The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 223 - Rebirth

Chapter 223 Rebirth
Zhang Yunyan saw that Shikong really had a sword in his hand, which was the Magical Dragon Sword.

She immediately took over the Magical Dragon Sword in Shikong’s hand and was very happy. In this horrible disaster, it was a blessing that the sword was not lost or damaged like her.

At the moment of life and death again, Zhang Yunyan had no time to be happy for the reunion with the magic sword, and she must take the risk to explore and strive for survival. She told Shikong and Turtle Elf a few words, and then quietly walked forward to see if there were any monsters in the cave, and whether there were traps of hex.

Yunyan came to the turn and stopped. Looking at the entrance with faint light, she calmed down the tension and prepared for action. She held her breath, clenched the Magical Dragon Sword, and approached the opening step by step.

Shikong and Turtle Elf didn’t stay there. They followed silently, but Yunyan didn’t notice.

Zhang Yunyan listened for a while and found that there was no sound in it. It was quiet. Her nerves were not relaxed. She hoped that she would not encounter monsters and dangerous situations.

She craned her neck and looked outside quietly. She was very surprised and immediately shouted, “Ah, the stars! The moon! The trees!”

Yunyan hurriedly turned around. She shouted and laughed heartily at Shikong and Turtle Elf. She couldn’t wait, and then rushed forward.

Shikong and Turtle Elf were also greatly surprised. They paused for a moment and were surprised and happy, and they rushed out after her.

They were very excited, and their eyes were wide open in greed.

They looked at the starry sky, the waning moon and the trees nearby… It seemed that they had come back to the world from hell after a long time, and finally came alive.

The underground stream water flew out from here, and looked extremely clear in the glimmer of the moon.

With the clear sound of flowing, the mysterious stream merged into a large river ahead, and brought the movement of life from ancient times to the present to the vibrant earth.

Zhang Yunyan, Shikong and Turtle Elf finally escaped from the “hell” and returned to the world. With a sense of rebirth, their excitement was beyond words.

There was light after the dark, and the mysterious and horrible night was about to pass. The golden sun would soon rise up.

The new life had begun, a new day was coming silently, and a good time was about to be revealed.

Seeing the sky again and coming back to the mortal world, Zhang Yunyan was so happy that her face was lit up with smile, but she was shedding tears.

There were pain, sorrow, terror, and despair… The complex emotions of the horrible night could finally be let out.

Now there were surprise, excitement, comfort and hope… The beautiful emotions were released with tears.

Shikong was crying with joy, and his tears were crystal clear. Facing the soft twinkling starlight, his emotions of pain and joy were completely released as tears flowing down.

Turtle Elf was the same. After experiencing this terrible disaster, it finally escaped from death and survived. The achievement of the hard cultivation of thousands of years had been difficult to acquire, and it was not lost, which made it relieved and thoroughly delighted. It was thrilled to escape from death and had great hope for the future again.

A vibrant day was coming, and the souls on the earth were about to rush for their own wishes. In the new day, every life would express their beautiful feelings and unlimited imagination.

Unexpectedly escaping from a desperate situation, the three miserable people survived with great luck. They were all ecstatic.

The three best friends who had shared each other’s fate were very excited. They gathered together to talk in joy of their friendship, showing the fear about the night and the longing for the future.

Now that they were alive, and they had to do their own work, they finally had to separate.

Shikong said goodbye to his two friends and decided to go to Xiangyun Temple to visit Uncle Liaoyuan.

Zhang Yunyan looked at her benefactor Shikong and thought of her fiancé, Jiaxiang, who was dead. She could hear the voice similar to that of her fiancé, and it was also a special pleasant feeling and enjoyment to her.

However, this enjoyment was so short that it was more distressing.

She sighed in silence, unable to relieve the sorrow in her heart. If her fiancé was still alive, she would have been living in the happy love for a long time. How could there be such a disaster tonight…

Zhang Yunyan looked at the vague figure that could arouse her thoughts, and deeply regretted that she hadn’t seen the face of her benefactor Shikong clearly, and had no clear image of him. She would be very sorry when she thought of him in the future.

She longed to meet her benefactor again, not to mention a man with the voice similar to that of her fiancé, and their conversation could remind her of beautiful memories and endless thoughts.

Zhang Yunyan hoped that in the vast sea of people, she could recognize the friend she fought for life with, and deepen the friendship with her benefactor in future contacts.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t see her friend’s face clearly, which was a pity.

In the future memories, in addition to her long-lost fiancé, Jiaxiang, there would be another man’s image that would often show up in her mind, that is, her benefactor Shikong.

Shikong’s voice was very similar to that of Jiaxiang. It would definitely evoke the associations and thoughts. Yunyan couldn’t forget it, and it had already stayed in her heart.

Perhaps in the future, when she thought about her fiancé Jiaxiang, she would also think of benefactor Shikong. When she thought of Shikong, she would naturally think of her fiancé.

This similar voice had already linked the two men, and Yunyan couldn’t forget, nor could she separate them. She would be disturbed by the two men. She would miss the two men without knowing how long it would last. Maybe it would be for a lifetime.

