The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 179: Disciple surpassing the Master

Chapter 179: Disciple surpassing the Master

While Wang Hao badly wanted to dupe the two combatants, a part of his mind was telling him to not go on with his plan.

If it was him with his bloodline abilities, he will stand a chance against the two of them. All of Huo Huangdi’s scorching flames and Jieshu’s ethereal attacks could be received by Wang Hao well.

But right now, Wang Hao was still under the effects of the backlash. Even a single strike from Old Billy might injure Wang Hao heavily.

He had to weigh in the pros and cons of this operation.

But before he could make the final decision, Wang Hao felt two pairs of eyes staring at them. He knew these eyes belonged to Huo Huangid and Jieshu. He looked at their battle site, and he saw that almost nothing had been destroyed. It was like their intense fighting earlier was not that serious.

He then froze, realizing what have happened.

“D**n! I have been baited!” Wang Hao now knew that the match between Huo Huangdi and Jieshu was actually a fake. They just pretended to fight in order to attract strong practitioners over in this area. As for why they want many practitioners, it must be highly related to the escape from the Dreamworld.

He silently gritted his teeth as he gave Huo Huangdi and Jieshu a solemn greeting.

“It seems like you have been waiting for me specifically. Well, congratulations, here I am!” Wang Hao spread his arms wide, as if he was a precious prize won in a lottery.

“.....” Huo Huangdi gave Wang Hao a look of contempt while Jieshu still did not face him.

Wang Hao could still understand Huo Huangdi’s behavior. After all, a scoundrel like Wang Hao were talented at pissing off people.

As for Jieshu, she seemed to be intent on not looking at Wang Hao’s face. She had her face looking sideways as her body was ‘facing’ Wang Hao. He could only silently cry as he thought to himself, “Do I look that bad that she could not look at me?”

He sniffled quietly as he put that matter at the back of his mind as he asked the two,

“You want an alliance between us three?”

JIeshu nodded, not interested to speak up at all. As for Huo Huangdi, he sneered as he said, “Not just us three, you dips**t. Siwang Wangzi’s included too. Honestly speaking, I would prefer to have him on this alliance rather than you.”

“Woah, ‘chill’ down, fire boy.” Wang Hao said. He gave Huo Huangdi a questioning look as he asked him,

“Why are you pissed with me? We haven’t even met before!”

Huo Huangid clenched his fists as he slowly replied,

“I do not know why, but everytime I see you, I feel extremely pissed!” Huo Huangdi grabbed his head as he hollered,

“This damn memory! After I died, I lost my memories of my last week before my death! I did not even know who my murderer was!” Huo Huangdi then paused, as he stared at Wang Hao. He walked slowly towards him as he asked,

“Maybe the reason I am angry at you was because you were related to my death. With your Divine Beast Bloodline, you have no way of damaging me. But you could have been an accomplice! Now speak!”

Wang Hao gave Huo Huangdi a blank stare as he replied,

“As far as I know, I was not related to your murder in anyway. I swear that with my soul.”

Huo Huangdi watched intently, wanting to see if Wang Hao will suffer some injuries if he lied about not being related to his death.

If Wang Hao was telling the truth, fine. But if Wang Hao was shown to be lying, Huo Huangdi will stop caring about being stuck in the Dreamworld and slay Wang Hao right now.


To his disappointment, nothing happened to Wang Hao. Huo Huangdi gave a heavy sigh as he sat on a chair. He then looked at Wang Hao, waiting for him to start the conversation.

If Huo Huangdi was disappointed, Wang Hao was highly relieved on the other hand. Because his memories were sealed, Wang Hao had no way of knowing if he really killed Huo Huangdi in his past life. That was the reason why he started his oath with ‘As far as I know’.

Since Wang Hao had no memory yet of killing Huo Huangdi yet, as far as he knows, he had no relation to Huo Huangdi’s murder.

That was the reason Wang Hao was not damaged by the soul oath.

Once Wang Hao was sure that Huo Huangdi and Jieshu were all stable(as if Jieshu ever got rattled). He decided to drop another bombshell on them.

“You killed Siwang Wangzi?” Huo Huangdi’s shocked face was enough to make Wang Hao feel smug. Wang Hao smiled as he serenely replied,

“Of course, he was no match for my powerful abilities.” Wang Hao stood proud as he closed his eyes.

