The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.35. To End An Immortal

Hiruzen and Danzo clashed head to head, exchanging many blows and shurikens at rapid speed! 

Hiruzen bit his finger and used the blood to cover his hand. He weaved seals and placed his hand on the ground!

Summoning Jutsu!


Enma appeared in front of Hiruzen and took in his surroundings quickly.

"What's going on?"

"Danzo has betrayed the Leaf's citizens and clans. He must be taken down."

Enma looked surprised, but a gleeful smile formed on his face.

"Good, I never liked him anyway!"

Enma transformed into a staff, landing in Hiruzen's hands.

Hiruzen charged forward with Enma in tow while Danzo weaved seals while also rushing forward.

Wind Style: Vacuum Blast Barrage!

Danzo blew multiple air slashes at Hiruzen, who blocked the slashes with swings of the Adamantine Staff!

Danzo decided to blow Wind Chakra onto a kunai and clashed against Hiruzen!

The two clashed back and forth while the others just watched them duke it out.

"How long do you think it'll take for us to get our turn?"

"Ha! If we even get a turn! I'm sure he doesn't have that many eyes!"

Ninjas discussed the battle on the sidelines, but the few Kage tier ninja were watching the battle like hawks. Hiashi stood close to the edge, his Byakugan active and watching the changes in Danzo's chakra.

He couldn't wait to get into the ring ever since he had been informed his daughters were targets of Danzo as well.

Shikaku looked around the arena and sighed at the mess.

'What a drag! This could've been over already if not for Lord 3rd's request.'

Shikaku really wasn't fond of the idea of the 3rd fighting Danzo alone, but Minato allowed it with conditions.

The arena was Hiruzen's idea after he had read the scroll Kaya had given him. This plan was easily implemented with Minato's help transporting people and Kaya's assistance in getting rid of Root with the help of the Anbu truly loyal to the Leaf.

The agreement reached by everyone was that once Danzo would use the secret technique, a queue of ninjas would join the fight. 

Hiruzen only wanted to get the first kill since he felt responsible for everything getting out of hand.

Danzo,however, was not going down without a fight!

The two had clashed for a while with no winner in sight. 

"Enough, Hiruzen! Since you don't seem to have warmed up enough, let's put our convictions on the line!"

Danzo drew back from Hiruzen and weaved seals. Hiruzen's eyes glinted as he did the same!

Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!

Fire Style:Dragon Flame Bomb!

Hiruzen and Danzo spewed wind and fire from their mouths towards each other. 

Danzo's Wind blast fed the flames of Hiruzen's Jutsu, making it grow exceptionally huge!


The explosion greatly rocked the arena, making the ninjas brace from winds!

"This is the power of the 3rd?! Amazing!"

"Danzo shouldn't have tried that with Wind Jutsu...."

"What?! You're on his side?"

"No, just... nevermind."

The explosion cleared and everyone could see Danzo's burnt body laying on the floor.

Hiruzen watched Danzo's body and felt saddened. He didn't let his guard down though. He knew this wasn't the end.

"Ah.... So you're going to really cut me down?"

A weak voice reached Hiruzen's ears as Danzo slowly brought himself to his feet.

His bandages on his face burned away, revealing yet another Sharingan. Fugaku grew even more incensed seeing yet another Sharingan in this man's body.

"Well, let's see you truly go through with it."

Danzo weaved a few handsigns and suddenly disappeared!


"Don't hold back! I know I won't, Hiruzen!"

 Danzo appeared behind Hiruzen and went to stab him in the back with a kunai!

"It's definitely not the time to hold back, huh?!"

Water from the rain earlier in the day suddenly shot up and shielded Hiruzen from Danzo's attack!

"What?! So you've come to interfere..."

Kaya landed next to Hiruzen with a smile.

"Interfere? Oh Danzo, you let me in yourself."

Kaya weaved handsigns and extended her hands.

Water Style: WaterBall Jutsu!

Water was pulled into a giant orb of water above her head as she continued to weave handsigns.

Water Style: Water Spike Barrage Jutsu!

The ball of water suddenly shrunk and fired many large water spikes towards Danzo!

Danzo didn't move and welcomed the spikes as they struck him!

Danzo was skewered into the ground, then suddenly disappeared again.

He reappeared again a distance away from the two. 

"It's useless. You won't be able to kill me so easily!"

He tried to move in to attack, but he suddenly saw a yellow flash!


Danzo vision suddenly spiraled out of control as he couldn't feel his body.

