The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 224: Surface

Chapter 224: Surface

Immortal God Sect.

While everyone was in ruckus on his announcement, Fang Lin was not surprised by this. He knew that there was also an Immortal God Sect in the God Continent. Its status in the God Continent was somewhat delicate, given the fact that it was the churches that holds the most sway in the God Continent. Even Fang Lin was finding it hard to believe that such sect could survive at that place.

The proctor then used his power once more to everyone.

“Now, I will use my energy to seal your senses. Do not worry, it will only last for around 10 seconds. At that 10 seconds, all of you will be teleported towards the Immortal God Sect in the God Continent. Now, brace yourselves.”

“Great, now my workload will be reduced.” Fang Lin smiled as he thought that since he was a sect servant, he will be left at the Immortal God Sect and that he will not be brought to the God Continent. He smiled imagined the fun times that he will have with Xue’er later. “Hehehehe, time to concoct those ‘medicines’ again.”

Fang Lin’s fantasies however were shattered when he felt his senses being sealed too. He now knew the sensation of seeing darkness, hearing silence, smelling and tasting nothingness and feeling emptiness.

“F**k! Why am I still included!” Fang Lin thought angrily as he was dragged towards the God Continent


Andromeda’s Spaceship.

Even up until now, Fang Yu was still in awe with the special suit that Andromeda made her and Tang Li wear. The sleek and convenient feel that it gave her was almost trumped some of the powerful artifacts that Fang Lin encountered.

Andromeda also taught her that as long as she doesn’t use too much of her power, her suit can allow her to be allowed on planets with lower stage than hers. The cover will be blown once she uses her ability more than the suit can handle

Even now, Andromeda still refused to tell the reason her technological items could work in a cultivation world. Fang Yu thought that it could be related to the legacy that she inherited. Well, they will stay with Andromeda for far longer. Secrets will surely be spilled as long as they stay with her long enough.

While they were blitzing through the planet’s atmosphere, Fang Yu remembered one small detail. She used the communication device on her suit to talk to Andromeda.

“Hey, Astromeda, this planet is not a cultivation planet right? In that case, you can still bring your ship inside the planet right? Then why did you not do it?”

“It’s ANDROMEDA.” Andromeda replied sternly. “And as for the reason I left my ship there, it was because of tradition.”


Andromeda’s voice crackled through the device as she replied,

“With the exception of Stage 0 Planets, the spacefarers leave their spaceships just outside of the planets they visit. That’s already a necessity since spaceships won’t work once brought in the planet. Then over time, this habit of leaving the spaceships outside the planet had been the habit of all spacefarers even when they visit Stage 0 Planets. This habit became so prevalent that it became an unspoken rule for the spacefarers to always leave their ship outside every planet they visit.”

“Woah.” Fang Yu did not expect such action to actually have a long history. She then tightened her grasp on Tang Li, who strangely became docile.

Were Tang Li were trying to break Fang Yu’s grasp with all her might, Fang Yu will not think anything of it. But seeing this baby not doing anything made her feel something was wrong.

After 1 more minute of flying down, they were able to break free of the atmosphere and land gracefully on the hard ground. Well, only Andromeda did. Fang Yu landed face-first, with Tang Li precariously perched at her back. Andromeda resisted the urge to laugh as she remembered that this also happened to her at the first time she used the suit.

Fang Yu and Andromeda then looked around them, trying to gauge their location. Andromeda fiddled with a contraption on her wrist, which sent some pulses of energy throughout the whole planet.

“Must be another special scanner.” Fang Yu thought to herself. She then looked at Tang Li to see how she was doing.

Upon seeing Tang Li, Fang Yu was sure something was wrong.

Instead of a glowing face with mischievous eyes, Tang Li currently had a blank expression on her face. Her eyes looked empty while her mouth was wide open.

Fang Yu felt chills upon seeing this. She sent a panicked look to Andromeda, who just said,

“Don’t worry, what’s happening Tang Li was pretty normal.”

“What do you mean? Do you know what’s happening to her?”

Andromeda nodded as she touched her left temple. Fang Yu noticed that she always does this before explaining a complicated matter to Fang Yu. Fang Yu made sure to take note of this behaviour for future references. Five seconds passed by and Andromeda gave her answer.

