The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.77. Battle In The Forest!

.....I have no idea how this happened. I was just writing and I looked up and..... Well, enjoy.

The four watched the round man and his strange tail with caution.

'That thing strikes fast, but how is he controlling it?'

Hii pulled out his blade and watched every detail of the man.

*Swish Swish*

Maka quickly threw shurikens at the man as she jumped back to gain some distance!

*Clang Clang*

The tail-like weapon blocked the shurikens with ease as he stared at the group with an stiff expression.

"Hmmm. I think I might want to add you as well. You can be a good projectile puppet."

His casual tone unnerved the group as they started to inch away.

Hii looked over at Shizuka, hoping to catch her attention.

Shizuka felt his gaze and turned to him briefly. They both stared for a few seconds and then nodded their heads.

"Well, at least these won't be wasted!"

Shizuka took out a few shurikens and glanced at Maka.

Maka nodded her head and threw more shurikens at the man!

*Swish Swish Swish*

Shizuka also threw her shurikens as well!

*Swish Swish Swish*

"You should know this is futile."

*Clang Clang Clang*

Everyone was surprised by the flexibility of the tail as it  circled the man's body, blocking every shuriken!

After deflecting all the projectiles, the shurikens were all scattered around the man.

"What a mess. Hmm?!"

The man tried to come closer, but found his body stuck in place!

He then noticed four columns of writing crawling up his body from the shurikens!

They sealed him in such a short time!

Shizuka backed up and yelled to her team!

"Attack now!"

The three quickly weaved hand signs and prepared their attacks!

"Water Style: Raging Waves!"

Hii fired a jet of water towards the ground, creating giant waves that crashed towards the man!


Shizuka's and Maka's attacks were on the way as well!

"Wind Style: Air Cannon!"

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

A giant fire and air ball came towards the man as he quickly broke through the seal and raised his hand!

*Clack Clack Clack*


An explosion of water and steam scattered out through the forest as sprinkles of water and dirt fell down from the aftermath!

The team couldn't see him, but they were sure they damaged him!

"Let's go! We have to get away from him while we have the chance!"

"Right! We have to regroup with the others and come up with a plan!"

Shizuka and Maka jumped ahead while Haku and Hii trailed behind them.


The dust began to settle as the figure of the man started to become visible.

'Hmmm. I underestimated those brats. Those Jutsu weren't on the weak side.'

The man's arm had transformed into a shield, blocking the blast!

*Clack Clack Clack*

His arm transformed back as he looked around at the area and himself.

His robe was tattered and torn, but he seemed to be unscathed otherwise!

"They couldn't have gotten far. I still have to figure out which one is the Ice one and how strong they are."

The man started to follow after them when he suddenly stopped.

*Swish Swish Swish*

The man jumped back from sudden barrage, but he couldn't dodge them all!

*Don Don*


The man noticed that 2 long needles struck his shoulder!

'Impressive accuracy.'

"You don't seem to have any sense of pain. There is also that arm from before..."

Haku walked out from a nearby bush and observed the man in detail.

"Are you perhaps a puppet?"

"....Hehehehehe! You're pretty observant, huh? That must mean you are the Ice one."


Haku said nothing and slowly pulled out more senbon.

"Hold on now. You can't start the round without me."


The two turned towards the sound and found Hii standing on a tree with his blade drawn!

He didn't leave either!"

"What are you doing here?!"

"Like I'm gonna leave you behind with this creep! What would Yamato-sensei say?!"

Hii jumped down and readied his stance next to Haku. Haku looked over at him before looking back at the enemy.

"....Thank you."

Hii couldn't see his face, but he could tell from his voice that Haku was touched he stayed.

"Thank me when this is over. We don't know if I can help you out or if I'm in the way."

The round man started to chuckle maliciously as his strange tail whipped itself into position, ready to attack.

Haku and Hii focused on him and held their ground.

"Be careful. I know his weapons are poisoned. Don't get hit."

"I'll be careful."

The man looked at Hii with a renewed interest.

"Oh? Do you know of me?"

[His name is Sasori of the Red Sand.]

Hii smiled as he calmed his nerves.

"I don't know much more besides your name, Sasori of the Red Sand."

Haku tried to recall any information he knew about him, but was interrupted by Sasori's fit of laughter.

"Is that so? I'll have to fill in that information for you!"

Hii began to circulate his Chakra as he watched Sasori.

"Hii! This man should be a puppet master!"

"A puppet master?!"

Haku nodded his head.

"Yeah. Judging from those Senbon in his shoulder and the bark colored skin, I think this is a puppet Sasori is controlling. We don't know where he really is, so be careful!"


"Hmm! It looks like I'll have two new puppets to add to my collection! How exciting!"

*Clack Clack Clack*

The arms of the puppet began to morph back into the shield while the other grew a long blade!

Hii's face fell looking at the transformations.

"It transforms too?! Oh great! This is going to be so fun."

Haku chuckled as he pulled out more Senbons to throw.

"Would you rather do another photoshoot?"

Hii glanced at Haku, then refocused in Sasori.

"Honestly, a whole new calendar of photoshoots would be more fun than this."


Team 7 and the Demon brothers were starting to engage in battle!

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

*Poof Poof Poof*

Naruto quickly made 20 clones and had them jump out towards the enemy ninja!

"Shadow clones?!"

The ninjas were caught off guard, but quickly reacted as they started to guard against the clones.

Each ninja had to fight off one clone as the other 5 all pulled out a smoke bombs!

*Poof Poof*

The area was obscured with smoke as the sound of fighting and metal clashing filled the forest.

'The kid thinks quickly! We should get into position and help even the numbers!'

Gozu thought quickly as he grabbed Mezu and darted out of the smoke.

"Sakura! Follow me!"


Sasuke and Sakura fled in another direction, hiding in a nearby bush at the edge of the smoke.

Sakura hid behind Sasuke and could see his trembling arms as he carefully watched the area.

She was doing it again!

She was leaving the hard part to others!

'Come on, me! You can't depend on them forever! Let's give it our all! Shannnaroooo!!'

Sakura grit her teeth and moved next to Sasuke, looking out for the enemy as well! 


Sasuke wouldn't say it, but he felt more relaxed now that Sakura also stepped forward.



"Tch! Where did they go?!"

The two saw a Mist ninja jumping out from the smoke after dealing with his clone.

Sasuke looked over to Sakura as she turned to him.

Sakura could tell what he wanted to say by the slightly conflicted expression on his face.

'I know. We have to kill him.'

Sakura's gaze hardened as she nodded her head slowly. Sasuke nodded as well and turned towards the Mist ninja.

The Mist ninja looked around and saw only vegetation nearby.

"Did they get away?!"

*Swish Swish*


The Mist ninja saw shurikens flying towards him from a nearby bush!

*Clang Clang*

'Too close!'

The ninja barely managed to fend off the attack when he noticed a blur shooting towards him!

Sasuke rushed towards him with a kunai drawn!

*Clang Clang Clang*

The two battled against each other as their kunais sparked from contact!

"Grrr! Why you!"


Sasuke had the advantage at first, but once the ninja got his bearings, he started to overwhelm Sasuke!


