The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.57. Shock After Shock pt.2

Naruto and Shizuka made their way back home. They found Kushina near the doorway as opened the door to the house.

"We're back!"

"Welcome home! Come in the living room after you put your stuff away!"

The two hurried off to their rooms to drop their stuff and headed over to the living room.


Naruto winced as he saw what his mom had in store for them.

Kushina was sitting in front of a table with sealing books in front of her.

Naruto had seen those books plenty of times.

"Aaaagh! Not Sealing Jutsu again!"

"Come and sit down. We have to review them to make sure you don't forget."

"Let's go, Naruto~!"


Naruto sluggishly sat down at his spot while Shizuka sat down next to him.

"Yosh! Let's study some seals!"

"Yes!"  "Yes..."

The two got started copying the different seals and writing them with their Chakra.

Shizuka wrote out the seals at a steady pace while Naruto wrote them in a slow manner, but packed full of chakra.

"Good! Try to put a little more Chakra in this word here, Shizuka."


"Take your time, Naruto. These seals could save someone's life some day, or even your own. Make sure it's neat and flows properly so you can use it."


Naruto instantly straightened up his form when he heard someone's life could be saved with the seal. Kushina smiled as she saw her son's efforts. Her smile only bloomed further when she saw her daughter doing her best to memorize all the seals Kushina could provide her.

She continued to instruct the two until night began to fall.

Naruto fell on top of the table with steam coming from his head.

"Ugh! Finally done!"

Shizuka quietly read over her book once more and checked her memory of the seals inside. 

Naruto looked at her in disbelief.

"How can you remember them all, Nee-san?"

"Fufufu. I don't remember every one of them completely. It's just that alot of them are great for my goal."

Naruto silently nodded his head as raised himself up and looked at his mother.

"Mom! Didn't you want to talk to us about something?"

"I will still be talking to you. I just have to wait for your father to get back first."


*Tsss Thud*

The three suddenly heard a thud come from a room nearby.

The door opened from inside as Minato came into the living room.



Naruto and Shizuka both stood up to greet their father.

He had a big smile on his face as he rubbed the heads of his kids.

"I'm back."

"Welcome home, darling!"

Kushina came towards Minato with a loving hug. A rosy atmosphere started to surround the two.



Naruto stuck out his tongue in disgust while Shizuka just laughed.

Kushina lightly blushed at her children's teasing, but she wouldn't let the chance go to show her love to Minato!

"Ugh, Dear? We should probably start the discussion."

Kushina visibly deflated as he mentioned the main topic.


"I'm sure they'll understand. Come on."

Minato grabbed Kushina's hand and brought her over to the table.

"Sit down over there, kids. We have to tell you something important."

The two head back to the table and sit down.

The kids were curious as to what would be so important that their father had to be involved, so they sat attentively while waiting for the news.

Minato and Kushina both had rather stern expressions, further showing how important it was.

"Naruto. Shizuka. Have the two of you heard about the attack of the Kyuubi 8 years ago?"

"Yeah! We hear the villagers always talking about it. They always say you helped save the village with the help of all the ninjas!"

Shizuka also nodded her head in confirmation.

Minato nodded his head and continued.

"Today's topic is about that. I think it's better for you to know about this from us than from anyone else."

Kushina took in a deep breath and looked at her children with a resolute gaze.

"Shizuka. Naruto. The truth is....the fox that attacks the village is sealed inside me."


The two were shocked to hear this from their mother!

Shizuka immediately turned to Minato and saw his face was serious, making the news true.

"What do you mean by that?! There's no way it could be inside Mom, right?!"

"It's definitely inside your mom, Naruto."

Minato answer Naruto, watching his reactions carefully.

"Why?! Why does Mom have it sealed inside of her?!"

"Naruto.... I had to come to this village just for this."

Kushina sighed as she continued to speak.

"I had been chosen because my chakra was special, like the previous Jinchuuriki."


"Ah! That's the name that people are called when they have a Biju inside them."

Kushina tried to sound cheery about the information, but both Naruto and Shizuka could feel something dark underneath it all.