He only realized after he saw his own back that Minato had cut off his head!

"Well, let's find out how much it takes to kill you."

Minato held his kunai at the ready while Danzo's body disappeared once again.

He reappeared in front of Hiruzen this time to catch him off guard, but Kaya blocked him off once again.

"Damn it!"

Danzo cursed as he now understood the rules of this arena he was trapped in!

"Finally! It's time! Hiashi!"

"Hmph! Lets see who gets in first."

Fugaku and Hiashi both faced each other and held their fists out in front of them towards each other.




The two unleashed their kekkei genkai and watched the others movements. The two wanted to get to Danzo badly, but only one could get there first!

Fugaku's eyes spun rapidly as they tried to calculate the trajectory of each of Hiashi's moves!

Hiashi, on the other hand, stared at the fluctuations of Fugaku's muscles to see which of the three he would use!

The hands finally came down as the two saw the verdict.

"Hmph! The Hyuga is indeed the strongest in the Leaf!"

"Dammit! Kill him quickly so I can get in!"

Hiashi nodded as he jumped down and joined the battle.

"Do you think this is a game?!"

Danzo was infuriated as he turned towards Hiashi, but he felt a chill when he saw how focused Hiashi's eyes were on him.

"Of course not! Did you think my daughters would be your pawns, you bastard?!"

Hiashi appeared right in front of Danzo and assumed a stance of the Gentle Fist.

"You won't escape!"

Eight Trigrams: 64 Palms!

Hiashi swiftly attacked Danzo's chakra points as he poked and jabbed his chakra network with deadly precision.


Hiashi struck Danzo heavly as he was sent flying towards a nearby wall. 

He coughed up blood on impact and soon disappeared once again, gasping for breath this time.

'Damn it! I can't keep up with everyone!'

"Where are you looking, Danzo?"

Danzo quickly turned around only to find Fugaku standing behind him with his Jutsu already prepared!

Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!

Fugaku spit out a huge fireball that swallowed Danzo whole!



Danzo was blown up again, only to reappear with a grave expression.

"Damn it!"

He wanted to flee, but remembered the large group of ninjas watching the battle.

*Chi Chi Chi*

Danzo heard a strange sound, only to feel his chest get ripped open by a hand coated in Lightning from behind


Kakashi wearing his Dog mask struck Danzo in the heart with his Lighting Blade!

"That's for trying to take Obito's eye from me."

Danzo disappeared again and reappeared in between everyone.

He knew he was surrounded, and tried to find a way to get out of the encirclement.

"I'm not late to the party, am I?"


A husky voice came from outside the encirclement as everyone saw a new ninja appear.

Kaya was especially shocked to see him!


Di walked into the encirclement with a white katana in his hand.

He smiled gleefully as he looked at Danzo.

"So he's the immortal man we have to kill? You don't look so strong."

"You! How did you get your arm back?!"

"Hehehe. Someone cared a lot about me and decided to fix it. That's enough about that though."

Di held his hand over the hilt of the blade and gave Danzo a sinister grin.

"Show me how you recover again."

Lightning Style: Lightning Chakra Armor!

Di's long,sandy blond hair spiked up as a cloak of Lightning chakra covered his body and disappeared!!


Danzo felt the familiar sensation of his vision rolling all over the place and immediately revived himself.

'I couldn't even see the technique!'

Di shook off the blood on his blade and turned back around to face Danzo. His smile became bigger as he saw Danzo was actually fine!

"Interesting! Kaya, how long can we play with him before his ability runs out?"

"Well, you have until all of his Sharingans close. Wait, we?!"

"I can jump in now, right?"

Kaya watched in shock as Riku jumped down into the ring as well, looking towards Kakashi.

"Kakashi-kun! You're coming over for dinner this time, understood?"

"Y-Yes, Ma'am."

"Good. So Danzo? You're finally going to die, huh? Guess I better assist in that."

"Even you?! Who did this?!"

"That shouldn't be your concern right now."

Riku weaved hand seals as the ground near her started to burn with heat.

Lava Style: Eruption Jutsu!

Danzo suddenly felt the ground beneath him become increasingly hot! 

He tried to move away, but Minato threw a kunai on the ground, teleported to Danzo and teleported him back towards the Jutsu!

"Damn you! Uwaaah!!!"


Minato casually brushed his coat as he watched Danzo burn from the Lava that erupted from the ground!

"Thanks, Minato-kun. Di and I have gotten rusty, haven't we?"

