The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.71. C-Rank Mission

Sorry folks! Had a lot to do this week! I should be able to be consistent now, so don't worry. Also, we made trending?! I couldn't believe it! Thanks for reading and enjoying the story! You guys made this journey a lot more fun.

The groups looked excited as they heard the mission.

"Finally! We can see the outside world for once!"

"Geez! Calm down, Naruto!"

Sakura reprimanded Naruto, but everyone could feel her excitement as well!

Hii nodded his head with a smile.

"It's finally time! I can't keep my excitement down either."

"You don't show it too often though."


Everyone became silent after Kakashi cleared his throat. Well, except Shizuka.

"It must be stuffy with that mask on all the time."

"I'll get by. Please continue explaining, Sensei."

Minato nodded his head and picked up a folder from his desk.

"Your objective will be in the Land of Waves. You will follow the client and assist in protecting him from external threats like bandits. This will be your first C rank mission, so proceed with caution on this one."

The Genins nodded their heads and listened to the Hokage's advice.

"The client should be arriving here shortly. Make sure you're on your best behavior. You represent the future of the Leaf, so act accordingly."

Minato advised everyone, but they all could see his eyes focusing on Naruto and Shizuka.

""Yes, Sir!""

Minato slowly nodded his head and withdrew his gaze.

*Knock Knock*


Shikaku opened the door and let an older man walk into the room.

"This is the client, Tazuna-san. Make sure to keep him safe."

The old man with white hair looked around the room with a frown.

"What is this, a daycare? I'll be protected by brats?"

"What was that?!"

Naruto started to flare up, but Shizuka grabbed his shoulders before he could get any wilder.

"Now now. No need to rush, little brother. We'll just let a kunai fly daaangerously~ close to his head a few times. I'm sure he'll soften up then."

Tazuna shivers at Shizuka's tone of voice and decisively stays silent.

"Alright, that's enough. I can assure you that these kids will be able to keep you safe. If the situation gets too dangerous, the squad leaders will be able to pick up the slack."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. I shouldn't have judged them so soon."

Tazuna bows his head low in appreciation and apology.

Minato shakes his head.

"There's no need for that. Just make sure that you all do your jobs diligently, understood?"

""Yes Sir!""

"You should head back and prepare for the trip. This mission will take some time to complete. Your teachers, however, will stay here with me for a moment. I must update them on something private."

The kids and old man nodded their heads and headed out of the office.

Kakashi and Yamato stood at attention as the two waited to be informed.

"Be careful on this mission. The Akatsuki have been spotted having activity near the area."


The two men tensed up once they heard "Akatsuki".

"Do you think they might try to intercept us in this mission, Hokage-sama?"

Yamato asked Minato with a stern face, but Minato only shook his head.

"I have no idea. Information on Jinchuuriki shouldn't have been updated. Kushina should still be Konoha's only Jinchuuriki. They should still be in the dark on Naruto as well as Hii. If you must engage, at least keep those two from being discovered."


Minato nods his head and dismisses the two.

' I hope nothing bad happens..."

Minato sighed as he checked over the information once more, hoping his hunch was wrong.


[I don't like this.]

Akumu shook his head as he laid on the floor, watching Hii pack the rest of his supplies for the mission.

Fuyuki laid down next to him with an excited face.

{Oh stop worrying so much! This should be fun!}

"I'm excited! We can finally do a mission worthy of a ninja for once."

[Look. I know you're excited, but a real mission is going to be far more exhausting than you think.]

"I'll be careful. I have to put everything I've trained for to the test!"

[Haaa. As long as you're careful.]

Hii clenched his fists with excitement!

*Knock Knock*


"Ah! Mom?! What's wrong?"

Kaya came into Hii's bedroom and looked at Hii with a concerned expression.

"I came to give you some advice on a few things since you're going near the Land of Water."

"Oh! That would help!"

Kaya sat down on Hii's bed and lifted up her finger.

"Rule number 1: When out on the field, Water is your friend and your enemy!"

Kaya saw Hii nod his head and continued to explain.

"I want you to look at any water source you find and imagine how you could take advantage of it if you had to. This will help you notice ambushes since if you can imagine it, someone can do it."

Kaya raised another finger and continued.

