The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.53. Sparring Match

Happy Halloween everybody! Hope you have a fun, safe night! Or a relaxing one! Whichever you prefer really.

The few weeks after the first day of school were surprising fun for Hii.

Hii actually ended up enjoying Iruka Sensei's lessons and liked to solve his problems.

Some in the class didn't have the same appreciation for it.

"Man! It's so booooring."

Naruto laid on top his desk as he whined about class.

"You should pay attention, Naruto."

"I know, but!"

"You have to work hard to be the best."


"You better keep dreaming, loser."

"What?! You got something to say?!"

"Quiet down, Naruto."


"Leave him alone, Sasuke."


Hii decided to ignore those two as he looked over at their "sisters". 

They were both studying pretty intensely, but Hii had a feeling it was only a front. He could tell the two were glancing at each other from time to time.

"Ok, class! Today, we'll will be doing something a bit different. We're going to step outside and have some sparring matches!"


The class explodes in excitement, mostly at something new besides lessons.

"Everyone! Let's head outside to the yard."

Everyone piled out the door while Hii waits for the crowd to disperse before heading outside.

Everyone lined up besides the fence as they wait for Iruka Sensei to give instructions.

"We'll have an arena sparring match session today!"


The students start to get excited. A couple of students were especially happy to have a chance to show off their skills.

"Here are the rules. The fights will be in the ring over here. Two students will battle inside and you win if your opponent falls flat on their back or steps out of the ring. I'll choose from the list of students in the class. You come forward when your name is called and I'll explain the rest."

"I wanna go first!"

"Me too!"

All the kids wanting to show off their skills call for Sensei's attention, but he just looks at his list with a pencil and starts to mark down some matches.

"Man, what a drag."

"I think it should be a bit fun."

"I don't really want to fight...."

Shikamaru, Hii, and Choji stand together as they wait for their turn.

"Hey, Shikimaru! Choji! Are you ready to fight?"

A girl with platinum blonde hair comes toward the group with a smile.

"Ugh, it's Ino."

"Hey! You need to stop being so mopey! And what's wrong with me being here?!"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes and ignored her, making her more angry at him.

"I hope I don't have to fight at all...."

"You can't just give up now, Choji!"

"Ino Yamanaka! Sakura Haruno! Come out!"

"Yes Sensei!"

Ino went to the circle while a timid, pink-haired girl also slowly entered.

"The two of you will spar first. You will start with the combat sign of ninjas."

Iruka does the combat sign for all the students to see.

"Once the battle ends, you will face each other and perform the sign of friendship by linking your fingers together. No Jutsu are allowed and no hard feelings for the outcomes of the spar, okay?"

""Yes, Sensei!""

Ino and Sakura both did the sign of battle and started to spar. Ino had slowly inched in her advantage through most of the fight, while Sakura was trying her best to keep up with Ino.

"Come on, Sakura! Fight like you mean it!"


It was a rather heartwarming scene of two friends training.

Unfortunately, Sakura didn't have the best balance and fell out after another exchange with Ino.

"You have to watch your step, Sakura."

"I-I'll do better next time!"

The two smile as they do perform the sign of friendship.

"Good job! Now I'll call the next pair!"

Iruka called random names from the list as another pair of kids eagerly went into the circle.

"Man~! I just want to nap."

"I'm actually a bit excited. I hope I get someone who can fight well."

"Seriously? I've had enough training with my old man."

Choji nods his head as well, still stuffing his face.

"What flavor are those, Choji?"

"Seafood Bbq! You want one?"

Choji hands him a chip as they watch the others fight.

"This is pretty good."

"I know, right?! It's really tasty!"

"I'll never get why you guys like those weird flavors."

Shikamaru shook his head as Hii and Choji talked more about the chips.

"Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akamichi! Come on out!"

Shikamaru sighs while Choji clams up as they both slowly make their way to the ring.

"Make the sign of battle and begin!"

Shikamaru and Choji just stare at each other, one with tired eyes and the other with eyes full of tears.

"I'm not fighting."


"M-me neither."

Iruka looks at the two students, sighs, and writes some notes on his list.

"Okay..... I'll let it go this time. At least do the signs of battle and friendship."

The two happily use the sign of friendship and head back to the fence.

Hii looks at them both with a wry smile.

"Well, that's one way to get by."

"All according to plan."

"T-that was a plan?! So cool, Shikamaru!"

