The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 231: Fury of the Goddess

Chapter 231: Fury of the Goddess

Fang Yu knew that it was out of her nature to just let something like this happen. She mentally sighed as she used a trickle of her power to produce a light blade.

The light blade collided with the knife that the girl held, managing to knock it out of her hands before she can plunge it on her throat.

Fang Yu then let out a derisive snort as she stared down at the stunned crowd. The dancing girl was also shocked, forgetting to pick up the knife as she gave a fearful stare at Fang Yu.

They all could feel Fang Yu’s rage focused on them. They could only tremble on where they stood, not knowing what they did wrong.

“Hmph!” Fang Yu hmphed imperiously. She almost dropped her pretense of acting as the Goddess as she started saying her genuine feelings.

“What the hell is this? Is this your so-called sacrifice to me? How barbaric! All of you disgust me!” Fang Yu’s red enraged face further paralyzed the villagers in fear. They could only bow their heads in utter confusion.

“Ha. Ha.” Fang Yu managed to regain her bearings as her face turned serene. But her calm expression seemed to be even more terrifying than her angry face earlier.

“Now tell me, who told you that I accept sacrifices like this?” Fang Yu asked with a smile.

The village leader took the courageous action as he replied,

“It was passed down on our scriptures.....”

“Utter baloney.” Fang Yu said coldly. “You tend to believe a piece of paper written by a mere human? Did you ever think of asking me, the Goddess herself on what I think! What you did was a blatant blasphemy!”

“Forgive us oh Great Goddess!” Everyone began to cry as they realized their wrongdoings. How could they be that dense? The Goddess was in front of them, and yet they dared to follow the instructions of their human ancestors, who actually may not have met the Goddess. What was worse was that they did not even ask the Goddess for what she wants!

“.....” Fang Yu could only smile wryly upon seeing this. She did not expect her impromptu acting skills to make a crowd of adults cry on the spot. If Wang Hao as here, he will surely give Fang Yu an excellent grade.

“Sis....” The loud wailings of the villagers managed to wake up Tang Li. Luckily, she employed her invisibility mode while she was asleep, that made nobody notice her as she perched on Fang Yu’s head.

“Sis, did you make them cwy?”

“You can say it’s like that.”

“Bad Sis! Mom shaid making othersh cwy ish bad!” Tang Li said grumpily. “Ash a punishment, give me moar mwilk later!”

“This brat....” Fang Yu had no time to reply at the cunning baby as she tried to stop the miserable villagers.

“Ehem. Since you all want to appease me, then let me say what I want.”

Upon hearing this, all the villagers stopped crying as they listened with all their hearts. They did not dare miss what their Goddess will say.

Fang Yu then pointed to the dancing girl as she tried to hide the excited smile on her face. Fang Yu managed to make herself look righteous as she said,

“Since I just returned now, I am still lacking a maid. This girl showed her tenacity and courage, traits that I extremely like. Thus, I have decided to take her as my maid!”

The whole place was quiet for a second before the leader said with his loud voice,

“If that’s what the Goddess wants, then we shall accept it!”

“Praise the Goddess!”

“Come.” Fang Yu extended her hand to the dancing girl, who started to slightly blush at Fang Yu’s invitation. Each step that she took where wobbly, as she was still giddy from being chosen as the Goddess’ maid.

“What is your name, fair one?” Fang Yu asked after the girl managed to approach her chair. “Surely a pretty flower like you has a graceful name.” (A.N.: Fang Yu trying to be smooth here.)

“Mithra.....” The girl muttered quietly.

“Eh?” From what Fang Yu knew, Mithra was definitely a boy’s name. Fang Yu began to shiver as she thought of one possibility.

“Don’t tell me you are a boy?” Of course Fang Yu knew the existence of such people. Possessing otherworldly beauty, only to be found out that they were actually males!!! In short, a trap!

“I’m a girl....” Fang Yu let out a huge sigh of relief after hearing that. After all, Fang Yu only craves for women.

“Then why is your name Mithra?”

Mithra started to panic as she gave Fang Yu a scared look. She opened her lips as she slowly asked, “Is there something wrong with my name, Goddess?”