"Rule number 2: Always be aware of Mist and moisture! Mist Ninja are very good at ambushes and tracking! If you see any mist or feel moisture suddenly increase or decrease in the air, be on guard!"

Hii nodded his head and she raised another finger.

"Lastly, always be aware of where Naruto is at all times!"


Kaya sighed with her hand covering her face.

"If he's anything like his mother, he's gonna be a trouble magnet. Try to keep him from going off on his own."

"O-Okay. I'll do my best."

Kaya put her hand down and patted Hii's head.

"Make sure you and your comrades get back safe!"

"Yes, Mom!"

Hii was glad his mom had so much information. It would make the trip a lot less nerve-racking to know what to expect.

"Right. Now for the main part."

"Huh? You weren't done?"

Kaya put both of her hands on her face and sighed loudly.

"Sadly no. You see, I've done quite a bit of bad things in that country. I'm gonna tell you about the clans and places you should definitely avoid, in case they figure out our relation."

Hii then listened to his Mom as she began to tell him about the many different things she did when she was still allowed into the Land of Water. 

Hii was so shocked, he could barely close his mouth.


[...Really?! You used his technique to do that?!]

{I can't believe that! Why did you take their clothes?!}

The stories kept going well into midnight before it ended for another time.


The next day, the teams all met at the entrance of the village with their travel gear in tow.

"Where did he go? Shouldn't he be here by now?"

Naruto held his hands behind his head, impatiently looking around for signs of him.

"There's still time before we are scheduled to get going. He can still make it."

"Sorry! I had a hard time getting up!"

Hii ran towards them, waving with his travel backpack jumping up and down behind him.

"It's not like you to be late. Did something happen?"


Hii looked at Yamato and Kakashi with a remorseful expression and slowly bowed his head deeply.

"I'm sorry for the trouble my Mom caused for you guys."


The two were shocked to hear those words from Hii while the others just grew confused.

"Huh? What did Hii's Mom do?"

Naruto looked to Shizuka, but she was just as confused.

"Hmmm? I'm...not really sure."

Kakashi was the first to recover as he gave a wry smile through his mask.

"It's okay, Hii-kun. No need to apologize for your Mother's...habits."

Yamato, on the other hand, was nearly in tears.

"I'm so glad someone from that family can actually apologize for her!"

Yamato's reaction only further confused the Genins as Hii just sighed in embarrassment.

Tazuna just looked at the group and asked a question.

"Um, can we go now?"

Kakashi turned around quickly and scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry! We'll get ready to go right now! Everyone ready?"


The Genin all responded cheerfully as they held their stuff with excitement.

"Alright, let's head out!"

The group started to walk down the path towards the Land of Waves.

Maka came closer to Hii as they walked and whispered in his ear.

"Hey. What happened back there with Kakashi and Yamato?"

"...My Mom is a bit...problematic."


Hii sighed and looked at her.

"You should ask her next time you come by. She said she wanted to see you again anyway."

Maka's face blushed a bit and she nodded her head.

"Okay! I'll stop by and ask next time."

Hii nodded his head and kept pace with the group. Shizuka came near them with a wily smile.

"Ooh~? Already getting comfy with the parents, huh?"

"Shut up!"

Shizuka teased Maka as the other team looked back and watched.

"Hehe! It feels just like class!"


Naruto laughed as he saw his sister with a smile on her face while Sasuke grinned watching Maka's expressions.

"...How nice."

Sasuke suddenly felt a strange shiver crawl down his spine as he heard Sakura. She was staring at Maka and Hii's relationship with a bit of envy. She peeked at Sasuke out of the corner of her eye, but he quickly turned his head to face forward.

Kakashi and Yamato merely shook their heads and kept walking in silence.

The group continued to chat and tease each other until they came across a shaking bush on the path.


Team 7 jumped up towards the bush while Team 9 fell back around Tazuna! 

"I got it!"

Naruto quickly launched a shuriken into the bush, which intensified the shaking!

*Rustle Rustle*

A white bunny jumped out of the bush and quickly ran towards the other side of the road.


"...Well, that was underwhelming."

Kakashi let out a sigh and looked over at Naruto with a wry smile.

"You did get it. Good job."

"Aww man!"


Natuto shook his head while Shizuka started to laugh loudly.

"Shut up!"

