The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.61. A New Immortal?!

In the land of Boulders, a small, desolate village stood in ruins.

It seemed to have been abandoned some years ago due to battle with the leftover kunais still embedded in the walls.

Akumu and Fuyuki appeared silently in a forest nearby the ruins, looking over the destruction.

{Why are we here again?}

[I felt a strange presence coming from here. I need to check it out and see what it was.]

{How come I didn't sense anything?}

[You might be too small right now to feel it.]

Akumu and Fuyuki looked around the ruins slowly.

Akumu surveyed the small village as closely as as he could.

He noticed the ground seemed to have fresh holes dug up around strange areas in the village. 

[There shouldn't be anyone in this village right now. Who dug up these holes?]

Akumu looked over one of the nearby holes and analyzed it.

His face sunk a bit once he realized the hole didn't seem to be dug from the outside. Each one of them were uneven, all dug out with different methods.

He was beginning to get the creeps.

{Hey! Did you find anything?}

[....I hope not.]

{Then doesn't that mean we're done here?! We should go!}

Fuyuki came beside Akumu and looked at the buildings. He remembered she was never good with horror. He could see her shaking like a leaf.

{B-Besides, t-there isn't anything or anyone here. We should be all done now!}

[That's the problem. How did a small village that looked like it was abandoned long ago have fresh holes in the ground with no tracks of people or things around them?]

Akumu surveyed the ground. He noticed footprints and drag marks all over the area.

[There's foot prints and drag marks everywhere, but they all lead towards the center. That's weird.]

{Well, It's not like they came out the ground and moved there, right?}


{R-Right, Takashi?! That can't be right, can it?}

[...You always seemed to have the right guesses. It's just I've never seen something like this before.]

{But you watched the show with Miyu,right?!}

[Everything was messed up the moment Hii, you, and I came into this world, remember? There will be some differences now that we're here. ]

{Ugh! I can't handle horror!}

[I know. I can't even count how many times I had to hear you scream from running into something scary.]

Akumu chuckled as Fuyuki's paw struck him.It didn't hurt in the slightest.

{Just wait until I'm bigger! I'll show you!}

[Hah! Looks like I'll have to wait for a long time.]


Akumu ignored the white pup as he continued to survey the area. 

His eyes scanned every area of the village slowly as they crept closer to the center. 

'I can't tell how many are over there, but it could be more than 30 people...or things.'

Akumu became more and more cautious of what these tracks might be from.

'They slowly made their way to the center of the village when suddenly, Akumu jumping back behind a corner, grabbing Fuyuki in the process.

{What?! What's happening?!}


Akumu peered from behind a corner and watched the center from a distance.

He could see a group of people standing idly by, swaying and groaning.

Some of their clothes were ripped and dried with wounds covering various parts of their bodies. Their eyes all had a green flame burning in them.


Akumu could feel his fur spiking up as he observed them. He couldn't help, but blurt out their identity.


{Eh?! No no no no!}

Akumu had to grab hold of her with his mouth as she tried to run away.

{Noo! Let me go!}

[Shut up! They might hear you.]

Fuyuki shivered in silence as she held her paws to her mouth.

Akumu turned his head back as he watched the zombies crowd around someone.

"Ah! I don't think I have enough space to do clean up anymore!"

A seductive voice complained near the center of the swarm.


The zombies suddenly all disappeared from view as a figure could be scene sitting down.


Akumu noticed the figure of a woman with deep red braided hair looking rather annoyed.

"Ugh! Does he have to try to kill himself so desperately? It never works for long anyway."

The woman stretched her ample body as she stood up.

"My tattoos are filling up again. I might need to make some new ones."

The woman wore a white short top with no sleeves and red shorts. She wore no headband, but her body was covered in numerous kanjis. Some of the tattoos were fully detailed while others looked halfway done. Her eyes were a strange combination of red and neon green.

"Stop whining! You do this every time you have to clean up any unintentional waste."

A man approached from another road leading to the center with his hand around a zombie's neck.

"You missed one. He was stuck behind a door."

"Ugh! Give it here."

The man let the zombie go and it was also sucked into a tattoo of "death" on her chest.

"How did Master do it this time?"

"Hanging again. It must make him feel the closest to death since he doesn't heal as long as he's up there."

The man wore dirty, black samurai armor that had worn away in many places. He wore his black hair in a messy topknot and had multiple swords on his back. His eyes also seemed mixed with brown and neon green. He looked around the area briefly, and turned to the woman.

"Where did Koyo go?"

"Looting as usual."

"Tch! That damn bandit!"

"Like you're one to talk, sword stealer."

"I do not steal swords! I only take the blades of fallen, worthy opponents! Don't belittle me, Ink stain!"

"What did you call me?!"

The two stood off against each other and seemed ready to fight at any moment!