“.... Nothing.” Fang Yu realized that it must be just due to culture differences. The suit that she wore was fitted with a language translator, allowing her to communicate with foreign groups easily. But that still could not make Fang Yu accustomed with other cultures.

“Mithra, as a maid, you must know how to provide your Master a good massage. Come, let’s find a room, and I will teach you how.” Fang Yu struggled to keep her voice and appearance composed as she laid out the sweet trap on Mithra.

“Wow, so the great Milkmaid prefer women...” Genie thought as a shiver ran across her. She started trembling as she realized that Fang Yu might come for her next, given her current appearance.

“What is that ‘massage’ the great Milkmaid was talking about? Is it a sick S&M activity?” It was at that moment that Genie started to fear Fang Yu more. She decided to please her more, just to be exempt from her fearful massage. She even started to feel pity to the poor Mithra, who has not yet realized the situation she was in.

Seeing Mithra nodding her head, Fang Yu’s mind started to overload as she started to imagine all sorts of maneuvers that she will use on Mithra.

“Bad Sis!” That was all Tang Li could say at her Sis’ suspicious moves.

The excited Fang Yu and the innocent Mithra was about to go on a secluded place when the intruder that the scanner detected earlier suddenly arrived.

The ground groaned under his feet as he blocked Fang Yu’s path.

“It’s Brutus the Crusher!” The villagers started to hide on their houses, which clearly show how fearful they were of Brutus. None of them remained, save for the leader and Fang Yu with Mithra.

“Oh Lord Brutus, pleasure meeting you here....” The leader was about to say something more but Brutus interrupted him. He pointed his large spear to Fang Yu as his eyes roamed all over her body. He licked his lips excitedly, clearly excited by the sight.

“Hahaha, so you are one of the people who arrived huh? Good! We shall have some good time later!”

“Ha? Do you not recognize me?” Fang Yu said monotonously. “Come look at my face you dimwit.”

“Who are you calling dimwit you bit-” Brutus’s complaints stopped after having a clear look on her face. He started to step back fearfully as he realized who he just flirted with.

“The Go-Go-Goddess!”

“So you are not that blind huh.” Fang Yu smirked angrily. Her current mood was extremely bad right now. She was about to have a good time with Mithra when this muscle-bound freak suddenly appeared. What was worse was that he even lusted in in front of her! Anyone shown with that kind of inappropriate behavior will surely be unhappy, not excluding Fang Yu.

This, combined with the rage and impatience that Fang Yu held for 6 long months all burst into a flaming burst of fury.

“For your impudence, I shall punish you personally!” Fang Yu wasted no time as she let her fist sink on Brutus’ stomach.

“Guh!” Brutus doubled in pain, as he felt Fang Yu’s attack damaging his internal organs. He was shocked to see that even his thick muscles were not able to stop her punch.

Fang Yu just let out a sneer after seeing the surprised look on Brutus’ face. Even if she suppressed her cultivation, the toughness and power of her body was not suppressed at all!

Someone like Brutus will never be able to match against Fang Yu’s body which was of a Godly Divine Beast.

“Take this!”

“Blergh! Ugh! Gwa!” Fang Yu continued beating up the poor man, with each of her frustrations loaded on her fists.

Mithra and the leader could only watch in the background, as they saw their pure ‘Goddess’ turning into a menacing devil. They could only shiver as they heard sounds of bones cracking and muscles snapping with each of her strike.

As for Tang Li, she was covering her ears and eyes the whole time the beating happened. After all she was still an innocent child, and things like this were still scary for her.

Fang Yu only stopped once she saw that Brutus was barely alive. She flicked off the blood on her hands as she gave Mithra a serene smile. The leader and Mithra resisted the urge to step back. They knew that the Goddess seems to be in a strange mood now.

The leader gave Mithra a pitying look as if he could already imagine what will happen to Mithra.

Mithra who saw the pitying look trembled greatly as she thought to herself,

“Is this the massage that the Goddess will give me? Huhuhuhu... what did I do to offend her?”

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