The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 200: Beyond the Capacity

Chapter 200: Beyond the Capacity

Fang Lin wasted no time as he rushed back towards the rebel camp. Even though he was still angry with what happened with the Pan Gu Divine Tablet, he had other things to worry about, like the impending arrival of the Underworld Army.

From his estimates, there’s still around 2 hours before the time acceleration happens. That means Fang Lin only have 2 hours left to prepare for the arrival of the invaders.

He knew that he had inform others about this sinister trick that the enemies deployed. However, he was currently donning Fang Xiushang’s identity.

It leaves a bad taste on Fang Lin’s mouth as he imagined Fang Xiushang hailed as a hero who saved the Solstice Kingdom by informing them of the time trick that the Underworld employed.

He does not want that prick to gain such praise.

“Sigh.” But Fang Lin knew that he had no choice but to plow on with his act. After all, the lives of everyone in the Solstice Kingdom was more important than to that of his petty pride.

It took Fang Lin around half an hour before he can arrive back at the rebel camp. At the periphery, he could sense Bloodspear, Mina, Long Juo and Xue’er all waiting inside the spirit ship. A vein popped on his forehead when he saw all four of them playing card games. It was as if they were not worried about his well-being.

“What the? I understand Mina, Bloodspear and Long Juo acting like that. But why is Xue’er like this too?” As if she can hear his thoughts, Xue’er’s head swiveled as she looked out of the window.

When she saw Fang Lin arriving, her lips puckered as she pouted to Fang Lin. Her expression clearly shows that she was upset. She let out a huff as he retracted her head, resuming her card game.

Fang Lin smiled wryly upon seeing her expression. He had a basic inkling of the reason she was like that.

“She’s jealous!”

How could Xue’er not be? Fang Lin used his identity as Fang Xiushang to dote upon Fang Xiushang’s lovers. Even though she knew that he was just pretending, Xue’er could not help but get upset with Fang Lin’s lovey-dovey acting.

Fang Lin scratched his head, deciding that he will make it up to Xue’er later. As of now, he had to deal with other matters yet.

He stared at the open courtyard, and there, he saw the other Immortal God Sect Disciples milling around, anxiously waiting for the arrival of Ling Tian.

The Fang Clan members were the same, with their faces full of worry as they waited to see if their Young Master Fang Xiushang was fine.

There was an invisible tension between these two groups, as if they want to vent all their pent-up emotions against each other. Fang Lin knew that his arrival will surely bring this tension to its brink.

He had to find a way to placate the two groups before the situation could blow up.

As for the rebels, all of them were inside the camp, busy preparing for the arrival of the enemies. They polished their weapons and applied medicine to the injured.

Even though they knew it will be hard, they will still defend their Kingdom. After all, that was the reason the Raiders of the Night were established. They were there to free the Kingdom from the oppression of the fake Queen. Now, their focus was on repelling the army.

Fang Lin did not dissuade them, for he knew they were a stubborn lot. The best that he could do was to help them on their endeavor.

As for their leader, she was still in seclusion, still trying to breakthrough to the Fifth Stage. To Fang Lin’s surprise, the leader of the rebels was not affected by the Underworld Suppressing Formation.

“Wait, does that mean that those in a state of breakthrough will not be affected by the Underworld Suppressing Formation?” Fang Lin decided to inquire more of this matter later.

“Boom!” The ground cracked as Fang Lin landed. His stupendous landing gathered the attention the everyone in the courtyard. Even his companions stopped their games as they stared out of the spirit ship, trying to see what happened.

Once they saw who arrived, all the Fang Clan members let out whoops of laughter as they realized that their Young Master returned alive and well.

Rou’er and Xu’er, Fang Xiushang’s lovers, run straight to Fang Lin, tackling him as tears trickled down their faces. They clearly knew the power of Ling Tian, and they were highly worried that the father of their children will perish. Now that he was back, all their worries went away as they thought of their future together with bliss.

Fang Lin heard someone gnashing her teeth, and he was sure that person was Xue’er. He wiped away his imaginary sweat as he imagined the difficulty of placating his wife later.