Naruto didn't know how to respond to the information, but he kept listening since his Mom wasn't done.

Shizuka, on the other hand analyzed the information much deeper than Naruto. She had a few guesses as to what her parents wanted to talk about, but nothing concrete.

Kushina continued to explain as she saw the two calming down.

"It wasn't what I wanted at the time, but if I didn't come here, I wouldn't have met all of my friends or Minato. I can't say it's all bad,right?"

Kushina awkwardly laughed while Naruto nodded his head.

"I guess that's true dattebayo!"

'So simple.'

Shizuka looked over at her brother with a wry smile, but felt it was just like him to not truly get it.

She looked over at her father and saw he had the same expression on his face.

Minato seemed to read her mind as he lightly shook his head.

"We're a bit off topic. I will let you two know about something only a few people in the village know. You must keep it a secret. Understood?"

The two nodded their heads and focused on Minato.

"The attack of the Kyuubi happened on Naruto's birthday. You were born a couple of hours before."



Shizuka suddenly felt something was amiss, but couldn't quite place it.

"Due to some....complications, the Kyuubi wasn't able to be completely sealed into your mother anymore."

"It wasn't?! Then where is it now?!"

Shizuka suddenly looked over at Minato and Kushina in shock!

She finally figured out what they wanted to tell them, or more specifically, tell Naruto.

Kushina seemed to be faltering a bit, but Minato grabbed her hand, reassuring her.

She grabbed the hand back and resolutely stared at the slightly confused Naruto.

"You have the rest of the Fox inside you, Naruto."

Naruto just blankly stared at the two, trying to register the information.


He couldn't seem to wrap his head around it at first.

He soon starting to get what his father meant from the concerned look on his mother's face.

"I have....the beast sealed in me too?"

Minato slowly nodded his head as Naruto's expression started getting worse and worse.

Naruto started to remember some of the looks some villagers had towards his mother when they would go shopping sometimes. There were very few, but he could still remember the coldness and anger in their gaze.

Shizuka also started to frown as she could guess what Naruto was thinking. She also remembered the expressions those people had towards their Mom. She was very familiar with those feelings.

"You don't have to worry about it too much! Your Father and I can handle the fox if anything happens. Kurama isn't that bad as well once you get to know him."

Kushina quickly tried to coax Naruto, but his expression didn't change.

He was too overwhelmed in his hearts to hear what Kushina said.

"Is that...."


"Is that why those villagers all look at you with so much hate?!"

The atmosphere dropped as Kushina's face cringed and Minato had a sad look on his face.

"If Dad wasn't the Hokage, would we be looked at like that as well?!"

"Naruto, that's..."

"Can't you make them stop?! You're the Hokage!"


"How long has Mom had to endure that?! How long until I have to?!"


Minato's yell stopped Naruto in his tracks, but Naruto had an indignant face as he looked at his father.

Shizuka looked worried as she looked between the two.

Minato sighed and looked directly into Naruto's eyes.

"I know and I have tried to keep it down, but there is a delicate balance to everything with being Hokage. I don't expect you to understand now, but this is the best situation I could get for us."

"It's fine, Naruto. I'm already used to it. I only hope that you don't get caught in those gazes as well."


"What about when Naruto is discovered?"

Shizuka entered the conversation with the biggest question in her mind.

Minato had a difficult expression, but still showed confidence.

"We'll deal with it when it happens."


Naruto stood up abruptly and headed towards the front door.

"Naruto?! Where are you going?!"

Naruto didn't say anything as he slipped on his shoes and ran out of the house.

Kushina wanted to chase after him, but Minato held her hand and shook his head.

"He needs time to take it all in. We should leave him be for now. I have Anbu looking out for him as well."


"It's only natural he can't accept it. It's better to tell him now, so he at least understands in the future. I'm willing for him to hate me if it makes his life easier."

Minato looked down at the table and shook his head.

"If only I was compatible with Kurama. I could have sealed him in me instead."

"Is there anything I can do, Father?"

Shizuka looked at her parents with determination. She owed them all too much to just sit idly by.

Minato smiled at her and shook his head.

"Grow happy and follow your dreams. Let the adults handle this stuff for now."