"Hehe! I'll tell Mom you're great at fighting bunnies! Hehehe!"

The tension of the situation evaporated as they all started to laugh at the antics of the two.

"Well then, we should continue."

The group nodded as they picked their pace back up and continued on their journey.

Kakashi and Yamato both noticed Tazuna's face was getting stiffer and more scared as the group came closer and closer the Land of Waves.

Kakashi and Yamato would glance at Tazuna from time to time, watching his expressions.

Soon, the group walked on for some time and heard the bushes rustle once more.

"Aww! Not again!"

Naruto quickly grabbed a nearby rock and threw into the bushes.

The bushes started to rustle more, making Naruto nervous.

"Is it gonna be a rabbit again?!"

"Don't jinx yourself, Naruto."

Hii tried to warn Naruto, but even he had difficultly keeping his face straight as four bunnies jumped out of the bushes this time.

"Gaah! There are more of them?!"


Shizuka couldn't hold back as she howled with laughter.

The others also chuckled along as the four bunnies shuffled around them playfully. 

"Aww! They're so cute!"

"They do look rather fluffy."

The girls watched the rabbits hop around with glee while the boys just watched.

"Ugh! I might really get a bunny nickname or something!"

"Heh. Naruto, the bunny ninja."

"Gah! Stop!"

Naruto and Sasuke bickered as usual, but Hii couldn't seem to calm down.

'This feeling...'

Hii could feel small shivers come up and down his spine as he looked around warily.



Kakashi and Yamato also both watched their surroundings more cautiously. 

After a while, Tazuna finally came forward to continue.

"Hey! This isn't a field trip! We should keep mov-"

*Poof Poof Poof Poof*

The four bunnies were suddenly all covered in smoke, transforming into four Hidden Mist ninjas!


Two of the ninjas quickly rushed towards Kakashi and Yamato with kunais drawn!

*Clang Clang*

The teachers already pulled out their own kunais and blocked of the incoming attacks! They were pushed into the nearby forest, leaving the other two ninja to complete the mission.

Hii turned and stepped in front of Tazuna quickly while pulling out a scroll.


His blade, Ame no Tsume, appeared out of the scroll as he quickly drew it and stood on guard.

"Kill the target!"

One of the Mist ninjas shouted before dashing into the group!

The other ninja joined him, wanting to kill off the target as quickly as possible!


"I won't let you!"

*Clang Clang*

Shizuka and Naruto both attacked the ninjas, stopping their advance towards their teachers!

"Sasuke! Go help Naruto! Sakura-chan! Watch over Tazuna-san with Hii!"



Maka, Sasuke, and Sakura moved quickly to their positions!

"Tch! These brats!"

"Ignore them!"

The two ninjas tried to push past them, but Naruto quickly worked to stop them!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

*Poof Poof Poof*

10 clones of Naruto rushed in front of the ninjas and formed a wall, blocking them from Tazuna!

"What?! He can use Shadow clones?!"

The two ninjas shocked, but quickly tried to collect themselves and find a new way to Tazuna!

The Genins, however, wouldn't give them the luxury!


Sasuke dashed behind one of the Ninja and kicked him hard in the back!


"Alright! My turn!"

3 Naruto clones came forward towards the ninja and punched him in his chest and stomach! 

The Mist ninja was left gasping for air while Sasuke rushed up from behind again!

"One more!"

Sasuke jumped up and axe kicked him in the head for extra assurance!

The ninja crashed into the ground with a thud!

"This isn't good!"

The other Mist ninja tried to retreat, but he suddenly found himself unable to move.

"Where did you plan on going after a surprise like this~?"

Shizuka placed a stop seal on his back, keeping him in place!

Maka rushed towards the ninja with burning rage!

"On my mark~!"

"I'm ready!"

Shizuka jumped back and leapt towards the sealed ninja while Maka leapt at the same time!

""Double Roundhouse!""


The ninja took two roundhouse kicks from the girls at the same time!


The Naruto clones winced at the impact as the ninja sank down to the ground.

"That's for posing as bunnies!"


The girls united in their anger while their brothers shook their heads.

Hii looked around in silence, checking for signs of the teachers and any other ninjas.

"We'll protect you, Tazuna-san!"

"I-I'm counting on you!"

