The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 219 - Still Alive!

Chapter 219 Still Alive!
In the devastating disaster, that voice did not stop. Instead, it seemed to start again, “Ah, I have lived there for thousands of years to cultivate and have some unexplained emotions to it. I am really reluctant to ruin it! Heaven and earth have their reincarnation. Life and death accompany. The principle of the world is like this. I have no way to change it. I have to give it up when it comes to the right time. This cave can’t be kept, so it must disappear. This is its fate… I should go and never come back. The cave will be destroyed and the love of thousands of years will end. I am not willing to do this and feel heartbroken… Love and hate are determined by fate; right and wrong determine fate. Zhang Yunyan, be careful. I should go…”

This millennium message really came true today after a thousand years. The whole cave was soon destroyed, which showed that the millennium message was true.

A thousand years ago, there was indeed a reclusive master in this cave, who left this prophecy when he left, and it indeed came true.

It was amazing and incredible that even after a thousand years, the things happened exactly the same as the message.

It was obvious that this master had made up his mind to destroy the cave after Zhang Yunyan came. No one knew how much energy and effort it took to achieve this goal. Perhaps he also consumed a lot of his strength.

For this sad ending, if Zhang Yunyan knew it underground, she would be surprised and sad.

The huge cave was destroyed in an instant, and the disaster really happened, which was both terrible and difficult to understand.

As for this, Zhang Yunyan and Shikong also could not understand and would find it hard to accept even if they were dead.

That master claimed to have a millennium covenant with Zhang Yunyan. According to his words, he had no malice and was amicable. He even regarded Zhang Yunyan as his good friend of life and death.

If so, why would he destroy the cave together with his best friend of life and death?

This was too unreasonable and too heartless. It was hard for people to understand and accept.

Regardless of what the master thought, what purpose he had, and why he was so heartless, it was of no use. The cave had been destroyed, and the three innocent lives had perished and had been buried deep underground.

No one was going to say what was right and what was wrong. No one was going to comment on the love-hate relationship. In the end, this terrible disaster would disappear from people’s memory.

“Love and hate are determined by fate; right and wrong determine fate.” Perhaps this was it, so there was no need to comment.

The huge cave collapsed in a short period of time and was completely destroyed. There were only rocks, compressed mountain, and piles of gravels, which was tragic.

After many years, these rock crevices might disappear under the pressure of the mountains and then were combined to become complete rock formations.

In the disaster, were Zhang Yunyan, Shikong, and Turtle Elf all buried deep underground?

Yes, they were.

Were Jiuyou Sage and Red Hair King Ghost and his brothers all buried deep underground?

Yes, their fate was the same, and they were unable to avoid the collapse of the great change.

The explosion of the jade activated countless words of “fate” in the cave as well as the schemes that had been preset everywhere, and then led to the complete destruction of the cave.

When the jade exploded, Jiuyou Sage, Four King Ghosts, Zhang Yunyan, Shikong, and Turtle Elf were all involved, and every one of them was hit to fly away by the powerful red light.

Jiuyou Sage and Four King Ghosts might fly out of the entrance or bump into the walls, or were squeezed under the rocks inside the cave. They had nowhere to hide and no way to escape.

Zhang Yunyan, Shikong and Turtle Elf were suddenly hit by the outbreak of the powerful magic, and then flew out with no place to hide and no ability to escape.

At the same time, the rock collapsed and the cave was destroyed. No part of the cave was spared, and it was destroyed.

Turtle Elf was pushed into the stream by the powerful magic, and then it was sucked out of the cave by the swift current.

In panic, it had no reaction to the sudden outbreak and its own encounter. It was completely unconscious, and its spirit went into nothingness…

When it realized that it had gone into the water and was floating down the river, he was shocked and terrified.

What was this? Why was it so terrible?

Turtle Elf quickly realized that the earth-shattering loud noise, and the tragic scene of the cave being destroyed and people’s deaths were all caused by the red monster that flew out of Yun Feiyan’s hand.

Thinking of the tragic disaster, Turtle Elf was shocked by the red “iron ball”.

It had never thought that the treasure of Yun Feiyan would have such a strong power that could even destroy the whole cave, destroy everything and destroy all life, including themselves.

Turtle Elf remembered that Yun Feiyan had warned in the Cave of Fate that the cave would soon be destroyed. It was shocked and despaired, hoping that it was a lie.

But then, when the terrible catastrophe did not come, it had doubted her words and then gradually forgot it.

Unexpectedly, the terrible disaster really happened. Just at the moment, the whole cave was completely destroyed and it also died in the destruction.

