merchants from all over the continent. The plan was for Tanisha to spend the next week learning the ropes from Joha, then she would set up a stall of her own close by. They would sell some of her inventory in Joha’s stall but for the most part they were there to sell spices.

The apparently odd pairing of a tiger demon, wendigo and what most people thought of as a chimera of some kind bought over curious patrons. Many people just wanted to know what Bjorn was, but somehow Joha managed to turn almost any conversation into a sale. The first day was primarily about observing, and Tanisha felt as though she learned a lot. When the last customer walked off Joha turned to her.

“And you see what I did there?” Joha asked.

“Not really, he said he didn’t want to buy anything because he needed to talk to his wife first,” Tanisha responded. “Then he bought it anyway.”

“It was a lie, he just wanted an excuse to leave. He may have really been worried about what his wife had to say but that was not the heart of the situation,” Joha said as he raised a wagging finger. “What I told him was that I understood where he was coming from and let him know we have talked to other people who had that same concern. Then I told them the solution: our spices and how his wife would be ecstatic to try them.”

Tanisha was confused. “So you hear him out, tell him that other people also said the same thing, then they buy it?”

“Essentially, yes,” Joha chuckled. “There is more to it than that but we will go over it tonight after combat training.”


When the trio finally arrived back at the Isi estate Æsa was waiting for them. Tanisha felt a nervousness creep up, and she wanted to let the maya numb the feeling but refrained. Bjorn felt Tanisha’s distress and stood between her and the Hand as they were led inside. 

A few minutes later they were in the main office of the Isi family. The entire family had once again gathered, though this time without the toddlers. The atmosphere was tense as Joha and Bjorn stepped in front of Tanisha. She wanted to hide but steeled herself and pushed her way forward. She stood beside them, not behind to be protected. Then the unexpected happened as every member of the Isi house bowed their heads.

“We have done you a great disservice. The banquet was supposed to be in all of your honor, yet Tanisha was ridiculed and felt unwelcome by that dreadful guest,” Kolbien said, his head still bowed. “We do not share the sentiments of the Salstar House. You are now and forever our honored guests Tanisha. You as well, Joha.”

Tanisha was speechless for a long moment. “I… uh. Please raise your heads. What she said was true though. I am a shai of the Salstar house so…” She activated the storage necklace and a small delicate white and silver ribbon appeared in her hand. “I know you all want to become nobility. As long as your family is connected to me the Salstars will never let that happen.”

The family all raised their heads and looked at the ribbon in her hand as she held it out. Tyr looked at the ribbon for a long time even as everyone else's gaze returned to Tanisha’s eyes. Hrolf looked over to Kolbien, then to his son.

“It would seem we have made a poor impression on you. The Isi family was never looking for nobility through you, young lady,” Kolbien said. “It is a belief of ours that material users are overlooked in our society. The power of the material user, their utility and benefit to the kingdom, is an untapped wellspring of power. If the Isi become nobility it will not be through a union of marriage but because we have succeeded in showing the kingdom the power of material users. Nazem understands that strength and we have prospered here because of that.” 

“Tyr.” Hrolf nudged the young man. “You must go.”

Tyr walked up to Tanisha, his shoulders hung a little lower. She handed the young man the white and silver ribbon but only mustered a single apology before he returned to his family’s side.

“Are you sure?” Kolbien asked.

“I am,” Tanisha stated affirmatively, her voice unwavering. “I don’t know what my future holds, but I am a long way out from being the person I need to be to face it.” She took a long breath. “Bjorn and I have a long road ahead of us. I wanted to lose myself to something beside the struggles I am going to face and the death that I have seen. Two weeks ago I was a wizard, a student and a failure. So, I wanted to believe deep down that maybe I could be normal here.”

Tanisha thought about the notification to change her race to a greater wendigo, a nature’s wrath. The thought still scared her, but she now knew she was on a course she couldn’t divert from. The Higher Planes knew about her and Bjorn thanks to the maya, and who knew what Sabec will do with the information on Bjorn. Her family would soon know where she was and that she’d survived. She was still too weak. She thought about her dream to live in peace with Bjorn one day, but they would have to fight for that peace or get so strong that no one would want to take it from them.

Tanisha continued after a pause. “I appreciate your feelings, Tyr, I really do, but that future isn’t for me anymore. I can’t be normal yet, Thyra showed me that.”

Kolbien took a breath and nodded. “Regardless, the Isi family stands with you, not the Salstars. You are now and forever welcome. Of course the same goes for you, Joha.”


Tanisha thought things would become a little more awkward around the estate after that but it didn’t. Tyr caught up to her sometime later to get the red feather back, but the short-lived courtship ended on friendly terms. The two actually got closer from the situation without the looming potential of marriage. 

In the days that followed Tanisha was able to get into a rhythm. In the early morning she, Bjorn and Tyr would run. She tried to recreate the feeling that allowed her to Blink; unfortunately it never happened. Her morning would end with Joha and his breathing and stretching exercises. After that she would spend time with Helina learning Hydromancy. Then a few hours at Drew’s Herbal Emporium, working part time as an assistant for him to better her skills in preparation for creating the greater health potion. A process that Drew would assist her in but not do for her per her request. Then it was back to Joha, helping him with the spice stall. As promised, after three days she opened her own odds and ends stall next to him selling the weapons, tools and gear she got from the gnoll camp.

Combat training got more and more difficult as Joha brought some of the Isi mystic swordsmen trainees to spar with her. Testing her skills against people with different styles other than his pugilistic teaching required her to adapt in ways she hadn’t expected. Every night she laid down a little more bruised, but a lot happier than she had been in a long time. 


The gate to the fort city palace opened for the first time in days. A procession of soldiers bearing the insignia of the royal family marched toward the open gate. In the middle of their ranks was a lesser zmei, a massive dragon with three heads, each of which exhaled heat with every breath. On the familiar’s back was a golden throne upon which sat one man, Arnar, First Prince of Yuhia. 

He looked down at the people from atop his familiar. He was disgusted at the mixing of his people with so many magically inept foreigners. Even the buildings were designed to cater more to the invaders than their own people. Lavi had once been a symbol of wendigo pride and unstoppable military and magical might. Now it was a rotting corpse, violated by the very races it was meant to defend against.

He swallowed his disgust. Things would change now that he was here. Lady Salstar was waiting to commence the execution of the traitors. Finally the fort city would be in good hands. He smiled darkly as he imagined a return to form in this outlying territory. 

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