"Woohoo! I got some more Ryo~! I'll reach my dream soon~!"

A cheery tune was being sung as a man came skipping out of one a nearby house. He held a pouch full of coins and a smile on his face as he came towards the two.

"Hmm!? Are you two fighting again? You know Master doesn't like that."

""We weren't.""

"Ah! You two synched up again. You're lying!"

Koyo's brown hair hung close to his eyes as he looked between the two with a mischievous grin. His eyes were also a mix of brown and green.


"Whatever, bandit."

"Ah! I'm not a bandit! I'm a thief! There's a difference, y'know?!"

The two rolled their eyes at Koyo and shifted away from each other. He sighed and held his pouch to the woman.

"Kaira-san~! Can you store this for me, please?"


Kaira clicked her tongue, but still grabbed the pouch and placed it into a tattoo of "money" on her on her shoulder.

"Thank you! We should go get Master down now. I saw him near the edge of the village."

"Good. Let's move out of this place. He's been here long enough."

The three started to walk out of the village, heading towards the forest nearby.

{What should we do, Takashi?}

[Call me Akumu, and I'm thinking.]

Akumu watched the figures fade in the distance. His mind thought of many possibilities of these new faces he didn't know. He didn't like any of them.


Akumu bit Fuyuki by the scruff of her neck and tossed her on his back.

[I need more information. Stay quiet and hang on.]


Akumu darted around the houses and kept after the group from a distance.

He followed them to just outside of the village near a vibrant, old tree.

"There he is."

The three looked up to see a body hanging from a tree branch with a rope around its neck.

The body was of a man with long, brown hair loosely sprawled over his face in a black cloak.

His body was small and thin, almost like a child's.

"Doren. Cut him down."

"Hmph! I would've cut down our Lord irregardless of your mouth."

Doren pulled out one of his swords and held it with both hands.


Chakra slowly formed around the blade as he took aim.


A sharp wave of energy sliced forward and cut the rope above the man's head. 

"I got him!"

Koyo already waited under the body and caught him.

He gently laid him against the tree and looked towards Doren.

Doren nodded his head and cut the rope with a shorter blade from his back.

Everyone watched the body of the man as the long brown hair began to slowly turn a vibrant green color. His skin went from being dry and pale to lively and smooth in only a few minutes.

"I'm so jealous of his skin."

"What's the point anymore?"

"A woman will always look pretty when they can. Do you enjoy looking at torn down women or something?"

Doren scoffed at her, but didn't have a retort.

"He's waking up."

The three of them looked over the now vibrant body and watched as his eyes opened slowly. His eyes sparked with a neon green blaze like a flame. It held an eerie charm to it.


"Welcome back, my Lord. Unfortunately, you haven't passed on this time as well."


The man stood up languidly as he looked into the sky, ignoring the three.

"How long was I gone for?"

"Only a month or so. Cheer up, my Lord! You will be able to achieve your dream one day."

The man looked at Doren and sighed.

"...I hope you're right."

Koyo clapped his hands as he remembered something.

"We should probably get out of here soon. Don't we have to meet with that guy we heard about?"

"Oh yeah! What was his name again, Koyo?"

Doren shivered at the question.

"It's that bastard Orochimaru."

Koyo clapped again.

"That's right! He said he might have a way to kill the Lord for good."

The green haired man nodded his head.

"Let's go then. I want this to be over."

""Yes sir!""

The three followed Koyo into the forest and disappeared.

Akumu came out from hiding with Fuyuki as he gazed in the direction they went.

{Ne ne!}


{Is that guy the Immortal that Miyu told me she hated?}

[....No. That's a new one. And that's not a good thing at all.]

Akumu looked back at the lost village and shook his head.

[Someone immortal with a death wish meeting with a maniac wanting immortality. There's even a zombie problem connected to him.]

{T-That not good, huh?!}

Akumu shook his head as he turned back and started heading out of the village.

[No. It isn't. It looks like it's time to report back at the Leaf village.]

{Can't you just send a message? You might lose them!}

[I could, but I have to drop you off too.]

{Eh?! Why?!}

[You suck at being quiet. Even more so when the target could be something you're scared of.]

{I want to help at least!}

Fuyuki continued to complain, but Akumu continued to make his way back towards the village.

[You can't help me until you're bigger. It just so happens that I have a solution for that.]



Hii seemed to sense something calling to him from a distance.

"You better not get distracted!"

Kaya threw a spinning water ball towards his head!


Hii ducked under the ball and looked at his Mom's smug face.

"Mom! This isn't training at all! It's just a water fight!"

"Fight back or get soaked, kid!"

"....Haa.Fine then!"

Hii weaved handsigns and stretched out his hand.

Water Style: Water Ball Jutsu!