"Don't get cocky, brat!"

Sasuke could barely dodge the strikes, resulting in him getting multiple cuts from the clashes!



The ninja unleashed a powerful upward swing and knocked Sasuke's kunai into a nearby tree!


"Ugh! G-Guah!"

Sasuke was held against a tree by his neck as the man grasped him with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Looks like the end of the line, brat!"

"Wait! Don't hurt him!"

The ninja heard l the rustling of bushes as Sakura appeared.

The ninja noticed her stiff expression and smiled when he saw her eyes dart between him and Sasuke.

"Awww! Little lovebirds, huh? It'd be a shame if he didn't survive."

"Guuuh! Grk!"

"No! Stop it!"

The ninja could see tears in her eyes as she tried to get closer!

"Stop and drop the kunai behind your back or he dies!"

Sakura paused as she struggled deciding if she should comply.

The ninja had the perfect remedy for that.


"Okay! I'll drop it! Stop hurting him!"

Sakura grit her teeth as she flung the kunai away from her and into the bushes. 

The ninja smiled menacingly as he looked over Sakura.

"P-Please! Don't hurt him!"

"Hehe! A pretty girl like you won't have time to worry about him once I'm done with you."

Sasuke instantly grew angry!

This was the one who talked about Sakura before!

Sakura also grew pale in an instant as the ninja's smile grew more and more obscene.

"Don't worry, kid! I'll make sure to take good care of her for you!"

The ninja lifted up his kunai with a malicious grin as he aimed towards Sasuke!

"No! Don't!!"




The ninja sliced through Sasuke, but immediately felt something slice his neck as well!

'Wha-What's happening?!'

The man felt his body hit the ground as he tried to make sense of what happened!

His body was limp with his face gazing into the night sky.

He could see the boy he held against the tree had turned into a log!

*Step Step Step*

He could hear the sound of footsteps coming over to him from a distance.

His bloodshot eyes focused on the sound and soon saw Sakura come into his view.

He could see her hands glowing with green energy and it dawned on him what happened!

"You! You tricked me! You bit-!"


Her hand stabbed down towards his chest, striking with precision!

He tensed up and felt a blade stabbing through his heart!

He grit his teeth and stared at her face, hoping to remember who to send his hatred!

He could see the nervous resolution in her eyes as she stared back at him.

As his vision started to darken, he felt a wet sensation fall on his face from above.

He could see her face slightly cracking as tears fell from her eyes.


The ninja felt the pull of the dark as he silently passed on, feeling conflicted that he was the first kill for a brat.


Sakura pulled her hand slowly from the body as she tried to calm herself down.

She still couldn't believe it.

She took a life, just like that.

'Stay calm. Breathe.'

She was glad the Genjutsu worked. She was scared he would notice the kunai made no sound when it went through the bush when she tossed it, but he was too excited to notice.

Her legs were shaking as she tried to steady herself.

'Come on! You have to move! It's not over yet.'

She had to help Naruto and the Demon Brothers.


Sakura stopped as she felt Sasuke's hand on her shoulder. 

She could see the cuts on his arm from the earlier battle. The grief she felt seemed to lessen, remembering she killed the enemy that caused those wounds.

"...Thank you, Sakura. You helped me out back there."


Sakura didn't say anything, but she grabbed Sasuke's hand that was on her shoulder and held it tight.

Sasuke froze up! He didn't know what to do in this situation!

He could only let Sakura finish whatever she was doing!

The two had a few seconds of silence before she gently let his hand go.

She quickly wiped her tears and tried to motivate herself!

"...I'm fine now. Come on! We have to beat them and... Sasuke?!"

Sakura turned around to looked at Sasuke and froze in place.

"What's wrong?"

"Your eyes! They're red!"

Sasuke put a hand to his face as he finally noticed the changes.

He could see things clearer and in greater detail than before!

'Did my Sharingan grow stronger?!'

He swiveled his head over to the battlefield and saw multiple chakra signatures!

He could see a few Naruto clones disappearing as well as Gozu and Mezu lying in wait to strike!

Sakura could see a smile creeping up his face as he turned back to her.

"Come on, Sakura. Let's go help them out."

Sakura's face started to smile as well.

"Yeah! We can't leave them on their own!"


'Ugh! What do I do now?!'

Naruto quickly hid near the closest tree he could find once he dropped the smoke bombs. 

He could feel his clones starting to disappear as they were beaten by the Mist ninjas. The memory of their locations were fresh in his mind.

'They're pretty strong! I don't even know where everyone else went either!'

He began to scratch his head in frustration!

'What should I do?!'

He continued until an idea struck him!

'That's it! Now is a good time for that!'

Naruto quickly reached into his bag and pulled out a scroll.

A wicked smile came on his face as he started to open it.

'Hehehe! I have to thank Nee-san for helping me with this!'

Naruto pressed his hand on the scroll and poured his chakra inside.

*Poof Poof Poof*

6 new Naruto clones appeared and saluted to Naruto.

"We're ready, Boss!"

Naruto folded his arms and nodded his head.

"Un! Try to take them out if you can. If not, give em the gift!"


The clones jumped out in all directions as they searched for the enemy.

*Swish Swish*

"Uh oh!"

A clone dodged incoming shurikens from a nearby ninja and quickly landed to the ground!

Two Mist Ninjas came out from behind nearby trees and charged towards Naruto!


*Schik Schik*


The two ninja stabbed Naruto from two directions, but he simply laughed at his situation.

"W-What is this?"

One of the ninjas noticed the blood on his hands was....white?

He realized that something was wrong!

"It's a trap!"

The ninjas tried to get away, but Naruto held their shirts, preventing them from running away!

"Too late! Ninja Art: Prank Explosion Jutsu!"



An explosion of white paint blasted the area, surprising everyone on the battlefield!

"What the hell was that?!"

"Who makes a Jutsu like this?!"

Sasuke, who was making his way towards Naruto with Sakura, shook his head.

"W-What kind of Jutsu is that?!"

"That idiot! Only he could think of something like that."

His eyes shined red as he could now easily spot where the painted ninjas were! They were disoriented from the blast and fully covered in bright paint!

'But that makes it easier for me!'

Sasuke quickly came behind one of the Mist ninjas and stabbed him with his kunai!


"What happened?! I can't see! Uuuagh!!"


Sasuke finished off his enemy and looked to the other one in surprise! Mezu had finished him off with an iron claw while Gozu was looking for the other clones to find easy targets.

Sasuke made eye contact with Gozu, nodded his head, then pointed towards a nearby bush.

"Naruto! Over there!"

One of the clones heard Sasuke and made a beeline for the bush!

"N-No! Stay back!"

*Swish Swish*

The ninja tried to throw shurikens to stop him, but the clone just dodged them with a devious smile on his face.

He came close to the ninja as his smile became wider!

"Found you~!"



The clone exploded, plastering the nearby area in color!

This one was pink!

"Hahaha!! I love hunting like this!"

Mezu laughed as Gozu sliced the neck of the disoriented ninja!

"It is pretty fun, isn't it?"

Sasuke and Sakura looked around at the strange forest now plastered in white and pink.


"This guy..."