There were originally two men in Zhang Yunyan’s heart. One was her fiancé Jiaxiang who had passed away for a long time, and the other was the second prince of Tianyue Country.

Now, there were two more men in her heart. One was Du Xiaotian, who was similar to the second prince in all aspects, and the other was Shikong, who had a voice similar to that of her husband.

In the future, her mind would be entangled by these four men at the same time. She didn’t know how she would miss and think about them, and whether it would bring her joy or sorrow.

Although Shikong had already converted to Buddhism, the fate was still there. In the future, his mind was doomed to stay uneasy. He would often think of the horrible experience tonight, and remember the benefactor Yun Feiyan who fought together with him, and he would also miss her.

Would Zhang Yunyan see Shikong in the future?

She didn’t know. She could only long for and hope for it, and her heart would be entangled by the images of two men at the same time.

Two men with similar voices had occupied Yunyan’s mind. One was clear and misty. The other was vague, but the man really existed in the world.

In the future, in the memories of her fiancé and the thoughts of her benefactor Shikong, she would be very sad but also be praying, hoping to reunite with her benefactor as soon as possible to soothe the painful heart. Also, she felt regret for that they were strange to each other.

This strangeness was not her fault. It was not the shy girl’s feeling that made her afraid to stare at him. In the dark environment, she could not see the benefactor’s face clearly.

Turtle Elf said goodbye and left. It swam along the river, looking for a new place to live in seclusion. It would settle down and practice hard to fulfill the wishes of its life.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the figures of Shikong and Turtle Elf leaving with a sense of loss. The friends got along for a short time, but had deep feelings. As they were separated, she felt a little upset.

She regretted and felt sorry that none of the three close friends who shared fate saw each other’s looks. If they met in the future, they would pass by like strangers. Without the joy of reunion, their friendship would not be enhanced as well.

She and Turtle Elf had long been familiar with each other. They were not strange. Her animal friend had unique appearance and figure, so it would be easy to recognize it in the future when they met.

But it was different with Shikong. Although he was a monk, there were more than enough young monks, and it would be hard to confirm his identity when they met in the future.

Regrettably, the three friends could only silently keep the regret in their hearts and hope to meet again.

Zhang Yunyan would like to stay with the two friends to help each other and cultivate together, so as to improve her skills and practice those advanced skills. However, they had their own wishes and would struggle in their own ways, thus they could not stay together.

Apart from this, she was a soul after death. Shikong and Turtle Elf were still living in the world. They were completely different in nature and could not accompany each other. The two friends were not afraid of Yang Qi, and they had no scruples, but she could not be like this. There was no way for her to survive in strong Yang Qi, which really brought much inconvenience.

Anyway, Yunyan finally returned to the mortal world and had the opportunity to fulfill the long-cherished wish, which was also a blessing in misfortune, and should be cherished.

Zhang Yunyan looked at Black Tiger and shed tears in heartache. The animal friend was a rare righteous dog. It saved her at the risk of its life without much consideration, which was a great debt of gratitude.

She wanted to go to the underworld to find the soul of Black Tiger, but she had to stay in the mortal world in order to fulfill the vow she had taken. She secretly sighed. She had to wait until the vow was completed before going to the underworld to find her animal friend.

Zhang Yunyan found a quiet place to bury Black Tiger, and the painful grief remained in her heart, which would accompany her for a lifetime. She was reluctant to leave, and sat down beside the tomb of Black Tiger, still thinking about the horrible experience tonight and feeling afraid.

Not tonight, but it should be after dinner yesterday. Yunyan was upset, walking under the light of stars and moon, and unexpectedly encountered the mysterious sika deer. The sika deer took her and Black Tiger to the mountainside of the Qinglong Mountain, and then disappeared.

Then, the mysterious old witch appeared and claimed to have been entrusted to come here. Who was she entrusted by and what would she do?

Later, Jiuyou Sage and the Four King Ghosts arrived unexpectedly, and she was almost discovered by the devils.

After the devils entered the cave, Black Tiger rushed into the Devil’s Cave, and she accidentally fell in as well.

It seemed that the old witch was entrusted by Jiuyou Sage. She secretly pushed her down and sent her to the devils.

Zhang Yunyan was very fortunate, and also puzzled. She fell to the bottom of the deep rock cave. Not only did she not die, but she was not even injured. This was not only incredible, but also very weird, suspicious and terrifying.

In the Devil’s Cave, Black Tiger was killed by Red Hair King Ghost, and she was lucky to preserve her life.

When she was in danger, she accidentally encountered her former friend, Turtle Elf, and rescued the unconscious Shikong. Then they hid in the sealed Cave of Fate.

In the mysterious Cave of Fate, Yunyan and Shikong were attacked by the jade and suffered terrible ordeal.

When Zhang Yunyan thought of what happened later, she was even more skeptical. Each thing which happened was a mystery. It was both magical and weird, and was incredible.

She really couldn’t figure it out. In the Cave of Fate, accompanied by the loud noise, why did the moon-like cave appear? How could that mysterious and powerful seal be removed silently? Why were those shiny handwritings and flat rock walls missing?

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