The Chronicles of a Scalebound Sage

[71] The Faith Of The Wendigo

“First things first, we have to get our people out of the inner wall,” Tyr stated. “And quickly; all of the gates will have higher security now that we’ve gotten out of the estate. We need to know which one we can get through, so I need volunteers to scout ahead of us. Take off all apparel associated with the Isi style.”

Several men and a woman stepped up. They started to take off their training robes when Joha stopped them. He bellowed out red maya which suffused into their outfits, changing its color and appearance. Each of them now appeared to be in normal clothing of natural colors instead of the baby blue and white. The maya continued to bellow for a little while longer, until all of the members of the meeting appeared to be in different clothing. Not only did it not look like the robes but they all had different trims and styles, making them look like a group of random people. Joha couldn’t change the swords and weapons however, and they would be a dead giveaway if they were seen.

“I didn’t know you could do that, Joha,” Tyr said, astonished at the enigmatic power. “Well, that takes care of finding new clothing.”

“It also kept whatever protections you had, so the new outfits are just as sturdy as they were before,” Joha stated as he smoked.

“If they close the gatehouses, how will we get out?” one of the men asked.

“With him.” Tyr motioned to Bjorn. “I was told that he’s the one who did that to the wall.” He pointed at the black line that tracked along the massive wall. “If he can do that from a distance with all of the enchantments on that structure, what can he do if we get him closer?”

Tanisha turned to her familiar. “Can you do it again, Big Man?” Bjorn nodded, so Tanisha continued. “I wanted to say this as well. The Fort City is contested ground; another royal and noble faction is most likely on the way here to seize the fort.”

“Contested!” Tyr screamed angrily. “They’re planning a civil war for the Fort City, and my family was caught up in the middle of it.”

“That’s why there was no trial,” Svan stated with grim realization. “The prince needed proof of the Salstar’s ability so they chose to eliminate us. The prince has always hated the material users, and I am certain the Salstars do as well.”

“This changes little, but at least now we know,” Tyr said, anger still permeating his face. “Those going to check out the gates go now; be back in the next twenty minutes.”

The three men and the woman who volunteered all vanished with Flash Step.

“It does change things, though,” Tanisha said. “In order for the Salstars to take the city completely they will need the backing of the prince. If you escape the inner city, even if we aren’t able to escape the city completely, all we need to do is hide out somewhere and the Salstar’s will lose the backing of the First Prince. I still think we should get out of the city completely, but as it stands the Salstars don’t have the authority to control the outer city yet.”  

“We do have many people in the outer city that will help us, I am sure,” Svan stated. “Escape will be the priority but if we can’t, waiting out the days may be an option as well.”

Tyr looked thoughtful for a moment. “You said the Salstars won’t have control of the outer city; will they be able to close the gates?”

“No, I don't think so,” Tanisha said, feeling a little nervous now that everyone was focused on her. She let the maya have that emotion too. “The First Prince could, but if he helped them that much it would only prove Ingrid is not worthy and disqualify the Salstars from ruling the Domain.”

“That’s good and all, but the familiar is a big three-headed sign that we’re on the move,” a woman said. Bjorn used Identify to see that her name was Alfhild. “We can’t exactly hide him easily.”

Tanisha stepped up with her smoking pipe in hand. “We will be a distraction. After we blow open the gate we can try to confuse them and make them think we’re going for a different location.”

“Why would they fall for that?” Alfhild questioned. “They are after the Isi, not you.”

The maya around Joha swirled, covering him completely, then dispersed. Joha had turned himself into an exact copy of Tyr but in the white and baby blue robes typically associated with the Isi Family.

“I am sure they will follow if they think she is with the patriarch,” Joha said in Tyr’s voice.

“If you can change into a wendigo can you turn into one of the captains and just walk us through?” Alfhild asked to the other’s agreement.

“It would probably not work.” Joha shook his head. “Your people are sensitive to mana and I have none. I would have the appearance but no mana, which may make them suspicious. Especially since they know a rakshasa is fighting with you. Material Users are easier since you don’t have mana either.”