Sasuke complained a bit because some paint got on him, but he had a small smile on his face.

They could win with this idiot!

"Hey, Sasuke! Sakura! Are you guys okay?!"

Naruto landed next to them in a hurry.

"We're fine, Naruto! How did you do all of this?!"

Naruto rubbed his nose and smiled.

"Hehehe! Nee-san helped me make it! It's pretty cool, huh?!"

"Yeah. It helps us take them down easier too!"

"Huh?! Your eyes are red, Sasuke!"

"I know! This will help me locate them easier!"

Naruto's eyes lit up when he heard that!

"Really?! Let me know where they are so I can get them!"

Gozu and Mezu landed beside them, lightly covered in paint.

"Let us know too. We'll finish them off for you."

"Hey! What other colors do you have?"

Mezu asked Naruto who was getting ready to make more Shadow clones.

" I have red, yellow, light green, and orange! It should be really easy to spot them once they get hit, Two horns!"

"Haha! Those are some fun colors! Also, my name is Mezu!"

"Hehehe! You haven't seen anything yet! Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

*Poof Poof Poof*

Several more clones appeared beside the ones filled with paint, hiding them in the crowd!

"Okay, Sasuke! Where are they?!"

Sasuke scanned the forest with a smile on his face.

"Three are on the left while three more are to the right! I can't see the other 5 in the area. They must be deeper inside!"

"Okay! Let's go find them!!"



Shizuka and Maka quickly headed over to the other group with Haku and Hii trailing behind them.

"I hope those three are okay!"

Maka seemed a bit worried while Shizuka was at ease.

"I'm pretty sure they will be okay! They're our little siblings, after all!"

"Since when was Sakura my sibling?!"

Shizuka turned back to a confused Hii.

"Since you kept lending her your used books. Those things are expensive! What's one more anyway?"

Hii shook his head and decided not to argue.



The four heard an explosion in the distance and quickly headed over to the area.

"Wait, why are the trees white?!"

"W-What is this?!"

"Bwahahaha!! He used it?! Oooh! I wanted to see their faces!!"

Everyone looked at Shizuka for an answer, but she just sped up towards the sounds of battle.

The group followed behind her and looked at the strange battlefield.

The area was covered in colors of white, pink, light green, and red paint as far as they could see.

Maka's mouth was open while Shizuka tried her best to contain her laughter.

Haku looked over the area with interest. Although he wore a mask, anyone could tell he was enjoying the situation.

Hii just shook his head at Naruto and Shizuka's antics.

'Of course they would make a Jutsu like this. I should've expected it, but it still caught me by surprise.'

Hii sighed as the group followed the paint trail.

"Hehehe! He used four of them, so two more should be left!"

"What exactly are these?!"

Shizuka turned to Maka with a wide grin.

"You know how Itachi-san has that explosive clone technique?"

Maka thought for a moment, then turned to Shizuka in horror!

"No! You didn't?!"

"The technique is pretty impossible to do without fire nature chakra, but we can make due with paint! Nothing a seal or two can't fix!"

Hii couldn't help shaking his head at their ingenuity.

'Those two are dangerous together.'

"I sense movement ahead!"

Haku shouted out, putting everyone on edge!


The group saw in the distance a yellow explosion of color shoot into the sky!

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"



Shortly after that, they saw an explosion of flames brighten the area before them!

*Shuu Shuu Shuu*

Three shadows landed in front of the group in a hurry to escape the blaze!

The three Mist ninjas looked up at the group in horror!

"No! They have reinforcements?!"

"We have to fight our way out!"

The Mist ninjas tried to prepare for battle, but Haku swiftly struck them down with several senbon to their joints!

The group then saw Naruto jumping towards them with an evil grin!

"Finally caught you~!"



The area was quickly covered in orange paint as the group jumped back from the blast!

Gozu and Mezu landed behind the ninjas and finished them off with their claws!

"That's all of them!"

Mezu seemed to enjoy himself as he stood over the bodies, covered in blood and paint.

Gozu was just as stained as he waved to their comrades.

"Thanks! You guys finished up your side pretty early, eh?"

Maka frowned as she recalled their original objective before they got lost in this strange battlefield.

"There was a change of plans! We had to face a very strong ninja, but we managed to escape! We need to regroup with the others quickly before he finds us!"

Gozu and Mezu looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Alright! I think I should use this Jutsu more often!"

Naruto landed right behind Gozu and Mezu when he noticed Shizuka and the other group. He was covered in red and yellow paint on top of his orange jumpsuit. He looked very colorful.

"Hey~! Nee-san! It was a huge success!"

"Hehehe! I noticed! They screamed in terror! Hahaha!"

Sasuke and Sakura were the last to land, covered in specks of green and yellow paint.

"Hey. You guys are finished early."

Sasuke smirked when he saw the group, but soon looked concerned as he saw Maka staring at his eyes.


He quickly tried deactivated his Sharingan, but Maka just shook her head with a wry smile. 

"Don't worry about that, Sasuke.That's not important right now. We have a situation!"

Maka explained to the three what happened while Hii helped them get rid of the excess paint.

"Water Style: Water Ball Jutsu!"

Hii extended his hand, bringing the still wet paint on their clothes to his hand and into a growing, multicolored ball of paint.

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto were glad the paint was gone from them, but Gozu and Mezu looked at Hii...with fear?

Gozu seemed to swallow his courage and had to ask him.

"E-Excuse me, Hii-kun?"


"Where...did you learn that Jutsu?"

Hii looked at the Demon Brothers for a moment, then he remembered what his mom told him to say in case someone asked from the Hidden Mist.

"I learned it in the Konoha library. I thought it would be useful out in the field. I think we should get going before that crazy guy shows up."

"That's right! We should get going and assist them however we can! Come on!"

Maka started to leave while Sasuke followed behind her. 

Gozu and Mezu slowly nodded their heads and followed as well.

The rest began to quickly follow behind them while Naruto quietly came close to Hii.

"Hey, Hii."


"Didn't you say your mo-"

Hii quickly covered Naruto's mouth with a gentle smile on his face.

"Naruto. There are some things you have to keep to yourself. Do you understand what I mean by that?"

Naruto quickly nodded his head in agreement and no longer asked him the question.

'Haaa. Good grief. We better hurry up.'

Hii started to speed up after group. He hoped his Sensei was having a better time than his main body.


*Clang Clang Clang*

The sound of blades clashing echoed from the clearing as shadows dashed around the area in the thick mist.

"Yamato! Come close to me!"


Yamato came next to Kakashi as the two guarded themselves back to back.

The two could barely see anything in the vast, white mist that surrounded them.

The air was tense as the sounds of Zabuza and Juzo battling still raged on in the distance.

"What should we do, Senpai?"

"I'm thinking..."

Kakashi looked all around with his Sharingan eye and tried to figure out a solution.

'The mist will last as long as the caster is still keeping the Jutsu active. It looks like we have no other choice, but to find them and take them out.'

Kakashi pulled out a Kunai and cut his arm. Using a bit of blood, he drew a line on his hand and prepared his Jutsu.

"Summoning Jutsu!"


A small dog appeared from the smoke, looking around with curiousity in his eyes.