Hii shakes his head as he watches the other kids come and go from the ring.

Lots of kids managed to successfully show off their skills, while some other boastful kids got put in their place. 

"Hii Kurokumo and Hinata Hyuga! Come out!"

'Oh? Hinata? I haven't seen her since the first time I met Guy.'

Hii hadn't been able to visit the Hyuga clan since the incident due to his training.

'I should go say hello to Haruka-san again.'

Hii waited in the circle as Hinata made her way in with her index fingers poking each other.


"You....wanna spar?"

The aura Hinata gave off made Hii feel like she would give up before she even tried.

Her eyes seemed to focus as she managed to make eye contact with Hii.

"I' my best!"


Hii and Hinata both do the sign of battle and get into their stances. 

'Let's see how the Hyuga fight first-hand!'

Hii unconsciously licked his lips as he brought his fists up and gave a light jab with his left.


Hinata's aura changed completely as she dodged the fist and sent a palm towards him!

Hii dodged to her side, but Hinata quickly sent another palm towards him! Hii redirected her palm and slightly stepped in with body jab!


Hinata shouted as she didn't retreat and sent her palm towards Hii' s fist!

*Clap Clap Clap*

The sounds of deflection rang out as Hii and Hinata traded blows with each other at a increasing rate. The smile on Hii's face was growing with every blow!

'This is so fun! I didn't think her palms were this heavy! How exciting!'

Hinata and Hii skirted along the edge of the ring as the two continued to fight.


"No way!"

The other students were shocked at the level the fight was rising to!

The two continued to trade blows, both giving their best while refining their skills.

'She's guarding against my attacks so well! I gotta figure out how to get around it!'

Hii was growing more and more excited by the second as he tried to restrain himself from using his knees to fight as well.

Hii then suddenly felt something was wrong.


Hii noticed his hair was starting to spike up very slowly.


Hii suddenly stopped and jumped away from Hinata.

"Haa, haa, haa?"

Hinata was breathing heavily trying to keep up with Hii's speed. She started to slowly catch her breath as she wanted to ask Hii what happened.

Hii suddenly raised his hand and faced Iruka with a slightly red face.

"Sensei! I lost!"


Everyone was so shocked by Hii's declaration, it didn't completely register at first.


Hii awkwardly chuckled as he stood there.

Iruka's hand hit his own forehead and he groaned at these weird matches in his class.

"Hii-kun, why did you surrender?"

"Sensei, I accidentally used a Jutsu while I was fighting. I'm disqualified."

"Eh? I didn't see you use any handsigns."

Hii pointed to his hair.

"My family Jutsu spikes my hair up when I use it, Sensei. I also started moving faster than I usually would without it."

Hii turned to face Hinata.

"I'm really sorry I screwed up the match!"

Hii bowed to Hinata and apologized.

"N-no, it's ok! I-it was a good match."

"I know, right?! We should fight again sometime!"

Hinata timidly nodded.

"Yes. I think that would be great."

"Cool! I'll have a rematch with you another time then."

Hii extended two fingers to Hinata for the friendship sign.

Hinata smiled and did the same, completing their match.

"That's how it should be between comrades. Try to hold yourself back next time, Hii. You two did really well."

"That was awesome!!"

"You guys were so fast!"

The class was getting rowdy as the two headed back near the fence.

Shikamaru and Choji looked at Hii surprised.

"Man, I didn't know you were that strong."

"Wow, Hii! You were moving super fast!"

"Hehehe. It's nothing, really. My grandpa is way faster than me."

"Tch! I guess you had to do clan training too?"

Hii nodded his head.

"Yep! We're a new clan, but my Grandpa has an old style of Kenjutsu. We're pretty fast."

Shikamaru sighed as he shook his head.

"You're gonna be a monster to fight someday."

"I know! I can't wait!"

"Haaa~! What a drag."

The three chatted for a bit while other sparring matches were called.

"Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki! Come on out!"



Hii had to paid attention to this match.

He wanted to know how strong Sasuke and Maka had gotten in the time he hadn't been able to train with them. He also remembered his Mom saying Naruto trained with his Mom and Shizuka as well.

"Get ready! I'll show you how strong I am!"

"Stop whining and bring it."

The two used the sign of battle and charged at each other.

They clashed head on and blocked the others moves pretty well.

Hii watched as the two battled it out with fists and kicks. 