Turtle Elf still could not understand that since Yun Feiyan did not want this devastating disaster to happen, why did she use her treasure to destroy the whole cave? Since the cave was destroyed by Yun Feiyan herself, why would its friend have a foreboding of the devastating disaster, and it was so accurate?

Perhaps, Yun Feiyan hated Jiuyou Sage and the devils so much that she would rather die with them. That was why she chose to destroy the cave at the critical moment.

In face of the tragic end, Turtle Elf could not explain and accept it. Such a horrible result was unimaginable.

The cave was destroyed and life was gone. This was the reality and the unspeakable disaster.

Turtle Elf had to accept the reality and the fate. It felt sorry for the loss of thousands of years of cultivation. It could only accept the harsh truth and make plans for the soul after death.

Could the soul continue to practice after death? Could it be brought back to life after penance?

It did not know and was very eager to continue its practice and get resurrected, or get a new body through cultivation like Jiuyou Sage and the devils, so that it could fulfill its dream of finishing cultivation.

As Turtle Elf suddenly thought of Yun Feiyan and Shikong, it sighed.

Yun Feiyan was its benefactor who had saved it from Black Killer, otherwise, it would have been dead in the alchemy furnace of Black Bear Demon.

It only met Shikong tonight, and he became its good friend.

In the crisis, the three of them became close friends through thick and thin, with a sincere friendship of life and death.

Despite the short time with its two good friends, their deep friendship was very precious, and its soul after the death had not forgotten it. When it thought of his two good friends, it felt sad and tears ran down its face. It felt so sorry for its friend’s deaths.

As Turtle Elf thought of Jiuyou Sage and the devils, it hated them so much. If it had not been caught by the devils, it would not have ended up being like this. If the devils had not caused troubles, Yun Feiyan and Shikong would not die here.

It felt a little relieved that the cave was destroyed, and the devils were dead. Anyway, the three of them did not die in vain, and those who had done harm to people were buried with them.

Turtle Elf thought of its two human friends, and then it had a wish. It hoped that the souls of Yun Feiyan and Shikong still existed, then theirs souls could meet again, or start to practice and fight for the resurrection.

Down with the stream, Turtle Elf listened to the rumbling sound of the collapse and felt the moving of the water. It felt sad and missed them. Looking at the dark cave, it felt sad for the loss of its practice for a thousand of years.

Suddenly, it began to wonder if it was the soul after death. How could a soul have such clear memories and feelings? How could it have a real body with real sense of touch and vision?

Soon when it realized that it was not dead and was still alive in the world, it couldn’t control itself and was both happy and sad. It was so excited that it swam to the edge of the cave and stopped, unable to calm itself down.

The stream was moving quietly and there was a continuous rumbling noise. Obviously, the cave was still collapsing and being destroyed.

Turtle Elf felt lucky that in the disaster, he survived and even was not seriously injured. It was incredible and unimaginable.

It was very excited and glad that the millennium cultivation was not in vain. In the future, it could continue to practice and work hard to finish its cultivation.

The excitement soon passed, and Turtle Elf returned to reality. It began to worry about the impending disaster.

In the dark cave, the paths were winding, and the stream was running without stopping. No one knew where it was going. There was a continuous rumbling noise, the cave trembled, and the cracking sound of the rocks could be heard.

Turtle Elf looked around, found that it was dim and could not see things clearly. Worried about the cracking sound, it prayed that the cave was not affected and would not collapse.

The cave was small and ordinary with the road winding in zigzag turns. The cracking sound came from time to time, but there was no place that had collapsed and was destroyed with the cave.

Turtle Elf was glad that the cave had survived. Perhaps it was because it was filled with water that provided support.

It took a long breath and looked ahead. The cave led to the distance and the path was winding. It did not know what obstacles or terrible things lay ahead, nor did it know where the stream would go or if there was a way out.

Turtle Elf knew that it had not been out of the dangerous situation and had only saved its life for the time being. What would happen next was hard to predict.

Although it had not escaped death, in the disaster, it could temporarily remain alive, which was also valuable. It needed to continue its struggle for survival.

The cave had been destroyed. It had no retreat and could only move forward, which was the only hope of survival. No matter there was hope or not, it must strive and work hard, and never give up until its last breath.

Turtle Elf looked back at the place where its memories were too bitter to recall. Turtle Elf could not help but sigh repeatedly.

Suddenly, it was surprised and got nervous immediately. Looking at the direction where “its memories were too bitter to recall”, it felt its heart was at its throat.

Well, it would be dead again…

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