He tried to make himself look imposing, to make Huo Huangdi and Jieshu respect him more. With his precarious situation now, the more powerful he looks, the better it will be. Looking weak in front of Huo Huangdi and Jieshu will not be good to him.

Wang Hao laughed discreetly as he felt he already made a first layer of protection to himself.

Sadly, Wang Hao’s actions led to his almost downfall.

“Then show me how strong you are.” It was the first time that Jieshu spoke. Everyone who heard her voice slightly shivered, as if a mere word from her can take them all down.

“Wait, do we really need to do that?”

Jieshu nodded her head up and down quickly as she looked at Wang Hao straight.

“But we need to conserve energy and something like that....” Wang Hao could only cry foul silently when he realized that he managed to make Jieshu want to fight him! This was the worst case scenario!

“Pathetic excuses!” Wang Hao saw Huo Huangdi sneering at him. Upon seeing this, Wang Hao’s anger reached the peak. Even though he knew winning against Jieshu was slim right now due to his condition, he still had that urge to accept it.

But before Wang Hao could open his mouth, everyone saw something flying towards them.

It was a small mirror. It was around the size of a palm. Its surface was slightly cracked as its casing looked burnt. This mirror looked like it was trash, but hidden beneath it was a powerful strength that was tightly sealed.

Before anyone could say something more, they heard the mirror talking.

“Hallo guys. As you can see I am a mirror. I may be weak now, but I have one special ability.” The mirror paused dramatically as it said, “I can show you what you want to see now! Events, persons, everything! Not only that, but this viewing can see 6 hours into the future and 6 hours back to the past.”

Wang Hao’s eyes shone upon hearing that. He started clearing his throat as he asked the mirror,

“So, we can use you right now?”

“Yes of course, each you can use me right now. Consider it a trial version. In this trial version, I will allow each one of you to see something as long as it is within my time range. Do no worry too, it can be private if you want it.”

“Wait, why are you giving us a trial run?” Wang Hao continued his questioning. “Besides, why did you appear here, and are you an ally or a spy?”

The mirror hastily replied, “I come here with no ill-intent! I just want to have some fun! I swear that with my item soul!”

Upon seeing that the mirror seemed to be speaking the truth, Wang Hao decided to slightly relax. Even though there were still some suspicious things about this mirror, Wang Hao was at least sure this thing meant them no harm.

But still, a mirror suddenly appearing here and offering a good deal to them was still a little fishy. Wang Hao’s shameless instincts were now at full alert, ready to notice if the mirror starts plotting against them. Once the mirror starts doing something fishy, Wang Hao will be the first one to bolt away.

Huo Huangdi and Jieshu stared at the mirror too, clearly aware that it was a good treasure. They slightly moved forward, wanting to touch the mirror. Wang Hao beat them to the punch as he was the one nearest to the mirror.

“In that case, let me start.” Wang Hao gripped the mirror with his right hand as he said in his mind,

“Private viewing, Fang Lin fighting a very strong opponent.”

“Is that all?”

“Yes.” Wang Hao replied irritatedly. With the mirror on his hands, Wang Hao wanted to see his disciple’s conditions. He wanted to see them fighting a strong opponent. It does not matter whether this fight will happen later, as long as Wang Hao knew about his disciple’s conditions.

It was at that moment, that Wang Hao’s eyes saw something else extra in the Dreamworld. Aside from the Dreamworld, he can also see another environment with his eyes.

Even though he can see two different places at the same time, Wang Hao did not feel disoriented at all. Wang Hao was sure that this was due to the small mirror’s abilities.

Upon further inspection of the additional place, he discovered where it was. It was in the base of the Raiders!

Wang Hao smiled as he looked at the two figures facing off against each other on the base’s open area.

One was Ling Tian, with his many swords, while the other one was Fang Xiushang.

“Eh? Where is my disciple?” With his abilities temporarily canceled, Wang Hao cannot feel Fang Lin’s aura.

“Don’t tell me he’s also like me, waiting for these two to beat each other up before swooping in?” Wang Hao laughed merrily as he thought to himself,

“Ha! My disciple sure learned a lot from me!”

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