"Hey, Kakashi! What's going on?"

Kakashi summarized the situation for Pakkun, going over the necessary things he needed to know.

Pakkun nodded his head after hearing about everything.

"I see. My nose won't lose to this mist. Do you have a scent I can track off of?"

"Not on hand, but we're not far from where they were all standing. You should be able to find what you need there."

"Alright. Take me there."

Kakashi nodded his head and motioned Yamato to follow behind him.

The three began to trek through the mist in silence as the battle between Zabuza and Juzo continued.

*Clang Clang Clang*

'It sounds like the fight is getting more intense. We better hurry!"

The three quickly found the starting point of the battle and Pakkun got to work sniffing out the area. It took only a few moments before Pakkun found all the scents.

"I got it!"

"Good. Where are they?"

Pakkun bent to the ground and sniffed a few more times.

"I smell one of them near the fight. Two of them are hiding in the forest nearby while the last two seem to be in the direction we came. Probably to ambush us."

Kakashi nodded his head and looked back the way they came.

"Let's deal with the two who came looking for us first. We need to get rid of the mist!"

Yamato nodded his head while Pakkun took the lead.

"Alright then. Follow me. I'll take you right to them!"


*Clang Clang Clang*

Zabuza kept swinging his kunai against Juzo with excited fervor.

'This bastard just won't give in, huh?! That just makes this more fun!'

Zabuza had his eyes closed as he heard the blade slicing through the wind!


The two pressed their blades against each other, constantly competing in strength!

"Hehehe!! Just give up already! This blade would suit me better anyway!"

Zabuza could hear Juzo chuckle lightly over the scrapping of steel.

"Maybe if you were the same as I remember, but the you now is nowhere near good enough!"

Zabuza and Juzo backed away from each other and held their stances.

"Why does that matter?! You'll be dead either way."

Juzo's chuckling increased when he heard Zabuza.

"You've gotten soft! Only a demon should wield the Executioner blade."

"I am a demon!"

Zabuza's face grew red with rage as he dashed towards Juzo!

*Clang Clang Clang*

The two clashed a few more times until Juzo made a wide swing with his sword!


He backflipped away and tossed his kunais at Juzo!

*Clang Clang*

Juzo blocked with blade and noticed Zabuza weaving hand signs!


Juzo weaved his own hand signs as well!

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

"Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu!"

Water from the mist condensed into a raging dragon that flew straight towards Juzo!

Juzo made a towering wall of water around him in response, blocking the dragon head on!

The waves of water dispersed as Zabuza grabbed more kunais from his bag.

"You know, that boy with you was a bargaining chip for help."


Zabuza stopped thinking for a moment, but that was enough for Juzo to sneak up on him!




Juzo's sword slammed into the ground, scattering dirt and rocks as the blade cut through the earth.

Zabuza managed to escape most of the slash, but was cut by the tip of the blade.

A long slash trailed the length of his arm as blood began to trickle down.

"See? Demons don't care about anything, but themselves. That child makes you weak."

Zabuza grit his teeth as he endured the pain. Something more important was on his mind!

"What do you mean by bargaining chip?!"

Juzo shook his head in disappointment.

"Haaah! You think our group is full of normal mercenaries?! I think I might be one of the few that isn't crazy! How do you think I managed to get help so quickly?"

Juzo pointed the blade at Zabuza with a malicious grin.

"I'm glad you have such a useful tool! I can only get that guy to move if someone worthy of his collection pops up! I was shocked a Yuki clan member managed to live through the cleansing! Even more so when you of all people decided to raise him!"

Zabuza grinded his teeth in rage!

"My tool is not for you to use!"

Juzo couldn't stop smiling as he heard that!

"What? You can't throw him away? So that means he's that important to you?"


"Then you'll really be happy when you see him as a puppet! He'll be a real tool then! Of course, you might join him too if I keep your body intact!"

Juzo laughed maniacally while Zabuza started to angrily weave hand signs!

The injury on his arm made the process difficult, but Zabuza didn't care!

Juzo noticed this and leisurely used the same hand signs!

"Again, huh?! Fine!"

""Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!!""


Two dragons made from the mist swirled around each other in the air before smashing into each other!


The Jutsus turned into rain as the two men stared at each other. One was furious while the other was relaxed.

"I will kill you!"

Zabuza slowly uttered his sentence, but Juzo was unperturbed.

"Yeah? I wonder will my partner have his new puppet by then? I can't wait to see the look on your face. Maybe you'll be back to your old self when you see it."

The image of a purple Oni slowly began to manifest behind Zabuza, aiming all of its rage at Juzo! 

"Hahaha! That's what I like to see!"

Juzo smiled from ear to ear as he pointed his blade!

"Show me if you're a real demon or not!"


*Clang Clang Clang*


Gozu and Mezu began to lead the team as they quickly made their way towards the clearing.

Maka and Shizuka were tense as they watched for any signs of the round man from before.

Hii and Haku both looked out as well, but only for appearance sake.

"What does the guy look like, Nee-san?! You haven't even told us about him yet!"

Shizuka turned her head and looked at Naruto with a serious expression. Naruto clammed up quickly, but was still determined to hear about him.

"He was a round guy with hair that shoots up like spikes. He looks pretty intense and he has a weird scorpion tail too. He wears the same cloak Kakashi-san warned us about, one with red clouds all over it."

"A Scorpion tail?! What kind of freak has that?!"

Shizuka shook her head.

"I don't know, but he's strong. He was definitely at the Jonin level. Maybe even stronger."

Naruto gulped at the level of strength while the others felt the pressure of the man from the description.

"We need to regroup with our teachers to have a chance. That guy was bad news. He just felt... creepy."

Even Maka didn't want to fight that man again!

The group continued on to the battlefield when Gozu raised his hand.


Everyone abruptly stopped and looked at Gozu.

Gozu pointed towards a spot not too far away from the clearing.

"There's two people hiding over there."

The group quickly hid nearby and checked the area.

"There's a thick mist covering the clearing. It must be the Hidden Mist Jutsu."

"That means that the guys hiding nearby must be here with Juzo."

Gozu and Mezu both explained the situation to everyone.

"The only way to stop the Jutsu is to either kill or knock the user unconscious. Allow me."

Haku quickly disappeared from the group and appeared above the Mist ninjas!

*Swish Swish*



Two thuds were heard as the Mist ninjas fell down to the ground with Senbon in their necks.

"W-Whoa. Y-You killed them that easily?"

Haku shook his head as he looked at the mist beginning to clear up.

"I don't like killing too much. I just hit the points in their necks to make them pass out."


Naruto relaxed a bit as Haku head into the clearing.

Hii followed right behind him along with the rest of the group except for Maka and Shizuka.

Naruto noticed this and turned around.

"Hm? Nee-san? What are you-?"

*Schik Schik*

Naruto held his tongue as he heard the cutting sounds of a kunai coming from the bushes.

Maka and Shizuka soon came out of the bushes, each with a bloody kunai in their hands.

"Sorry, little brother. Gotta make sure we're not stabbed in the back."

Naruto faced paled, but he stiffly nodded his head. He would rather not kill if he didn't have to, but he realized there wasn't always a perfect solution to everything.

