The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 226: Rotations

Chapter 226: Rotations

Fang Yu had expected the incoming presence to immediately attack her, given the killing intent that she can feel from it. She knew that it was the one who gains the initiative that will win this face-off. And one can only gain initiative if they attack first!

“Ice-Fire Bolt!” The ice and fire serpents circling Fang Yu’s body left her as they coalesced on her right palm. The result of their fusion was an orb pulsing with colors. This orb then turned into an attack similar to that of a lightning bolt. It headed straight to the incoming attacker, hitting it squarely in the chest.

“!!!” But to Fang Yu’s surprise, her Ice-Fire Bolt just passed through its body, as if it was not affected at all. She felt as if her enemy gave her a mocking grin as it disappeared once more.

Fang Yu then heard voices all around her, taunting her of her uselessness.

“What’s the matter little one? Seems like even your petty attacks can’t even damage me. Hahaha! You’re pathetic! Do you expect to face me with that pitiful arsenal? How deplorable! But I see your great beauty. How about you serve me as an all-around maid, and I will spare you! I can even grant you a way better life than you are living now! How about that hehehehe....”

Fang Yu ignored the taunts given to her as she tried to analyze the situation. From the looks of it, the presence that kidnapped her and Tang Li seemed to be not really intent on killing them. It seemed like it wanted to ‘play’ with them.

Fang Yu then stilled, realizing something.

“If he was as strong as he claimed he was, then why was he wasting time here, tormenting people like me?” She thought to herself.

“Wait, maybe he was just an eccentric person?” This could be the most reasonable answer. But then Fang Yu remembered something about this planet.

“Wait, the planet we landed in earlier was a Stage 0 Planet! That means only those with no cultivation can be there! Andromeda, me and Tang Li were special cases since we have those suits, but I refuse to believe that others have these things too!”

“Then that just means one thing: This one we are facing was really weak and only used tricks to fool us!”

Fang Yu gritted her teeth in anger as she realized she was being scammed! As for how she was kidnapped, she was sure the answer lies at the hands of her enemy.

“Take this you scheming fool!” Fang Yu wasted no time as she used the one of the strongest spells on her arsenal.

“Twin Rotations!” She entwined her hands with each other as she consumed half of the mana she had materialized. Fang Yu was then surrounded by two whirlpools, both rotating around Fang Yu. The first whirlpool rotated at her head while the second one was at her foot.

The first whirlpool followed a centripetal rotation, which means that the whirlpool rotates towards the center. That means objects in a centripetal whirlpool goes towards the center. As for the second whirlpool, it was in a centrifugal rotation, which means the whirlpool rotates from the center outwards, forcing objects to be away from it.

Fang Yu used the centripetal whirlpool to absorb the mist while she used the centrifugal whirlpool to force the said mist away.

As for why she did that, she wanted to know the face of her enemy. The visibility in the room improved remarkably, and there she saw what she was looking for.

Backed up in the corner of the room was a hideous-looking creature. Not even the worst nightmares can produce a thing like this. Even Fang Yu, who usually can tolerate such things was immediately sick after seeing its face.

“You bastard, try to receive this!”


Fang Yu clasped both of her palms together as she said,


The two whirlpools at Fang Yu’s foot and head moved as they fused together. They let out booming sounds while they resisted their conflicting natures as they become one.

Fang Yu wasted no time as she let the new whirlpool to hit the creature.

This new whirlpool immediately gave the hideous creature great agony. It howled in pain as it felt its body starting to tear apart.

The reason why Twin Rotations was one of Fang Yu’s currently most powerful spells was because of their Superimpose form. At this form, the two whirlpools will combine to form one whirlpool.

The created whirlpool will both have the properties of the two whirlpools, meaning that it can both rotate towards and away from the center at the same time. This may sound conflicting, but hey, magic is magic!

Due to these conflicting natures, any object placed inside the whirlpool will feel both the centripetal and centrifugal force.

As for the hideous creature, its body was being dragged towards the center while also being dragged away from it at the cellular level

Because of this, the hideous creature felt as if its cells were being stretched and compressed tightly without any set patterns. Some of its cells already gave up on the stress, bursting out as the pressure became too much.

The creature then howled in pain as it realized that it will die a painful death.

As for Fang Yu, her condition was only slightly better. She was extremely pale due to her available mana being consumed entirely as she used it to fuel the maintenance of the whirlpool.

Once she was sure that the creature was near its death, Fang Yu dispelled her spell and watched the creature thump on the floor loudly.

Seeing that the creature can still talk and was conscious, Fang Yu approached it as she tried talking to it.

“If you want to live, you must give me the information about everything about you, what you are doing on this planet and much more.” Fang Yu tried her best to look as menacing as possible. “If you do not talk, you can experience that fun ride I gave you once more.”

“......” The hideous creature said nothing as it gave Fang Yu a look of loathing. It even dared to spit at the floor just to show its derision.

“Oh really? In that case...” Fang Yu raised her hands to use Twin Rotations once more when she suddenly felt Tang Li becoming wide awake.

Fang Yu does not know why, but Tang Li had an excited expression on her face as she tried to leave the storage pocket. But the only way Tang LI can leave the storage pocket was if Fang Yu allows it.

“Do I bring her out or not?” Fang Yu was still reeling from the image of Tang Li bleeding out on her arms. Fang Yu vowed to herself to never let this sweet girl experience such torment once more. Bringing her out at a situation like this might be a bad choice, since it may expose her to the enemy.

Fang Yu then decided to just keep Tang Li in the storage pocket. But then she saw Tang Li still trying to get out. It was as if she wanted to do this at any cost.

“S**t!” Fang Yu had no choice at this point but to let Tang Li out of her storage. Once the excited Tang Li was out, she let out cute titters as she hugged Fang Yu on her neck. Fang Yu could not help but smile at Tang Li’s antics.

If Fang Yu was pleased with Tang Li, the hideous creature was quite the opposite. Once it saw Tang Li, its body trembled as its face, if you can call it a face, turned pale. It immediately kowtowed in front of Tang Li as it reverently said,

“I humbly greet thee, oh Great One, exalted Devourer of the Planets!”

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