"Not at all, Riku-san!"

Di nodded his head in agreement as he watched Danzo melt with fascination.

Danzo reappeared again, but was finally too tired to continue.

His right eye slowly shut as his last Sharingan had been used up.

Minato saw this and he looked toward Fugaku, who previously mentioned he wanted to end Danzo himself.

Fugaku looked at Minato with a glint in his eyes, waiting to finish this. Minato shook his head, however, and looked up into cloudy sky.

"Akumu, your reward is ready."

Everyone looked at Minato in confusion, wondering what he was talking about.

Kaya looked irritated as Minato was holding secrets from her again.

"Minato! Who is Akumu? What reward is he getting?!"

Before Minato could answer her, everyone felt a chill crawl up their spine simultaneously. From Hiruzen's shadow came a long, black wolf that leisurely walked towards Danzo.


Everyone was taken aback, but Minato raised his hand to ease everyone. 

"Don't worry, everyone. This is Akumu. He's.... apparently a new Biju. He's also the one who helped us get information from Root."

Danzo twitched as he watched the sinister looking wolf come towards him.

"So, you're the reason I failed. I'll make sure you won't get away with it unscathed!!"

[Hohoho! How exactly?]

Everyone heard a voice in their minds laughing at Danzo as the wolf sat down and watched him in amusement.

"Damn it! I'll not let some mutt be the end of me!"

Danzo bit his thumb and weaved hand signs furiously and slammed the ground.

Summoning Jutsu!



A huge, elephant like creature with tiger like claws appeared behind Danzo!

"A Baku?!"

Hiruzen seemed to know the beast, putting everyone on guard as they prepared to deal with it.

Only, they didn't need to deal with it at all.

Akumu rushed up towards the Baku, moving extremely fast.

"Crush him!!"

The Baku listened to Danzo as it raised it sharp claws and slammed them into the ground!


The arena was silent as they saw the black wolf get crushed under its claws.

"....That was a Biju?! It's so-"


Kaya was skeptical about Akumu's status as a Biju, but everyone noticed the pained expression on the Baku's face.

They saw the Baku's body start to thin as all of its muscles deteriorated at rapid speed!

"What's this?! What's happening?!!"

Danzo could only ask in hysteria as he saw the Baku become skin and bones, collapsing onto the ground in agony.

He saw the black wolf once again appear from behind the Baku as it disappeared in a puff of smoke.

[Tsk. Was that all?]

Danzo began to shake frantically as he saw the wolf closing in on him.

"No! I still have one last move!"

Against this threat, Danzo had to pull out his final card.

He opened his Kimono to reveal a four directional seal across his chest!

"That's the Area Seal Bomb! Everyone, get back!"

The other ninjas retreated towards the stands of the arena, but Akumu just rushed towards Danzo at a greater speed!

He appeared in front of Danzo and lunged to bite him.

"You won't take me without a fight, mutt!!"

[Good! Struggle for me!]

Akumu bit into Danzo's experimental arm as Danzo released the seal!

Danzo waited for the seal to engulf everything around him, only to find it wouldn't activate!

'What?! Why won't it activate?!'

Danzo then noticed the seals of his technique were crawling into Akumu's mouth that held his arm!

[Boring. Let's just get this done with.]



Danzo felt intense pain as Akumu ripped of his arm of the 1st Hokage cells and looked towards Fugaku.

[He's all yours.]

Akumu then disappeared into the shadows of the arena, no longer bothering with Danzo.

Fugaku only looked at Akumu briefly before swiftly appearing in front of Danzo.

"Now to end this for good."

Fugaku looked down at the exasperated Danzo and smiled.

"I bet you've been looking for a Mangekyou Sharingan in my clan to take, haven't you?"


Danzo was shocked out of his pain! He had always wondered if anyone in the Uchiha clan had one, but he couldn't find anyone who had such abilities!

'Could it be?!'

He watched Fugaku's Sharingan morph into a black ring with red tomoes and found himself in a world of red, black, and negative colors.

He found himself strapped to a table  as he watched a multitude of Fugakus surrounding him.

"Welcome to the world of Tsukoyomi, Danzo. For the next 72 hours, I'm going to torture you relentlessly. When I'm finally done, I'll pluck your eyes out, just like you did with my clansmen."

Danzo couldn't even utter a word as the swarm of Fugakus surrounded him. His pained cries could be heard in the negative world for quite some time, but no one would help him escape this fate.

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