Shizuka noticed his expression and smiled. She was proud he stayed calm, even though she knew he would argue to keep them alive. He was probably going to talk with her later, but she would rather have that then losing him.

"Let's go regroup with Sensei and the others."

Maka voiced her opinion and everyone nodded as they headed towards the center of the clearing slowly.




A root pierced through the Mist ninja's chest from the ground, impaling him where he stood!

"I got him, Senpai!"


"Whew! Finally caught them! Good work!"

Kakashi snapped the neck of the other Mist ninja and noticed they were finally able to see their surroundings more clearly.


Kakashi noticed movement in the distance and observed it closely with his Sharingan.

*Sniff Sniff*

Pakkun sniffed in the direction Kakashi was facing and looked up at him.

"There are some new smells coming. They smell young too."

"Must be the other groups."

Yamato came next to Kakashi as they saw the group come closer. 

"Hey~! Kakashi-sensei!"

Kakashi palmed his forehead lightly while Yamato chuckled.

'Why is Naruto so loud?'

The groups rejoined with each other, giving relief to the Genins.

Kakashi and Yamato looked over everyone, happy they were all in one piece.

"Whew~! Glad to see everyone's okay! Did you have any problems?"

"We still have a big problem, Yamato-sensei!"

Shizuka began to explain to Yamato and Kakashi what had happened to them while the others observed Pakkun.

"What? You never seen a cute dog before?"


They had nothing to say about his attitude. The pug was apparently very confident in his appearance.


Kakashi looked over everyone with his Sharingan, getting surprised looks from Sasuke and Maka. The most interesting reaction, however, was from Hii.

'Oh no. I didn't know he had a Sharingan! Don't blow our cover, Sensei!'

Hii sent a pleading look to Kakashi who only stared at the two a moment longer before refocusing on the situation.

"So the other Akatsuki member is just after Haku? We have to make sure he stays safe then."

*Clang Clang Boom*

The group heard the battle between Zabuza and Juzo intensify as the two unleashed all their power.

Kakashi noticed Haku looking in the direction of the battle with worry.

'These two are more troublesome than I thought. Luckily, their clones haven't disappeared. That should mean the main bodies are still okay.'

Kakashi sighed as he pointed towards their battle.

"Let's go and help him. There's still one more ninja in charge of the mist, so be careful."


"Hii-kun and Haku-san. You stay with me for a moment."

Yamato lead the team towards the battle while Kakashi trailed behind next to Hii and Haku.

"Explain how this happened quickly. We don't want to alarm the others."

"Haaa~. I figured you already realized it."

Kakashi pointed to his eye and smiled.

"It's a bit hard to fool this eye. Now tell me what happened."

Hii nodded his head and kept his eyes on the others.

"When we ran into the guy, he was referring to Haku as the "Ice boy". That tipped me off that he was only here for Haku and the rest of us were merely in the way. Haku probably came to the same conclusion as we tried to create an opening to escape. After we caught him off guard, I created a shadow clone and had it follow the group. Haku had the same idea as we both left clones behind."

Kakashi nodded his head and kept pressing forward.

"Why did you not inform your team? Is there a reason for you to stay behind?"

Hii wryly chuckled as he shook his head.

"Those two would've tried to fight with us if I told them. Akumu told me the weapon he had was covered in poison and from the way he was looking at us, I could tell he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. I didn't want to take the chance that they wouldn't be able to dodge them all. I also think that me staying behind was the best choice since I have Storm Style. I think he will prioritize getting the both of us more than coming after the rest of the team."

Kakashi's face grew serious as the came closer to the sounds of battle.

"Did Akumu tell you his name?"

Hii nodded his head.

"Sasori of the Red Sand."

Kakashi slowly sighed as he kept his face forward.

"...Hang in there. I'll head to you as soon as I can."

Hii nodded his head and silently followed the group as they arrived at the fight.


"Haaa. Haaa. Haaa."

Zabuza tried to catch his breath as he held both kunai in his hands.

His arms were starting to become numb from the cuts.

His bandages were undone, revealing his face and his jagged teeth.

He had no thoughts of backing down. He only strived to cut this man down and head to where Haku was.

Juzo also tried to catch his breath as he held his blade close to the ground.

'This guy...'

Juzo chuckled as he saw the crazed look in Zabuza's face.

'That's not the face of someone who could lose a tool.'

Juzo took in one hard breath and straightened his back.

"Let's end this."


Zabuza only nodded his head as he slowly brought his kunais up, ready to strike!


The two turned their heads slightly and saw the large group of ninja coming towards them.

Zabuza visibly perked up when he saw Haku approaching towards the front.



Zabuza refocused back on Juzo and felt energy coming back to him.

"Did you escape from the other ninja?"

The group was surprised at how Zabuza knew that, but Maka responded to his question. 

"Yes! We regrouped with everyone, Zabuza-san! We've come to help you!"


The aura around Zabuza darkened as his grip on his kunais tightened.

"Don't bother. I'll do this myself. Wait for me, Haku."

"...Yes, Zabuza-sama."

The others, besides Kakashi and Hii, were confused by the exchange as Zabuza glanced at Hii for a moment.

Hii looked at him and nodded his head slowly.


Zabuza's chakra surged as his purple Oni seemed to become denser!

"Let's end this! I have something better to do so make this quick!"

"....Hmph! As you wish!"

Juzo readied his stance as the two stared each other down.



The two charged at each other with full killing intent displayed!



The Genin weren't fully able to handle the bloodlust coming off of the two as they got closer to each other.

As the two closed in, Juzo's smile grew sinister!


Juzo suddenly shouted a command, prompting a shadow to appear from the bushes nearby and charge towards Zabuza's back with a kunai in his hand!


Everyone was shocked by the development while Kakashi and Yamato quickly tried to block the ninja!

'I can't believe that last ninja slipped my mind! Can I make it?!'

'My Wood Style isn't fast enough to cage him in!'

*Chi Chi Chi*


One shadow and one lightning bolt darted past the two Jonin and quickly appeared behind Zabuza!

Haku got in front of the Mist ninja, blocking his attack on Zabuza!


The Mist ninja struck out towards Haku with his kunai while Haku sent multiple senbon from his hands to the ninja's neck!

*Schtik Puchi*

The two fell down to the ground, both incapacitated!


Juzo swung his blade towards Zabuza, aiming to behead him before he could get close!

Hii quickly came behind Zabuza and aimed for the Executioner's blade!

"Storm Blade: Flash!"

Hii slashed towards the blade as hard as he could!


The two blades clashed against each other, but Hii's blade had cut halfway into the blade due to the Storm Chakra!


Juzo was shocked that this boy also had a power similar to Haku!


Hii focused the rest of his Chakra into his blade and cut forward!


He managed to cut through part of the blade, but Juzo's swing didn't stop!

But it was enough for Zabuza!

*Schtik Puchi Puchi*

The blade passed through half of Hii's neck before completely missing Zabuza!


Zabuza's two kunai were plunged deep into Juzo's chest while Juzo's swinging arm was wrapped around his back.

He couldn't believe it!