Tyr took back control of the conversation. “Alright, everyone, we get into the outer city then…”

They went over several plans, from finding sympathizers to family members who could take them in. The children were a big concern; keeping them safe was a priority. It was decided that Tanisha’s wagon would be the best place for them. Tanisha, Joha and Bjorn were to distract the Salstar knights and hopefully the Hands before regrouping later on. All that was left was to wait for the scouts to return with news of the gatehouses.

During the intermission, Tanisha took Joha off to the side. Bjorn followed, of course, to keep an eye on things. He found it a little disturbing how emotionless she felt through the bond. It was as if she was blocking everything, allowing only logic to fuel her actions. It made him afraid of what would happen when she finally lets those floodgates open. The group stopped a few paces away from everyone.

“There is something I have to tell you,” Tanisha stated calmly, almost emotionlessly. “Two weeks ago after I unintentionally used blink I found out how to use maya and mana together with a new skill I unlocked called Sage Spell Form Crafter. When I used it, it fused my mana core to my maya and now it says I am a Sage of the Infernal. I don’t have a patron, I am connected directly to the Infernal Planes like you.”

“Wh-what, how?” Joha’s voice raised an octave, which was still pretty deep. “I have never heard of anyone creating a direct link. It is something you are born with, not something you can acquire. This could be a major breakthrough for cambions if it is something you can teach.”

“That wasn’t all, Joha,” Tanisha said. “Have you ever heard of someone evolving into a greater before? Aside from those chosen by a True?”

“No, I have only ever heard of de-evolution without Higher Plane intervention. A greater becoming normal or normal transitioning to lesser. Like the wendigo turning into skinwalkers or demons into cambions,” Joha responded with an eyebrow raised. “The greater are not necessarily more powerful, just closer to their True in form and how their power manifests. Some like the sphinxes, the greater lamia, are significantly more powerful than their lessers.”

“I was given the option to evolve. I can become a greater wendigo; there are two options actually,” Tanisha stated.

Joha and Bjorn were both flabbergasted as Tanisha went on to explain herself. She stated her reasons for not taking any of the options before. Her faith in the Forest Father made her think of it a sacrilege to take the gift only He should be able to bestow. Wendigo do not worship in the ways of man by bowing and praying to their creator. The devout worship in action and in deed speaking of the Forest Father and holding onto the tenets of their forefathers. The faith of the Wendigo is branded in their souls, their reverence for Him as much a part of them as any limb.

“We also don’t know what it will do to your mind,” Joha stated. “When a being de-evolves their mental state changes; some creatures become far more violent like the wendigo, others change in various other ways. I am told the goblins were once the emerald elves who ruled the world, but something happened to them and they became what they are now.” He scratched his chin thoughtfully. “If you were to evolve there is the chance it will change your personality, or perception of the world. You said you were given options, meaning more than one, what are they?”

“Nature’s Wrath was first, but when I lost control of the maya I was given a second one, Herne Hunter,” Tanisha responded. “I have two days or I will lose the evolutions.”

“I have never heard of either, but I don’t know much about greater wendigo,” Joha said.

“There has only ever been one so I am not surprised. Nature's wrath was the race of the first wendigo king. His magic is the sorcery used by his descendants in the royal family. I have never heard of the Herne Hunter before.”

“Is there any more information on them?” Joha asked.

“No, just the names,” Tanisha responded.

“Try something for me,” Joha said. “I have known many people with mental projection magics like yours. Focus on the names in the menu, with the desire to learn more about it. See if anything happens. It is your magic after all, you should be able to alter it.”

Tanisha was silent for a moment as she stared into a blank space.

“Failsafe,” Bjorn said mentally. “See if we have something similar.”

“Hmm. I’m still poking around with the third page right now. It’s where she got the information, so maybe we will. I doubt you have an evolution on the way,” Failsafe responded. “More than likely you are a True so there’s nothing to evolve into. What would that even be, a True True? A True to the second power?”

“Just check it out when you get done with the third page,” Bjorn stated.

After a minute Tanisha’s eyes opened wide. 

“I did it!” she exclaimed. “I got more information.”

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