The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 198: Disk

Chapter 198: Disk

Fang Yu closed her eyes, already aware of what will happen next. Her guess was right, as she heard Ling Tian’s cry of agony.

“You damned b**ch! This is no ordinary talisman! This is a Third Grade Evil Purging Talisman!” Ling Tian howled as the golden glow released by the talisman continuously eroded his body that was fortified with the evil qi.

Ling Tian could feel the domineering evil qi in his body cowering against the might of the talismans. What he could only do was curse Fang Yu as he tried to resist the effect of the talismans.

“F**k! I just unlocked one small seal, and it seems like that was not enough to resist a Third Grade Evil Purging Talisman! If I unlock the second small seal, I am sure I can resist the talisman. But...” Ling Tian did not dare to unlock the second small seal since his current body strength was not enough.

The main reason why his friend sealed the evil sword was to prevent it from turning Ling Tian into an evil creature. By locking the power completely and releasing it little by little, Ling Tian’s body will be accustomed with the evil sword.

Ling Tian can only unlock a small seal if his bodily strength can resist it. With the sealing done by the Underworld Suppressing Formation, he can only handle one small seal. If he unlocks the second small seal right now, his body and mind will be overwhelmed by the evil qi, turning him in to a murderous creature.

Just like any other practitioner, Ling Tian will not allow himself to be like that. The only thing he could do right now was to resist pain and agony he was feeling.

Poor Ling Tian. His own fate was already decided when Fang Lin shamelessly asked Mina for talismans. Mina of course could not endure Fang Lin’s nagging so she gave in, giving Fang Lin many defensive talismans. While she was busy sorting out her talismans, she saw some talismans letting out a glow.

She took a look, and found that it was the Evil Purging Talismans that were glowing. These talismans will only do such thing if there was an evil presence nearby. Judging from the glow they emit, that evil presence seems to be a strong one.

Mina realized that this evil presence might be interested in Fang Lin. So Mina gave him some Third Grade Evil Purging Talismans, while telling him all about its effects. She told him to be careful, as an evil spirit might come and attack Fang Lin.

Fang Lin laughed it off at that time, thinking that it was highly improbable for something like that to happen. Luckily for him, his rival was that unfortunate evil presence.

While Ling Tian was writhing under the effects of the Evil Purging Talisman, Fang Yu wasted no time as she used the remaining Third Grade Evil Purging Talisman to purge the evil qi on Fang Lin’s body.

Fang Lin let out a sigh or relief as the golden aura of the talisman flowed inside his body, cleansing him of all the evil qi that invaded him.

It took him no time to be completely free of Ling Tian’s evil qi.

Once he was cleansed, Fang Yu and Fang Lin recombined to form the original Fang Lin. Fang Lin then reused his transformation technique to look like Fang Xiushang again.

Once he had done this, Fang Lin used all the remaining origin energy that he had to activate the Dual Mark ? and Θ(life and death).

He already knew about the effect of Θ when used alone. As for the solo effects of ?, he had no time for it at all. What he was interested now was the effect of the two symbols when used together as a Dual mark.

The two symbols let out an ancient aura as they started revolving against each other. Fang Lin was not surprised when he saw a Yin-Yang Symbol forming from the two symbols.

“Sigh, is it because I am a Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast that all my special attacks were related to Yin-Yang? This is just too obvious.” Even though he was slightly unhappy with the obviousness of his attacks, Fang Lin was nonetheless still hyped for his current attack.

This Yin-Yang symbol was composed of death and life energy revolving around each other. To Fang Lin’s delight, these two energies were not in conflict against each other. They were mutually assisting each other, as if one cannot exist without the other.

“Yeah, it should be just like that. Life and Death can only exist if both of them exists.” Fang Lin muttered as he sent his attack towards the spent Ling Tian.

“Take this!” His attack let out an eerie sound as it collided against Ling Tian.

“Ah no!!!!” Ling Tian’s hoarse voice continued its agonized song as Fang Lin’s attack hit him.

Fang Lin, with his connection with the Yin-Yang symbol, could sense its effects. He saw that aside from Ling Tian’s vitality, even his remaining qi was absorbed by the black region from the Yin-Yang Symbol.