'Oh~! Sasuke definitely has better technique than him, but Naruto has way more stamina than him. If Sasuke can't knock him out, Naruto might outlast him.'

"Ugh! Why you~!"

"Ung! This loser!"

Sasuke and Naruto were trading blows rather aggressively as time passed.

Hii looked around and noticed Shizuka and Maka's auras were getting denser as the fight was drawing to an end.


Finally, Naruto tripped after receiving a punch from Sasuke and fell out of the ring.

"Sasuke wins! Good job, you two!"

Iruka praised the two as the class clapped as well.


A group of girls seem to have formed a little fan club over Sasuke.

Hii shook his head.

'They should focus on getting stronger first.'

Hii decided to no longer pay attention to it as he watched Naruto and Sasuke give each other mean looks.

"Use the sign of friendship. Remember, no hard feelings."

Naruto and Sasuke nod their heads and use thr sign of friendship, though it was rather brief.

Iruka sighs as he looks over at the list for the next match. His face scrunches up as he looks at the remaining names.

".....Shizuka Uzumaki and Maka Uchiha! You're the last group!"

The two girls silently enter the circle and face each other. The mood of the arena is....rather off.

"Now it's just a sparring match, you two. I don't know what's between you, but keep it friendly, okay?"



""......Yes, Sensei.""

The two respond back, but everyone can see the seriousness in their eyes.

Iruka hovers over the two this time, unlike the previous matches.

"Use the symbol of combat and begin!"


The two immediately use the symbol and dash towards each other!

*Thwack Bam Pow*

It immediately turned into a slug fest as the two trade vicious blows with each other!

Everybody is shocked by the viciousness of the blows, even Iruka-sensei!

He quickly snaps out of it as he tries to break it up.

"Stop stop stop!!"

Iruka grabs both of them and lifts them in the air to separate the two, but Maka wouldn't let go of Shizuka's hair. Shizuka wanted to grab her as well, but Maka's hair was too short to reach!

"Haaa. I didn't think this would happen! Maka-chan! You have to let go!"

Hii facepalms as he sees the mess of a scene.

"Hii-san, can you...?"

"Yeah, can you stop them?"

Hii looked to his side to see Sasuke and Naruto looking at him with pleading eyes.

Hii sighed as he resolved to himself to help his friends.

'I guess I'll have to use that technique if I want to stop her.'

Hii decided to decisively use a shameless tactic to stop them.

"Maka! I'll tell Shisui-san you're being bad if you don't let go!"

Maka immediately let go of Shizuka's hair, but she didn't let up on glaring at her.

Hii only looked up into the clouds when those eyes glanced his way.

Iruka looked gratefully at Hii for a moment and then looked at the two girls with a face full of anger.

"The sparring matches are to foster friendship! No brawls are allowed! Got i?!"

""....Yes, Sensei.""

"Good! Now do the sign of friendship!"

The two continued to stare at each other, ready to start another round.

"Do. The. Sign! Now!!"

The two shiver and quickly do the friendship sign, though for only a second.

Iruka's face turns into a smile as he places them back on the ground.

"Good! That was..... overall pretty good. I've noted down your scores and mostly everyone will get participation points. Let's head back inside now, everyone."

""Yes, Sensei!""

They all start to head back inside, but Hii is suddenly held back by a forceful grip on his arm.

Hii could see Shikamaru, Choji, Naruto, and even Sasuke avoided looking at him as they quickly merged into the crowd. 


Shizuka stopped to give Hii  a devilish grin as she headed back into the building.

"Hii? We need to talk about your loyalties."

Maka stood behind him, grasping his arm with a smile.

The smile was rather cold to be anything good.

"My loyalties? What do you mean?"

"Are you going to tell Shisui Nii-san about this?"

Hii tilted his head.

"No? I just needed you to let go so we could continue with class. You two can fight all you want outside of it."

Maka stared at Hii and slowly nodded her head.

"Good. You better not get involved with that girl. I'm gonna take her down! Got it?!"

"Okay? I don't really get it, but I won't then."

Maka smiled brightly as she let go of his arm.

"Good! Come on! We're gonna be late if we stay out too long!"


'Why are they even fighting, anyway?'

Hii wondered about what they were fighting for, but decided he'd rather not know as he recalled Shizuka's smile before she went in.

'Whatever they're fighting for, it can't be good.'

Hii shook his head free of the thoughts as he made his way back inside.


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