“As you know, Tang Li was in the midst of the awakening when she was suddenly attacked. Luckily for her, interrupting her awakening midway did not damage her. The only problem was that her soul was stuck. Because the awakening was interrupted midway, her soul currently was half-awake.”

Fang Yu nodded, indicating that she was still able to follow the conversation. Andromeda then continued talking.

“Because her soul was only half-awakened, Tang Li was not able to access more of her abilities. Thus, she will instinctively find a way to fully awaken her soul. But since her natural awakening was interrupted, she had no choice but to use artificial awakening to fully awaken her soul.”

“Artificial? That sounds ominous.”

Andromeda nodded. “It’s ominous indeed. A natural awakening happens only once and once it was interrupted, it cannot be done once more. As for the artificial awakening, it can be done as long as there’s planet souls available.”

“Wait, planet souls?” Fang Yu then felt their talk becoming darker. “Surely you don’t mean...”

“I mean that.” Andromeda said grimly. “Artificial awakening relies on consuming other planet souls to awaken the soul.”

As if to emphasize Andromeda’s point, Tang Li started speaking with a blank expression. Drool dripped down from her mouth as she reached out to the ground.

“Tashty shoul.... Wanna eat.... Yummy shquishy shoul...”

Fang Yu paled as she realized that Tang Li wanted to consume the soul of this Stage 0 Planet!

Andromeda ignored Fang Yu’s pale face as she continued talking. “Since Tang Li’s strength was limited, she can only consume Stage 0 Planet souls right now. Of course, a Stage 0 Planet’s soul was spread out the whole planet, so it will take Tang Li time to suck it all up.

“Shuck....” Tang Li muttered as she opened her mouth. A whistling sound landed on Fang Yu’s ears as she felt that Tang Li seems to be sucking something out of thin air.

“Is she doing it now?” Fang Yu asked Andromeda.

Yeah, she’s doing it now.”

“Isn’t this bad for this planet?” Fang Yu gestured wildly. “Won’t there be any disastrous effects once the soul of this planet was consumed?”

“Of course there will be disasters.” Andromeda confirmed quickly. She then gave Fang Yu a piercing look as he asked her,

“Now then what should you do about that?”

“This Androidmeda’s messing with me!” Fang Yu thought to herself. She knew that whatever she did, someone will still be affected. In that case, she will just choose the option with the least damage.


Fang Yu gave Tang Li a whiff of the strongest sleeping medicine that she had in order to stop Tang Li from consuming the soul of this planet.

“Sorry Tang Li.” Fang Yu knew that though Tang Li needed to fully awaken her soul, doing it in a way that damages a civilization is not a good way.

Besides, Fang Yu knew that there are Stage 0 Planets with no inhabitants on it. They can just go at those places and let Tang Li eat all the soul that she wants.

Andromeda nodded in approval upon seeing Fang Yu’s decision. Now, Andromeda was sure that Fang Yu had a proper moral integrity. She will be a good companion.

As for Tang Li... she’s the almighty mascot. Disciplining her takes priority in the future.

“Now, it’s time to explore this planet.” Andromeda was about to fly off to the nearest settlement when she saw something weird.

Most of the beings that lived in this planet were humans and normal animals. As for magical beasts, only when the planet reaches Stage 1 that they will appear. In this kind of arrangement, humans should have dominated this planet.

But what her scanner found was that most of the humans lived underground! This was weird, since the surface of this planet was fit for humans to live in.

Andromeda’s eyes scrunched as she thought of the only reason why humans chose to live underground on this planet.

“Something’s dangerous lurks on the surface of this planet...” Andromeda faced Fang Yu to warn her of danger when suddenly, she found out that Fang Yu and Tang Li were no longer around. Andromeda’s suit did not even detect anything arriving that could have brought the two away. She heard no screams, or even sounds of struggle.

She tried to connect to the tracking devices she put in their suits but to her dismay, there was no feedback at all. Even her suit was telling her that it could not detect where the other suits were.

This disappearance of Fang Yu and Tang Li was so perfect that even Andromeda felt fear from this.


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