The symbol then started to look more and more solid as it greedily absorbed everything that was keeping Ling Tian alive. It even started to absorb the evil qi from Ling Tian.

“Hiss....” From what he could see, Fang Lin knew that this was no yet the limit on what his new attack could absorb. From what he can sense, there will come a time in the future when this attack of his could even absorb and refine souls!

As for the white region of the symbol, Fang Lin felt that he must use it immediately. He activated it, and to his delight, he felt his injuries disappearing. He then noticed that the yin-yang symbol looked less solid with him healing his body.

“Now I get it!” Fang Lin now deduced the function of his new attack.

The dark region of the symbol most probably represents death. Its task was to absorb any type of energy that keeps a creature alive. It seems like it can also absorb other energy as long as it has a similar attribute as the death energy. Ling Tian’s evil qi just falls into that category, which allowed it to be absorbed.

This absorbed energy will then be converted by into either death or life energy. The more energy absorbed, the more realistic the symbol will look. The converted death energy can be used for offensive purposes just like what Fang Yu did with the Θ symbol.

As for the life energy, it was most probably under the control of the white region of the symbol which represents life. Fang Lin’s injuries will be healed and his depleted energy will be replenished.

Of course the extent of this healing and replenishment will depend on the amount of energy absorbed by the symbol.

This symbol will only disperse if Fang Lin wills it or if its energy were all used up.

“This is just too OP!” Fang Lin thought to himself as he imagined other applications of his new attack. Will it be able to absorb any kinds of energy, regardless of its attribute in the future? Can it also heal other people aside from him? Can it make him immortal?

Fang Lin put these thoughts at the back of his mind as he relished the comfortable sensation he was feeling right now. The amount of the evil qi absorbed from Ling Tian was so great that it was able to provide Fang Lin generous amounts of life energy that fully healed and restored him.

As for Ling Tian, he now lay on the ground, devoid of anything. He had no more qi on his dantian, and all his evil qi were either extinguished by the talismans or used up by Fang Lin. His evil sword turned small as it went back inside Ling Tian’s body.

“Hmmm... what should I name my attack?” Fang Lin thought as he clenched his fist. His fist started shaking as he infused it with all the essences he could put into it. He was going to silence Ling Tian right now to get the other fragments of the Pan Gu Divine Tablet. Aside from that, Fang Lin was trying to make sure that Ling Tian will not be able to tell others about his secret bloodline.

“Ah I get it! I shall call it ‘Yin-Yang Eternal Life and Death Disk’!” Fang Lin said this aloud as he sent his fist crashing down at Ling Tian’s exposed head.

But before Fang Lin’s fist crushed his head, Ling Tian started to use his last bid to stay alive. He let out a shout as the two stone fragments with him let out a sound as they flew away from him. They let out a whistle as they were sent hurtling towards the city proper.

Fang Lin panicked upon seeing this. He knew that once these fragments were seen by other practitioners, his chance to collect them all will be ruined. He had to stop that from happening.

Fang Lin then used his maximum speed as he used a spirit sword to chase the last two fragments. With his speed, it only took him around 10 seconds to grab them both. Fang Lin sighed in relief, seeing that nobody saw what happened.

He was about to return to Ling Tian when he saw Ling Tian clutching something. It was a small jade, around the size of a palm. Ling Tian was gripping it tightly, with his blood splattered on the jade.

Ling Tian gave Fang Lin a defiant look as he said,

“Next time we meet will be not like this! Remember that!” Fang Lin’s eyes then widened when he realized what the jade was.

‘Teleportation Jade!’ Fang Lin rushed towards Ling Tian, trying to stop him from leaving.

But it was too late as Ling Tian suddenly disappeared. His aura, along with his scent disappeared. It was as if he was not at this place anymore and was moved to another place.

“F**k he teleported away! Dammit!” Fang Lin angrily roared as he kicked a nearby tree. The tree did not budge as Fang Lin felt a stinging pain on his foot. He bent over, grabbing his left foot as he howled in anger and agony.

“Argh! I hate trees!”

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