Shizuka slowly nodded her head, but her determination only grew stronger.


"So that's what happened."

Hii sat on the ground next to Naruto as he told the end of his story.


Hii looked over at Naruto who's eyes had become a bit puffy.

'Now that he mentions it, he does have whisker marks on his cheeks. Is that a side effect?'

Hii suddenly had another thought as he realized this.

'Will my kids have something like that because of Akumu?'

"You....don't think I'm a monster, do you?"

Naruto looked over at Hii who was deep in thought. He was scared that he would lose a friend because of his secret.

"Hm? I think you're an idiot sometimes, but no monster. It's nothing too surprising to me anyway."


Naruto was shocked as Hii stood up and stretched his body.

"B-but I have a-"

"If I had a demon in me or something like that, would you run away from me?"

"N-no! I won't run from my friends!"

Naruto stood up with a shaky, but determined gaze as he looked at Hii.

"See? So why would I run from you. Tell me. What's your name?"

"Huh? You know my name, Hii."

"I know. Just say it."

Naruto looked a bit confused, but nodded his head.

"I-I'm Naruto Uzumaki."

"Say it again."

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki."


"I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"


Naruto took in a deep breath and shouted!


"That's right! You're Naruto Uzumaki, not Kyuubi."

Hii nodded his head as he put his arm around Naruto's neck.

"If you ever forget that, I'm gonna have to beat it into your head. Got it?"

Naruto nodded his head.

"Yeah! But why do you have to beat me?!"

"Because you're stupid. I figured you'd have already realized you're not weak and you're mom certainly isn't either."

Naruto held his head down as he realized something.

"I-I should've tried to understand them more before I left, huh?"

"Yep, but we're kids. We don't understand everything right away. We have to take our time and learn."

Hii patted Naruto's back.

Let's go get some ramen so you can stop crying already."

"I'm not crying right now!"

"Sure, whatever you say."

Hii started to walk back into the village as Naruto followed behind him.

"Hey, Hii-nii!"

"Ugh! You're gonna call me that too?"


Hii turned to Naruto as they walked and smiled.

"Don't mention it. Shizuka and I have to look after you after all."


Seeing Naruto back to his normal self put Hii at ease.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot."


"Can you keep a secret, Naruto?"

"Yeah! What happened?"

"You said you and your mom are called Jinchuuriki,right?"


"I'm one too."

Hii turned forward and headed off to the village.

"Come on! We better hurry and get to Teuchi's before our parents get mad."


Naruto finally reacted to what Hii said and chased after him!

"Wait! What did you mean?!"

"It's a secret~!"


Naruto chased after Hii all the way to Teuchi's shop. He was going to ask Hii more about what he said, but Hii told him he'd pay for his ramen and promptly forgave him after 3 bowls.


Kushina stood by the window, waiting for Naruto to come back home.

Minato sat on the couch nearby, occasionally looking out of the window as well.

Shizuka reviewed her seals silently, commiting them further to her memory.


Kushina quickly headed out of the door at high speed!

Naruto and Hii were both walking towards the Uzumaki House after eating.

"Whew~! I'm stuffed!"

"Where does all that ramen go anyway?"


Naruto laughed as they got close to his house. 

Hii suddenly felt a chill and looked towards the Uzumaki house.



"Prepare yourself. I feel your Mom is coming right now!"



Naruto didn't see Kushina coming as she picked him up and spun around.

"I know you don't like the other villagers, but you won't have to worry, Naruto! Nothing will stop me from being together with you!"

"M-Mom!  I'm okay! Let me down!"

"No! I won't let you leave again!"

"Umm, Kushina-san."

Kushina stopped spinning once she heard Hii's voice and faced him. She didn't,however, let Naruto get out of her grasp.

"Hii-chan! What are you doing out here at this time?!"

'So she didn't see me at all.'

"I found Naruto on my way back home. He seemed upset, so we went to go get some ramen."

Kushina looked at Naruto with a concerned gaze. Hii only smiled and continued to speak.

"He seemed concerned about his identity, but I only had to ask him who he was for him to snap out of it. Right, Naruto?"