A large ball of water formed on his palm!

He began to spin it to the right with his chakra as he tossed a curve ball at Kaya!

Kaya watched it come toward her with a sneer.

"Naive, son!"

Kaya weaved handsigns and took in a deep breath!

Water Style: Water Wall!

Kaya spewed out a large wall of water, blocking the high speed ball!

" I-Isn't that too much, Mom?"


Kaya snickered as she weaved more handsigns.

Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!

The water formed into a long dragon that coiled around in the air!

"Wait! You didn't teach me that!"

"Water battles are all about how you use the water around you. Learn it with your body, Okay~!"



The dragon flew towards Hii at high speed!

Hii hurriedly weaved handsigns and breathed in deep!

Water Style: Engulfing Wave Jutsu!

Hii spewed a giant wave that collided against the water dragon!


Water poured down from the skies as Hii weaved more handsigns.

Water Style: Wolf Pack Jutsu!

The water from the rain puddled into a giant ball of water.

The water slowly split itself into a 3 blue, see-through wolves with red eyes.


"Oh! That's a new one."

Kaya pulled out a kunai and ran towards Hii and the wolves.



The wolves quickly darted towards Kaya as Hii also went towards her with his practice sword.

*Clang Clang*

The two clashed while the wolves encircled Kaya. 

The wolves lunged at Kaya, trying to grab a hold of her with their teeth. Kaya dodged and stabbed at the wolves, but the nearby water recovered any wound she delivered to them!

Hii continued to coordinate with the attack of the wolves, putting Kaya at a disadvantage.

"Hmm. This is tricky."

The three wolves formed a triangle around her after their failed strike while Kaya watched them warily.


Hii weaved hand signs quickly while Kaya was still stationary!

Water Style: Chains of the Deep Jutsu!

The bodies of the wolves began to shake ominously around Kaya.


Water chains shot out of their backs and surrounded Kaya, binding her between the three!

"Phew! Is that enough, Mom?"

Kaya tried to struggle against the chains, but couldn't break free at all!

"Wow! This is a pretty good Jutsu combo! Make sure to train this more, okay?"

"Huh? Isn't this over already?"

Kaya smiled despite being chained.

"You're right."

"It is over."


Hii wanted to quickly jump back, but Kaya's arms already wrapped around his neck!

Kaya rubbed her face against Hii's with a playful grin.

"My boy is getting sneaky~! I'm so happy you can fight with me more now!"

"...Since when?"

"When you used that giant wave. It was pretty easy with all the water. Remember what I said?"

Hii looked over at his mother that was still stuck in his Jutsu.

She smiled and slowly dissolved into a watery puddle on the grass.

"Water clone Jutsu..."

Hii released his Jutsu as well, letting the wolves flow down into a puddle.

"Very impressive to make your own Jutsu like this."

"Thanks, Mom. You should really stop using Jutsu that'll flatten your son though. How am I suppose to just fight that?"

Kaya looked at Hii and rubbed his head.

"This training is not just for learning techniques. It's also to teach you how to react quickly to foreign attacks. An enemy isn't going to just teach you how their Jutsu works. You have to adapt quickly."

"You just don't want to teach me everything so you can bully me still, huh?"

"Nope~! Not at all."

Hii sighed and wondered why his Mom was so playful at such weird times.


Hii suddenly shivered and quickly looked around rapidly!


"Huh?! Where?"

Kaya looked around for him as well, but neither could see him.

[I'm not there yet, but I'm close to the village. Where are you now?]

'At the training grounds with Mom.'

[Okay! I'll be right there.]

Hii turned to Kaya with an excited look.

"Mom! Akumu is coming here right now!"

"That's good to hear! I was wondering where he went off to."

The two waited for a few minutes before they both felt a slight shiver.

Akumu came out of the shadow of a tree with Fuyuki on his back.


[Hey. I'm back.]

Hii went over to him and noticed a white pup on his back.

"Umm? What is this?"

{Hi! I'm Fuyuki! You must be Hii, right?!}

The white pup's tail wagged wildly as she moved her head in his direction.

"Yeah, I'm Hii. Nice to meet you!"

{Nice to meet you too!}

Hii looked over her white fur and noticed her eyes were closed.

 "Ugh, you can't open your eyes either?"

{It's fine. I can still feel you!}

[Akumu said that too when we first met.]

Hii nodded his head as he rubbed Akumu's fur.

[No time for reminiscing! I have a favor to ask of you, Hii.]

 "What is it?"

Akumu looked into Hii's eyes.

[I'm going to need you to take care of Fuyuki like you did me. I have to go back and investigate something.]

"Eh?! I don't mind, but what's wrong?"

Akumu looked over at Kaya who had a serious face.

[I need to go with Kaya to the 4th Hokage. A new variable has appeared.]

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