The Chronicles of a Scalebound Sage

[61] Ready For The Next Step

The past few days had seen little improvement for Bjorn’s skills in terms of stats but he’d put as many hours as possible into mastering his body. He used Tanisha’s working hours as an opportunity to venture around the city or return to the Isi estate and train his body and muscle memory. He even performed meditation like Tanisha to see if he could master his magic like a mage. His body might be that of an animal but he still had a human, or rather nephilim, mind.

While he didn’t discover much in terms of magic he felt far closer to understanding the limitations of his body in its increased size. He felt that it was just in time too; he and Tanisha were preparing to face off in a match that would determine if she was ready to advance in her training. They would fight together, which over the course of the past few days they had gotten rather good at… Well they were still novices, but they were novices with guts.

Status Menu

Name: Bjorn Isin Scalebound
Species: Lernaean Hydra
Level: 21
Vitality: 150 / 195
Restoration: 220 / 270
Constitution: 85 / 135
Strength: 100 / 130
Dexterity: 85 / 100
Stamina: 95 / 115
Maya: 50 / 50 (DO NOT USE!)

Magic: 10 / 25
Magic Regeneration:  20 / 50  (+100 from bond)
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Skills Analysis

Reincarnation Failsafe
An incomplete reincarnation magic and your best friend who has your back no matter what!

Error: Unknown Pact
You are connected to a Progenitor Being from the Infernal Planes. They are watching you.

Venomous Bite
Magic Cost: 0
You have a neurotoxic venom which can be injected through a bite with your fangs. (II) Bite of the King of Reptiles, Maya Cost: 10, Your venom becomes infectious and will spread to nearby targets within five feet of the injected target. Allies are unaffected by your venom.

Poison Cloud
Magic Cost: 5
With your right head you can mix venom into the air using magic creating a large area of poisonous gas. This gas will rapidly reduce the health of those inside. Allies within your Poison Cloud are unaffected by the poison. (II) Breath of the Infernal One, Maya Cost: 15, Exhale a breath infused with the decay of the Infernal Planes. Targets within the cloud will rot over time as long as the effect is not cleansed.

Plague Fire Breath
Magic Cost: 6
Stamina Cost: 7
With your left head you can breathe a plume of superheated toxin which will ignite enemies and infect them with your neurotoxin. Flames retain toxicity until you release the spell. Plague Fire will spread like normal fire. (II) Infernal Fire Breath, Maya Cost: 20, fire will spread over non-flammable material at a reduced rate.

Maya Cost: YOUR SOUL (Seriously, if you use this we die!!!)
I really don’t want to tell you what this is because if you use it our heart is going to explode or something, I just know it! However, your middle head can exhale all of the maya stored in your body. This maya can be breathed in by your other heads to use maya infused breath attacks. It can also enhance the durability of your scales and potency of your venom.

Poison Claws
Magic Cost: 3
You can infuse your claws with neurotoxic venom, making even small scratches fatal. Allies are unaffected by your venom. (II) Claws of the King of Reptiles, Maya Cost: 5, venom becomes harder to cleanse.

Infernal Scale Armor
Maya Cost: 25
Absorb maya into your scales, making them more durable and resistant to physical and magical damage.

Delta Familiar Contract
Magic Cost: -100
You are a bonded delta class familiar. You gain +100 to magic regeneration. Your bond has grown, allowing you to convey emotions though your bond. Your bond is more resistant to outside influences and can not be forcibly severed by outside parties. 

King of the Reptiles
Passive Skill
Dragons, lizards and amphibians all show hesitation and fear around you, going so far as to run away. More study needed.

Head Regeneration and Random Growth!?!?!?
Magic Cost: 40-ish
Maya Cost: 150-ish 

(So funny story, we grew another head, I have no idea why…)
So bear with me here, we can convert experience into maturation, or healing major wounds including decapitation, or growing more heads I guess. Honestly I have no idea why we grew a head this time but here we are, three heads in and I am getting worried. Anyway more study is needed, but let's not for a while, please.

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Bjorn and Tanisha entered the training area, the glyphs along the stone floor illuminating slightly as they stepped in. Joha smiled as they reached him and bowed. The tiger demon looked like a proud dad as he glanced the two over.

“Well, well Tanisha, Bjorn, I can honestly say I was not expecting to do this test so soon. However, I feel as though I would be doing both of you a disservice if I didn’t,” Joha said with his hands on his hips. “The AgniKavach focuses on defense. It strengthens the body and sharpens the mind, allowing those that wield it to protect themselves and those they care about. This form allows someone to take a hit and keep moving as long as they have the willpower to push through.

“If you pass my test today we will move into the second form, VritraVajra or the Dragon Thunderbolt. This form is about redirecting an opponent’s attacks. Using their energy, both magical and physical, against them. However, before that you must show me how much you and Bjorn have improved. You both may use all techniques, powers and abilities you have, do not hold back. You may start whenever you two are ready.”

 As soon as Joha gave them the okay to begin Tanisha instantly activated her buffs, Mana Armor and Maya Cloak. Blue-green maya escaped her mouth and surrounded her in a thin wisp-like haze. She grabbed onto Bjorn’s saddle, pulling herself up in a quick, well-practiced motion. Before she was even fully seated Bjorn had jumped back, landing six yards away from Joha. She was ready for the sudden motion and while in the air was already casting spells.

Over the past few days part of Tanisha and Bjorn’s training had been mounted combat. Tanisha was already a well-trained equestrian, and having Bjorn meant she could utilize that in combat. The two also used the familiar bond to follow each other’s emotions and intent. It was because of that bond that Tanisha and Bjorn could act in unison far better than any non-familiar pairing. They still had a long way to go however, and the sparring matches they had against the trainees of the Isi sword style proved that. Regardless, they were ready for this test and they would go all out against Joha.

