The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 213: Eternal Blazing Flame

Chapter 213: Eternal Blazing Flame

Wang Hao gave an impassive stare at Fang Lin’s confused companions. He let out a sigh as he said,

“Did you not hear what Bro Long Juo said earlier?” Long Juo winced upon hearing this. “Bro Long Juo said that with the important status Tang Li have right now, there will be bound to be practitioners coming here with wicked intentions. ”

Bloodspear’s face paled as he said,

“Does that mean that there are some of them coming here right now?’

“There is.” Wang Hao said impassively as he once again used his energy sense to scan the opponents. There were around 30 of them, each armed with unique set of weapons. From what he can infer, this group must have come outside the Solstice Kingdom.

That means this new group came from outside the Solstice Kingdom and just entered the Underworld Suppressing Formation currently. Regardless of their cultivation base, they all fell back to the First Stage. With that strength, what Wang Hao tried to sense was their battle prowess.

“Just the average....” Wang Hao sensed that none of the newcomers were geniuses in combat. They were all just normal practitioners. Out of all of them, only one of them had a powerful fighting ability. This person was an extremely muscular man. This man was obviously the leader. This man was busy hugging a beautiful woman that can be considered to be his lover.

This kind of practitioners only mean one thing.

They were sent here to probe the security around Tang Li.

Wang Hao knew that those who coveted the soul of Planet Thrae will not recklessly come here to obtain her. They were all used to scheming already, so their best choice was to send some small fries.

Wang Hao of course was not happy with this. He snorted as the thought to himself,

“Fine, you want to probe our strength? Then eat this!”

With Fang Lin at the Half-Step of the Second Stage, Wang Hao’s third petal on the seal was half-unsealed now. That means Wang Hao could wield the power of a Half-Step Third Stage Practitioner!

With his power not reliant on the cultivation base but instead on the energy itself, his power as a Half-Step Third Stage Practitioner was not repressed here!

That means nobody currently in the Solstice Kingdom, even absolute geniuses can withstand any of Wang Hao’s attacks!

Wang Hao waved his hands lazily, as a red flame appeared on front of him. It flickered gracefully, as it sent out suffocating amounts of heat.

Everyone in the spirit ship felt an unseen pressure bearing down on them at the appearance of this flame. Even Mina who was silent the whole time Wang Hao was present could not help but say,

“What kind of flame is that?”

Wang Hao gave her a curtsy as he said,

“This, pretty miss, is one the Universe Flames, the Eternal Blazing Flame.”


Everyone could only stare at wonder at the flame that was in front of Wang Hao right now. Even though he did not give them any evidence, they knew deep in their hearts that Wang Hao was not lying.

The Eternal Blazing Flame was recorded as a red flame that perpetually burns.

What its name means literally what it is. The Eternal Blazing Flame will continue burning for eternity even without a fuel source.

One weakness of most of the Universe Flames was that they need a powerful fuel source so that they can be used. Once the Universe Flames’ wielder runs out of the fuel source, the Universe Flame he/she uses will be dormant and can only be used once the fuel source was back.

But the Eternal Blazing Flame had no such weakness. Its wielder can just whip it out, and it will burn there without any need for anything!

Of course, this special characteristic of the Eternal Blazing Flame limited some of its firepower.

Aside from the Pure Yin and the Ice Emperor Flame, the Eternal Blazing Flame has the lowest temperature among all the Universe Flames. Of course this temperature was hotter than normal flames, but it was low compared to its peers.

But in exchange for this limitation, the eternal blazing ability of the Eternal Blazing Flame can be quite useful if used well.

Since it burns forever, there is no way to extinguish it. No spells, special abilities or even extreme conditions can extinguish this flame. That means that as long as the person hit by the Eternal Blazing Flame does not have a high heat resistance, they will be bound to die from the Eternal Blazing Flame.

The Eternal Blazing Flame will burn endlessly until all of the poor victim’s body were ‘consumed’.

That was how scary this flame was!

As for Wang Hao, there is no way this flame can affect him with his bloodline. As for how he got this flame, his memories about that were still sealed. The only thing that he can remember was that he wanted this flame because he thought it was cool to have a flame that can be used as an accessory without any maintenance.

Wang Hao shook his head wryly, wondering why he thought like that before. He then applied his control on the Eternal Blazing Flame as he sent it towards the incoming baddies.


Grandreaper was a captain of a group of bandits that plunder unlucky merchant convoys. They had been at this ‘business’ for years and they almost succeed everytime.