Naruto finally struggled out of his mother's embrace and smiled.

"Yep! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm gonna be the coolest ninja ever dattebayo!! I'll make it so they have to acknowledge us no matter what!"

Kushina was shocked at first, but a brilliant smile covered her face as she grabbed her son again!

"Mom! Let me go!"

"I'm not letting my little baby go today! You're stuck with your Mom all night!"


Hii laughed at the interaction between mother and son before noticing the other family members came out.

Hii immediately bowed to the man approaching them.  No introduction was needed as Hii had gazed upon his face on the cliff behind the village.


"Hello, Hii-kun. Thank you for taking care of Naruto."

"It was no problem at all, Hokage-sama."

Shizuka chuckled lightly at their respectful interaction while Kushina just dragged Naruto back inside, despite his protesting.

"There's no need to be so distant. My relationship with your mom is much like your relationship with Naruto."

"Well, I still want to at least be respectful."

Minato had a wry smile as Shizuka continued to laugh.

" I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind."


"Have you heard anything from Akumu recently?"

Hii's face became serious as he looked at Minato. Minato stared back with an equally serious face while Shizuka stopped chuckling and paid became confused.

She didn't understand her father's question, but she could tell it was important.

"....No. Nothing has come in yet."

"....I see. Please let me know if any information comes in. Of course, you're always welcome to come by without it."

Minato smiled and patted Hii's shoulder.

"Do you want me to send you back home?"

"If you don't mind!"

Hii wouldn't turn down a free ride!

"I'll be be back in a moment, Shizuka."

"Ok, Father. See you later, Hii!"

Shizuka waved at Hii and headed back inside.

Minato clasped his hand on Hii's shoulder again and Hii felt his vision twist for a second before he was right in front of his house.


"Haha. This house was actually one of the first places I practiced my technique on. I was here quite a bit back in the old days."

Hii nodded his head while Minato looked at Hii once again. He seemed to be debating something before he shook his head.

"Please take care of Naruto and Shizuka in the future."

"I'll do my best."

Minato smiled and teleported away.

Hii looked up at the dark night sky.

'I wonder where Akumu is now... I should see if I can contact him.'

Hii thought for a short while, then decided to head into the house.



Hii felt a chill crawl down his spine as he looked up to see Kaya's twitching grin.


"I can explain, Mom!"

It seemed Hii would have a hard time with his mother tonight as well.


In a forest located in the Land of Iron, Akumu sat on a patch of grass that was shifting between being full of life and browning to death.

<Whoooooah! This is soo much fun!>


Akumu had watched a little white ball of fluff run around him for nearly 30 minutes without tiring out.

The forest around them was covered in snow, but the circle she ran around him had green grass as if it was spring.

[Fuyuki. Can you please stop? You're making me tired with all this running.]

<Awww! Don't be such an old man, would ya?! I'm a kid right now! I gotta move!>

[Haaa. You're still full of so much energy. Maybe even more now.]

<I know, right!?You're out of luck once I'm older! I'm gonna make you mine and you can't stop me with your Miyu shield anymore!>

A small white wolf pup stood in front of Akumu. Her fur was white as snow, yet the snow under her paws melted nearly instantly. Her eyes were closed, but she seemed to sense where Akumu was just fine.

She rushed into Akumu's chest as she vigorously moved between his paws. Akumu's cold aura seemed to be countered by Fuyuki's energetic aura.

<Hehehe!! Takashi's all mine now! Miyu would be so jealous!>


Akumu shook his head as he watched her tail shake like a motor.


<Oh! What's that?!>

[Wait! Don't-]

Akumu wanted to stop her, but she quickly ran after whatever was in the bush as she tore through it.

The path she ran down melted the snow away as she chased after a white rabbit gleefully.

<Come on, Takashi!>

[Haaaa. Just like old times, huh?]

Akumu stood up and trotted after them with a tired, but happy expression on his face.

He never thought he'd miss this ball of energy until he found her once again. He knew he had a lot to explain and teach her now that she'd found her way into this world.

'Oh well. At least it definitely won't be boring.'

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