The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.47. The Game Begins!

Thanks to everyone who decided to read and stick with my story! I'm trying to get back to daily chapters, but you'll definitely get as many as I can fix up. I hope you enjoy the story!

The next day, I wake up and get ready for training.

I head outside and find Akumu just resting outside of the door.

[Oh! You're up early. Good! I have some things to let you know before we begin.]

Akumu sits up and clears his throat. He doesn't open his eyes for some reason. Maybe he's just used to it?

[Now then, I've had a night to think over the rules to make them a bit more fair. I didn't think my growth would've finished before we did the first session. As you know, you're objective is to tie knots with vines or whatever you can on the fence of the forest. I will stop you with attacks intent to kill or injure. You won't die since I'll heal any injuries you receive if you're caught or if you make it back. Once again, the inside of the tower is your safe zone.]

"I got it."

[Now for the additional rules. I'll give you chances to be spotted by me without me giving chase. You only have two chances each day for me to do this. After that, I'm coming at you with full power. This is to test your ability to adapt to the situation given to you, no matter how grim it is. You can fight me as well to make sure you don't get caught, but be careful how you do it.]

He opens his eyes slightly as he looks at me.

[I'm gonna be honest with you. It's going to hurt very badly if you're caught. Take caution and be aware of your surroundings at all times. I'll try to go easy on you, but please be mindful I'll only do that in the beginning. The objective isn't to get stronger than me.  You need to react quickly and rationally under pressure. Strength will come later. Work on your speed and the tools at your disposal. Understood?]


[Any questions?]

"I have one. You said you'd give me two chances to get spotted. How will you give me chances if you spot me? Will you just go away?"

[Ah. Good question! Observe.]

I look at Akumu and notice his shadow starts to wiggle and split. Four other versions of Akumu came up from the ground, looking like how he did before the transformation yesterday.

"I, I didn't know you could do that."

[Honestly, neither did I until I tried it. This is much more fair anyway. They have the same rules as Shadow Clones. If you beat all of my clones, I'll have no choice but to come after you myself. Be mindful of that.]

I nod my head as I watch the clones spread in four directions.

[I will only come after you after the clones are all gone. Be careful of that, ok?]


[Any more questions?]

I shake my head. I've got the basic idea down.

[Good! Well, begin when your ready.]

I flicker away as I jump towards the south. 

I'll do this as quickly as I can!


I jump from tree to tree as I head towards the gate. I grabbed some nearby vines to use as my knot for the fence.

'So far so good. This doesn't seem so bad yet.'

I'm almost to the fence when I felt a shiver run up my spine. I turn around quickly and spot an Akumu clone near the ground, looking at me. I see it smile and then disappear into a shadow of a tree.



'I, I see. Akumu was very serious.'

This isn't going to be as simple as I imagined.

I decide to speed up and I make it to the fence a few minutes later.

I land near the fence and start to tie my knot on it.

I watch my sides to see if he's around.

It's a little tricky to tie this, but I got it done pretty quickly.

Ok! I just have to get back to the tower and-

[Two. Good luck.]

My head turns so fast behind me, I almost hurt my neck!

An Akumu clone has been laying down behind me?!

For how long?!

[Sharpen your senses. You're up for grabs now.]

The clone chuckles as he disappears into the forest.

Ok! I've greatly underestimated Akumu!

I can feel the sweat rolling down my back!

'I have no choice now! It's do or die!'

I draw my blade and activate my Lightning Armor!

I'll have to blitz through!

I rush straight for the tower as I pump as much Chakra into my legs as I can!

I manage to get through half of the forest before it came.


"Not another one!"

I dodge completely this time as I strike the snake on the head! 


The snake wobbled back into the tree.

It made me worried for nothing!

[Good hit! I was a bit worried for a second there!]

Oh no! He was there!

I shoot towards the tower at full speed!


[Get back here!]

They're both here?!

I rush as fast as I can, but the two are gaining on me!

I weave seals and quickly turn around!

Water Style: Raging Torrent Jutsu!

I spew a torrent of water at one of the clones and keep moving! I can feel one of them gaining on my heels!

I weave another handsign and go through a nearby bush!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

I shoot out of the bush in 3 directions as we all head towards the tower!


The Akumu Clone laughs and speeds up behind one of us!



All I could hear was the growl from Akumu and the snapping of bones!



One of the clones disappears and the last memory I get is terrifying!!

I rush towards the tower and see the real Akumu still curled up.

I ignore him and rush towards the tower with my remaining clone. I send my clone to the door and pull it open only to be attacked by Akumu!!

His jaws wrap around my neck and press me down to the ground!


It hurts like hell! I have to get him off before the other one comes too!


Aaaaaah!! I hear the other one two!

Water Style: Raging Torrent Jutsu!

My clone fires on the wolf with a torrent as I jump up from the ground and dive for the tower!

The other wolf clone jumped for me, but my clone dived and blocked him! 

I flung myself through the opening and plopped down on the floor!

I made it!

"Haaa haaa haaa."

That was way more intense than I thought!

[Congratulations! You got one point!]

The clone of Akumu trots in with a smile on his face.

I'm still trying to catch my breath as I try to stand.

[Take a rest. There's 14 more to go now.]

"You..really didn't hold back."

Akumu smiles menacingly as he circles me.

[I told you I'd come for you with intent to kill. You'll have to find more creative ways to get to the fence and back. With each win, I'm going to make it even harder for you.]

Akumu looks at my neck and clicks his tongue.

[Come here. I need to heal you.]

"It's ok! I can heal myself."

I weave seals and my hand glows green as I heal the bite marks around my neck. 


He really did bite me hard! 

I suddenly feel a cool sensation wrap around me. The neck wound and my other scrapes I had before are all disappearing. I look up and see Akumu healing me through his shadow. He slowly disappears into his shadow as he uses the final bit of Chakra comes to heal me.

I feel refreshed! I even feel a like I could go again! I definetly won't though!

'Wait. Maybe I should do that for now!'

Shadow Clone Jutsu!


I make three clones and have them search for ways to get outside stealthily. I join the search later after I recovered some more chakra on the ground floor and see what I can find. 

Besides the ground floor, it looks like the windows are also an option. I should leave one open and jump through it in an emergency.

My other clones come back and tell me of the other areas they searched. The only one of note seems to be the top of the tower. It has a door as well to go through I can take advantage of.

I'll have to think of different ways to get to a fence and back. There's no way Akumu would let me get away with the same method over and over. 

A thought crosses my mind as I have the clones go out through the window and see if they can get to the fence right now. 

All the checking I've done passed so much time it's nightfall now. I need to see the spike in difficulty at night time. 

I wait to see how long the clones can last at night to see how fast they get caught.

I suddenly feel a rush of memories come back to me as I get my answer. All the last clone saw was a white and black Sharingan and a pair of white teeth in the dark rip through the other clones and stare into its eyes.

[Nice attempt, but I don't think you're ready yet.]

All it saw after that was the inside of his mouth.

Yup. Daytime it is.

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