Grandreaper, with his power at the peak of the Dao Core Stage, was the undisputed leader of the bandits. His power and might allowed the bandit group to stay together for almost a decade.

Helping him with his business was his wife Thea. She was a 28-year old woman that had a beauty comparable to that of a goddess. Her shapely body showed her seductive curves that never fails to turn Grandreaper on.

It was not her beauty however that made Grandreaper value her the most.

Thea was an extremely intelligent woman, with an unparalleled ability to plan out ways to succeed in their raids. Almost none of bandit raids planned by her fails.

With Grandreaper’s power combined with Thea’s planning, their bandit group were one of the most successful in the Tian Ji Empire.

One day, just after Grandreaper and Thea had one of their ‘intimate moments’, they felt a powerful presence arriving.

The pressure emitted by the presence was so great that even Grandreaper had no choice but to yield. Just as Grandreaper and Thea thought that they will die, the newcomer suddenly said in a deep gravelly voice,

“On the next six months, there will be two events that will happen simultaneously. The land will tremble, and a multi-colored light will appear at the Tian Ji Empire. I want your group to investigate the source of the multi-colored light. It will be better if you can obtain its source.”

A tense period of silence passed by as the newcomer continued.

“As long as you manage to follow my instructions, you will be rewarded GREATLY. If however, you fail the mission or not try it at all, your deaths will be in my hands!”


A booming sound echoed out as the man disappeared as fast as he appeared.

Thea, who had the weakest cultivation among all of them, was the one affected by the pressure the most. Once the man was gone, she hugged her husband while she trembled greatly.

Grandreaper could only wryly smile as he consoled her. When he was sure that she’s calm, he asked her,

“My love, we have no choice but to follow him right?”

“Indeed we have no choice but to do it,” Thea replied grimly. “If we fail, we will all die. With the strength he showed us earlier, we have no way to resist that. The only thing we can do is to succeed!”

Grandreaper hugged his lovely wife tightly as he said,

“Well, with you here, I am sure we will not fail.”

“Of course my love, everything I do is for you.” Thea purred as she caressed Grandreaper’s abs. Her seductive but innocent expression managed to lit the fires on Grandreaper’s loins once more.

“Let’s have one more round first before we plan our actions!”

Thea blushed deeply when she heard that. In the end she could only meekly nod that prompted Grandreaper to ‘devour’ her.


Six months have passed by, and the events predicted by the powerful man had already happened. Grandreaper’s bandit group wasted no time as they rushed towards the source of the multi-colored light.

They have no worries of any strong opponents appearing due to the presence of the Underworld Suppressing Formation. Thea’s unparalleled deduction and information network managed to let her know about the suppression of cultivation bases in the Solstice Kingdom.

With that information combined with all the back-up plans that Thea made, Grandreaper was sure that they will certainly succeed today.

Grandreaper along with Thea led the 30 strongest fighters in the group as they rushed towards the source of the multi-colored light. Along the way, Grandreaper could not help but squeeze Thea’s perky buttocks. Thea could not help but blush at her husband’s actions. But she seemed to enjoy this as she let Grandreaper continue his play.

Their fun time however was cut short when they felt an extremely hot object approaching their location. All of them looked at it, and what they saw was a red projectile plunging towards them.


Everyone in the bandit group shouted in agony as the projectile hit them. All of them were now burning, with their bodies slowly being devoured by the flames.

They tried everything they could to extinguish the flames, including artifacts and spells. But they did no help as the flames blazed brighter.

In the end, most of the bandits succumbed to the heat as they turned into ashes that spread into the air.

Only Grandreaper, with his tough body was left barely alive. He looked around him trying to look for his wife. In the end, he could not find her.

“Hahahaha!” Grandreaper laughed maniacally as tears covered his face. These tears evaporated immediately as it went in contact with the flames.

Grandreaper continued laughing until he turned into ashes.

That was the end of the bandit group who wreaked chaos in the Tian Ji Empire.

But not all of them were dead.

In a certain spirit ship, Grandreaper’s wife Thea was currently unconscious. Her beautiful face and perfect body was emphasized by the large bed she was sleeping on. She slept soundly, as if something robbed her of the ability to be awake.

The door to her room opened, and a man entered her room. This man stared at Thea as he rubbed his forehead slightly. His forehead, which was sporting an 8 and ½-petaled flower, was glowing so brightly that it casted shadows inside the already lit room.

He gave Thea an appraising look as he thought to himself,

“Well, this is unexpected, but I guess she can still be called a loot!”

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