Juzo coughed up blood over Zabuza's shoulder as his body started to lose strength.

His blood splattered on the blade and was quickly absorbed into it.

The blade grew slowly while Zabuza and Juzo stood still.

"....Heh. I guess...a friendly demon is still a demon."


The Executioner's Blade sank into the ground as Juzo's hands lost strength.

He patted Zabuza's back as he started to fade.

"Remember. You...are always...part of Bloody Mist. We...are all..demons."



Juzo's body fell to the side as Zabuza barely managed to keep himself up.

'Haku. Brat. Thanks.'

Zabuza turned slowly behind him and put a hand on his prize.

It's weight was slightly off, but he would be able to easily fix that. 

He looked around and picked up the sliced piece of the blade and walked back over to Juzo.


Zabuza stabbed the piece into Juzo's chest, then pressed the blade along the cut line. This allowed the blade to recover by using his blood.

Juzo's body started to thin out as the blade fixed itself.

Zabuza pulled out the sword from his body, revealing it in its original splendor.

Zabuza looked over at the Leaf Ninja and noticed all their confused and astonished faces.

He realized Kakashi was looking concerned as he came closer.

"We have to hurry now. Do you think you can make it?"

"....I'll manage."

Kakashi nodded his head and turned to the group.

He noticed his Genin were all confused as to what just happened, Yamato had a very concerned face right now, and the girls....

'Oh dear. Looks like Hii isn't going to catch a break after this.'

"What's going on?! Where is Hii?!"

Naruto realized the big problem and turned to Kakashi.

Kakashi sighed and rubbed his head.

"We have to hurry and regroup with the other two. I'll fill you in with what I know on the way. For now, keep quiet and let's move."

Kakashi viewed the faces of everyone as they all nodded in agreement.

"Sakura-chan. If you can, please try to heal Zabuza-san while we move."

"Yes, Sensei!"

Kakashi turned to Pakkun.

"Pakkun! You got both of their scents, right?!"

"I got them! I can lead when you're ready!"

Kakashi nodded his head and turned to the forest.

"No time to lose! Let's go!"

*Shuu Shuu Shuu*

The group all disappeared into the woods, heading for the east side of the forest as fast as they could!


Hii was hiding behind a tree close to Haku as the two kept an eye on the round puppet.

Hii tried to peek out at the puppet from the side of the tree.

*Clack Clack Clack Swish Swish Swish*


*Don Don Don*

A nearby tree was decorated in senbon that Hii was tired of dealing with.

'This guy doesn't run out of things to shoot!'

[He can probably replace it easily from inside.]

'Ahh! He's a nightmare! What should we do?!'

[You'll have to come up with a plan with Haku. He's just playing with you two right now.]


Haku yelled to Hii, making then both jump away from the trees!

*Bang Bang*

The trees they hid behind fell down with a thud as Sasori slowly followed behind them.

The two hid behind a new set of trees as they tried to catch their breath.

Hii looked over at Haku.

"Any bright ideas?"

Haku thought for a moment and nodded his head.

"We have to lead him to the river. If we can do so, we can possibly make the situation easier for us."

Hii thought about the idea and nodded his head.

"That's the best we can do. Should we stick together or split up?"

"Split up. I'm his target, so it should be easier for you to get by if he focuses on me."


Hii thought for a moment and frowned.

He did have a way to catch his attention, but he didn't want to do it.

'Ugh! I can't help Haku without getting into it myself! I already stayed behind! I have no excuse to chicken out now!'

Hii weaved hand signs and prepared his technique.

'Water Style: Water Ball Jutsu!'

Moisture in the air began to collect around Hii's hand as it formed a sphere.


Hii slowly melded his lightning chakra from his other hand into the ball.


Haku was surprised to see the ball of water becoming brighter as it began to fuse with the water.

'He has a bloodline move like me?!'

Haku looked up from the ball and saw Hii's smiling face.

"We're in this together, Haku! Be ready on three!"

Haku looked at Hii's face, then to the ball of chakra, and nodded his head.

"One, two..."

Hii shot out from the tree and threw the ball at Sasori!

"Three! Storm Style: Laser Ball!"


Sasori was surprised by his aggressive approach, but still pulled up his shield arm to block the attack in time!

Or so he thought.


The speeding ball of energy went from going straight towards Sasori to curving around his shield!




An explosion of light went off in front of Sasori, blinding him for a moment!



*Shuu Shuu*

Haku threw out a smoke bomb as they quickly retreated!

The two speed off in the direction of the river as fast as they could!

Haku followed behind Hii while watching him silently.

"Aaaah~! I did it now! At least it worked!"

"...What kind of Jutsu was that?"

"Haa. It was a Storm style technique I made off one of my mom's techniques. That should get him to think of me as a target too. Makes it even for both of us."


Haku slowly nodded his head and followed after Hii. 

His fists clenched slightly as he memorized Hii's back.

"I'm glad I could meet you, Hii-kun."

Hii turned around with a frown on his face.

"Don't say that! It sounds like you don't want to survive this encounter. I have a plan to get him off of us, so just be patient!"

Hii slowed down until he was next to Haku and grinned at him.

"To make this plan more thorough, you gotta tell me what your Ice Jutsu can do."


The light died down and the Smoke settled as Sasori slowly recovered. He looked over at his mangled hand for a moment in silence.


A low chuckle started to come from his mouth that slowly grew louder and louder.


Sasori looked over at his arm in delight!

"A Storm user! Two unique users!"

*Clack Clack*

The back of the man opened up as Sasori slowly made his way out of the puppet.

"Hehehe! I'll have to take this a bit seriously."

Sasori pulled out a scroll and opened it up.


A puppet appeared on the ground near the bigger puppet.

He reached over and took on of the arms off the new puppet and moved over to the bigger one.

"Let's see here."

*Clack Clack*

Sasori detached and reworked the mangled arm with the smaller puppet's arm at high speed as he threw damaged parts inside the new puppet and reattached parts that survived the blast.

The arm was put back into socket and snapped into place, looking as good as new.

"That should be enough for now."

Strings shot out from the Sasori's hand and attached to the puppet.

*Clack Clack Clack*

The puppet was turned to the direction the two ran off in, standing together with Sasori.

"I have to examine them from head to toe! They will be my greatest masterpieces yet!"

Sasori and his puppet chased the two down as an excited glint flashed in his eyes

He won't let these two canvases get away!


Yamato and the others moved silently as they approached the eastern side of the forest.

Yamato looked over at his two students far in front of him and sighed.

"You two can't go too far! Stay with the team!"

Shizuka and Maka both slowed down a short distance before maintaining their speed.

He turned to Kakashi with a defeated expression, but Kakashi could only shake his head.

Yamato saw that even Naruto and Sasuke were staying away from their sisters.

'They aren't the only ones who are impatient.'

Yamato turned behind him to see Zabuza following them with Sakura by his side.

She tried to heal his wounds as best as she could, but he just wouldn't stay still.

'It's amazing he can even carry that thing with all his injuries.'

Yamato felt a fire in his stomach as he looked for traces of battle.

'Don't worry, Hii-kun. We're on the way!'

"Sensei! I see it!"