Magic cost: Variable
Create water mana constructs, condense water from the atmosphere and/or control water from a water source. Water created or controlled by you will be touched with infernal energies allowing greater ease in changing influenced waters state from water to ice or steam. 

Tanisha finished her spell and an orb of water appeared, floating to the right of her head. The liquid looked almost like a fist-sized glass marble because of its uniformity. It was the first spell needed to use her new offensive magic. Hydromancy allowed her to create water or pull it from the atmosphere, either way she could control it. Creating water was far more costly to her magic and it wasn't really liquid, it was a water-like magic construct. Constructed liquid had the potential to be far more deadly and she would have far greater control over it. In addition, unlike real water, other hydrokinetic mages couldn’t seize control of it and stab you in the back with your own magic.

Tanisha used extra mana to create the liquid water construct even though she didn’t have to worry about Joha taking control of the water. She wanted to show off her abilities since that was the purpose of the match to begin with. Once the orb fully solidified she started the second chant; this one would convert the Hydromancy spell into her attack spell. 

Water Missile
Magic cost: 2
Create or condense water from the atmosphere into a blast of highly pressurized water. Infernal energies permeate water created or controlled by you. You can slightly alter the trajectory of water once launched; each successful hit will mark the target making the subsequent Water Missiles homing. 

Helina had taught her that while she could just use the Water Missile spell on its own, using Hydromancy first not only gave her greater control but also removed the cost of Water Missile altogether. She smiled at the speed and ease with which she was able to cast both spells. Only moments had passed since Bjorn had jumped back and she was ready.

Bjorn released control of his right head. “Failsafe, keep an eye out.” 

“Yay, I get to use a head again finally,” Failsafe said cheerily as he bobbed the appendage up and down. “I mean of course. Serious.”

Joha hadn’t moved from his spot as the two prepared themselves. Tanisha released her first attack; a stream of high powered water shot out. The stream was barely the thickness of a pen but zoomed across the distance with terrifying speed. The orb of water shrunk a little and Joha dodged by smoothly side-stepping the attack. With that he was fully engaged. He started to run towards them as Tanisha directed several more shots with her bardiche.

“Bjorn, keep your distance,” Tanisha said.

 Joha continued to dodge attacks as Bjorn continued to kite Joha by jumping back anytime he got close. They could tell Joha was seeing what they could do, as he could use Maya Blink if he wanted to catch up to them. Tanisha shot the last of her water which Joha dodged again easily, he then used Maya Blink as Tanisha expected. He appeared in the air next to her with a kick aimed at her chest. 

She lifted the bardiche just in time and Bjorn shifted, turning them both and allowing the force to pass by them. Joha landed on the other side while Bjorn swung his tail, hoping to catch the tiger demon as he landed. In a feat of agility partially obscured by his red maya, Joah landed on a single finger and threw himself back into the air over the swinging tail.

Tanisha wasn’t idle; while this happened the arena was covered in her magical water. She motioned with her weapon for the water to return, which it did in hundreds of streams that moved just as quickly as the Water Missiles had. Joha was forced to use Maya Blink to avoid the thin but deadly water as it sliced through the air and reformed as a single orb. 

Bjorn used that time to lunge forward, his powerful legs launching him through the area towards Joha, each of his mouths open and bearing down on Joha. The tiger demon deflected the snapping maws with open palms and knees, the distraction allowing Tanisha to finish gathering the water in preparation for another assault. That was until Joha grabbed one of Bjorn's necks and threw the familiar. 

The action happened so quickly that neither had time to react. The two separated in the air. Bjorn landed on his side and Tanisha rolled along the ground before she stopped a few yards away from him. The pair quickly got back up to their feet. Joha rushed at Tanisha, using his absurd speed and Maya Blink to reach her almost instantly. Tanisha dodged the first jab just in time to not get punched in the face. She retaliated with two water missiles and a downward slash from the bardiche.

Joha weaved between the attacks then punched again, this one connecting with Tanisha’s side. Pain rattled her but her buffs kept her in the fight. She was hit again, this time by a fist to the face which caused her to stumble. She was in a bad situation with her bardiche this close. She stored the weapon in her necklace, causing it to vanish from her hands. 

She went into AgniKavach unarmed form, which allowed her to dodge the next two strikes and block the third kick. There was no time for retaliation; the differences in their skill was far too wide. She was being pressed and she had a feeling this was part of the test to see if she could handle her defensive form. AgniKavach was, after all, a form that allowed the practitioner to take magical and physical damage and keep going. The maya wanted to protect those that utilized it, and this form epitomized that notion. 

During the assault Bjorn had rejoined the battle with an explosion of furious bites. Tanisha ducked down just in time to avoid Bjorn’s snapping jaws by inches. The bond and her trust in her familiar allowed there to be no need for communication for her to know the exact moment she needed to do the maneuver. Joha was pleased with the teamwork as Tanisha used the distraction to get back to a workable distance with her magic. She resummoned her bardiche and recalled the water she had already expended.

“Elder Isi, Hrolf!” A panicked voice screamed. “Lord Nazem, he is going to be executed! The First Prince and Lady Ingrid are here and they are performing a public execution as we speak.”

The commotion stopped the match as everyone including Tanisha froze in place. She knew the prince being here meant one thing. The Salstars were taking the territory after Lord Nazem died. Hearing that her mother was in the city filled her with dread. It suddenly made Thyra mentioning the terms of her banishment from the domain take on new meaning. 

“Joha, I need to leave now,” Tanisha said. “If I’m here when they take over they will kill me.”

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