While the Fang Clan members were rejoicing, the Immortal God Sect Disciples were the opposite. They had crestfallen expression on their faces as they saw Fang Xiushang arriving with hardly no injuries at all. They knew about Ling Tian’s combat prowess, so they were sure he was bound to win, especially after the fact that Fang Lin defeated Fang Xiushang in the disciple selection.

If that Fang Lin could defeat Fang Xiushang, then it will be just a piece of cake for Ling Tian to defeat Fang Xiushang.

But the reality they were seeing now was different.

“Hey Fang Xiushang, where is Ling Tian?” Li Min stepped forward as he stared intensely at Fang Lin. Even though he considers himself to be Ling Tian’s rival, he still wanted to know that he was safe. “You know, we are not actually happy with the situation right now. I hope you can enlighten us!”

The truth was, Li Min expects that Fang Xiushang will not tell them the whole details of the match. After all, that was a private match. It will be up to Fang Xiushang to say what he wanted to say. The best thing that he could ask for was Ling Tian’s current condition.

Fang Lin gave Li Min a pensive look as he suddenly waved his hands. A small crystal ball then appeared on Fang Lin’s palm. Li Min’s eyes narrowed upon seeing this. He knew what this thing was. This crystal ball was an artifact that can record events!

“Did you record your fight with Ling Tian?” Li Min inquired slowly. He did not expect Fang Xiushang to be this narcissistic. He even had the gall to record his fight with Ling Tian? For what purpose?

“I did record my fight with him.” Fang Ln said with an arrogant tone on his voice. “But what I will show all of you was the reason why he disappeared. He activated the crystal ball, and there, everyone in the courtyard saw what Fang Lin was talking about.

The jaws of everyone from the Immortal God Sect dropped when they saw Ling Tian’s appearance in the video. The Ling Tian that they could see right now was the one who donned the evil spirit form!

“This is....” Everyone knew what they saw meant. It was already a common knowledge for everyone in the Immortal Continent that those who follow in the evil path must be shunned.

This outlook was due to the fact that many of the calamities in the Immortal Continent were due to those who treaded the evil path.

In the current age, those who were in the evil path in the Immortal Continent will be the object of scorn. This then makes life difficult for these evil path practitioners.

“.....” Everyone was quiet as they realized that the glorious Ling Tian will now be the object of disdain. He actually dared to be on the evil path while he was a disciple of the Immortal God Sect? This was a slap to their faces.

Fang Lin smiled upon seeing their reaction. Now, Ling Tian will face more difficulties than he could ever imagine.

Fang Lin was not worried about revealing this info. He knew that Ling Tian will not release his knowledge about Fang Lin’s bloodline as long as his identity as a reincarnator was not released.

“Since you used that evil qi in front of me, be prepared to face the consequences!” Fang Lin cackled to himself as he tried to look more imposing. He was about to say something to Li Min when he felt something weird.

He looked at the Underworld Suppressing Formation, and he saw it suddenly speeding up its energy absorption. In no time at all, Fang Lin saw the formation’s energy being refilled completely. Then to his horror, he saw the formation gathering more and more energy for itself. The formation started shaking as its absorbed energy was now beyond its capacity.

Fang Lin had a slight inkling on what this abnormal behavior meant.

If the fully charged formation can dilate the time with a 1:3 hours ratio, what will happen if the energy used was more than that?

The time dilation ratio will surely increase.

“Everyone, listen to me!” Fang Lin was about to warn everyone when suddenly, the formation activated its function.


Everyone felt the weird feeling of temporal displacement as the formation slowed down the time. A second passed by, and everything went back to normal.

Fang Lin however, was not feeling appeased. He knew that all those energies absorbed by the formation was enough to fully dilate the time to point where 4 and a half hours have passed in the Underworld! With that time dilation, 12 hours surely have passed in the Underworld!

That means only one thing, the 12-hour time limit set by Siwang Wangzi had ended now!

Sure enough, Fang Lin suddenly heard the sound of hooves coming from the portal. Countless armored men appeared, with each of them wielding a weapon.

In front of them, a man riding a skeletal horse appeared, with his whole body covered with armor. Fang Lin could see that everyone was respectful of this man. The armored man stared at Fang Lin, and Fang Lin could feel the man’s murderous intent focused on him.

“What the...”

Fang Lin swallowed audibly, realizing what was happening now.

The Underworld was resuming its invasion!

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