Maka landed where they first battled Sasori and checked the area.

The others landed next to her and were frozen in shock over the sight.

Lots of trees were toppled over while Senbon seemed to be scattered everywhere.

Pakkun started to sniff around, and his face grew grim whenever he got close to any of the weapons and marks on the ground.

"....Take a quick break while Pakkun finds more information."

Kakashi instructed the group as everyone except Sakura and Zabuza stood on guard.

Sakura focused on Zabuza's wounds while he looked over the area.


His face started to frown as he saw the damage done to the area.

The damage done to the trees, the closeness of the senbon , and the markings from a long weapon gave a clear feeling to Zabuza that whoever was after the two was hunting them leisurely.


Zabuza's gaze moved over to Pakkun who was sniffing the ground for a lead.

Pakkun lifted up his head and looked at Kakashi.

"I got a good news and bad news."

Everyone's face became grim as Kakashi motioned him to proceed.

"The good news is the two kids here have fled towards the river. I assume they must have a plan in mind to either get away or fight back."

Everyone relaxed a bit from hearing that information. 

Kakashi took a short breath and braced himself.

"And the bad news?"

"The person chasing them has no scent. All I can smell is mostly sawdust in the area. He could be hiding anywhere. The worse part is that all these weapons in the area have the same sharp, tingly smell to them."

Kakashi's gaze grew serious as he looked at the nearby senbon embedded into the trees.

"Poison, huh?"


Everyone turned to Zabuza who punched into the ground!

"He's going to try and turn them into puppets!"


Maka was the first to respond as she stared at Zabuza.

"That bastard Juzo said this guy only came here because of Haku! He must be trying to get the brat as well since he has a special technique too!"

Zabuza remembered the technique Hii used to assist him earlier. The power of that technique was much stronger than ordinary lightning!

"We have to hurry and find them!"

Pakkun nodded his head and raised his paw.

"I'm ready to lead when you are!"

"Alright! We have to-"

"What is that?!"

Everyone turned to Naruto who was pointing towards a strange sight.

A blue light shined in the distance for a short moment before it disappeared.

"...What was-"



Everyone braced themselves as a bright explosion went off into the night sky!

Everyone braced themselves as the wind whipped past them!

After a few seconds, the winds died down.

Kakashi removed his hands from his face and looked in the direction of the light with a serious expression.

"Head that way now!"

Kakashi quickly ordered for them to move immediately!



Hii stood facing the flowing water of the river with a grim expression.

{Do you think this will work?}

'It has to work! It's either we win or we lose!'

[Or I become known to their organization. Either way, we're ready.]

Hii nodded his head and breathed in deeply.

"You ready, Haku?"

Hii turned to his side and saw Haku standing nearby.

"I'm ready as well."

*Clack Clack Clack*

The two quickly turned to the sound as the puppet man appeared once again!

"He sure loves to be a pain!"

Hii sighed as he drew his sword!

*Clack Clack*

This time, the puppet took no time to talk and charged straight for them with  bladed arms!

*Clang Clang*

Hii blocked the blades as safely as possible as he backed up into position!


Haku quickly weaved hand signs jumped into the air!

"Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

The surroundings grew foggy as Haku disappeared from view.

The puppet kept its eyes on Hii, no longer looking for Haku at all.

Hii felt it was acting strange compared to before. He then noticed a line of chakra that was barely visible going into the nearby forest.

"...You got out of the puppet."


A red haired man walked out from the shadows nearby and stood behind the puppet.

"I realized I won't be able to play with you to my full ability inside of Hiruko. It makes more sense to push you as far as I can before I get to work."

Hii shivered slightly under the insane look in the man's eyes.

'He's functionally crazy.'

"Well then."

Sasori stretched out his hand as 4 more lines of chakra shot out from his fingers and into Hiruko.

"Let's see what you're capable of."

He flexed his fingers and Hiruko shot towards Hii at high-speed!

"That's unfair!"

*Clang Clang Clang*

Hii did his best to block the two arms and tail from touching him!

He had a hard time keeping the weapons at a distance!

"So you are a pretty good swordsman. Guess I'll have to add blades to the arms by default..."

"Don't talk about me like I'm dead already!"

*Chi Chi Chi*

Hii used his Lightning Armor to shoot through a gap in the puppet's attack and strike at Sasori!

"Oh! You're a lot faster than I thought!"

Sasori happily smiled as Hii swung his blade down towards his head.



Hii was surprised to see a detached arm blade blocked his attack!




Sasori backed up from the blade as Hii sliced through the arm with little resistance.



*Swish Swish Swish*

Hii jumped away from the blade hand as senbon began to shoot out from its palm!

"Tch! I thought I'd get you with that one."

Sasori mumbled to himself as he flexed his fingers again, bringing Hiruko behind Hii!

"What?! Argh!!"

Hii tried to dodge it, but Hiruko's tail wrapped around him!

Sasori lifted Hii up above Hiruko using its tail with a smirk on his face!

"One down. One to go."

Sasori looked around at the foggy surroundings and smiled.

"Come on out, Ice boy! Otherwise, the Storm one is gonna have a rough time!"

Sasori goaded Haku to come out, but Haku didn't come out no matter how long he waited.

Sasori face started to frown as he became irritated.

"Fine then. It seems you want to do this the hard way. I'm perfectly fine with leaving as long as I have one puppet on the way."

Sasori flexed one of his fingers and the tail of Hiruko began to tighten!

"Uuurgh! Gahhh!"

Hii's pain screams rang out, but Haku still didn't appear!

Sasori looked around frantically and began to panic!

'Did he actually run away?! I was sure he was going to try to rescue him! Was I wrong?! No...'


A smile crept up his face as he quickly turned around and grabbed the senbon out of the air!

Haku quickly appeared and dashed towards Sasori at high speed!

*Bang Bang Bang*

Haku tried to take him down with a quick barrage of hits, but Sasori easily blocked his moves!

The two deadlocked facing each other as their hands interlocked!

"Hahaha! Don't be mad! I'll make sure you two will be in the same scroll together!"

Sasori started to overpower Haku! He swept his legs from under him and pressed him into the ground!


"Stop resisting. It makes the detailing much harder to do."


Haku was in shock as one of Sasori's arms detached from him, revealing a blade inside!

"You are?! Ugh!!"

"You will be perfect!"

Sasori smiled as he struck the blade in Haku's stomach!

"I'll make sure you will look just like you do now."


Haku quickly wrapped his arm holding the doll hand around Sasori's neck!

"There's no use struggling. Just close your eyes."

"....You're right."

Sasori smiled brightly as he let go of Haku's hand.

"There is no use struggling!"

Sasori began to have a bad feeling as Haku's body began to expand!

"Wha?! Let go!"

Sasori tried to get away, but Haku's arm kept him in place!

Sasori could see that Hii was also expanding!

""Water Style: Explosive Clone Jutsu!""

*Boom Boom*


Sasori fumbled through the air and landed in the mud!

His teeth grinded into each other as he looked up to see Hiruko was damaged from the explosion.

It didn't help that another Haku appeared nearby as well!

He began to weave hand signs and placed his hands on the ground!

"Ice Style: Ice Prison Jutsu!"