Sakura came and reassured Tazuna as Hii watched the surroundings.



The two heard movement coming towards them and moved to block it!

Kunais came from a nearby bush, aimed straight towards Tazuna!

"I'll block it!"

Sakura moved in front of the kunais and blocked them!

*Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh*

Two more kunai and a large shadow all shot towards Sakura at the same time from different directions!!



Naruto yelled out while Sasuke came beside her at high speed!


Hii moved to intercept the shadow as he saw Sasuke moved to assist Sakura.

"Take my spot, Sasuke."


Sasuke pulled out his own kunai and blocked the other kunais with Sakura as the shadow swiftly approached them!

Hii ran forward and engaged the Mist ninja in front of him!


The Mist ninja struck towards Hii, going for the kill!

*Chi Chi Chi*

Hii's body quickly coated with Lightning and cut right through the kunai!


"Got you."

Hii sliced down on the ninja's shoulder, leaving a large gash!


The ninja slid down to the ground and held his wound. He had a problem gathering his breath as he stared at Hii with a dumbstruck expression.

"Ugh! I lost to a brat?!"

"I think I'm pretty strong for a brat though..."

The ninja grit his teeth and tried to reach into his pouch to get even!


Roots suddenly shot up from the ground and held his hand and body tightly in place!

"Well done, everyone. Looks like this part was cleaned up just fine."

Kakashi came out of the bushes with Yamato, holding a Mist ninja under each of his arms!

Naruto had a big grin on his face as he saw Kakashi.

"Kakashi Sensei! You're okay!"

"Yep. No problems here."

Shizuka put her hands on her hips and smiled at Yamato.

"Did you have a fun time, Sensei~?"

"Haaa. Can't you be concerned for me like Senpai's team?"

Shizuka shook her head with confidence.

"Now now, Sensei. We already know how strong you can be. If these guys beat you, then we'd laugh at you first before being concerned~."

Yamato's head sunk down while Kakashi chuckled a bit.

"Your team seems pretty fun."

"I don't know how to take that, Senpai."


The group of Mist Ninja were tied around a tree as Yamato tried to get information out of them.

Kakashi and the Genin went to the side with Tazuna as they waited for any information.

"So, do you mind telling us what is going on?"

"W-What do you mean?"

Kakashi turned to look at Tazuna, staring at him until Tazuna broke eye contact.

"You might have your reasons, but endangering us any further without prior knowledge is unacceptable."


Tazuna sighed and began to explain the true circumstances of his town.

"Our town used to be a very peaceful village up until a man named Gato came and started monopolizing all the trade coming into the village. I want to build a bridge so our village can be connected to the outside world beyond boat travel! We can get from under his grip as long as it can be made! I just didn't expect his goons to get this far."

"What?! This Gato guy has ninja as goons?!"

Tazuna shook his head and explained further.

"They are not his goons, but the goons of a partner that works with him. I don't know who he is, but I heard he's a scary looking guy with a large blade the size of his body. He also seems to wear a distinct cloak with red clouds over it."


Kakashi began to think about the situation with a serious face.

'This isn't good. They were closer than we initially thought.'

"Red clouds? What does that mean?"

Naruto tilted his head in confusion as he tried to figure out what the big deal was.

Shizuka, however, grew very concerned as she looked at Naruto. She remembered Minato telling her to watch out for people with those kind of cloaks.

"Shizuka? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah! I'm fine! No worries!"

Shizuka smiled at the concern from her friend, but Maka still kept an eye on her.

Hii gazed at the Mist ninjas with intrigue as he listened to the information.

'I wonder what Water Jutsus they know that I don't...'



[Ask Tazuna if he had ever seen the guy with the big sword's face.]

Hii nodded his head and turned to Tazuna.

"Tazuna-san. Has anyone seen the guy's face before? The one with the sword?"

"I haven't seen it personally, but I've heard he had strange red markings over his mouth. Otherwise, he looks pretty normal besides his height."


"Thank you, Tazuna-san."

Hii went back to watching Yamato interrogate the ninjas as he continued to think.

Kakashi watched Hii's actions and immediately thought of Akumu. 

'Perhaps he has some information on the man in question.'

Akumu, on the other hand, was feeling a large headache coming on.

[Why doesn't that description match with my memory?! Who is that guy?!]

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