The air suddenly grew colder as the moisture around Sasori turned to ice!


Sasori tried to get away, but his body started to harden as the ice kept him in place.

Haku wasn't done yet as he continued to weave hand signs!

"Hidden Art: Ice Crystal Mirrors!"

*Crack Crack Crack*

Multiple ice mirrors began to form around the frozen Sasori and puppet, creating a wide dome around them.

Haku began to condense the mirrors until they were circular and smaller in size.

'That should do it!'

Once Haku finished his technique, he quickly ran to the nearby river and jumped on top of it.

"Is that enough? That was the most I could manage."

Haku looked down into the river and saw Hii holding steady against a rock underwater!

He gave Haku a thumbs up and started to prepare his technique!

Haku wished him well and dashed to a nearby rock to recover as much chakra as he could.

Hii quickly weaved hand signs and used his technique!

Water Style: Water Ball Jutsu!

A rotating ball of water barely visible formed in front of him!

Hii put his hands together and interlocked his fingers right below the ball. He began to pump Lightning chakra through his arms as well as draw in the surrounding water towards the ball! The ball began to glow bright blue and slowly got bigger and bigger as Hii focused his power!

'I'll hope you like this, creep!'

Hii added a bit more energy to the Jutsu and fired it!

Storm Style: Laser Circus!

*Pyuu Pyuu Pyuu*

Multiple lasers fired out of the water into the air, giving off a deadly, yet mystical show!

Sasori shivered from more than the cold as he struggled to free himself from the ice!

More and more lasers flew and circled around each other before heading into the mirrors! 

One by one, each mirror began to hum with energy as the lasers all aimed at Sasori!



Sasori finally managed to break his right side free and quickly pulled out a scroll!

'These crazy bastards!'

*Poof Poof*

*Clack Clack Clack*

Several defensive puppets appeared around him and deployed their shields from their hands around Sasori! 

Hii came out of the water with the last laser entering a mirror and ran towards Haku!

"Haku! Get ready!"

Haku nodded his head and braced himself!

Hii weaved a seal as well as he focused his concentration as the two synchronized their chakra!

""Combination Jutsu: Crystal Laser Blast!""

*Vrrrrr Pyooooo*

All of the mirrors suddenly grew brighter and fired at Sasori at the same time!

"Block it!"

The puppets moved to block the beams around Sasori, but the concentrated blasts tore through them in seconds!




Haku and Hii huddled together as the blast exploded with light and wind in all directions!

It sounded like a hundreds of explosive tags went off at the same time!

'That is way stronger than what you said!'


Hii felt his ears wringing as his eyes slowly adjusted to the surroundings.

Once the smoke disappeared, all signs of Sasori and the puppets vanished.

A crater was left in the wake of the explosion.

Hii slowly got up on shaky feet and went to cautiously investigate.

"Did we get him?"

Haku also struggled to his feet and checked.

"I think so. I don't see any more parts."


Hii let out the biggest sigh of relief yet as he slumped to the ground.

[Never ask that question.]

'Hmm? Why?'

*Clap Clap Clap*


Haku and Hii looked over to the nearby forest and paled as a perfectly fine Sasori walked out.

"Wonderful! Truly wonderful! That Jutsu was marvelous!"

Sasori clapped his hands in applause and stopped a short distance away from the two.

'This guy is too scary!'

Hii struggled back up to his feet and  pulled out his blade.


Hii suddenly realized he couldn't move his body at all! 

Hii couldn't turn his head, but his instincts told him Haku was probably in the same situation!

Sasori held out his hands and shook his head. Hii could see several lines of chakra pointing at him from his fingers.

'Since when?!'

Sasori looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Hehehe! No need to look so grim. I just want to see your faces up close."

The two had no say in the matter because with a few tugs and pulls of his chakra strings, the two were standing at attention.

"First, I'll need to assess you closely."

Sasori leisurely walked up to Hii with a playful stride. He was like a kid with two new toys!

"Let's see here. Wow! Quite handsome. Long white hair. Pretty toned muscles. Definitely the fighter type."

Sasori praised Hii's features, but Hii only felt colder with each comment.

"And now you. Oooh~! Even prettier than the other one! Hmm? Wait, you're a boy?! Hahaha! That's even better!"

Sasori made Haku take off his mask and appraised him as well.

"Perfect! Just perfect! You two will be great puppets!"

The two felt their hearts sink as Sasori looked at them with a hungry gaze.

" due time. It won't be good to do it now."


Haku looked at him in shock while Hii frowned with disbelief.

Haku didn't want to, but he had to ask.


Sasori slowly started to chuckle, which then evolved to outright laughter!

"Hahahaha! It's because you're too young!"

Sasori shook his head as he looked at the two sweet unripe fruits in front of him.

"It's too early. Both of you haven't reached your full potential yet. It would be a sin to claim you as you are now. My collection is all about quality! I won't forgive myself if I pluck you two so early!"

Sasori's smile grew wide as he eyed the two!

"I'll treat you two as a special pair. Especially since you two already have such a wonderful technique together! Who knows how much more entertaining you'll be when you're older?!"

Sasori pulled his fingers and made the two face each other.

"I'll keep tabs on you in the future. Do your best to grow a bit stronger. It'll make my art of you truly last forever."

Sasori continued to pull strings and made Haku pull out 3 senbons.

"Farewell for now. Until we meet again."

With a pull of his string, Haku and Hii were forced to stab towards each other!

*Puchi Puchi*

The two pierced each other and slowly started to drop down as water on the  ground!

Sasori turned around and started to walk back to the forest.

"Hehehe! I'll make you two my 300th masterpiece! It won't be long before I have it."

He turned back towards the river with a smile.

"Hahaha! I can't wait! Don't sit in there too long! Dried out skin is the hardest to work with!"


Sasori disappeared, leaving only the cold winds and waters behind.

After 30 seconds, two figures could be seen rising up from the bottom of the river, exhausted.

"Haaa, haaa, haaa."

Hii and Haku struggled to catch their breath as they laid on the bank.

"Haaa. We did it! We pushed him back."

Haku silently gathered his breath and shook his head.

"No. He let us go."

".....Haaa. Yeah, I know."

Hii slammed his fists into the ground as he looked up into the sky.

'Great! My first C rank mission and I'm targeted by a man who turns people into puppets!'

[Could've been worse.]

'How so?'

[He could've gotten the explosive one to come help him.]

'...There's an explosive one?'


Hii flopped on his back in defeat.

"I need to train more."

Haku smiled and nodded his head.

"Me too."

Hii looked over at Haku and held his fist out.

Haku looked at it for a moment and tapped it with his own fist.

"Let's kill that creep together, alright?"

"I would love nothing more."

The two looked back up at the night sky as they appreciated its majesty.



Hii looked above his and saw a head of messy, black hair and red eyes staring down at him.

Those two tomoes were filled with rage as Hii felt the cold shivers of death all over again!

The two stared at each other in silence while Haku payed them no attention.

Hii sighed and closed his eyes.

He knew this would happen when he decided to stay behind. Now he only had one wish.

'Just don't leave me in one piece. I definitely don't want to become a puppet!'


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